11 research outputs found

    Pediatric antimicrobial stewardship in the COVID-19 outbreak

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    Growing evidence supports the positive impact of antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs) on antimicrobial use, including pediatrics.1 Although short of the level of acceptance these have reached in the United States, the implementation of pediatric ASPs in European hospitals has increased over the last few years.1 It has been suggested that the ASP should be helpful in the preparation for and response to the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 outbreak, 2 but no formal recommendations have been published. Whether pediatric ASP remains an essential activity or not during the COVID-19 pandemic has yet to be clarified. Here, we describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted antimicrobial use in a referral pediatric hospital, and we propose a supporting role for ASP teams in the local management of the outbreak. The first COVID-19 case in Catalonia, Spain, was reported on February 25, 2020. By mid-March, most pediatric and obstetrics departments in the region were shut to increase the capacity for adult COVID-19 patients. Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona (SJD) remained the largest pediatric and maternal referral center in the region. COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 pediatric and young adult patients were transferred to our wards and pediatric ICU (PICU), and the number of daily deliveries tripled, whereas all nonemergency clinical, teaching, and research activities were postponed. Compared to the same months in 2019, in March 2020, total hospital stays decreased by 0.8% in the PICU and 15.2% in non-PICU areas, and in April 2020, total hospital stays decreased by 23.7% in the PICU and 22.2% in non-PICU areas

    Effects of a paediatric antimicrobial stewardship program on antimicrobial use and quality of prescriptions in patients with appendix-related intraabdominal infections

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    The effectiveness of antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASP) in reducing antimicrobial use (AU) in children has been proved. Many interventions have been described suitable for different institution sizes, priorities, and patients, with surgical wards being one of the areas that may benefit the most. We aimed to describe the results on AU and length of stay (LOS) in a pre-post study during the three years before (2014-2016) and the three years after (2017-2019) implementation of an ASP based on postprescription review with feedback in children and adolescents admitted for appendix-related intraabdominal infections (AR-IAI) in a European Referral Paediatric University Hospital. In the postintervention period, the quality of prescriptions (QP) was also evaluated. Overall, 2021 AR-IAIs admissions were included. Global AU, measured both as days of therapy/100 patient days (DOT/100PD) and length of therapy (LOT), and global LOS remained unchanged in the postintervention period. Phlegmonous appendicitis LOS (p = 0.003) and LOT (p < 0.001) significantly decreased, but not those of other AR-IAI diagnoses. The use of piperacillin-tazobactam decreased by 96% (p = 0.044), with no rebound in the use of other Gram-negative broad-spectrum antimicrobials. A quasisignificant (p = 0.052) increase in QP was observed upon ASP implementation. Readmission and case fatality rates remained stable. ASP interventions were safe, and they reduced LOS and LOT of phlegmonous appendicitis and the use of selected broad-spectrum antimicrobials, while increasing QP in children with AR-IAI

    Kan Yamakan/Érase una vez: el podcast como herramienta docente, 2ª edición

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    Kan yamakan es un proyecto de innovación docente aplicado a la enseñanza de la literatura árabe en el Grado de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos de la Universidad de Granada. Su objetivo principal es el diseño y grabación, por parte de los estudiantes, de podcasts de literatura árabe a partir de la lectura de textos/obras literarias, tanto clásicas como contemporáneas, en relación al temario de las asignaturas de literatura del citado Grado implicadas en el Proyecto. La segunda edición del proyecto se ha servido de la experiencia de la edición anterior para aumentar la colección de podcast de literatura árabe y plasmar todo el proceso y los conocimientos adquiridos en un manual que será publicado en abierto con el objetivo de difundir los resultados del proyecto y servir de material de innovación docente a profesores, alumnos y a cualquier interesado en llevar a cabo una actividad similar en otros ámbitos de conocimiento.Kan yamakan is a Teaching Innovation Project for teaching Arab Literature in the Degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Granada. Its main goal is to enable students to design and to elaborate bilingual Arab Literature podcasts from the previous reading of literary classical texts/works, as well as contemporary ones, related to the programs of Literature subjects involved in the project. The second edition of this project has used the previous experience of the first edition to increase the number of podcasts on Arabic Literature and to develop an open-access handbook that aims to disseminate the results of the project and to be a reference work in the field of Teaching Innovation for everyone interested in carrying out a similar activity in other fields of knowledge. This 2nd. edition project has also been guided by the same principles that inspired the first edition and by the growing trend of using podcasts for leisure purposes but also for educational and cultural ones. The current edition of the project has consolidated podcasting as an innovative didactic methodology to the teaching and learning of Literature in the Undergraduate Degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Granada.Plan FIDO UGR 2020-2022, Unidad de Calidad, Innovación Docente y Prospectiv

    Guia d’antídots per als centres hospitalaris de Catalunya

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    Intoxicació aguda; Emergències toxicològiques; Serveis d'urgènciesAcute poisoning; Toxicological emergencies; Emergency serviceIntoxicación aguda; Emergencias toxicológicas; Servicios de urgenciasAquest document correspon a la cinquena edició de la Guia d’antídots, elaborada per un grup de treball multidisciplinari integrat per metges i farmacèutics del Grup d’Antídots de la Societat Catalana de Farmàcia Clínica (SCFC) i de la Direcció General d’Ordenació i Regulació Sanitària. En aquesta cinquena edició s’han inclòs nous antídots comercilitzats durant aquest temps, s’ha incorporat informació sobre les principals indicacions toxicològiques, s’ha actualitzat la posologia i les vies d’administració, juntament amb les recomanacions de disponibilitat qualitativa i quantitativa en funció de la complexitat assistencial del tipus d’hospital, alhora que, s’ha afegit informació relativa a les reaccions adverses i advertències sobre l’embaràs i la lactància

    Guia d'antídots per als centres d’urgències d’atenció primària de Catalunya

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    Intoxicació aguda; Emergències toxicològiques; Serveis d'urgènciesIntoxicación aguda; Emergencias toxicológicas; Servicios de urgenciasAcute intoxication; Toxicological emergencies; Emergency servicesEl document que presentem a continuació correspon a la primera edició de la Guia d’antídots per als centres d’urgències d’atenció primària de Catalunya, elaborada per un grup de treball multidisciplinari integrat per metges i farmacèutics del Grup d’Antídots de la Societat Catalana de Farmàcia Clínica (SCFC) i de la Direcció General d’Ordenació i Regulació Sanitària (DGORS) del Departament de Salut. En aquesta primera edició s’han inclòs els antídots actualment comercialitzats, així com els productes de descontaminació i les recomanacions de disponibilitat qualitativa i quantitativa en els CUAP. Així mateix, s’ha incorporat informació sobre les principals indicacions toxicològiques, la posologia i les vies d’administració, juntament amb informació relativa a les reaccions adverses i advertències sobre l’embaràs i la lactància

    Effects of a Paediatric Antimicrobial Stewardship Program on Antimicrobial Use and Quality of Prescriptions in Patients with Appendix-Related Intraabdominal Infections

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    The effectiveness of antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASP) in reducing antimicrobial use (AU) in children has been proved. Many interventions have been described suitable for different institution sizes, priorities, and patients, with surgical wards being one of the areas that may benefit the most. We aimed to describe the results on AU and length of stay (LOS) in a pre-post study during the three years before (2014&ndash;2016) and the three years after (2017&ndash;2019) implementation of an ASP based on postprescription review with feedback in children and adolescents admitted for appendix-related intraabdominal infections (AR-IAI) in a European Referral Paediatric University Hospital. In the postintervention period, the quality of prescriptions (QP) was also evaluated. Overall, 2021 AR-IAIs admissions were included. Global AU, measured both as days of therapy/100 patient days (DOT/100PD) and length of therapy (LOT), and global LOS remained unchanged in the postintervention period. Phlegmonous appendicitis LOS (p = 0.003) and LOT (p &lt; 0.001) significantly decreased, but not those of other AR-IAI diagnoses. The use of piperacillin&ndash;tazobactam decreased by 96% (p = 0.044), with no rebound in the use of other Gram-negative broad-spectrum antimicrobials. A quasisignificant (p = 0.052) increase in QP was observed upon ASP implementation. Readmission and case fatality rates remained stable. ASP interventions were safe, and they reduced LOS and LOT of phlegmonous appendicitis and the use of selected broad-spectrum antimicrobials, while increasing QP in children with AR-IAI

    La evaluación colegiada de las competencias básicas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias : hacia un modelo de escuela inclusiva y sostenible

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    Precede al título: Educación Primaria y Educación Secundaria ObligatoriaLa Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE) introduce el concepto de «competencias básicas» como eje articulador del currículo, conectando de pleno con las reflexiones y las estrategias que se están desarrollando en otros sistemas educativos internacionales a la luz del informe Delors (1996), el documento DeSeCo (Definición y Selección de Competencias fundamentales) elaborado por la OCDE, de las evaluaciones PISA (Programa para la Evaluación Internacional del Alumnado), etc. Esta propuesta centra el foco en la dimensión formativa de la «evaluación», aspecto inacabado con la LOGSE (Ley Orgánica General del Sistema Educativo), a pesar de los esfuerzos realizados en esa dirección. Trabajar en las aulas para la consecución de las «competencias básicas» lleva ineludiblemente al problema de cómo evaluarlas de forma colegiada —cuando la propia ordenación del sistema educativo fragmenta cada una de las enseñanzas en diferentes áreas o materias— y de cómo emplear la información que proporciona esta labor para hacer valer el sentido formativo y regulador que debe tener la evaluación de las competencias básicas.Consejería de Educación y Universidades. Dirección General de Ordenación, Innovación y Promoción Educativa; Avda. Buenos Aires, 5; 38071 Tenerife; Tel. +34922592592; Fax +34922592570; [email protected]