174 research outputs found

    Design of a DVB-T2 simulation platform and network optimization with Simulated Annealing

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    The implementation of the Digital Terrestrial Television is becoming a reality in the Spanish territory. In this context, with the satellite and cable systems, this technology is one of the possible mediums for the television signal transmission. Its development is becoming crucial for the digital transition in those countries which mainly depend on the terrestrial networks for the reception of multimedia contents. However, due to the maturity of the current standard, and also to the higher requirements of the customer needing (HDTV, new contents, etc.), a revision of the current standard becomes necessary. The DVB organisation in collaboration with other entities and organisms has developed a new standard version capable to satisfy those requirements. The main objective of the project is the design and implementation of a physical layer simulation platform for the DVB-T2 standard. This simulator allows the theoretical evaluation of the new enhanced proposals, making easier a later field measurement stage and the future network deployment. The document describes the implementation of the simulation platform as well as its subsequent validation stage, including large graphical results that allow the evaluation and quantification of the improvements introduced over the current standard version (DVB-T). On the other hand, and as future investigation lines, a solution for the future DVB-T2 network deployment is performed, enhancing the coverage capacity of the current network by the use of iterative meta-heuristic techniques. Finally it has to be mentioned that this work has been performed within the context of a project called FURIA, which is a strategic research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce

    Design of a simulation platform to test next generation of terrestrial DVB

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    Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) is a member of our daily life routine, and nonetheless, according to new users’ necessities in the fields of communications and leisure, new challenges are coming up. Moreover, the current Standard is not able to satisfy all the potential requirements. For that reason, first of all, a review of the current Standard has been performed within this work. Then, it has been identified the needing of developing a new version of the standard, ready to support enhanced services, as for example broadcasting transmissions to moving terminals or High Definition Television (HDTV) transmissions, among others. The main objective of this project is the design and development of a physical layer simulator of the whole DVB-T standard, including both the complete transmission and reception procedures. The simulator has been developed in Matlab. A detailed description of the simulator both from a functional and an architectural point of view is included. The simulator is the base for testing any possible modifications that may be included into the DVB-T2 future standard. In fact, several proposed enhancements have already been carried out and their performance has been evaluated. Specifically, the use of higher order modulation schemes, and the corresponding modifications in all the system blocks, have been included and evaluated. Furthermore, the simulator will allow testing other enhancements as the use of more efficient encoders and interleavers, MIMO technologies, and so on. A complete set of numerical results showing the performance of the different parts of the system, are presented in order to validate the correctness of the implementation and to evaluate both the current standard performance and the proposed enhancements. This work has been performed within the context of a project called FURIA, which is a strategic research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. A brief description of this project and its consortium has been also included herein, together with an introduction to the current situation of the DTTB in Spain (called TDT in Spanish)

    Design of a simulation platform to test next generation of terrestrial DVB

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    Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) is a member of our daily life routine, and nonetheless, according to new users’ necessities in the fields of communications and leisure, new challenges are coming up. Moreover, the current Standard is not able to satisfy all the potential requirements. For that reason, first of all, a review of the current Standard has been performed within this work. Then, it has been identified the needing of developing a new version of the standard, ready to support enhanced services, as for example broadcasting transmissions to moving terminals or High Definition Television (HDTV) transmissions, among others. The main objective of this project is the design and development of a physical layer simulator of the whole DVB-T standard, including both the complete transmission and reception procedures. The simulator has been developed in Matlab. A detailed description of the simulator both from a functional and an architectural point of view is included. The simulator is the base for testing any possible modifications that may be included into the DVB-T2 future standard. In fact, several proposed enhancements have already been carried out and their performance has been evaluated. Specifically, the use of higher order modulation schemes, and the corresponding modifications in all the system blocks, have been included and evaluated. Furthermore, the simulator will allow testing other enhancements as the use of more efficient encoders and interleavers, MIMO technologies, and so on. A complete set of numerical results showing the performance of the different parts of the system, are presented in order to validate the correctness of the implementation and to evaluate both the current standard performance and the proposed enhancements. This work has been performed within the context of a project called FURIA, which is a strategic research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. A brief description of this project and its consortium has been also included herein, together with an introduction to the current situation of the DTTB in Spain (called TDT in Spanish)

    Design of a DVB-T2 simulation platform and network optimization with Simulated Annealing

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    The implementation of the Digital Terrestrial Television is becoming a reality in the Spanish territory. In this context, with the satellite and cable systems, this technology is one of the possible mediums for the television signal transmission. Its development is becoming crucial for the digital transition in those countries which mainly depend on the terrestrial networks for the reception of multimedia contents. However, due to the maturity of the current standard, and also to the higher requirements of the customer needing (HDTV, new contents, etc.), a revision of the current standard becomes necessary. The DVB organisation in collaboration with other entities and organisms has developed a new standard version capable to satisfy those requirements. The main objective of the project is the design and implementation of a physical layer simulation platform for the DVB-T2 standard. This simulator allows the theoretical evaluation of the new enhanced proposals, making easier a later field measurement stage and the future network deployment. The document describes the implementation of the simulation platform as well as its subsequent validation stage, including large graphical results that allow the evaluation and quantification of the improvements introduced over the current standard version (DVB-T). On the other hand, and as future investigation lines, a solution for the future DVB-T2 network deployment is performed, enhancing the coverage capacity of the current network by the use of iterative meta-heuristic techniques. Finally it has to be mentioned that this work has been performed within the context of a project called FURIA, which is a strategic research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce

    Inactivation of a heterocyst-specific invertase indicates a principal role of sucrose catabolism in heterocysts of Anabaena sp.

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    Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 is a filamentous cyanobacterium that carries out N2 fixation in specialized cells called heterocysts, which exchange nutrients and regulators with the filament's vegetative cells that perform the photosynthetic fixation of CO2. The Anabaena genome carries two genes coding for alkaline/neutral invertases, invA and invB. As shown by Northern analysis, both genes were expressed monocistronically and induced under nitrogen deprivation, although induction was stronger for invB than for invA. Whereas expression of an InvA-N-GFP fusion (green fluorescent protein [GFP] fused to the N terminus of the InvA protein [InvA-N]) was homogeneous along the cyanobacterial filament, consistent with the lack of dependence on HetR, expression of an InvB-N-GFP fusion upon combined nitrogen deprivation took place mainly in differentiating and mature heterocysts. In an hetR genetic background, the InvB-N-GFP fusion was strongly expressed all along the filament. An insertional mutant of invA could grow diazotrophically but was impaired in nifHDK induction and exhibited an increased frequency of heterocysts, suggesting a regulatory role of the invertase-mediated carbon flux in vegetative cells. In contrast, an invB mutant was strongly impaired in diazotrophic growth, showing a crucial role of sucrose catabolism mediated by the InvB invertase in the heterocysts.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y FEDER BFU200

    Proyecto Avanti: sistema de asistencia a la evacuación de incendios

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    Sobre AVANTI El soporte a las técnicas de evacuación en caso de incendio es un campo que todavía puede beneficiarse mucho de los últimos avances en tecnología, y particularmente en Inteligencia Ambiente (Ambient Intelligence), una evolución natural de lo que la década pasada se conoció como Computación Ubicua (Ubiquitous Computing). Se entende por este término la integración de la informática en el entorno de la persona, de forma que los ordenadores no se perciban como objetos diferenciados. Su objetivo es insertar dispositivos inteligentes tanto en el entorno como en apartados de uso diario, para que las personas puedan interactuar con ellos de una manera natural y desinhibida en todo tipo de situaciones y circunstancias. En nuestro caso, los ensayos de evacuación se venían llevando a cabo sin ningún soporte informático. Un sencillo procedimiento de “levántase y vaya hacia la salida” que en el mejor de los casos tan sólo era molesto para el que lo practicaba, obligándole a dejar sus quehaceres y dirigirse durante 5 minutos a la puerta de salida, sin posibilidad de poder mejorar en sus errores o de sentirse motivados. Utilizando como escenario la Facultad de Informática, presentamos formalmente AVANTI. El proyecto trata de aportar una plataforma intuitiva pero completa y potente para usar durante los ensayos de evacuación. Combinando posicionamiento WiFi donde el GPS no llega, predicción de movimiento gracias a los sensores que proporcionan los terminales Android y Realidad Aumentada, para poder contribuir a una experiencia más visual y estimuladora, AVANTI intenta contribuir a que los ensayos de incendio puedan ser informatizados. Estudiantes e instructores puedan analizar fácilmente fallos en los protocolos a seguir, y que llegada la situación de un incendio los ensayos puedan cumplir su objetivo: ser eficaces, y evitar que ningún miembro de la Facultad de Informática sufra daños personales. Nuestra desarrollo ha dado lugar a la publicación de una contribución en la conferencia UcamI’10 Sobre este documento El documento se encuentra organizado en cuatro grandes secciones, que aglutinan y organizan las distintas partes de la memoria. La primera sección es la introducción, en la que se hace un resumen de la problemática que se intenta resolver, de la aplicación y del estado del arte en los distintos campos que atañen a AVANTI. La segunda sección trata más a detalle el producto. Se describe la arquitectura modular y funcional de AVANTI, entrando en detalle en cada uno de sus componentes. La tercera sección define el proceso que se ha llevado a cabo para desarrollar el producto, formalizada según las distintas propuestas de Pressman [Press05] para metodología de desarrollo de software. La cuarta sección, conclusiones, evalúa los resultados obtenidos y aporta información relativa a las pruebas, estadísticas y apéndices de la aplicación, así como la bibliografía utilizada y en la que nos hemos basado para poder analizar la problemática desde el comienzo de este proyecto. El documento en su práctica totalidad (salvo las secciones que la normativa establece) ha sido escrito en castellano por motivos prácticos. Los contenidos abarcan prácticamente todo el ciclo de desarrollo de AVANTI; así como un análisis previo de la problemática de nuestro problema, sistemas existentes y cómo hemos intentado puentear todas las alternativas para poder solucionar nuestra problemática concreta. Sobre AVANTI hemos redactado aspectos técnicos de ingeniería del software, como manuales de usuario, descripciones, capturas de pantalla de la aplicación, etc. [ABSTRACT] About AVANTI Technical support for evacuation protocols in fire situations is an area that can still greatly benefit from the latest advances in technology, particularly in Ambient Intelligence (AmI), a natural evolution of what the last decade became known as Ubiquitous Computing (UC). This term could be understood as the integration of information technology in the person's environment, so that computers are not seen as separate objects. Its goal is to insert smart devices on both the environment and in everyday devices, in order to enable people to interact with them in a natural and uninhibited manner in all situations and circumstances. In the case of our Computer Science School, the evacuation tests were being carried out without computer support. Just by a simple "get up and go to exit" procedure, which at best was only valid to upset the user for loosing his time and stop his tasks for 5 minutes. The fire evacuation drills did not encourage the motivation on the user, and did not provide any feedback mechanism to correct his owns errors or improve the last trajectores of scape. Using the scenario of the Computer Science School from the Complutense University, we proudly introduce AVANTI. The project aims to provide an intuitive but comprehensive and powerful platform to use during evacuation drills. Combining wireless positioning where GPS has not come, motion prediction using the Androidpowered sensors and Augmented Reality in order to provide a more visual and stimulating experience, AVANTI attempts to contribute to the computerization of the fire evacuation drills, to help students and instructors to easily detect failures in the designed protocols, and when the situation of fire in the building happens, the drills can accomplish their goals: to be effective, and to prevent any member of the Computer Science School to suffer personal injuries. Our work has lead into the publicacion of a paper in the UCamI’10 conference About this document This document is organized into four sections, which organize the different parts of memory. The first section is the introduction, which provides a summary of the problem we have been trying to solve, the application and the state of the art in different fields regarding AVANTI. The second section deals more in detail with the product. We describe the architecture and the modular functionality of AVANTI,going into detail on each of its components. The third section defines the process that has been carried out to develop the product, formalized according to the different proposals from Pressman [Press05] for software development. The fourth section, the conclusions, evaluates the results and provides information concerning the tests, statistics of the application, appendix and the bibliography we have used in order to analyze the problematic we were trying to solve since the beginning of this project. The paper is almost entirely written in Spanish, for practical reasons. Contents cover practically the entire development cycle of AVANTI, as well as a previous analysis of the faced problems, existing systems and how we tried to bypass all the alternatives to solve our specific problems. Regarding AVANTI we have written about the technical aspects of software engineering, user manuals, descriptions, screenshots of the application, etc

    Geovisualization of green spaces with augmented reality

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    The management of green spaces in urban areas requires new techniques and instruments that provide all the information available to people. It is intended to facilitate data-based services to citizens through the use of mobile devices in green spaces, parks and most visited public gardens. The selected area of study has been the Plaza de Oriente (Madrid) and its surroundings. Maps and images from different sources of information have been implemented in this research work.Then we proceeded to develop a database with woodland and existing cultural heritage. Finally, related this information using geolocation and augmented reality system. We have created a system that allows the user to interact with the single orientation of the camera on your mobile device. This application allows efficient use through the integration of mobile devices and the knowledge of the cultural heritage associated with the public space

    Assessment of "mobile mapping system": A GIS-based support methodology

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    In this article, the authors examine the current status of different elements that integrate the landscape of the municipality of Olias del Rey in Toledo (Spain). A methodology for the study of rural roads, activity farming and local hunting management. We used Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) in order to optimize spatial information including the design of a Geographic Information System (GIS). In the acquisition of field data we have used vehicle "mobile mapping" instrumentation equipped with GNSS, LiDAR, digital cameras and odometer. The main objective is the integration of geoinformation and geovisualization of the information to provide a fundamental tool for rural planning and management

    Integration of Correlation Processes in Design Systems.

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    The integration of correlation processes in design systems has as a target measurements in 3D directly and according to the users criteria in order to generate the required database for the development of the project. In the phase of photogrammetric works, internal and external orientation parameters are calculated and stereo models are created from standard images. The aforementioned are integrated in the system where the measurement of the selected items is done by applying developed correlation algorithms. The processing period has the tools to carry out the calculations in an easy and automatic way, as well as image measurement techniques to acquire the most correct information. The proposed software development is done on Visual Studio platforms for PC, applying the most apt codes and symbols according to the terms of reference required for the design. The results of generating the data base in an interactive way with the geometric study of the structures, facilitates and improves the quality of the works in the projects