46 research outputs found

    Evaluar la creatividad con prototipos. Métricas basadas en objetivos

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    Los prototipos son artefactos que representan ideas y que permiten validar conceptos por su funcionamiento.&nbsp

    Potenciando la Creatividad en Diseño Industrial a través de la Inteligencia Artificial: Estudio sobre la cocreación hombre-máquina

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    The present work analyses artificial intelligence (AI) in industrial design creativity. It emphasizes creativity as a key driver of innovation, supporting collaborative and multidisciplinary approaches such as co-creation and co-design, along with AI. Additionally, AI tools generate images from text. This highlights the interaction between designers and AI in product conceptualization. A sample of 80 students in industrial design engineering is analysed. This analysis highlights the benefits and challenges of this human-machine co-creation and concluding with future development options

    Analysis of modular design applicable in prosumer scope. Guideline in the creation of a new modular design model

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    Modular design is the design based on independent and connectable modules to achieve product variety. It is an ideal tool that could facilitate the inclusion of prosumers in the creative process. However, its evolution has focused on product development and not on end users. The creation of a new modular design model for prosumers could respond to their needs while exploiting the advantages of modularity. The present work analyzes the applicability of modular design in the prosumer scope and defines a guideline for the creation of the new model. To this end, prosumer and modular design methods are collected and analyzed throughout the previously defined design process. The intersection between both terms is analyzed through a series of real cases and design methods that show what the objectives of prosumers are and if the present products and methods meet their needs. These results will establish the current and potential link between modular design and prosumers. Finally, the objectives and stages to develop the design model based on previous results are presented. The paper presents relevant findings such as the lack of methods in the conceptual design phases and a guideline to ensure that the prosumer benefits from modular design. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/)

    Adoption of modular design by makers and prosumers. A survey

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    The growing tendency for end users to get involved in the design and manufacturing phase of their own products has led to the proliferation of makers and prosumers. The tools available for this have been adapted to be used by non-specialized users who seek to meet their own needs and wants. Modular design offers a series of advantages directly related to the needs of current users, but which has hardly been used to benefit them. Instead, its development has geared towards aspects that are hidden to the consumer, such as flexible production. This work presents a survey, part of a wider research, whose objective is to develop a methodological model for the prosumer to benefit from modular design. The survey was open for several months and was only aimed at makers, prosumers and designers. A dissemination plan was drawn up where the current communication channels of these users were taken into account. The results show what the current prosumer is like, what their needs are and how they relate to modular design. Finally, the conclusions provide information on how to develop a model proposal to ensure its correct usability and acceptance

    Conceptualization of modular products for the prosumer. A design workshop

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    Modular design has proven to bring numerous advantages in the design and development of new products, but its relationship with the end user has been limited in practical scope. Previous studies analyze its applicability for prosumer users, but it has not yet been tested as a design method. This work presents a first application in a design workshop carried out during the conceptualization phase of a real project. The objective was to design a multifunction portable cart that complies with the characteristics of modular design and is focused on prosumers. This conceptualization was developed by designers and prosumers with the purpose of designing modular products for the prosumer. To do this, the key terms and the design method were explained to the participants. Subsequently, two group exercises were carried out to devise new applications and propose limitations and solutions. The workshop concludes with the individual conceptualization of the product, giving rise to 22 design concepts that were evaluated by the participants. Due to the lack of consensus, a second evaluation was carried out by the three coordinators of the workshop. The highest rated concept was fully evolved and developed, including manufacturing. The results offer conclusions on how the participants applied the method, what were the most applied characteristics of modular design, what manufacturing tools were proposed for prosumers and how to approach the method to non-specialized users

    REVISTE Design of workshops for upcycling: A case study on re-designing clothes for a new purpose

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    ReViste busca demostrar la aplicación de diversas metodologías en talleres dinámicos con el objetivo principal de divulgar nuevas posibilidades para alargar el fin de vida útil de las prendas y, por consiguiente, reducir los impactos negativos provocados por el Fast Fashion (o Moda Rápida en su término en castellano). En este sentido, el presente documento recoge un diagnóstico cuantitativo y objetivo del fenómeno Fast Fashion que posteriormente será analizado y llevado a la práctica en dos talleres divulgativos. Finalmente, el informe recoge una serie de conclusiones y discusiones para potenciar el desarrollo posterior de la metodología en futuros experimentos

    Deconstructing the Tower of Babel: a design method to improve empathy and teamwork competences of informatics students

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    The competence-based education recently launched in Spanish universities presents a set of abilities and skills that are difficult to teach to students in higher and more technologically-oriented grades. In this paper, a teaching intervention that is based on design methodologies is proposed, to upgrade the competitive capacities of computer engineering students. In particular, this intervention targets those aspects relating to working in multidisciplinary teams and to defining requirements based on the user’s empathy and knowledge. The main idea inspiring this technique is that the underlying challenge is a communication problem. As Brooks (1995) states in his book The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, even a project having all of the prerequisites for success (a clear mission, manpower, materials, time and adequate technology) could fail as a Tower of Babel. The proposed technique through mixed methods has been evaluated with students enrolled in different courses, confirming the repeatability and validity of this method from quantitative measurement, from observation of the results, and from ascertaining the value perceived by students and their attitudes

    Protector de clavícula para la práctica del ciclismo modalidad de descenso

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    Dentro del planteamiento inicial del proyecto que era “carcasa biónica”, se presenta en estas páginas el desarrollo conceptual de un protector que pretende minimizar el riesgo de rotura de clavícula en los ciclistas de la modalidad de descenso. La búsqueda y posterior análisis de un referente biónico describen la línea del proyecto

    Linterna bioinspirada autónoma para bicicletas.

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    El proyecto realizado consiste en el diseño y prototipado de un foco frontal para bicicletas que se abastezca de forma autónoma mediante un generador eólico cuyas hélices están inspiradas en las sámaras. Las sámaras son un recurso que emplean ciertos árboles en la naturaleza para diseminar sus semillas lejos de su origen.<br /

    Dispositivo acuático bioinspirado para microfiltración.

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    Diseño de un dispositivo que incorpora un sistema de control de movimiento y flotación semejante al que poseen los peces u otros organismos acuáticos, y que pueda hundirse y salir a la superficie para realizar el proceso de microfiltración aprovechando las corrientes naturales y consumiendo el mínimo de energía posible. El sistema de microfiltración se basará en la reutilización de mascarillas COVID.<br /