2,907 research outputs found

    Localization Properties of Quantized Magnetostatic Modes in Nanocubes

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    We investigate the dynamical properties of a system of interacting magnetic dipoles disposed in sites of an sc lattice and forming a cubic-shaped sample of size determined by the cube edge length (N-1)a (a being the lattice constant, N representing the number of dipolar planes). The dipolar field resulting from the dipole-dipole interactions is calculated numerically in points of the axis connecting opposite cube face centers (central axis) by collecting individual contributions to this field coming from each of the N atomic planes perpendicular to the central axis. The applied magnetic field is assumed to be oriented along the central axis, magnetizing uniformly the whole sample, all the dipoles being aligned parallelly in the direction of the applied field. The frequency spectrum of magnetostatic waves propagating in the direction of the applied field is found numerically by solving the Landau-Lifshitz equation of motion including the local (nonhomogeneous) dipolar field component; the mode amplitude spatial distributions (mode profiles) are depicted as well. It is found that only the two energetically highest modes have bulk-extended character. All the remaining modes are of localized nature; more precisely, the modes forming the lower part of the spectrum are localized in the subsurface region, while the upper-spectrum modes are localized around the sample center. We show that the mode localization regions narrow down as the cube size, N, increases (we investigated the range of N=21 to N=101), and in sufficiently large cubes one obtains practically only center-localized and surface-localized magnetostatic modes.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures in postscript, useing Revtex4.cl

    Optimal target search on a fast folding polymer chain with volume exchange

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    We study the search process of a target on a rapidly folding polymer (`DNA') by an ensemble of particles (`proteins'), whose search combines 1D diffusion along the chain, Levy type diffusion mediated by chain looping, and volume exchange. A rich behavior of the search process is obtained with respect to the physical parameters, in particular, for the optimal search.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, REVTe

    High-Field Superconductivity at an Electronic Topological Transition in URhGe

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    The emergence of superconductivity at high magnetic fields in URhGe is regarded as a paradigm for new state formation approaching a quantum critical point. Until now, a divergence of the quasiparticle mass at the metamagnetic transition was considered essential for superconductivity to survive at magnetic fields above 30 tesla. Here we report the observation of quantum oscillations in URhGe revealing a tiny pocket of heavy quasiparticles that shrinks continuously with increasing magnetic field, and finally disappears at a topological Fermi surface transition close to or at the metamagnetic field. The quasiparticle mass decreases and remains finite, implying that the Fermi velocity vanishes due to the collapse of the Fermi wavevector. This offers a novel explanation for the re-emergence of superconductivity at extreme magnetic fields and makes URhGe the first proven example of a material where magnetic field-tuning of the Fermi surface, rather than quantum criticality alone, governs quantum phase formation.Comment: A revised version has been accepted for publication in Nature Physic

    Pressure Evolution of the Ferromagnetic and Field Re-entrant Superconductivity in URhGe

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    Fine pressure (PP) and magnetic field (HH) tuning on the ferromagnetic superconductor URhGe are reported in order to clarify the interplay between the mass enhancement, low field superconductivity (SC) and field reentrant superconductivity (RSC) by electrical resistivity measurements. With increasing PP, the transition temperature and the upper critical field of the low field SC decrease slightly, while the RSC dome drastically shifts to higher fields and shrinks. The spin reorientation field HRH_{\rm R} also increases. At a pressure P1.8P\sim 1.8 GPa, the RSC has collapsed while the low field SC persists and may disappear only above 4 GPa. Via careful (P,H)(P, H) studies of the inelastic T2T^2 resistivity term, it is demonstrated that this drastic change is directly related with the PP dependence of the effective mass which determines the critical field of the low field SC and RSC on the basis of triplet SC without Pauli limiting field.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Journal of the Physical Society of Japa

    Hybridization gap and anisotropic far-infrared optical conductivity of URu2Si2

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    We performed far-infrared optical spectroscopy measurements on the heavy fermion compound URu 2 Si 2 as a function of temperature. The light's electric-field was applied along the a-axis or the c-axis of the tetragonal structure. We show that in addition to a pronounced anisotropy, the optical conductivity exhibits for both axis a partial suppression of spectral weight around 12 meV and below 30 K. We attribute these observations to a change in the bandstructure below 30 K. However, since these changes have no noticeable impact on the entropy nor on the DC transport properties, we suggest that this is a crossover phenomenon rather than a thermodynamic phase transition.Comment: To be published in Physical Review

    (In)finite extensions of algebras from their Inonu-Wigner contractions

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    The way to obtain massive non-relativistic states from the Poincare algebra is twofold. First, following Inonu and Wigner the Poincare algebra has to be contracted to the Galilean one. Second, the Galilean algebra is to be extended to include the central mass operator. We show that the central extension might be properly encoded in the non-relativistic contraction. In fact, any Inonu-Wigner contraction of one algebra to another, corresponds to an infinite tower of abelian extensions of the latter. The proposed method is straightforward and holds for both central and non-central extensions. Apart from the Bargmann (non-zero mass) extension of the Galilean algebra, our list of examples includes the Weyl algebra obtained from an extension of the contracted SO(3) algebra, the Carrollian (ultra-relativistic) contraction of the Poincare algebra, the exotic Newton-Hooke algebra and some others. The paper is dedicated to the memory of Laurent Houart (1967-2011).Comment: 7 pages, revtex style; v2: Minor corrections, references added; v3: Typos correcte

    Magnetization of ballistic quantum dots induced by a linear-polarized microwave field

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    On a basis of extensive analytical and numerical studies we show that a linear-polarized microwave field creates a stationary magnetization in mesoscopic ballistic quantum dots with two-dimensional electron gas being at a thermal equilibrium. The magnetization is proportional to a number of electrons in a dot and to a microwave power. Microwave fields of moderate strength create in a one dot of few micron size a magnetization which is by few orders of magnitude larger than a magnetization produced by persistent currents. The effect is weakly dependent on temperature and can be observed with existing experimental techniques. The parallels between this effect and ratchets in asymmetric nanostructures are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figs, research at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.f

    Extremely Large and Anisotropic Upper Critical Field and the Ferromagnetic Instability in UCoGe

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    Magnetoresistivity measurements with fine tuning of the field direction on high quality single crystals of the ferromagnetic superconductor UCoGe show anomalous anisotropy of the upper critical field H_c2. H_c2 for H // b-axis (H_c2^b) in the orthorhombic crystal structure is strongly enhanced with decreasing temperature with an S-shape and reaches nearly 20 T at 0 K. The temperature dependence of H_c2^a shows upward curvature with a low temperature value exceeding 30 T, while H_c2^c at 0 K is very small (~ 0.6 T). Contrary to conventional ferromagnets, the decrease of the Curie temperature with increasing field for H // b-axis marked by an enhancement of the effective mass of the conduction electrons appears to be the origin of the S-shaped H_c2^b curve. These results indicate that the field-induced ferromagnetic instability or magnetic quantum criticality reinforces superconductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Phase space measure concentration for an ideal gas

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    We point out that a special case of an ideal gas exhibits concentration of the volume of its phase space, which is a sphere, around its equator in the thermodynamic limit. The rate of approach to the thermodynamic limit is determined. Our argument relies on the spherical isoperimetric inequality of L\'{e}vy and Gromov.Comment: 15 pages, No figures, Accepted by Modern Physics Letters