4 research outputs found

    Plan gallego de hospitalización a domicilio. Estrategia HADO 2019-2023

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    Documento estratéxico que pretende potenciar e consolidar a hospitalización a domicilio como un modelo asistencial do Servizo Galego de Saúde e garantir o seu desenvolvemento nos próximos seis anos, establecendo criterios homoxéneos de atención coa finalidade de normalizar os modelos asistenciais, carteira de servizos e fluxos de traballo para asegurar una asistencia sanitaria de calidadeDocumento estratégico que pretende potenciar y consolidar la hospitalización a domicilio como un modelo asistencial del Servicio Gallego de Salud y garantizar su desarrollo en los próximos seis años, estableciendo criterios homogéneos de atención con la finalidad de normalizar los modelos asistenciales, cartera de servicios y flujos de trabajo para asegurar una asistencia sanitaria de calida

    Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Treatment vs Hospitalization for Infective Endocarditis: Validation of the OPAT-GAMES Criteria

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    Contemporary use of cefazolin for MSSA infective endocarditis: analysis of a national prospective cohort

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    Objectives: This study aimed to assess the real use of cefazolin for methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infective endocarditis (IE) in the Spanish National Endocarditis Database (GAMES) and to compare it with antistaphylococcal penicillin (ASP). Methods: Prospective cohort study with retrospective analysis of a cohort of MSSA IE treated with cloxacillin and/or cefazolin. Outcomes assessed were relapse; intra-hospital, overall, and endocarditis-related mortality; and adverse events. Risk of renal toxicity with each treatment was evaluated separately. Results: We included 631 IE episodes caused by MSSA treated with cloxacillin and/or cefazolin. Antibiotic treatment was cloxacillin, cefazolin, or both in 537 (85%), 57 (9%), and 37 (6%) episodes, respectively. Patients treated with cefazolin had significantly higher rates of comorbidities (median Charlson Index 7, P <0.01) and previous renal failure (57.9%, P <0.01). Patients treated with cloxacillin presented higher rates of septic shock (25%, P = 0.033) and new-onset or worsening renal failure (47.3%, P = 0.024) with significantly higher rates of in-hospital mortality (38.5%, P = 0.017). One-year IE-related mortality and rate of relapses were similar between treatment groups. None of the treatments were identified as risk or protective factors. Conclusion: Our results suggest that cefazolin is a valuable option for the treatment of MSSA IE, without differences in 1-year mortality or relapses compared with cloxacillin, and might be considered equally effective

    Mural Endocarditis: The GAMES Registry Series and Review of the Literature

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