1,135 research outputs found

    Dietary Intervention through Flipped Learning as a Techno Pedagogy for the Promotion of Healthy Eating in Secondary Education

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    We acknowledge the researchers of the research group AREA (HUM-672), which belongs to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Junta de Andalucía and is registered in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Granada.Technological progress in the educational field has led to the application of active and innovative teaching methods, such as flipped learning, including in the field of dietary education. This is considered a mixed formative approach that combines face-to-face and outside the classroom education. The objective of this research was to analyze the effectiveness of flipped learning methodology on a traditional training practice in dietary training, both in the sixth grade of primary education and in the fourth level of secondary education. A quasi-experimental design was adopted with two experimental groups, two control groups and only posttest. The final sample was composed of 115 students divided into four groups, two of each educational stage mentioned. A didactic unit consisting of six sessions in all groups was applied. Two different training methodologies were followed according to the nature of the group (control-traditional; experimental-flipped learning). The results reveal that flipped learning is effective both in primary education and in secondary education, being more influential in student development in this last stage. It is concluded that the flipped learning approach has meant an improvement of the academic indicators evaluated after a diet education program.This research was funded by I+D+I OTRI-Universidad de Granada CNT-4315. Metodologías activas para el aprendizaje mediante recursos tecnológicos para el desarrollo de la sociedad

    Audience and public service in the regional televisions

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    Las televisiones autonómicas, tan cuestionadas, nacieron para cubrir un espacio informativo inexistente hace tres décadas, y para potenciar un entretenimiento basado en elementos culturales más próximos. Su existencia ha sido importante para reflejar lo cercano, aunque ahora se intente diluir su labor con críticas dirigidas hacia su coste, su gestión o su independencia. El artículo busca demostrar que su aportación ha sido indudable también en la imagen identitaria de la Comunidad, haciendo un repaso cuantitativo a su seguimiento y su cumplimiento del servicio público, así como a su situación actual.Regional televisions, nowadays as disputed, were born to meet a non-existent information space three decades ago, and for promoting an entertainment based on the closest cultural preferences. Theirs contribution to reflect of the near items has been remarkable, although sometimes critics try to dilute theirs works with complaints about theirs management or theirs independence. The article seeks to prove that theirs contribution were no doubt in the identity of the community, making a quantitative review of theirs follow-up and the compliance with the public service, and the actual situation

    New educational content on the regional television: The Canal Sur Television Project

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    Desde sus comienzos, en la década de 1990, la programación infantil y juvenil fue un pilar fundamental de las programaciones televisivas de los operadores autonómicos. El concepto de Servicio Público, y el fomento de los valores educativos ha estado claramente definido en todas las leyes de creación. Los autores proponen un análisis del papel de los medios de comunicación públicos como dinamizadores de los procesos educativos reglados. Y para ello, tras realizar un repaso por algunos de los principales académicos en esta materia, analizan el caso concreto de Canal Sur Televisión, perteneciente al grupo Radio Televisión de Andalucía, RTVA. El contexto audiovisual del país en la década de los 90 propiciaba este tipo de iniciativas educativas. Unas señas de identidad que se han ido reduciendo con el paso de los años, por tres factores fundamentales: la necesidad de buscar audiencias masivas, la fragmentación televisiva y la competencia de nuevos soportes audiovisuales a través de internet. Sin embargo, Las televisiones públicas regionales mantienen un valor de marca consolidado, una elevada producción y un factor de proximidad que les permite conectar con las audiencias educativas. Todos estos factores facilitarían una estrategia de educomunicación activa por parte de los operadores que no llega a producirse.Since its beginnings, in the 1990s, programmes for children and young people has been a cornerstone of programming for Spain’s regional television channels. All the legislation governing these channels includes the obligation to produce and broadcast content of this type. This visual paper studies the role of public media as dynamic agents in regulated education processes. After an overview of some of the main academic contributions to this topic, we turn to the specific case of Andalusia's regional broadcaster, RTVA. The audiovisual context of Spain in the 1990s encouraged educational initiatives of this type. Over the years, however, that identifying characteristics has been diluted because of three main factors: the need to achieve high ratings, the fragmentation of the TV supply and the appearance of new online platforms. Nevertheless, regional broadcasters still maintain high brand value and therefore a high capacity to Mora engage with educational audiences. Their capacity to generate communications and their closeness to the education community have allowed them to offer a fast, highly participatory response. In the case proposed here we see how regional radio and television in Andalusia has managed to implement new educational ideas with the aid of the latest technologies, achieving high levels of participation by schools

    Estrategias de comunicacion de la Unión Europea : experiencias para el fomento de la información

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    La Unión Europea ha vivido en los últimos años profundas transformaciones, (euro, ampliación, constitución, crisis). Estos acontecimientos han deteriorado la imagen que tiene la opinión pública, por ello la Unión Europea ha diseñado grandes campañas de comunicación a diferentes niveles: continental, nacional o regional. Las estrategias de información han convertido a la Unión Europea en el departamento de comunicación institucional más grande del mundo. La Comisión Europea, Parlamento, y el Fondo Regional generan una ingente actividad informativa. Las instituciones europeas han creado nuevas estrategias para fomentar la información. Unas estrategias que en ocasiones fomentan la intoxicación informativa y que no tienen una relación directa con la información que emiten los medios.In the last years the European Union has lived deep transformations (euro, enlargement, constitution, crisis). These events have damaged the image that public opinion has of it, thus European Union has designed big campaigns of communication to different levels: continental, national o regional. The strategies of information have turned the EU in the biggest institutional department of communication of the world. European Commission, Parliament, and Regional Fund generate an enormous informative activity.The European institutions have created new strategies to boost the information. Strategies that sometimes encourage the informative intoxication and that do not have a direct relation with the information that transmit the media.Grupo de Investigación en Estructura, Historia y Contenidos de la Comunicación (GREHCCO) HUM618Laboratorio de Estudios en Comunicación (LADECOM)

    Una contribución al estudio de la vellosidad de los hilos.

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    La vellosidad o pilosidad de los hilos es una característica que hasta muy recientemente no ha tenido, pese a su importancia industrial, otra consideración que la puramente subjetiva, derivada de la apreciación sugerida por la observación visual, aunque ésta ocasionara o no el someterlos a la operación de chamuscado, para eliminarles el vello, considerado como defecto. Se han establecido varios índices de vellosidad, y se intenta, naturalmente, que la Industria Textil haga uso de ellos en su beneficio y para más exacto conocimiento de esta característica.Peer Reviewe

    Puntos notables en las curvas torsión-resistencia de los hilos

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    Estudio de la relación existente entre la resistencia a la tracción de los hilos y sus diferentes estados de torsión.Peer Reviewe

    Advances in ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents-based liquid phase microextraction of metals for sample preparation in Environmental Analytical Chemistry

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    Liquid phase micro-extraction (LPME) of metals has showed its potential for sample preparation in environmental analysis. In particular, the incorporation of ionic liquids to LPME (IL-LPME) has gotten increasing interest due to their unique properties as organic salts liquid at room temperature. In the last years, IL-LPME of metals has evolved to more efficient and selective extraction methods thanks to the development of task specific ionic liquids, and deep eutectic solvents. ILs have been implemented in the main LPME modalities: SDME, DLLME and HFLPME, resulting in new versions of these techniques. In this review we have analyzed and discussed the latest developments done in IL-LPME of metals, their advantages and limitations, as well as the potential fields of future development. © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.This work has been supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the research project PGC2018- 101894-B-I00. BHS also thanks the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports for the pre-doctoral grant FPU15/03924 and the University of Cadiz for the post-doctoral grant 2019-011/PU/ AY.PUENTE/CD

    Nomophobia: An Individual’s Growing Fear of Being without a Smartphone—A Systematic Literature Review

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    We acknowledge the researchers of the research group AREA (HUM-672), which belongs to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Junta de Andalucía and is registered in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Granada.This review examines the current literature focused on nomophobia (objectives, methodological design, main variables, sample details, and measurement methods) in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. To this end, we conducted a systematic literature review in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) guidelines. The initial sample consisted of 142 articles, of which 42 met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed in detail. The findings show that the current research is in an exploratory phase, with a greater predominance of descriptive, nonexperimental, and cross-sectional studies that explore the prevalence of nomophobia mainly in adolescents and university students. The most widely used measurement instrument is the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) proposed by Yildrim and Correia. In addition, the research suggests that nomophobia negatively affects personality, self-esteem, anxiety, stress, academic performance, and other physical and mental health problems. We are therefore faced with a health problem, which negatively affects a person, causing psychological problems and physical and behavioral changes.This research has received public funding from the Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain (FPU14/04626)