4 research outputs found

    Risk factors for the presence of Fasciola hepatica antibodies in bulk-milk samples and their association with milk production decreases, in Cuban dairy cattle

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    Background: Worldwide, Fasciola hepatica infection causes high production losses in the livestock industry. Recently, studies have analyzed the association between measurements of F. hepatica infection intensity and herd management practices. The aim of the present study, the first of its kind in a subtropical region, was to evaluate associations between F. hepatica bulk-tank milk ELISA results with herd management factors and milk yield in dairy herds, in Camaguey, Cuba. The SVANOVIR (R) F. hepatica-AB ELISA was used to measure F. hepatica antibody levels in a random sample of 516 dairy herds during the period of May-July of 2014. Farm management practice data were collected using a questionnaire. Results: With 82% of the herds testing positive, the results indicate that F. hepatica is very widespread in this area. Reductions in milk production of 18 and 32% were observed in herds with Optical Density Ratios (ODR) of 0.3-0.6 and>0.6, respectively, when compared to herds with ODR<0.3. Overall, the longer the milking cows were put out to pasture, the higher the levels of anti-parasite antibodies. Co-grazing with sheep and goats also significantly increased the risk of high ODR. Conclusions: Our data show a widespread occurrence of the parasite as well as a major potential impact of the infection on the Cuban development goal of becoming self-sufficient in milk production. Our risk factor analysis suggests that the prevention of infection around water sources, and the separation of cattle from small ruminants could be useful control measures. This is the first epidemiological survey of F. hepatica abundance, and associated reductions in milk yield, in dairy herds in Cuba

    Estudio familiar de las hemofilias A y B: 5 años de experiencia en la detección de portadoras Family study of hemophilia A and B: 5 years of experience in carrier detection

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    La hemofilia se caracteriza por ser una enfermedad congénita del trastorno de la coagulación y constituye un desorden recesivo ligado al cromosoma X. El estudio molecular se realiza por estudios indirectos por ser causada por mutaciones heterogéneas en los genes del FVIII y FIX. Se realizó el estudio de 40 familias afectadas con hemofilia A (HA) y 10 hemofilia B (HB). La extracción de ADN se realizó por el método de precipitación salina a 293 muestras de sangre y 19 de líquido amniótico, y se hizo el análisis de los polimorfismos St14, Bcl I y Hind III para la HA y Taq I, Xmn I y Dde I para la HB. Se usó la técnica de PCR. En el caso de la HA se obtuvo el 35 % de informatividad para St14 y Hind III y 32,5 para Bcl 1. El polimorfismo Dde I fue el más informativo para la HB con el 33 %; mientras que Taq I representó el 10 % de informatividad y XmnI el 0 %. Se comprobó que de las 40 familias analizadas con HA, 23 fueron informativas. Por otra parte, fueron informativas 4 familias de las afectadas con HB. Se realizaron 19 diagnósticos prenatales con previa determinación del sexo fetal, incluidos 3 varones enfermos.<br>Hemophilia is a congenital disease of coagulation disorder and it is a recessive disorder linked to X-chromosome. The molecular study is conducted by indirect studies due to it is caused by heterogeneous mutations in gen of FVIII and FIX in 40 families with hemophilia A (HA) and 10 with hemophilia B (HB). DNA extraction was carried out by saline precipitation method in 293 blood samples and 19 samples of amniotic fluid, as well as the analysis of St14, Bcl I and Hind III polymorphism for the AH and Taq I, Xmn I and Dde I for BH. The PCR technique was used. In the caser of AH it was possible to achieve a 35 % of information for St14 and Hind III and a 32.5 % for Bcl. Dde polymorphism supplied more information for BH for a 33 %; whereas the Taq I represented the 10 % of information and Xmn I the 0 %. We verified that from the families analyzed with HA, in 23 of them we there was information. Besides, in 4 families affected by HB there was information. A total of 19 prenatal diagnoses were made with a previous determination of fetus sex, including 3 males ill

    Círculos de interés de Enfermería en la enseñanza prescolar y primaria: experiencia de siete años

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    Background: vocational guidance is considered as one of the most essential ways to promote a correct professional choice in the new generations. Methods: a retrospective descriptive study was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing of the Medical University of Villa Clara, from 2005 to 2012, in order to describe the experiences of vocational training through science clubs in preschool and school institutions. Theoretical methods such as analysis-synthesis and inductive-deductive method were used; as well as empirical methods, such as documentary analysis and observation, and mathematical methods in order to deliver results in absolute and relative terms. Results: there are positive experiences concerning the science clubs in vocational training, the approach to their topics through culture and Marti's thinking as a way to achieve motivation for this specialty from an early age, and the use of programs and teaching aids developed by their teachers and families. Theory and practice was linked by means of visits to nursing labs, museums of anatomy, medical offices and polyclinics. The numerical data showed that the retention rate of those enrolled in the science clubs in the different teaching levels was 100%, which shows the high level of acceptance among the students. Conclusions: the vocational training activities conducted by the Faculty of Nursing through the science clubs have been a useful and effective experience for motivating children and adolescents to approach the nursing profession.Fundamento: la formación vocacional se considera como una de las vías imprescindibles para propiciar una correcta elección profesional de las nuevas generaciones. Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva retrospectiva, durante el periodo de 2005 a 2012, en la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, con el objetivo de describir las experiencias del trabajo de formación vocacional a través de los círculos de interés en instituciones prescolares y escolares. Para ello se utilizaron como métodos teóricos: el análisis síntesis y el inductivo deductivo; empíricos, el análisis documental y la observación; y matemáticos para ofrecer resultados en valores absolutos y relativos. Resultados: se destacan las experiencias positivas de los círculos de interés en la formación vocacional, el tratamiento de sus temas a través del pensamiento martiano y la cultura como vías para lograr la motivación hacia esta especialidad desde edades tempranas, empleando programas y medios de enseñanza elaborados por sus docentes y familias. En ellos se vincularon teoría y práctica en las visitas a laboratorios de Enfermería, museo de Anatomía, consultorios médicos y policlínicos; los datos numéricos permitieron apreciar que el índice de permanencia de los matriculados en los círculos de interés de las diferentes enseñanzas fue de 100 %, lo cual demuestra el alto grado de aceptación que tienen los interesados. Conclusiones: el trabajo de formación vocacional realizado por la Facultad de Enfermería a través de los círculos de interés fue una experiencia útil y efectiva para la motivación de niños y adolescentes hacia la profesión enfermera