56 research outputs found

    Sintomas depressivos em idosos institucionalizados

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    OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of depressive symptoms among institutionalized elderly individuals and to analyze factors associated with this condition. METHODS This was a cross-sectional study involving 462 individuals aged 60 or older, residents in long stay institutions in four Brazilian municipalities. The dependent variable was assessed using the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale. Poisson’s regression was used to evaluate associations with co-variables. We investigated which variables were most relevant in terms of presence of depressive symptoms within the studied context through factor analysis. RESULTS Prevalence of depressive symptoms was 48.7%. The variables associated with depressive symptoms were: regular/bad/very bad self-rated health; comorbidities; hospitalizations; and lack of friends in the institution. Five components accounted for 49.2% of total variance of the sample: functioning, social support, sensory deficiency, institutionalization and health conditions. In the factor analysis, functionality and social support were the components which explained a large part of observed variance. CONCLUSIONS A high prevalence of depressive symptoms, with significant variation in distribution, was observed. Such results emphasize the importance of health conditions and functioning for institutionalized older individuals developing depression. They also point to the importance of providing opportunities for interaction among institutionalized individuals.OBJETIVO Analisar a prevalência de depressão em idosos institucionalizados e os fatores associados. MÉTODOS Estudo seccional com 462 indivíduos de 60 anos ou mais, residentes em instituições de longa permanência em quatro municípios brasileiros. A variável dependente foi avaliada pela Escala de Depressão Geriátrica de 15 itens. Foi efetuada a análise de regressão de Poisson para avaliar associações com as covariáveis. Buscou-se identificar as variáveis mais relevantes para a presença de sintomas depressivos por meio de análise fatorial. RESULTADOS A prevalência de sintomas depressivos foi 48,7%. A saúde autorreferida como regular/ruim/muito ruim, as comorbidades, hospitalizações e a falta de amigos na instituição apresentaram associação com a presença de sintomas depressivos. Foram identificados cinco componentes que, em conjunto, explicaram 49,2% da variância da amostra: funcionalidade, apoio social, deficiência sensorial, institucionalização e condições de saúde. Na análise fatorial, os componentes funcionalidade e apoio social foram os que explicaram grande parte da variância observada. CONCLUSÕES Observou-se alta prevalência de sintomas depressivos, com distribuição heterogênea. Esses resultados reforçam o papel das condições de saúde e da funcionalidade para o desenvolvimento de depressão nos idosos institucionalizados e apontam para a importância de oferecer oportunidades de interação entre os residentes nas instituições de longa permanência

    Situação linguística do português em São Tomé e Príncipe

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    Este trabalho pretende discutir a situação linguística do português em São Tomé e Príncipe, situado no Golfo da Guiné. São Tomé e Príncipe é um país multilíngue, onde línguas crioulas de base portuguesa convivem com variedades locais de português, compondo uma ecologia linguística de grande complexidade e fortemente marcada pelo contato linguístico de línguas tipologicamente diferentes. Apresentaremos as características sócio-históricas da situação de contato em São Tomé e Príncipe e discutiremos a situação linguística atual e o papel do português neste contexto


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    ABSTRACT Purpose: to estimate the prevalence of oral communication, memory, reading and writing, voice and oral motor skills problems in elderly people. Methods: cross-sectional study with 75 older people registered in a Family Clinic of Rio de Janeiro. It was estimated the prevalence, in all cases and by sex. The presence of differences between the sexes was verified by statistical tests t and chi-square. Results: the problems most frequently related to oral communication and memory were the avoidance to communicate (20.5%), difficulty in remembering recent and past events (34.7% and 26.4% respectively). There was a high prevalence of difficulty in reading and writing. According to hearing, 43.10% reported "watching television and listening to radio too loud." Related to voice perception, 71.2% referred "speak loudly or shouting" and 23.6% to "get hoarse frequently." As far as Myofunctional oral motor skill, 24.7% had "difficulties in chewing in general" and 54.8% "snoring while sleeping." Conclusion: in this study, there was a large proportion of elderly people who referred difficulties related to language, hearing, speech and chewing skills, which are functions related to socialization, welfare and maintenance of functional autonomy and can directly interfere with their quality of life and health. Keywords: Speech and Language Pathology; Health of Elderly; Prevalence RESUMO Objetivo: estimar a prevalência de problemas da comunicação oral, memória, leitura, escrita, voz, audição e motricidade orofacial em idosos. Métodos: estudo transversal, com 75 idosos cadastrados em uma Clínica da Família carioca. Foram estimadas as prevalências por sexos e conjuntamente. Verificou-se a presença de diferenças entre os sexos por meio dos testes t e qui-quadrado. Resultados: os principais problemas de comunicação oral e memória foram "evita se comunicar" (20,5%) e "dificuldades em lembrar fatos recentes e passados" (34,7% e 26,4%, respectivamente). Observou-se elevada prevalência de dificuldade na leitura e escrita. Em relação à audição, 43,1% relataram "ver televisão e ouvir rádio muito alto". Quanto à voz, 71,2% referiam "falar alto ou gritando" e 23,6% "ficar roucos com frequência". Na motricidade orofacial, 24,7% apresentavam "dificuldades na mastigação em geral" e 54,8% "roncavam ao dormir". Conclusão: neste estudo, observou-se uma grande parcela de idosos que referia dificuldades relacionadas às habilidades de linguagem, audição, fonação e mastigação, que são funções relacionadas à socialização, bem-estar e manutenção da autonomia funcional, podendo interferir diretamente na sua qualidade de vida e saúde

    Occurrence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in opossums caught in urban areas of Bauru, state of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common zoonoses worldwide. It was initially described in rodents and rabbits. There are few data on the morbidity and mortality of this disease among Brazilian marsupial fauna, such as opossums. These animals are of great importance regarding the epidemiology of this disease, given that they are prey for felids and other carnivores. With the aim of ascertaining the serological response to Toxoplasma gondii among marsupials (Didelphis spp.), 38 animals that had been caught in 14 districts of the urban area of the municipality of Bauru, state of São Paulo, were evaluated. The modified agglutination test (MAT) showed that 26.3% (10/38) of the samples analyzed were seropositive. It can be suggested that the opossums’ behavior and persistent proximity to human housing results in contact with cats and T. gondii infection, based on the frequency found in this study. This was the first study on the seroprevalence of T. gondii in opossums caught in the urban area of the municipality of Bauru, SP, and it highlights the need for environmental and health authorities of the municipality to monitor this zoonosis. A toxoplasmose é uma das zoonoses mais comuns no mundo, tendo sido descrita inicialmente em roedores e em coelhos. Todavia, poucos são os dados sobre morbidade e mortalidade da toxoplasmose nos marsupiais da fauna brasileira, como os gambás, sendo de grande importância na epidemiologia da doença, como presas para felídeos e outros carnívoros. Com o objetivo de verificar a resposta sorológica para Toxoplasma gondii em marsupiais (Didelphis spp.), foram avaliados 38 animais capturados em 14 regiões da área urbana do município de Bauru-SP. Foi encontrada uma frequência, de acordo com o teste de aglutinação modificada (MAT), de 26,3% (10/38) nas amostras analisadas. Pode-se sugerir que o comportamento dos gambás e sua permanência próxima a habitações humanas resultam em contato com gatos e infecção por T. gondii, tendo em vista a frequência encontrada neste estudo. Este é o primeiro estudo de soroprevalência de T. gondii em gambás capturados na área urbana do município de Bauru-SP, alertando-se para a necessidade do monitoramento desta zoonose pelas autoridades de vigilância ambiental e sanitária do município

    The effect of Cratylia floribunda lectin on renal hemodynamics and ion transport

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    As lectinas são descritas como (glico)proteínas que se ligam, especificamente e reversivelmente, a carboidratos. Lectinas de leguminosas isoladas da subtribo Diocleinae (Canavalia, Dioclea eCratylia) são estruturalmente homólogas em relação às suas estruturas primárias. Demonstrou-se que as lectinas de DiocleinaeCanavalia brasiliensis, Dioclea guianensis eCanavalia ensiformis alteram diferentemente parâmetros fisiológicos em rins isolados de ratos. Dessa maneira, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o papel da lectina de Cratylia floribunda (CFL) na hemodinâmica renal e no transporte de íons em ratos. Em rins isolados perfundidos, CFL (10 mg/mL, n=5) aumentou a pressão de perfusão renal, a resistência vascular renal e reduziu o percentual do transporte tubular de K+, mas não alterou o fluxo urinário, a taxa de filtração glomerular e o percentual de transporte tubular dos íons sódio e cloreto. No leito mesentérico isolado perfundido, CFL (3 e 10 mg/mL/min, n=4) não alterou o tônus basal ou a contração do tecido induzida por fenilefrina (1 mM/mL/min). Em conclusão, a lectina de sementes de Cratylia floribunda altera parâmetros hemodinâmicos renais, provavelmente de origem tubular, e não por alterações hemodinâmicas.Lectins have been described as glycoproteins that reversibly and specifically bind to carbohydrates. Legume lectins isolated from the subtribe Diocleinae (Canavalia, Dioclea andCratylia) are structurally homologous with respect to their primary structures. The Diocleinae lectins of Canavalia brasiliensis, Dioclea guianensis andCanavalia ensiformis have been shown to distinctly alter physiological parameters in isolated rat kidneys. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Cratylia floribunda lectin (CFL) on renal hemodynamics and ion transport in rats. In isolated perfused kidneys, CFL (10 mg/mL, n=5) increased RPP, RVR and decreased %TK+, but did not change urinary flow, glomerular filtration rate, sodium or chloride tubular transport. In isolated perfused mesenteric bed, CFL (3 and 10 mg/mL/min; n=4) did not alter tissue basal tonus or tissue contraction by phenylephrine (1 mM/mL/min). In conclusion, the seed lectin of Cratylia floribunda increased renal hemodynamic parameters showing a kaliuretic effect. This effect could be of tubular origin, rather than a result from haemodynamic alterations

    Detection and quantification of pathogens in saliva of adolescents with cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional study

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    BackgroundElevated levels of inflammatory mediators in saliva have been described in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP).ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to detect and quantify the pathogens Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum and Prevotella intermedia in the saliva of adolescents with CP.MethodsThis is a cross-sectional study with adolescents with CP to detect periodontopathogens from saliva samples. Initially, saliva was collected from the CP (n = 34) and control groups (n = 31), followed by the gingival index (GI) for distribution of the groups of individuals with CP and control with gingivitis (bleeding on probing ≥ 10%) and without gingivitis. Bacterial DNA was extracted from saliva samples for detection of periodontopathogens by quantitative PCR (q-PCR). Data were analyzed by Mann–Whitney and Kruskal–Wallis tests, analysis of variance t-test (ANOVA) with Tukey–Kramer post-hoc tests (p < 0.05).ResultsThe quantification of DNA of periodontopathogens in saliva samples showed that adolescents with CP present a variability (22.93–39.56) in the detection of P. gingivalis and that some subjects with CP and gingivitis (n = 4) present high quantification of P. gingivalis (ranging 39.56–37.65), although no significant difference was found between the groups (p > 0.05). A significant contrast was observed for the pathogen P. intermedia when comparing the difference in the control group (p = 0.0396). No major differences were detected in the quantification of periodontopathogens evaluated between the control group and CP.ConclusionAdolescents with CP showed variability in the detection of DNA of periodontopathogens, especially a great variation in the detection of P gingivalis in saliva of CP with gingivitis

    Multidimensional assessment of institutionalized elderly: the reality of a brazilian institution

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    Background: The population aging in Brazil is characterized by the accumulation of progressive disabilities in their functional activities and daily life. To consider the elderlies in his/her multiple dimensions turns out to be a critical issue to improvetheir assistance to an institu-tionalized level, improving their health and quality of life. To perform a mini-overall evaluation of institutionalized elderly person to trace their profile in relation to the socio-demographic, functional capacity, nutritional status and cognition. Methods: Descriptive study, with a cross-sectional design and quan-titative approach performed in a long - stay institution for the elderly in Natal, RN. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Com-mittee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under opinion number 164/2011.Results: 63.3% of the elderly were female, with ages varying from 61 to 103 years. 60.0% were single; 56.7% were literate. 66.7% had no children and 55% lived with their families before the institutio-nalization. As for the institutionalization time, 63.3% resided in the institution for four years. As what concerns the aspects of health, 73.3% of the elderly presented hearing difficulties, 90% make use of medicines predominantly to diabetes and hypertension. There is clear evidence that the institutionalization has been harmful to the elderly as with regards basic activities of daily living, nutritional status and cognitive aspects. Conclusion: The progressive disability in functional activities of daily life interferes directly in the quality of life, increasing dependency and minimizing the autonomy of these individuals. It is necessary to effec-tive implementation of public policies directed to the institutionalized elderly from the perspective of effective actions for improved attention and assistance