84 research outputs found

    Forberedelser til utarbeiding av nordisk jordbunnskart

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    I Nordiske Jordbruksforskeres Forening ble det i perioden I 919 - 195 6 gjort mye for Ä fremme ensartet nomenklatur og metodikk for klassifisering og kartlegging av jordbunnsforhold. Da det skulle framstilles et europeisk jordbunnskart, ble det i l 9 5 8 vedtatt Ä koordinere arbeidet med manuskriptene fra de nordiske land. Det er nÄ aktuelt Ä overveie Ä lage et eget jordbunnskart over Norden

    Geomedisinsk informasjonssenter

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    OmgjÞring av impediment til produktive arealer ved pÄfylling av jordmasse

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    Det er redegjort for behov for forsÞk til utredning av problemer i forbindelse med pÄfylling av jordmasser over naken berggrunn for Ä skape produktiv mark. HÞvelige arealer bÞr helst ha noenlunde jevn, horisontal eller svakt hellende overflate. Forskjellig slags naturlige jordmasser bÞr prÞves. Videre kan materiale framstilt kunstig ved knusing av bergartsmasser prÞves. Mange slags avfallsstoffer er det aktuelt Ä gjÞre forsÞk med. Med tanke pÄ eventuelle framtidige kullfyrte varmekraftverk i Norge bÞr bruk av kullaske prÞves. Kjemisk sammensetning av sigevann og vegetasjon mÄ undersÞkes nÄr det brukes avfall som kan inneholde giftige stoffer. Forskjellige typer av tekniske og Þkonomiske utredniger bÞr gjennomfÞ, res i tilknytning til forsÞkene

    Arealer til nydyrking

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    I perioden 1921-1977 er det i Norge Ärlig nydyrka gjennomsnittlig vel 60 000 dekar. Det er gjort mange forsÞk pÄ Ä tallfeste stÞrrelsen av arealet av udyrka mark som kan egne seg for oppdyrking. Oppgavene varierer sterkt, bl.a. avhengig av utgangspunktet for vurderingen. Det synes Ä vÊre mulighet for Ä kunne nydyrke et areal av noenlunde samme stÞrrelsesorden som det kulturjordarealet vi har nÄ. En forholdsvis stor del av det framtidige nydyrkingsarealet er myr. Problemer i forbindelse med jordsvinn og sammensynk.ing av torvmasse mÄ derfor tillegges stor vekt. Tendenser i retning av synkende sommertemperatur bÞr medfÞre varsomhet med hensyn til dyrking i sÊrlig ugunstige klimaomrÄder. Et par forholdsvis grundige sammenstillinger over verdens arealressurser synes Ä vise at framtidige nydyrkingsmuligheter skulle vÊre vel sÄ store som de nÄ kultiverte arealene. NÄr stÞrrelsen av framtidas arealer av kulturjord skal vurderes, mÄ en vÊre klar over at jorderosjon og nedbygging stadig tÊrer pÄ disse ressursene

    Jordforgiftning fra gruveavfall i Konnerud, Drammen

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    Langs vassdraget fra Stordammen til Bremsa i Konnerud er det store mengder avfallsmateriale fra tidligere gruvedrift. Mange steder er det klare forgiftningssymptomer pÄ vegetasjonen, og pÄ smÄ flater mangler hÞyere planter fullstendig. Innholdet av sink, kopper, mangan, bly og kadmium er meget stort i avfallsmassene. Det bÞr utfÞres grundigere undersÞkelser med tanke pÄ eventuelle helsefarer for dyr og mennesker

    How to use the world's scarce selenium resources efficiently to increase the selenium concentration in food

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    The world's rare selenium resources need to be managed carefully. Selenium is extracted as a by-product of copper mining and there are no deposits that can be mined for selenium alone. Selenium has unique properties as a semi-conductor, making it of special value to industry, but it is also an essential nutrient for humans and animals and may promote plant growth and quality. Selenium deficiency is regarded as a major health problem for 0.5 to 1 billion people worldwide, while an even larger number may consume less selenium than required for optimal protection against cancer, cardiovascular diseases and severe infectious diseases including HIV disease. Efficient recycling of selenium is difficult. Selenium is added in some commercial fertilizers, but only a small proportion is taken up by plants and much of the remainder is lost for future utilization. Large biofortification programmes with selenium added to commercial fertilizers may therefore be a fortification method that is too wasteful to be applied to large areas of our planet. Direct addition of selenium compounds to food (process fortification) can be undertaken by the food industry. If selenomethionine is added directly to food, however, oxidation due to heat processing needs to be avoided. New ways to biofortify food products are needed, and it is generally observed that there is less wastage if selenium is added late in the production chain rather than early. On these bases we have proposed adding selenium-enriched, sprouted cereal grain during food processing as an efficient way to introduce this nutrient into deficient diets. Selenium is a non-renewable resource. There is now an enormous wastage of selenium associated with large-scale mining and industrial processing. We recommend that this must be changed and that much of the selenium that is extracted should be stockpiled for use as a nutrient by future generations

    Ecological strategy for soil contaminated with mercury

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    Aims The paper presents results from plot experiments aimed at the development of an ecological strategy for soil contaminated with mercury. Meadow grass (Poa pratensis) was tested on mercury contaminated soil in a former chlor-alkali plant (CAP) in southern Poland for its phytoremediation potential. Methods The stabilisation potential of the plants was investigated on plots without additives and after the addition of granular sulphur. Biomass production, uptake and distribution of mercury by plants, as well as leachates and rhizosphere microorganisms were investigated, along with the growth and vitality of plants during one growing season. Results The analysed plants grew easily on mercury contaminated soil, accumulating lower amounts of mercury, especially in the roots, from soil with additive of granular sulphur (0.5 % w/w) and sustained a rich microbial population in the rhizosphere. After amendment application the reduction of Hg evaporation was observed. Conclusions The obtained results demonstrate the potential of using Poa pratensis and sulphur for remediation of mercury contaminated soil and reduction of the Hg evaporation from soil. In the presented study, methods of Hg reduction on “hot spots” were proposed, with a special focus on environmental protection. This approach provides a simple remediation tool for large areas heavily contaminated with mercury
