248 research outputs found


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    [EN] Redox cell is an assembly consisting of electrodes surrounded by a volume of electrolyte (liquid). The redox cell device stores electrical energy with full of high acid flows and this acidity causes big difficulties for physical modeling. To overcome this problem, numerical and experimental analysis of those flows in a real redox cell have been developed and here described. A methodology to improve redox cell performance based on the analysis of the electrolyte flow is proposed. Improvements in the flow uniformity are achieved by means of the definition of some designed parameters based on CFD analysis. The depicted methodology is applied to a specific redox cell geometry for improving authors¿ previous designs. This article quantifies parameters for this particular case and the proposed improvements. The considered CFD model is also validated with experimental data using a real scale cell built in transparent material. The convergence between experimental and numerical results is fairly good. Finally, the geometry designed based on this proposed methodology presents 0% dead zones or recirculations in the membrane area, which will definitely improve the overall interchange efficiency of the cell. This validated methodology is presented for a real future design strategy of these sorts of devices.Escudero Gonzalez, J.; López Jiménez, PA. (2014). REDOX CELL HYDRODYNAMIC MODELLING: TOWARDS REAL IMPROVED GEOMETRY BASED ON CFD ANALYSIS. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 8(3):435-446. doi:10.1080/19942060.2014.11015527S43544683Bannari A, Cirtiu C, Kerdouss F, Proulx P, Menard H (2006). Turbulence intensity in an electrochemical cell: effect on reactor performance.Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification45:471–480.Bard A, Faulkner L (2001).Electrochemical Methods. Wiley.Castelain C, Mokrani A, Legentilhomme P, Peerhossaini H (1997). Residence time distribution in twisted pipe flows: helically coiled system and chaotic system.Experiments in Fluids22(5):359–368.Cebeci T, Bradshaw P (1977).Momentum Transfer in Boundary Layers. McGraw-Hill.Chen H, Ngoc-Cong T, Yang W, Tan C, Li Y, Ding Y; Chen, H; Ngoc-Cong, T (2009) Progress in electrical energy storage system: a critical review.Progress in Natural Science19(3):291–312.CD-Adapco. (2013).User Guide STAR-CCM+. Version 8.06. © 2013Codina G (1992).Desarrollo de una Planta de Acumulación de Energía Eléctrica Basada en el Acumulador Redox Fe/Cr. Thesis. Universidad de Alicante,Demirdzic I, Muzaferija S (1995). Numerical method for coupled Fluid Flow heat transfer and stress analysis using unstructured moving meshes with cells of arbitrary topology.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering125:232–255.Escudero-González J, Alberola A, López-Jiménez P (2013). Redox cell hydrodynamic modelling, simulation and experimental validation.Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics7(2):168–181.Escudero-González, J., & López-Jiménez, P. A. (2014). Iron redox battery as electrical energy storage system in the Spanish energetic framework. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 61, 421-428. doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2014.03.067Eyer, James M, Corey, Garth P, Iannucci, Joseph J (2004). Sponsoring Organization: USDOE 2004.Frias-Ferrer A (2004).Optimización de la Hidrodinámica de Reactores Electroquímicos:Empleo de Métodos Experimentales y Numéricos. Thesis. Universidad de Alicante.Jörissen L, Frey H (2009). ENERGY | Energy storage.Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources215–231.Kondoh J, Ishii I, Yamaguchi H, Murata A, Otani K, Sakuta K, Higuchi N, Sekine S, Kamimoto M (2010). Electrical energy storage systems for energy networks.Energy Conversion and Management41:1863–1874.Mellentine J (2011).Performance Characterization and Cost Assessment of an Iron Hybrid Flow Battery. Thesis. University of Iceland.Moore S, David (2003).The Basic Practice of Statistics, 3rd Edition. New York: W,H, Freeman and Company.Navidi W (2006).Estadística Para Ingenieros y Científicos, 1st Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.Parker C (2009). APPLICATIONS – STATIONARY | Energy storage systems: batteries.Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources53–64.Rahman F, Rehman S, Abdul-Majeed M (2012). Overview of energy storage systems for storing electricity from renewable energy sources in Saudi Arabia.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews16:274–283.Reddy T (2002).Linden’s Handbook of Batteries, 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill Professional,Scamman D, Reade G, Roberts E (2009). Numerical modelling of a bromide–polysulphide redox flow battery: part 1: modelling approach and validation for a pilot-scale.Jounal of Power Sources189:1220–1230.Shih TH, Liou WW, Shabbir A, Yang Z, Zhu J (1994). A new k-ɛ eddy viscosity model for hight Reynolds number turbulent flows - model developmente and validation.NASA TM106721.Shukla A, Venugopalan S, Hariprakash B (2001). Nickel-based rechargeable batteries.Jounal Power Sources100:122–148.Vazquez S, Lukic SM, Galvan E, Franquelo LG, Carrasco JM (2010). Energy storage systems for transport and grid applications.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics57(12):3881–3895.Walawalkar R, Apt J (2008).Market Analysis of Emerging Electric Energy Storage System. DOE/NETL-2008/1330

    Redox cell hydrodynamics modeling. Simulation and experimental validation

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    An electrochemical reactor is an assembly capable of withstanding an electrochemical reaction of practical application. It consists of electrodes surrounded by a volume of liquid electrolyte. Major difficulty and challenge involved in this modeling is the fact that real experimentation with high acid flows is extremely difficult to perform: to overcome them, some assumptions are proposed in order to achieve a computational model suitable to be used as virtual laboratory for redox batteries designers. A model is proposed to analyze the flow of the liquid electrolyte in an electrochemical reactor. Numerical and experimental analysis of such flow in a prototype of a real reactor are proposed. Good hydraulic behaviors will be shown in the majority of the volume, even if there are zones with practically no velocities or with recirculations. These volumes are used to define the parameters that indicate the hydraulic operation. This article describes the experimental and numerical modeling applied to a particular Iron Flow Cell prototype. The experimental validation has shown little numerical errors, smaller that 2.25%. This methodological research provides a very powerful calibrated tool which will help engineers in a future in the decision-making in order to optimize real designs.Escudero González, J.; Alberola, A.; López Jiménez, PA. (2013). Redox cell hydrodynamics modeling. Simulation and experimental validation. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 7(2):168-181. doi:10.1080/19942060.2013.11015462S16818172Bard AJ, Faulkner LR (2001).Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications. Wiley.Cebeci T, Bradshaw, P (1977).Momentum Transfer in Boundary Layers. McGraw-Hill.Codina G (1992).Desarrollo de una Planta de Acumulación de Energía Eléctrica Basada en el Acumulador Redox Fe/Cr. Thesis. Universidad de Alicante.Date A (2005).Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics. Cambridge University Press.Frías-Ferrer AJ (2004).Optimización de la Hidrodinámica de Reactores Electroquímicos: Empleo de Métodos Experimentales y Numéricos. Thesis. Alicante University, Spain.Norris LH, Reynolds WC (1975).Turbulent Channel Flow with a Moving Wavy Boundary. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, USA.Star CCm+ (2012).User´s Manual. CD Adapco. 200 Shepherds Bush Road, London, W6 7NL. England

    Sensitivity of conservative pollutants estimation using ISCST3 to input parameters for a case of study

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    [ES] El presente documento describe un proceso de análisis realizado sobre el modelo gaussiano de dispersión de contaminantes atmosféricos ISCST3 aplicado en un área densamente poblada, el Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría (CUJAE) ubicado en la Habana. Para la simulación numérica se realizó un inventario de fuentes y de emisiones de contaminantes atmosféricos en la zona, para estimar la concentración del contaminante conservativo, en este caso dióxido de azufre. El objetivo es mostrar la sensibilidad de esta simulación numérica con la variación en la entrada de varios parámetros: albedo medio, razón de Bowen, rugosidad de la superficie y velocidad del viento. Una vez obtenidos los resultados se analiza la influencia de las variaciones en la entrada de dichos parámetros sobre la concentración del contaminante estudiado. Concluyendo que la velocidad del viento es el parámetro al que el modelo es más sensible y presenta la menor sensibilidad a los cambios en la entrada del albedo. El receptor menos afectado en los valores de concentración estimados para 24 horas es el receptor 2, ubicado en el centro de la malla y correspondiente al campus universitario de la CUJAE. Mientras que para valores horarios los menos sensibles son los receptores 1 y 3.[EN] This paper describes a process of analysis of the Gaussian model ISCST3 of air pollutants dispersión applied in a densely populated area, the Higher Polytechnic Institute José Antonio Echeverría (CUJAE) in Havana. For the numerical simulation was carried out a sources and emissions inventory of air pollutants in the área, to estímate the concentration of the conservative pollutant, in this case sulfur dioxide. The objective is to show the sensitivity of numerical simulation with variation in the input of several parameters: average albedo, Bowen ratio, surface roughness and wind speed. After obtaining the results, the influence of variatíons in these parameters input and contaminant concentration studied is analyzed. Concluding that the wind speed is the parameter to which the model is more sensitive and has the lowest sensitivity to changes in albedo input. The least affected receptor concentration values estimated for 24 hours is the number 2, located in the center of the screen and land in the campus CUJAE. While for hourly values, receptors 1 and 3 are less sensitive.Los autores agradecen al proyecto de Doctorado auricular en su dimensión ambiental existente entre el Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría (CUJAE) y la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia que permitió en el marco del mismo la realización de este trabajo. Además de nuestra gratitud a otras instituciones que facilitaron los datos y medios para la investigación como son: Dirección Provincial de Salud Pública de ciudad de La Habana, Cuba energía perteneciente al Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología y Medio Ambiente y a la Oficina de Acción Internacional (OIA) de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.González-Cruz, M.; Pire-Rivas, S.; López Jiménez, PA. (2012). Sensibilidad del modelo ISCST3 en la estimación de contaminantes conservativos: Caso de estudio. REVISTA MEXICANA DE INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA. 11(2):287-298. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/150423S28729811

    Calibration methodology for air pollutants dispersion models. Case Study: PM10 dispersion in the surroundings of Havana.

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    [EN] This paper describes a general methodology for calibration of air pollutants dispersion models. Numerical simulation of this phenomenon is a complex process due to it depends on many factors. Main contribution of this paper is to consider in a unique calibration methodology of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Furthermore, the methodology is applied successfully in the calibration process gaussian dispersion model ISCST3 applied in a densely populated area, the Higher Polytechnic Institute José Antonio Echeverría (CUJAE) in Havana.[ES] El presente documento describe una metodología general para la calibración de modelos de dispersión de contaminantes atmosféricos. La simulación numérica de este fenómeno es un proceso complejo debido a la cantidad de factores de los que depende. La principal contribución de este trabajo es la consideración conjunta en una única metodología del análisis de incertidumbre y el de sensibilidad. Asimismo, se aplica con gran éxito en el proceso de calibración del modelo gaussiano de dispersión ISCST3, implementado en un área densamente poblada, el Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría (CUJAE) ubicado en La Habana.González Cruz, MB.; Pire Rivas, S.; Cuesta Zedeño, LF.; López Jiménez, PA. (2013). Metodología para la calibración de modelos de dispersión de contaminantes atmosféricos. Caso de estudio: dispersión de PM10 en el entorno de La Habana. Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia. (69):274-288. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/113269S2742886

    Identidad de Género en estudios de Ingeniería en el ámbito industrial: una mirada desde la ETSII-UPV hacia las jóvenes generaciones

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    [ES] El presente documento analiza la presencia femenina en los estudios del ámbito industrial en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII) de la Universitat Politècnica de València. Haciendo un repaso de los grandes números de presencia de mujeres en las titulaciones STEM, y presentando con más detalle los indicadores particulares en la ETSII, se desea hacer hincapié sobre la importancia de la presencia femenina en este tipo estudios universitarios con un número identitario del 30% de mujeres en dichas titulaciones. Este debe ser un interés esencial de la aplicación del quinto objetivo de desarrollo sostenible de Nacionas Unidas: Lograr una igualdad entre los géneros y empoderar a todas las mujeres y las ninas.[EN] This document analyzes the presence of women in industrial studies at the Technical School of Industrial Engineers (ETSII) of the Universitat Politècnica de València. By reviewing the large numbers of women in the STEM degrees and presenting in more detail the particular indicators in the ETSII, it is intended to emphasize the importance of the presence of women in this type of university studies with an identity number of presence 30% in such studies. This must be of paramount importance as part of the implementation of the United Nation's fifth sustainable development objective: Achieve gender equality and empowering all women and girlsLópez Jiménez, PA.; Alemany Díaz, MDM.; González Cruz, MC.; García-Serra, J. (2019). Identidad de Género en estudios de Ingeniería en el ámbito industrial: una mirada desde la ETSII-UPV hacia las jóvenes generaciones. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1571-1577. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.10389OCS1571157

    Verification of an online evaluation system

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    Las conferencias impartidas por especialistas promueven el interés de los alumnos por la materia en la que se realizan. Para mejorar el aprendizaje, pusimos a disposición de los alumnos en la plataforma WebCT conferencias online de especialistas a quienes los estudiantes pudieron consultar dudas a través de un foro. Las conferencias se elaboraron 2 medianteWimbaClassroom. La realización de exámenes online permitió comprobar el grado de comprensión de las mismas. Para analizar el nivel de aprendizaje alcanzado mediante dichos exámenes, se incluyeron preguntas sobre las charlas en el examen escrito de la asignatura. La calificación de los alumnos que realizaron la actividad fue un 33% superior que la de quienes no la realizaron, existiendo una correlación directa entre la calificación obtenida online y la del examen escrito. Más del 75% consideróesta herramienta de aprendizaje positiva y el 90 % considera que la experiencia debe extenderse a otras asignaturas

    A urinary fragment of mucin-1 subunit α is a novel biomarker associated with renal dysfunction in the general population

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    Introduction: Sequencing peptides included in the urinary proteome identifies the parent proteins and may reveal mechanisms underlying the pathophysiology of chronic kidney disease. Methods: In 805 randomly recruited Flemish individuals (50.8% women; mean age, 51.1 years), we determined the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) from serum creatinine using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation. We categorized eGFR according to the National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative guideline. We analyzed 74 sequenced urinary peptides with a detectable signal in more than 95% of participants. Follow-up measurements of eGFR were available in 597 participants. Results: In multivariable analyses, baseline eGFR decreased (P ≤ 0.022) with urinary fragments of mucin-1 (standardized association size expressed in ml/min/1.73 m2, −4.48), collagen III (−2.84), and fibrinogen (−1.70) and was bi-directionally associated (P ≤ 0.0006) with 2 urinary collagen I fragments (+2.28 and −3.20). The eGFR changes over 5 years (follow-up minus baseline) resulted in consistent estimates (P ≤ 0.025) for mucin-1 (−1.85), collagen (−1.37 to 1.43) and fibrinogen (−1.45) fragments. Relative risk of having or progressing to eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 was associated with mucin-1. Partial least-squares analysis confirmed mucin-1 as the strongest urinary marker associated with decreased eGFR, with a score of 2.47 compared with 1.80 for a collagen I fragment as the next contender. Mucin-1 predicted eGFR decline to <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 over and above microalbuminuria (P = 0.011) and retained borderline significance (P = 0.05) when baseline eGFR was accounted for. Discussion: In the general population, mucin-1 subunit α, an extracellular protein that is shed from renal tubular epithelium, is a novel biomarker associated with renal dysfunction

    Effect of parathyroid-hormone-related protein on human platelet activation

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    A B S T R A C T Evidence suggests that PTHrP [PTH (parathyroid hormone)-related protein] can act as an inflammatory mediator in several pathological settings including cardiovascular disease. The aim of the present study was to determine whether PTHrP might be involved in human platelet activation. We used a turbidimetric method to determine platelet aggregation. The expression of PTH1R (PTH type 1 receptor) in human platelets was analysed by Western blot and flow cytometry analyses. PTHrP-(1-36) (10 −7 mol/l) by itself failed to modify the activation of platelets. However, it significantly enhanced ADP-induced platelet activation, and also increased the ability of other agonists (thrombin, collagen and arachidonic acid) to induce platelet aggregation. H89 (10 −6 mol/l) and 25 × 10 −6 mol/l Rp-cAMPS (adenosine 3 ,5 -cyclic monophosphorothioate Rp-isomer), two protein kinase A inhibitors, and 25 × 10 −9 mol/l bisindolylmaleimide I, a protein kinase C inhibitor, partially decreased the enhancing effect of PTHrP-(1-36) on ADP-induced platelet activation. Meanwhile, 10 −6 mol/l PTHrP-(7-34), a PTH1R antagonist, as well as 10 −5 mol/l PD098059, a MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) inhibitor, or a farnesyltransferase inhibitor abolished this effect of PTHrP-(1-36). Moreover, 10 −7 mol/l PTHrP-(1-36) increased (2-fold over control) MAPK activation in human platelets. PTH1R was detected in platelets, and the number of platelets expressing it on their surface in patients during AMI (acute myocardial infarction) was not different from that in a group of patients with similar cardiovascular risk factors without AMI. Western blot analysis showed that total PTH1R protein levels were markedly higher in platelets from control than those from AMI patients. PTH1R was found in plasma, where its levels were increased in AMI patients compared with controls. In conclusion, human platelets express the PTH1R. PTHrP can interact with this receptor to enhance human platelet activation induced by several agonists through a MAPK-dependent mechanism