39 research outputs found

    Impact of Early Nutrition, Physical Activity and Sleep on the Fetal Programming of Disease in the Pregnancy: A Narrative Review

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    Early programming is the adaptation process by which nutrition and environmental factors alter development pathways during prenatal growth, inducing changes in postnatal metabolism and diseases. The aim of this narrative review, is evaluating the current knowledge in the scientific literature on the e ects of nutrition, environmental factors, physical activity and sleep on development pathways. If in utero adaptations were incorrect, this would cause a mismatch between prenatal programming and adulthood. Adequate caloric intake, protein, mineral, vitamin, and long-chain fatty acids, have been noted for their relevance in the o spring brain functions and behavior. Fetus undernutrition/malnutrition causes a delay in growth and have detrimental e ects on the development and subsequent functioning of the organs. Pregnancy is a particularly vulnerable period for the development of food preferences and for modifications in the emotional response. Maternal obesity increases the risk of developing perinatal complications and delivery by cesarean section and has long-term implications in the development of metabolic diseases. Physical exercise during pregnancy contributes to overall improved health post-partum. It is also interesting to highlight the relevance of sleep problems during pregnancy, which influence adequate growth and fetal development. Taking into account these considerations, we conclude that nutrition and metabolic factors during early life play a key role of health promotion and public health nutrition programs worldwide to improve the health of the o spring and the health costs of hospitalization.University of Granad

    Has COVID-19 Changed the Lifestyle and Dietary Habits in the Spanish Population after Confinement?

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    Since 2020, the world has been immersed in a change in lifestyle (social, lifestyle, nutri-tion and physical activity patterns), due to the appearance of COVID-19 and the strict mobility measures which were implemented to prevent its spread. All these changes had a nutritional impact on people, modifying their dietary guidelines. This cross-sectional study was carried out to assess whether dietary habits, lifestyle, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet among the Spanish adult population (25–65 years old) during confinement was modified during the post-confinement period, using an e-survey through social networks, involving 510 subjects. A decrease in the intake of ultra-processed products, with a correlation between weekly food delivery orders at home and the consumption of salty snacks, sugary drinks, and processed pastries was also recorded. Most of the subjects performed physical exercise on a regular basis, maintaining the body weight in half of the participants. During the post-confinement period a substantial proportion of the population had healthy lifestyle and dietary habits, including the adequate consumption of fruits, vegetables and legumes; adequate time was spent preparing meals and the population did not regularly order food at home, which in the long term, reduced the risk of several diseases

    A new insigh to bone turnover: role of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

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    Background. Evidence has shown that long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA), especially the ω-3 fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are beneficial for bone health and turnover. Objectives. This review summarizes findings from both in vivo and in vitro studies and the effects of LC PUFA on bone metabolism, as well as the relationship with the oxidative stress, the inflammatory process, and obesity. Results. Some studies in humans indicate that LCPUFA can increase bone formation, affect peak bone mass in adolescents, and reduce bone loss. However, the cellular mechanisms of action of the LCPUFA are complex and involve modulation of fatty acid metabolites such as prostaglandins, resolvins and protectins, several signaling pathways, cytokines, and growth factors, although in certain aspects there is still some controversy. LCPUFA affect receptor activator of nuclear factor κβ (RANK), a receptor found on the osteoclast, causing bone resorption, which controls osteoclast formation. Conclusions. Since fatty acids are an endogenous source of reactive oxygen species, free radicals alter the process of bone turnover; however, although there are clinical evidences linking bone metabolism and dietary lipids, more clinical trials are necessary to prove whether ω-3 PUFA supplementation plays a major role in bone health

    A didactic activity of support to foment the acquisition of capabilities of the student in the study of the Physiopathology

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    En el nuevo entorno de aprendizaje del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), tiene gran importancia fomentar la adquisición de competencias transversales en el alumno: trabajo en grupo, saber obtener información de forma efectiva a partir de libros, revistas y búsquedas bibliográficas, saber elaborar presentaciones audiovisuales, capacidad de comunicación oral y escrita. La Fisiopatología es una asignatura troncal anual con 6 créditos teóricos ECTS, de tercer curso de la Licenciatura de Farmacia de la Universidad Granada. Desde la puesta en marcha del Plan Piloto de implantación del EEES (curso 2007-08), se está desarrollando una técnica didáctica para fomentar el rendimiento del alumno en esta asignatura. Al comienzo de curso el profesor facilita al alumnado una relación de temas del programa de la asignatura que con carácter voluntario seleccionan en grupos reducidos (2-4 alumnos), para su preparación y posterior exposición en el aula. El profesor facilita el guión y la bibliografía del tema a desarrollar. Bajo su tutorización los alumnos elaboran el tema y la presentación en PowerPoint, que tras revisión y aprobación por el profesor es expuesto al conjunto de la clase. Previo a la exposición, el material docente se descarga en la plataforma SWAD de apoyo a la docencia. Cada trabajo es evaluado en sus contenidos, exposición y defensa representando un 15% de la calificación final de la asignatura. La valoración global de esta actividad, desarrollada a lo largo de tres cursos académicos, ha sido totalmente positiva en su aceptación, participación y calidad de los temas desarrollados.In the new environment of learning of the European Space for Higher Education (ESHE), it has a great importance to foment the acquisition of transverse capabilities in the students: teamwork, to be able to obtain information of effective form from books, scientific journals and bibliographical searches, to elaborate audio-visual presentations, capacity of oral and written communication.Physiopathology is a main annual subject with 6 theoretical ECTS credits, of the third course of the Pharmacy B. Degree of the University Granada. From the beginning in March of the Pilot Plan of introduction of the ESHE (academic course 2007-08), a didactic skill is being developed to efficiency of the student in this subject. At the beginning of the course the professor facilitates to the students a relation of topics from the program of the subject that with voluntary character they select in small groups (2-4 students), for preparation and later presentation in the classroom. The professor supplies the script and the bibliography of the topic to develop. Under its assistance, the students elaborate the topic and the presentation in PowerPoint, which after review and approval for the professor is displayed to the rest of the students. Before the exhibition, the educational material it is uploaded in the platform WSST (Web Service to Support Teaching) of the University of Granada. Every work is evaluated taking into account the contents, presentation and defense, representing 15 % of the final qualification of the subject. The global evaluation of this activity, developed along three academic courses, has been totally positive in its acceptance, participation and quality of the developed topics

    Is a Gluten-Free Diet Enough to Maintain Correct Micronutrients Status in Young Patients with Celiac Disease?

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    The authors thank the patients for their participation in the current study. We are grateful to Ana Yara Postigo Fuentes for her assistance with the English language.The current study assesses whether the use of a gluten-free diet (GFD) is sufficient for maintaining correct iron status in children with celiac disease (CD). The study included 101 children. The celiac group (n = 68) included children with CD, with long (> 6 months) (n = 47) or recent (< 6 months) (n = 21) adherence to a GFD. The control group (n = 43) included healthy children. Dietary assessment was performed by a food frequency questionnaire and a 3-day food record. Celiac children had lower iron intake than controls, especially at the beginning of GFD (p < 0.01). The group CD-GFD >6 months showed a higher intake of cobalamin, meat derivatives and fish compared to that of CD-GFD <6 months (all, p < 0.05). The control group showed a higher consumption of folate, iron, magnesium, selenium and meat derivatives than that of children CD-GFD >6 months (all, p < 0.05). Control children also showed a higher consumption of folate and iron compared to that of children CD-GFD <6 months (both, p < 0.05). The diet of celiac children was nutritionally less balanced than that of the control. Participation of dietitians is necessary in the management of CD to guide the GFD as well as assess the inclusion of iron supplementation and other micronutrients that may be deficient.This study was partially funded by the Regional Government of Andalusia, Excellence Research Project No P12-AGR-2581. This study was also supported by the University of Granada Research and Knowledge Transfer Fund (PPIT)2016, Excellence Actions Programme: Scientific Units of Excellence (UCEES), and the Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Enterprises and University, European Regional Development Funds (ref. SOMM17/6107/UGR). MFA was additionally funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Grant number FPU17/03715)

    Benefits of a cardiac rehabilitation program on some parameters of corporal composition

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    Las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) se encuentran entre las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad en todo el mundo. La rehabilitación cardíaca es un programa de prevención secundaria cuyo objetivo es complementar los efectos del tratamiento cardiológico a través de la participación del paciente en el control de sus hábitos de vida, como medio de promoción de su salud cardiovascular. El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar los efectos a largo plazo del programa de rehabilitación cardiaca (PRC) sobre algunos parámetros de la composición corporal de pacientes que han asistido o no, a la fase III del PRC. El estudio se realizó en sujetos que sufrieron un evento cardiovascular y que pertenecían a la Asociación de Pacientes Cardiacos de Granada y Provincia. A todos los miembros se les ofreció la posibilidad de formar parte del estudio. Se realizó un estudio de algunos parámetros de composición corporal y se realizó una valoración nutricional de todos los sujetos. La masa grasa y la grasa visceral, que desempeñan un papel importante en la patología cardiovascular, son estadísticamente menores tanto en hombres como mujeres que asisten al PRC, revelando que son mejores predictores del riesgo cardiovascular. Gracias al consejo nutricional recibido se observa un incremento de nutrientes cardiosaludables y los sujetos que asisten al programa de rehabilitación presentan mayor ángulo de fase, indicando que tienen un mejor estado de hidratación, junto con una mejor integridad de la membrana celular y distribución del agua entre los compartimentos intra y extracelulares.The cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the principal reasons of morbidity and mortality in the world. The cardiac rehabilitation is a program of secondary prevention to complement the effects of the cardiological treatment with the participation of the patient in the control of their habits of life, as a way of promotion of its own cardiovascular health. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the long-term effects of a cardiac rehabilitation program on some parameters of corporal composition in patients that have attended or not, to the phase the III of the program. The study was performed in subjects that suffered a cardiovascular event and they were members of the Association of Cardiac Patients of Granada and Province. All the members were offered the possibility of forming a part of the study. Some parameters of body composition were measured and a nutritional evaluation was performed in all the subjects. The visceral and body fat and, which play a key role in the cardiovascular pathology, are lower in the patients attending to the cardiac rehabilitation program, revealing that are better predictors of the cardiovascular risk. Thanks to the nutritional advice received, an increase in healthy nutrients is observed and the subjects attending to the program feature major phase angle, indicating that they have a better state of hydration, together with a better integrity of the cell membranes and distribution of water between the compartments intra- and extracellular compartments.Los autores desean agradecer el apoyo económico del Campus de Excelencia Internacional GREIB (Granada Research of Excellence Initiative on BioHealth) para la realización de este estudio

    Vitamin intake in the adult population of the andalusian autonomous community

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    Antecedentes: El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la ingesta de vitamina A en la población andaluza y su distribución por sexo y edad. Ámbito del estudio: El tamaño muestral fue de 3.680 individuos sanos de ambos sexos, residentes y censados en la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza, realizándose un estudio probabilístico, estratificado y polietápico. Sujetos: Hombres y mujeres con edades comprendidas entre los 25 y los 60 años ambos inclusive. Intervenciones: Mediante una entrevista personal, se recogieron los hábitos de salud de los individuos encuestados y se realizó una encuesta de alimentación consistente en primer lugar en un Recordatorio de 48 horas, en el cual se analizó la ingesta alimentaria de cada individuo seleccionado y se ha determinado no sólo el tipo de alimentos y la cantidad consumida, sino también la forma de preparación y sus ingredientes, distribuyéndolos en las distintas comidas diarias. Resultados: La ingesta media de vitamina A en Andalucía es de 800,63 μg/día. En los hombres la ingesta de vitamina A es superior a las mujeres, aunque dichos valores se encuentran por debajo de las IR para ambos sexos. La ingesta de vitamina A en los hombres disminuye con la edad, mientras que para las mujeres el grupo de 50-59 años es el que tiene una ingesta menor. El 8,84% de las mujeres y el 15,22% de los hombres presentan ingestas inferiores a 1/3 de las IR, lo que podría considerarse de alto riesgo. El porcentaje de individuos que presenta un posible riesgo de ingesta inadecuada para esta vitamina (valores inferiores a los 2/3 de las IR) es bastante elevado en la población andaluza. Conclusiones: En Andalucía la vitamina A presenta un consumo medio global aceptable, aunque alrededor de un 40% de la población puede presentar riesgo de ingesta inadecuada, siendo en el caso de los hombres esta situación más acentuada.Background: The aim of this study was to know the intake of vitamin A of the Andalusian population and its distribution by gender and age. Study setting: The sample size was 3680 healthy individuals, from both genders, residents and registered at census of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, with a multi-step, stratified and probabilistic study. Subjects: Men and women with ages between 25-60 years, both included. Interventions: By means of a personal interview, health habits of the individuals interviewed were gathered, and a dietary questionnaire was undertaken, which consisted, in the first place, of a 48-hour remembering analyzing dietary intake of each selected individual determining not only the type and quantity of foods consumed but also the way of cooking them and other ingredients, and distributing them according to the different daily meals. Results: Mean Vitamin A intake in Andalusia is 800,63 mg/day. Men have greater intake than women, although the values for both genders are under the recommended (RI) ones. Vitamin A intake decreases with age in men, whereas in women the age group 50- 69 years is the one having the lowest intake. 8,84% of women and 15,22% of men have intakes lower than 1/3 of de RI, which may be considered a high risk factor. The percentages of individuals having a likely risk of inadequate vitamin A ingestion (values lower than 2/3 of RI) are considerably high among the Andalusian population. Conclusions: Mean global intake of vitamin A in Andalusia is acceptable although about 40% of the population may be at risk of inappropriate ingestion, this condition being more pronounced for men.Este trabajo ha sido realizado gracias a la financiación de la Dirección General de Salud Público de la Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía

    Time Following a Gluten-Free Diet, Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and Quality of Life in Children with Celiac Disease

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    Maintaining a strict gluten-free diet (GFD) may affect the quality of life of children with celiac disease (CD) and promote a less healthy diet by substituting gluten-containing foods with ultra-processed foods. We aimed to assess the influences of the GFD and ultra-processed food consumption on parents' perception of the quality of life of children with CD. Fifty-eight children (mean age 8.6 +/- 4.1 years) were included. The participants were divided into groups based on the time following a GFD: = 12 months (n = 37). Their dietary consumption was assessed through a three-day food record. The 20-item Celiac Disease Quality Of Life survey (CD-QOL), which contains four subscales (limitations, dysphoria, health concerns, and inadequate treatment) was used to assess the quality of life. The children who followed a GFD for >= 12 months presented poorer scores in the limitations subscale than those who followed a GFD for <6 months (p = 0.010). The mean % of the energy intake from ultra-processed foods was 47.3 +/- 13.5. Children with CD consuming more than 50% of their total energy from ultra-processed foods showed poorer scores for the limitation and inadequate treatment (both, p = 0.019) subscales than their counterparts. According to parents' perceptions, those children who consumed more than 50% of their energy through ultra-processed foods had more limitations, and their treatment was perceived as less effective.European Commission B-AGR-658Association of Celiacs and Sensitive to Gluten of the Community of MadridSpanish Government FPU17/0371

    Loss of Bone Mineral Density Associated with Age in Male Rats Fed on Sunflower Oil Is Avoided by Virgin Olive Oil Intake or Coenzyme Q Supplementation

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    The role of dietary fat unsaturation and the supplementation of coenzyme Q have been evaluated in relation to bone health. Male Wistar rats were maintained for 6 or 24 months on two diets varying in the fat source, namely virgin olive oil, rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, or sunflower oil, rich in n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Both dietary fats were supplemented or not with coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Bone mineral density (BMD) was evaluated in the femur. Serum levels of osteocalcin, osteopontin, receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG), adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and parathyroid hormone (PTH), as well as urinary F2-isoprostanes were measured. Aged animals fed on virgin olive oil showed higher BMD than those fed on sunflower oil. In addition, CoQ10 prevented the age-related decline in BMD in animals fed on sunflower oil. Urinary F2-isoprostanes analysis showed that sunflower oil led to the highest oxidative status in old animals, which was avoided by supplementation with CoQ10. In conclusion, lifelong feeding on virgin olive oil or the supplementation of sunflower oil on CoQ10 prevented, at least in part mediated by a low oxidative stress status, the age-related decrease in BMD found in sunflower oil fed animals.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (AGL2008-01057) and the Autonomous Government of Andalusia (AGR832)

    The intake of fried virgin olive or sunflower oils differentially induces oxidative stress in rat liver microsomes

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    Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 March 2007This work was supported by CICYT project ALI91-1113- C03-01. M. Battino was a visiting scientist at Granada University, thanks to Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Madrid. J.L. Quiles and M.C. Ramirez-Tortosa received a short-term fellowship by Ancona University.The effects of non-fried and fried virgin olive and sunflower oils on rat liver microsomal compositional features have been investigated. In addition, plasma antioxidants (α-tocopherol and ubiquinone 9) were investigated as well as the possible oxidative modifications suffered by virgin olive and sunflower oils during the frying process. The frying process decreased the content of α-tocopherol and phenolics in the oils and increased total polar materials. Sunflower oil was affected to a greater extent than olive oil. In rats, the intake of fried oil led to higher levels of lipid peroxidation and a lower concentration of plasma antioxidants. Microsomal fatty acid and antioxidant profiles were also altered. It seems that a strong relationship exists between the loss of antioxidants and the production of toxic compounds in the oils after frying and the extent of the peroxidative events in microsomes, which were also different depending on the fat source. The highly unsaturated sunflower oil was less resistant to the oxidative stress produced by frying and led to a higher degree of lipid peroxidation in liver microsomes in vivo than virgin olive oil.CICYT project ALI91-1113- C03-01.