723 research outputs found

    Atenció a la diversitat d'alumnes amb altes capacitats a l'aula de Tecnologia

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    L'objectiu fonamental d'aquest treball és millorar l'atenció a la diversitat de l'alumnat amb altes capacitats. En primer lloc es mostren les dades de detecció d'aquest tipus d'alumnat, per conèixer la situació actual en què es troben, i es descriuen les conseqüències del dèficit de detecció que existeix actualment. A continuació aquest treball proposa una sèrie de recursos per millorar la situació dels alumnes amb altes capacitats des de l'aula de Tecnologia, tant per a la detecció d'aquests alumnes com per a l'actuació quan ja han sigut identificats. Per a això, es fa un estudi de l'assignatura de Tecnologia a l'Educació Secundària Obligatòria, i s'exposen els temes que es consideren més adients, descrivint eines i activitats que puguin ajudar al seu desenvolupament intel·lectual i emocional, així com a aprofitar les seves capacitats

    The neem bioinsecticides in pest insects control in economics crops : La Habana (Cuba)

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    En Cuba, la generalización del cultivo del Nim (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) y el uso de los bioinsecticidas producidos a partir de éste como apoyo al desarrollo de una agricultura sostenible y ecológica, trae consigo la necesidad de validar su efectividad biológica en una gama cada vez más amplia de plagas de interés agrícola. En el presente trabajo se demuestra que con el uso de los productos OleoNim 80 CE, NeoNim 60 CE, CubaNim T, CubaNim SM y FoliarNim HM es posible controlar con eficacia la acción nociva de plagas tales como Diaphania hyalinata (L.) en melón, Empoasca fabae (Harris) en poroto, Thrips palmi (Karny) en pepino en organopónico y bajo condiciones de cultivo protegido, y Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) en poroto y tomate. Las efectividades biológicas alcanzadas en estas experiencias, oscilaron entre 75 y 100 %, lo cual confirma la factibilidad del uso de estos bioinsecticidas insertados en el Manejo Integrado de Plagas para una agricultura sostenible.In Cuba, the Neem tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) and bioinsecticides produced from this botanical specie have been generalizated and have set up themselves as an important support for the development of a sustainable and ecological agriculture. This process brought out the need of biological effectiveness validation against an each time enlarged sort of pests with agricultural importance. This work showed that employing bioinsecticides as OleoNim 80 EC, NeoNim 60 EC, CubaNim T, CubaNim SM and FoliarNim HM is possible to get an effective control of Diaphania hyalinata (L.) in water melon, Empoasca fabae (Harris) in beans, Thrips palmi (Karny) in cucumber under organoponic conditions (bed with organic substrates) and crop protected conditions, and Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) in beans and tomato. Biological effects observed in all experiments fluctuated between 75 and 100 % which confirm Neem bioinsecticides feasibility to be used in Integrated Pest Management in a Sustainable Agriculture.Fil: López Díaz, María Teresa.Fil: Estrada Ortíz, Jesús

    Encouraging students’ motivation and Involvement in STEM degrees by the execution of real applications in mathematical subjects: the population migration problem

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    This paper presents a simplified model of the population migration problem, addressed to first-year engineering students in order to show them the use of linear algebra tools. The study consists of predicting the census in the city centre and in the suburbs, determining the city population equilibrium point, and making a sociological interpretation of population flows. This practical problem is part of the seminar “Applications of Linear Algebra in Engineering”, which is being held at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (UPC). This seminar consists in the learning of linear algebra by the implementation of real applications where mathematical tools are required to resolve them. This paper presents an application of linear algebra to the population migration problem and analyses students’ appreciation through anonymous surveys and personal interviews. The surveys assessed students’ motivation towards the subject of linear algebra and their learning of mathematical concepts. Personal interviews were conducted for students in order to let them express in detail their opinion about the seminar. The results confirm that the introduction of real applications in the learning of mathematics increases students’ motivation and involvement, which implies an improvement in students’ performance in the first courses of STEM degrees.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de QualitatPostprint (published version

    Improving calculus curriculum in engineering degrees: implementation of technological applications

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    The teaching of mathematics has always concerned all the professionals involved in engineering degrees. Curently students have less interest in these studies, what has caused an increase of this concern. The lack of awareness of students about the significance of mathematics in their careers, provoke the decrease of undergraduate students’ motivation, which derives in a low interest in engineering degrees. The aim of this work is that engineering students achieve a greater motivation and involvement in first academic courses, through the implementation of real and technological applications related to their degrees in the learning of mathematical concepts. To this end, the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 academics years, the seminar “Applications of Multivariable Calculus in Engineering” has been held in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (UPC), based on the teaching of Multivariable Calculus by the execution of real problems where calculus concepts are necessary to solve them. With the aim of analyzing students’ motivation and assessment of the seminar, anonymous surveys and personal interviews have been conducted. The number of attending students to the sessions in each academic year has been 16 and all of them have been participants in the surveys and interviews. The results show that students’ responses were generally positive and they agree that their motivation to the subject Multivariable Calculus has increased with the use of real applications of mathematics. The execution of practical problems with engineering applications improves the acquirement of mathematical concepts, what could imply an increase of students’ performance and a decrease of the dropout in the first academic courses of engineering degrees.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de QualitatPostprint (published version

    Contextualización de la enseñanza de las matemáticas en las carreras tecnológicas

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsThe teaching of Mathematics has been always a matter of great concern at all academic levels and more especially in technological degrees. Both the contents of mathematical subjects and the way they are taught, have been always questioned. Currently, students have less interest in technological degrees and the dropout rate has increased in first courses of these studies. One of the main reasons is the lack of motivation that students have towards mathematical subjects in these first academic years, which is derived in most cases, from the lack of awareness about the importance of Mathematics for their academic progress and for their future profession. Likewise, technological knowledge is becoming more specialized, as well as fundamental for economic development of present societies, thus experts in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) disciplines are more required and the occupation demand of STEM professionals is expected to increase. The fact that there are fewer students interested in technological degrees and that these specialists are the most demanded, accentuate the concern of educators and professionals involved. The main objective of this thesis is to increase students’ motivation and involvement towards mathematical subjects in first academic years of technological degrees through the contextualization of these subjects in the different disciplines which compose their degrees, so that students became aware of the importance of Mathematics for the development of their degree and for their future career. In this way, students’ interest towards Mathematics increase, growing their academic performance and decreasing the dropout failure rate in these degrees. So, this work has as a goal, the improvement of the quality education in technological degrees, in which the required knowledge for the education in sustainable development is taught, and therefore it contributes to the achievement of the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) proposed by Unesco (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in the 2030 Agenda. To attain these objectives, the implementation of practical mathematical applications related to the disciplines that students will learn in next academic years, have been undertaken. To this end, in the 2019/2020 y 2020/2021 academic years, the seminars “Applications of Mathematics in Engineering I: Linear Algebra”, and “Applications of Mathematics in Engineering II: Multivariable Calculus”, in UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech), based on the teaching of these subjects through the execution of real problems, where the mathematical concepts which are part of those subjects, are necessary to solve the problems. To analyze the effect that these seminars have caused on the students, anonymous surveys has been held, where students have valued these sessions regarding to their motivation improvement and to the learning of mathematical concepts through practical applications. Moreover, at the end of each seminar, personal interviews have been undertaken, in which students have been able to express straightforwardly their opinion about these sessions. The results obtained confirm that the implementation of real mathematical problems increases their motivation and improves the learning of the developed mathematical concepts, what implies a performance increase and a dropout rate decrease in first academic years of technological degrees. This entails a greater interest in STEM degrees, which are essential for economic development of present societies.La enseñanza de las Matemáticas siempre ha sido un tema de gran preocupación a todos los niveles académicos y más especialmente en las carreras tecnológicas. Tanto los contenidos de las asignaturas matemáticas, como la forma de impartirlos han sido constantemente cuestionados. Actualmente los estudiantes tienen cada vez menos interés en las carreras tecnológicas y ha aumentado la tasa de abandono en estas carreras. Una de las causas principales es la falta de motivación que tienen los estudiantes hacia las asignaturas matemáticas en los primeros cursos, que viene derivada en la mayoría de los casos, de la falta de conciencia sobre la importancia de las Matemáticas para su futuro profesional. Asimismo, el conocimiento tecnológico es cada vez más especializado y fundamental para el desarrollo económico de las sociedades actuales, por lo tanto, son más necesarios los especialistas en las disciplinas STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) y por ello se espera un aumento en la demanda de ocupación de profesionales STEM. El hecho de que cada vez haya menos estudiantes interesados en las carreras tecnológicas y de que estos especialistas sean los más demandados, acentúa la preocupación de los educadores y profesionales implicados. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es aumentar la motivación e implicación del alumnado hacia las asignaturas matemáticas de las carreras tecnológicas a través de la contextualización de estas asignaturas en las diferentes disciplinas que componen sus carreras, de tal manera que los estudiantes tomen conciencia de la importancia de las Matemáticas para el desarrollo de su carrera profesional. De esta forma, el alumnado aumenta su interés hacia las Matemáticas, mejorando su rendimiento y disminuyendo así la tasa de fracaso escolar. Así pues, este trabajo tiene como objetivo mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza de las carreras tecnológicas, en las cuales se imparten los conocimientos necesarios para la educación en el desarrollo sostenible, y por consiguiente contribuye al cumplimiento de los ODS (Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible) planteados por la Unesco (Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura) en la Agenda 2030. Para conseguir estos objetivos se ha llevado a cabo la implementación de aplicaciones prácticas de las Matemáticas, relacionadas con las disciplinas que el alumnado estudiará en los próximos cursos de sus carreras. Para ello, en los cursos 2019/2020 y 2020/2021 se han impartido los seminarios “Aplicaciones de Matemáticas” en Ingeniería I: Álgebra Lineal, y Aplicaciones de Matemáticas en la Ingeniería II: Cálculo Multivariable, en la UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech), basados en la enseñanza de estas asignaturas a través de la ejecución de problemas reales, donde los conceptos matemáticos que forman parte de esas asignaturas son necesarios para resolver los problemas. Para analizar el efecto que ha tenido la realización de estos seminarios en los estudiantes, al final de cada sesión se han realizado encuestas anónimas, en las que los estudiantes han valorado estas sesiones con respecto a la mejora en su motivación y al aprendizaje de las Matemáticas a través de las aplicaciones prácticas. Además, al final de cada seminario se han realizado entrevistas personales, en las cuales el alumnado ha podido expresar abiertamente su opinión sobre estas sesiones. Los resultados obtenidos confirman que la implementación de problemas matemáticos reales aumenta su motivación y mejora el aprendizaje de los conceptos matemáticos desarrollados, lo cual implica un aumento en su rendimiento y una disminución del abandono en los primeros cursos de las carreras tecnológicas, que conlleva un mayor interés por las carreras STEM, las cuales son fundamentales para el desarrollo económico de las sociedades actualesPostprint (published version

    Prediction analysis of academic dropout in students of the Pablo de Olavide University

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    Academic dropout among university students represents one of the problems faced by educational systems. This preliminary study presents an approach to the phenomenon of academic failure at the Pablo de Olavide University in Spain through the determination of the factors linked to students continuing with their studies, and the subsequent establishment of risk groups. The study consisted of applying an instrument to diagnose the risk of academic dropout among a sample of 70 students from the Pablo de Olavide University (from now on, UPO). The instrument was applied at the beginning of the second semester. Unlike the objective posed by the aforementioned authors (the search for factors linked to students continuing their university studies), the use that we made of the survey was to predict non-persistence (dropout). The average overall score achieved for all of the items allows us to confirm that the student population surveyed seems to be more oriented to continuing with their studies than dropping out, although 15.71% of them show a high risk of dropping out, and most notably more than half of those taking a degree in Business Studies present this high level of risk. In the case of the UPO students the direct associations between the independent variables regarding the dependent variable were present in all of the factors (attitude and behavior, commitment, socio-economic background, and motivation) with a value of p lower than 0.05. Comparing these data to those obtained with students from different universities in Andalusia, it was found that the risk groups of UPO students are less inclined to dropping out than those from other universities, and their level of commitment is lower, although their attitude and behavior are somewhat better. Finally, socio-economic background is a less significant factor for UPO students.R?+?D?+?I projects FEDER Andalusia 2014-2020 B-SEJ-516-UGR1

    Etude des médicaments employés dans la pharmacie de l'Hôpital de "Las Cinco Llagas" de Séville (1776-1836)

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    Actes du XXXIe Congrès International d'Histoire de la Pharmacie (Paris, 25-29 septembre 1995

    L'assistance pharmaceutique dans les hôpitaux de Jerez de la Frontera (XVIe-XIXe siècles)

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    Martinez Garcia Consolación, López Diaz Maria Teresa, Moreno Toral Esteban. L'assistance pharmaceutique dans les hôpitaux de Jerez de la Frontera (XVIe-XIXe siècles). In: Revue d'histoire de la pharmacie, 84ᵉ année, n°312, 1996. Actes du XXXIe Congrès International d'Histoire de la Pharmacie (Paris, 25-29 septembre 1995) pp. 86-94