817 research outputs found

    Do reading comprehension assessment tests result in the same reading profile? A study of Spanish primary school children

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    Background Detecting reading comprehension difficulties is challenging because many factors are involved in comprehension ability. Various reading comprehension tests can be used to detect difficulties but often do not yield the same results. Method Our aim was to analyse the agreement between three commonly used standardised reading comprehension tests (ECOMPLEC, ACL and PROLEC-R) in the detection of reading comprehension difficulties in Spanish. A total of 139 children (72 fifth graders and 67 sixth graders) at the same public-sector school participated in this study. The three reading comprehension tests were administered, together with word and nonword reading, vocabulary and nonverbal intelligence measures. Results Modest intercorrelations among the tests were found. The consistency of classification for each reading profile across the three reading comprehension tests was low. The results show different reading comprehension profiles depending on the test used. Conclusions It is important to use more than one instrument to diagnose reading comprehension difficulties, due to the complexity involved. Furthermore, knowledge of the characteristics of each reading comprehension test is essential to the choice of test. The educational implications of children being wrongly diagnosed are discussed

    A university virtual museum for the recovery of Historical Memory

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    [EN] The university’s cultural heritage is characterized by its dispersion, variety of typologies, difficulties for its conservation or a shortage of economic resources for his dissemination. The use of new technologies gives an opportunity to make accessible this type of cultural heritage accessible to citizenship. The UC does not have a university museum to preserve, research, and disseminate its heritage, but instead, it does have university museographic collections with different well-organized sections. The print section, with more than three thousand drawings and engravings, cannot be permanently exposed. The new technologies allow to the knowledge of this pieces through the use of virtual exhibitions. Since 2008, the University of Cantabria has developed various projects through the internet, combining research, dissemination and accessibility. Its starting point was the creation of the Virtual Print Cabinet that collected and digitized the entity’s graphic art collection. Already in 2015, after the denomination of Museographic Collection, the web page project "UC University Cultural Heritage" has been developed, where the different types of heritage are collected, as well as 360º virtual tours of some buildings and areas of the campus. Since the beginning of 2020, and accelerated due to the evolution of Covid 19, the Exhibitions Area for the Vice-Chancellor’s Culture of the university has designed a virtual museum of one of the collections of its graphic work section, which otherwise could not be exhibited permanently. This is the Paul Quintanilla Art Legacy, deposited at the UC by the Bruno Alonso Foundation, which includes more than 80 works that the Cantabrian creator Luis Quintanilla Isasi (1893-1978) produced from the 1930s to the middle of the 20th century. His figure as a plastic artist and his political commitment before and after the Spanish civil war are to be recovered in the virtual museum "Luis Quintanilla, Art and Memory". The project combine the new technologies and the rehabilitation of Historical or Democratic Memory through art, combining the interaction of the spectator with a museographic discourse that relates pieces that the artist made from the UC Collection and others conserved in the United States or in the MNCARS.[ES] El patrimonio cultural universitario se caracteriza por su dispersión, variedad tipológica, dificultades de conservación o la falta de recursos económicos para su difusión. Las nuevas tecnologías resultan esenciales para difundir y hacer accesible a todos los públicos este tipo de patrimonio cultural. La UC no dispone de un museo universitario que conserve, investigue y difunda su patrimonio, sino que dispone de colecciones museográficas universitarias con diferentes secciones bien organizadas. La sección de obra gráfica, con más de tres mil grabados y dibujos tiene una complicada conservación y no puede estar permanentemente expuesta. Las nuevas tecnologías permiten conocer estas piezas mediante el uso de visitas o exposiciones virtuales. La Universidad de Cantabria ha desarrollado diversos proyectos de difusión a través de internet desde el 2008, conjugando investigación, difusión y accesibilidad. Su punto de partida fue la creación del Gabinete de Estampas Virtual que recogió y digitalizó el conjunto de arte gráfico de la entidad. Ya en 2015, tras la denominación de Colección Museográfica se ha desarrollado el proyecto de página web “Patrimonio Cultural Universitario UC”, en donde se recogen las distintas tipologías patrimoniales, así como, paseos virtuales 360º por algunos edificios y zonas del campus. Desde principios de 2020 y, acelerado por la evolución de la pandemia COVID 19, el Área de Exposiciones del Vicerrectorado de Cultura y Participación de la institución, ha diseñado un museo virtual de uno de los Fondos de su sección de obra gráfica, que de otra forma no podrían ser expuestos de forma permanente. Se trata del legado Paul Quintanilla, depositado por la Fundación Bruno Alonso y que recoge más de 80 obras que el creador cántabro Luis Quintanilla Isasi (1893-1978) realizó desde los años treinta hasta mediados del siglo XX. Su figura como artista plástico y su compromiso político antes y después de la guerra civil española pretenden ser recuperados en el museo virtual “Luis Quintanilla, Arte y Memoria”. El proyecto conjuga nuevas tecnologías y la rehabilitación de la Memoria Histórica o Democrática a través del arte conjugando la interactuación del espectador con un discurso museográfico que pone en relación piezas que el artista realizó de la Colección UC y otras conservadas en Estados Unidos o en el MNCARS.García Gutiérrez, N.; Ruiz López, O. (2022). Un museo virtual universitario para la recuperación de Memoria Histórica. En CIMED21 - I Congreso internacional de museos y estrategias digitales. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 517-534. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIMED21.2021.12293OCS51753

    Portable multispectral imaging system based on Raspberry Pi

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    Purpose In this work, the authors aim to present a compact low-cost and portable spectral imaging system for general purposes. The developed system provides information that can be used for a fast in situ identification and classification of samples based on the analysis of captured images. The connectivity of the instrument allows a deeper analysis of the images in an external computer. Design/methodology/approach The wavelength selection of the system is carried out by light multiplexing through a light-emitting diode panel where eight wavelengths covering the spectrum from ultraviolet (UV) to near-infrared region (NIR) have been included. The image sensor used is a red green blue – infrared (RGB-IR) micro-camera controlled by a Raspberry Pi board where a basic image processing algorithm has been programmed. It allows the visualization in an integrated display of the reflectance and the histogram of the images at each wavelength, including UV and NIRs. Findings The prototype has been tested by analyzing several samples in a variety of applications such as detection of damaged, over-ripe and sprayed fruit, classification of different type of plastic materials and determination of properties of water. Originality/value The designed system presents some advantages as being non-expensive and portable in comparison to other multispectral imaging systems. The low-cost and size of the camera module connected to the Raspberry Pi provides a compact instrument for general purposes.Project CTQ2013-44545-R from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain)Junta de Andalucía (Proyecto de Excelencia P10-FQM-5974)European Regional Development Funds (ERDF

    Digital Optical Ballistocardiographic System for Activity, Heart Rate, and Breath Rate Determination during Sleep

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    In this work, we present a ballistocardiographic (BCG) system for the determination of heart and breath rates and activity of a user lying in bed. Our primary goal was to simplify the analog and digital processing usually required in these kinds of systems while retaining high performance. A novel sensing approach is proposed consisting of a white LED facing a digital light detector. This detector provides precise measurements of the variations of the light intensity of the incident light due to the vibrations of the bed produced by the subject’s breathing, heartbeat, or activity. Four small springs, acting as a bandpass filter, connect the boards where the LED and the detector are mounted. Owing to the mechanical bandpass filtering caused by the compressed springs, the proposed system generates a BCG signal that reflects the main frequencies of the heartbeat, breathing, and movement of the lying subject. Without requiring any analog signal processing, this device continuously transmits the measurements to a microcontroller through a twowire communication protocol, where they are processed to provide an estimation of the parameters of interest in configurable time intervals. The final information of interest is wirelessly sent to the user’s smartphone by means of a Bluetooth connection. For evaluation purposes, the proposed system has been compared with typical BCG systems showing excellent performance for different subject positions. Moreover, applied postprocessing methods have shown good behavior for information separation from a single-channel signal. Therefore, the determination of the heart rate, breathing rate, and activity of the patient is achieved through a highly simplified signal processing without any need for analog signal conditioning.Junta de Andalucia European Commission PYC20-RE-040 UGR MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/with PID2019-103938RB-I00European Commissio

    The role of destination image in tourist satisfaction: the case of a heritage site

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    Cultural tourism is a fundamental element for the economic development of some local communities. There are many factors that can influence the success of this type of tourism, but any action or strategy implemented should be closely tied to ensuring tourist satisfaction. This research focuses on a heritage destination of an archaeological nature, and aims to analyse the destination image formation as well as the influence of this image on tourist satisfaction. The results show that the affective component is more relevant than the cognitive in the image of this destination formed by the tourist. The data were collected by means of a closed-ended questionnaire administered to tourists aged 18 and over, and were analysed using P.L.S.-S.E.M. methodology. These analyses provide useful information for the planning of future tourism marketing strategies; to that end, recommendations have been made regarding how to improve the provision of services and the management of these types of heritage sites

    System Based on an Inertial Measurement Unit for Accurate Flight Time Determination in Vertical Jumps

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    The world of elite sports has always been characterized by intense competition, where victories are often determined by minimal differences. This means that every little detail in the preparation of top-level athletes is crucial to their performance at the highest level. One of the most significant aspects to monitor is the jumping capacity, as it enables the measurement of performance, progression, and helps prevent injuries. Herein, we present the development of a system capable of measuring the flight time and height reached by the user, reporting the results through a smartphone using an Android ad-hoc application, which handles all the data processing. The system consists of an affordable and portable circuit based on an accelerometer. It communicates with the smartphone via UART using a Bluetooth module, and its battery provides approximately 9 h of autonomy, making it suitable for outdoor operations. To evaluate the system’s precision, we conducted performance tests (counter-movement jumps) with seven subjects. The results confirmed the system’s potential for monitoring high-level sports training sessions, as the average deviation obtained was only 2.1% (~0.01 s) in the analysis of flight time and 4.6% (~0.01 m) in jump height.Projects Sensorsportlab (ref. 07/UPB/22, Redes de Investigación en Ciencias Del Deporte 2022)Sensorsportlab II (ref. 11/UPB/23, Redes de Investigación en Ciencias Del Deporte 2023)Consejo Superior de Deportes (Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte)Andamove project (ref. EXP_74829) founded by the European Union by the NextGeneration EU program with the “Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia 2022” into the program “Proyectos de Investigación en Ciencia y Tecnología aplicada a la Actividad Física Beneficiosa para la Salud (AFBS) y la Medicina Deportiva” of the Consejo Superior de Deportes (Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte)

    Handheld colorimeter for determination of heavy metal concentrations

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    A portable instrument that measures heavy metal concentration from a colorimetric sensor array is presented. The use of eight sensing membranes, placed on a plastic support, allows to obtain the hue component of the HSV colour space of each one in order to determinate the concentration of metals present in a solution. The developed microcontroller-based system captures, in an ambient light environment, an image of the sensor array using an integrated micro-camera and shows the picture in a touch micro-LCD screen which acts as user interface. After image-processing of the regions of interest selected by the user, colour and concentration information are displayed on the screen

    Fast prototyping of paper-based microfluidic devices by contact stamping using indelible ink

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    This work was supported by Science Foundation Ireland under CLARITY CSET award (grant 07/CE/I1147). Thanks to Staedtler Mars GmbH & Co. KG for providing the LumocolorE Permanent Universal Black InkHere we present a fast and cheap prototyping technique for the realisation of paper-based microfluidic devices simply by using a stamp and indelible ink. The proposed mechanism involves contact stamping of indelible ink to laboratory filter paper using a PDMS stamp, which defines the microfluidic structure. It is a cleanroom and washing steps-free method which provides a reproducible method for the production of functional paper-based microfluidic devices in a single step in less than 10 s. The method is fully characterised and the concept has been applied, as a proof-of-principle, for the realisation of a low-cost colorimetric glucose sensor.Supported by Science Foundation Ireland under CLARITY CSET award (grant 07/CE/I1147

    #MásquePacientes, una estrategia para el reconocimiento de los pacientes implicados en Escuela de Pacientes

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    Comunicación oral presentada en el 3er Congreso Internacional de Comunicación en Salud (3ICHC), celebrado los días 19 y 20 de octubre de 2017 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.Escuela de Pacientes es una iniciativa de la Consejería de Salud, coordinada desde la Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública, para fomentar la formación entre iguales y la ayuda mutua entre pacientes. Cuenta con 10.500 pacientes, 8.000 en los 500 cursos de formación y 650 pacientes formadores. Cada año celebra un congreso anual que supone el reconocimiento a la labor altruista y generosa de su red. Escuela de Pacientes diseñó la estrategia #Másquepacientes para potenciar los canales y acciones de reconocimiento, más allá del evento presencial. Significa: somos pacientes activos, implicados, que sabemos vivir con la enfermedad, pero somos más que ella”

    Screen Printed Flexible Radiofrequency Identification Tag for Oxygen Monitoring

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    In this work, a radiofrequency identification (RFID) tag with an optical indicator for the measurement of gaseous oxygen is described. It consists of an O2 sensing membrane of PtOEP together with a full electronic system for RFID communication, all printed on a flexible substrate. The membrane is excited by an LED at 385 nm wavelength and the intensity of the luminescence generated is registered by means of a digital color detector. The output data corresponding to the red coordinate of the RGB color space is directly related to the concentration of O2, and it is sent to a microcontroller. The RFID tag is designed and implemented by screen printing on a flexible substrate for the wireless transmission of the measurement to a remote reader. It can operate in both active and passive mode, obtaining the power supply from the electromagnetic waves of the RFID reader or from a small battery, respectively. This system has been fully characterized and calibrated including temperature drifts, showing a high-resolution performance that allows measurement of very low values of oxygen content. Therefore this system is perfectly suitable for its use in modified atmosphere packaging where the oxygen concentration is reduced below 2%. As the reading of the O2 concentration inside the envelope is carried out with an external RFID reader using wireless communication, there is no need for perforations for probes or wires, so the packaging remains completely closed. With the presented device, a limit of detection of 40 ppm and a resolution as low as 0.1 ppm of O2 can be reached with a low power consumption of 3.55 mA.Junta de Andalucía (Proyecto de Excelencia P10-TIC-5997 and P10-FQM-5974)Project PYR-2012-12, CEI BioTIC (CEB09-0010 and CEI2013-P-2) from CEI program of MICINNEuropean Regional Development Funds (ERDF