2 research outputs found

    Estudio de fractura de estructuras reticulares de termopl谩sticos fabricadas mediante modelado por deposici贸n fundida

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    Las estructuras reticulares est谩n presentando un auge especial, principalmente ligado al uso cada vez m谩s extendido de equipos comerciales de fabricaci贸n aditiva o impresi贸n 3D. Estas estructuras, utilizadas en planchas o perfiles, presentan una excelente rigidez a la vez que se maximiza la liviandad. El presente trabajo consiste en un estudio de la evoluci贸n de la fractura de paneles s谩ndwich con n煤cleo de estructura reticular, cuando son sometidos a esfuerzos de compresi贸n y de flexi贸n. Se ha considerado el uso de ret铆culas de tipo de celda abierta y de celda cerrada, fabricadas en ABS y PC mediante modelado por deposici贸n fundida (FDM del ingl茅s Fused Deposition Modelling). Se estudia la evoluci贸n de la fractura mediante grabaci贸n en v铆deo con c谩maras HD, que adquieren video desde dos direcciones de forma simult谩nea en el transcurso de ensayos de compresi贸n y flexi贸n a tres puntos. Aunque la evoluci贸n te贸rica de la fractura de este tipo de estructuras es ya conocida, el proceso de fabricaci贸n FDM introduce ciertas peculiaridades que son las que se esperan extraer tras este estudio.Los autores agradecen a la Divisi贸n de Fabricaci贸n Aditiva de los Servicios Centrales de Investigaci贸n Cient铆fica y Tecnol贸gica de la Universidad de C谩diz, al MINECO (proyecto TEC2017-86102-C2- 2-R), y a la Junta de Andaluc铆a (grupo de investigaci贸n PAI TEP-946 INNANOMAT)

    Investigative didactic-methodological work coordinating socio-medical inter-subjects.

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    A qualitative action-investigation of the pedagogical profile was performed. It was based on the research, methodological, and didactic work of inter subjects coordiantions of the socio-medical subject matter of the Medicine carrer. It was developed by several meetings of table work that permitted the review of the curriculums and the current objectives of the following subjects; Introduction, to General and Integral Medicine, Phylosophy and Health, Sanolog铆a, Public Health, and General and Integral Medicine II. Documentary observation was carried out by means of the analysis of the content technique of different programs. Proper correcteness were preformed to avoid recurrence or omission of similar contents in 4th and 5th year of medicine specialty. It was determined ";what to teach and how to do it";, not only for the management of different invariants but also in what is important to be mastered in the future General Comprenhensive Doctor. After the comparison of the differente curriculums, a proposal was elaborated to be taken to the Comite Vertical y Horizontal (staff meetings of an academic year of different specialties) to be put into practice in the academic year 2004-2005