131 research outputs found
Az anyĂĄk Ă©s az ĂșjszĂŒlöttek megmentĆje, akire mindig bĂŒszkĂ©k leszĂŒnk: Semmelweis IgnĂĄc (1818â1865). Aki legyĆzte a kĂłrt, de nem gyĆzte meg a kort, az orvostudomĂĄnyok Ă©s a sebĂ©szet doktora, szĂŒlĂ©szmester, a Pesti KirĂĄlyi Magyar TudomĂĄnyegyetemen az elmĂ©leti Ă©s gyakorlati szĂŒlĂ©szet nyilvĂĄnos, rendes tanĂĄra = The savior of mothers and newborns, whom we shall always be proud of: IgnĂĄc Semmelweis (1818â1865). One who defeated the disease, yet could not convince the people, Doctor of Medical Sciences and Surgery, Master of Obstetrics, Professor of Theoretical and Practical Obstetrics at the Pest Royal Hungarian University of Sciences
Semmelweis kitartĂł kutatĂłmunkĂĄja, a klinikai statisztikai adatok tudomĂĄnyos
igĂ©nyƱ analĂzise, az ĂĄllatkĂsĂ©rletei meghoztĂĄk gyĂŒmölcsĂŒket, a rettegett
gyermekĂĄgyi lĂĄz okĂĄnak felismerĂ©sĂ©t Ă©s megelĆzĂ©si lehetĆsĂ©gĂ©t. âNemcsak
a gyermekĂĄgyi lĂĄz igazi okĂĄt fedezte fel, hanem megalkotta Ă©s bevezette a
szĂŒlĂ©szeti gyakorlatban az antiszeptikus profilaxist, de ugyanakkor lerakta
a mai sebĂ©szet alapjĂĄt, az asepsist is, amelynek elve Ă©s gyakorlata Ăgy a
gyermekĂĄgyi lĂĄz kĂłroktanĂĄnak felfedezĂ©sĂ©bĆl alakult ki Ă©s Semmelweis
zseniålis elgondolåsåban gyökerezik. A bakteriológia felfedezései, Lister,
Pasteur Ă©s Koch mƱve csak tudomĂĄnyos bizonyĂtĂ©kĂĄt adtĂĄk Semmelweis intuitĂv
megĂĄllapĂtĂĄsainak.â Semmelweis a klinikai kĂłrĂ©lettani kutatĂĄsok
ĂșttörĆje, akinek a kortĂĄrsai tĂĄmadĂĄsaitĂłl elszenvedett, sokszor fĂ©lreĂ©rtĂ©seken
alapuló keserƱségek jóvåtételeként az utókor megadta és megadja a kijåró, méltó
tiszteletet. Az anyĂĄk Ă©s csecsemĆk megmentĆje nemzetĂŒnk egyik bĂŒszkesĂ©ge,
mindnyåjunk példaképe, akinek nemcsak hazånkban, de az egész vilågon elismerik
munkĂĄssĂĄgĂĄt. Rövid, tragikus, de eredmĂ©nyes Ă©letĂ©nek ĂŒzenete örök Ă©rvĂ©nyƱ.
Semmelweis IgnĂĄc alakjĂĄt ChicagĂłban is megörökĂtettĂ©k, a vilĂĄg tizenkĂ©t
leginnovatĂvabb orvosegĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi szakemberei között, Louis
Pasteur és Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen szobrainak
tĂĄrsasĂĄgĂĄban. Az utĂłbbi idĆben, kĂŒlönösen az angolszĂĄsz terĂŒleten Ășj kifejezĂ©s,
a âSemmelweis-reflexâ jelent meg Ă©s kezdett terjedni. Ez nem
orvosi jelensĂ©get Ăr le, hanem annak kifejezĆje, amikor a szakemberek vagy a
tĂĄrsadalom jelentĆs felismerĂ©seket, felfedezĂ©seket, tĂ©nyeket automatikusan,
vizsgĂĄlat Ă©s indoklĂĄs nĂ©lkĂŒl, szinte reflexszerƱen elutasĂt. A jelensĂ©g ma sem
ritka! Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(26): 1041â1054.
Semmelweis finally achieved results from his persistent research work. Those
being the scientific analysis of clinical statistical data and his animal
experiments, which recognized the dreadful disease of puerperal fever and its
prevention. âHe not only discovered the real cause of puerperal fever
but he also created antiseptic prophylaxis, which he introduced in
obstetrics and laid the foundations of modern surgery (asepsis). The theory
and practice of asepsis stemmed from the discovery of the etiology of
puerperal fever and therefore originating from the genius idea of
Semmelweis. The discoveries of bacteriology by Lister, Pasteur and Koch only
provided a scientific proof of the intuitive statements of
Semmelweis.â Semmelweis was a pioneer of clinical etiological
research whose findings were aggressively disapproved by his colleagues due to
earlier medical misunderstandings. Semmelweis is given due respect by posterity
as a remuneration, to all the bitterness that he had suffered throughout his
life. Semmelweis is considered the savior of mothers and infants. The Hungarian
nation is very proud of him as he is one of our models whose oeuvre is
acknowledged not only in Hungary but throughout the world. The message of his
short, tragic yet effective life is eternal. The figure of IgnĂĄc Semmelweis is
depicted as a statue and is placed in Chicago among the statues of the most
innovative doctors and health care professionals of the world. The statue of
Semmelweis is next to the statues of Louis Pasteur and
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen. âSemmelweis reflexâ is a new
expression which appeared and spread in English speaking countries. The word
does not relate to a medical phenomenon but describes a social phenomenon when
experts or the whole society automatically rejects discoveries and new
recognitions without examination or justification. This phenomenon frequently
occurs, even in our times. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(26): 1041â1054
Rodent models of complement activation-related pseudoallergy: Inducers, symptoms, inhibitors and reaction mechanisms
Complement activation-related pseudoallergy (CARPA) is a hypersensitivity reaction to intravenous administration of nanoparticle-containing medicines (nanomedicines). This review focuses on CARPA in rodent models: rats, mice, guinea pigs and rabbits. Information on all aspects of hypersensitivity reactions caused by known complement activators (zymosan, cobra venom factor) and different nanomedicines (liposomes, other drug carrier nanocarriers) in these species has been compiled and analyzed, trying to highlight the similarities and differences. What is most common in all species' reactions to i.v. complement activators, liposomes and other nanoparticles is a dose-dependent hemodynamic and cardiopulmonary disturbance manifested in acute, reversible rise or fall of blood pressure and respiratory distress that can lead to shock. Other symptoms include heart rate changes, leukopenia followed by leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hemoconcentration due to fluid extravasation (rise of hematocrit) and rise of plasma thromboxane B2. The results of a recent rat study are detailed, which show that rats are 2-3 orders of magnitude less sensitive to liposome-induced CARPA than pigs or hypersensitive humans. It is concluded that CARPA can be studied in rodent models, but they do not necessarily mimic the human reactions in terms of symptom spectrum and sensitivity. © 2015 by De Gruyter
Cardiopulmonary and hemodynamic changes in complement activation-related pseudoallergy
Complement activation-related pseudoallergy (CARPA) is a frequent side effect of intravenous therapies with nanoparticle-containing drugs and biologicals that are recognized by the immune system as foreign. It is an acute infusion reaction dominated by cutaneous and hemodynamic changes, most significantly a cardiopulmonary distress involving major pulmonary hypertension, systemic hypotension and arrhythmias. Because CARPA is unpredictable by conventional allergy tests and it may be life threatening, it can represent a major barrier to the safe therapeutic application of many modern medicines, including liposomal drugs and monoclonal antibodies. This review summarizes and updates the facts and opens questions regarding this phenomenon, with particular focus on its porcine model
Dynamics of multiple sexual signals in relation to climatic conditions
Question: Can trait-specific phenotypic plasticity in response to annual environmental variation lead to changes in the strength of sexual selection through the relative expression of sexual ornaments at the population level?
Data description: We recorded breeding dates and the sizes of white forehead and wing patches of male collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) from 1998 to 2005 in a nestboxbreeding population in the Pilis Mountains, Hungary. As environmental predictors, we used the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index and local weather data, classified as direct or indirect effects relative to the moult of the given ornament.
Search method: First, we used general linear mixed models to assess environmental effects on the within-individual changes and absolute yearly sizes of forehead and wing patches. We then used similar models to determine whether the relative sizes of the two plumage traits at the population level varied among years. Finally, we used multiple regressions to establish if the relative yearly expression of an ornament affected standardized sexual selection gradients on this ornament in the given year.
Conclusions: Within-individual changes in forehead and wing patch size were predicted by the climate of their moulting season (winter and summer, respectively). There was also an indirect effect of previous winter climate on changes in wing patch size. Environmental effects on the absolute expression of ornaments at the population level followed the within-individual patterns. The relative population-level expression of forehead and wing patches fluctuated significantly among years. Sexual selection on a given ornament increased with its relative expression in that year
A magyar vesepótló kezelések 2020. évi jelentése az ERA-EDTA Regiszternek = The 2020 Annual Report of Hungarian Kidney Replacement Therapiesto the ERA-EDTA Registry
A szerzĆk röviden ismertetik az ERA-EDTA (European Renal Association â European Dialysis and Transplantation Association) â ma csak ERA â VesepĂłtlĂł KezelĂ©sek (Kidney Replacement Therapy â KRT) RegiszterĂ©nek, illetve a hazai adatgyƱjtĂ©sek törtĂ©netĂ©t. Ezt követĆen bemutatjĂĄk a 2020. Ă©vre vonatkozĂł, krĂłnikus vesebetegek (chronic kidney disease â CKD) KRT-incidens Ă©s prevalens betegszĂĄmait, amelyeket â több mint kĂ©t Ă©vtized kihagyĂĄs utĂĄn â ismĂ©t jelentettek az ERA központi KRT RegiszterĂ©be. Az elsĆ napi incidens KRT-re kerĂŒlĆ CKD-betegek szĂĄma MagyarorszĂĄgon 2020-ban 197 fĆ/1 milliĂł lakos volt, mĂ©g a prevalens dialĂzisben kezelt Ă©s ĂĄtĂŒltetett vesĂ©vel Ă©lĆkĂ© összesen 998/1 milliĂł lakos volt. A jelentĂ©s aggregĂĄlt betegszĂĄmokkal törtĂ©nt. A jövĆbeli terv: ĂĄttĂ©rĂ©s az egyedi betegadatok szerinti regiszter kialakĂtĂĄsĂĄra.
The authors briefly describe the history of the ERA-EDTA (European Renal Association â European Dialysis and Transplantation Association â today ERA only) Kidney Replacement Therapy â KRT Registry and the history of domestic data collection. After that, the incidence and prevalence of KRT Registry of the ERA after a gap of more than two decades, will be presented. In 2020, the number of day 1 incident CKD patients receiving KRT was 197 per 1 million, while the total number of people living with dialysis and transplanted kidneys (prevalant patient on 31 of Dec) was 998 per 1 million inhabitants. The report was made with aggregated patient numbers. The future plan: transition to the creation of a register according to individual patient data
A relaxin hatĂĄsa a progressziv vesefibrĂłzisra Alb/relaxin transzgenikus egerekben = The effect of relaxin on progressive renal fibrosis in Alb/relaxin transgenic mice
FVB/N alb/relaxin transzgenikus egereket hoztunk lĂ©tre, hogy megvizsgĂĄljuk az emelkedett plazma relaxin szint hatĂĄsĂĄt vesefibrĂłzis progressziĂłjĂĄra. Ezek a transzgenikus egerek kizĂĄrĂłlag a mĂĄjukban expresszĂĄljĂĄk a relaxin transzgĂ©nt. 12 hĂłnapos korukra glomerulĂĄris fibrozist Ă©s intersticiĂĄlis infiltrĂĄciĂłt figyeltĂŒnk meg. A transzgenikus egerek vesĂ©jĂ©ben fokozott fibronektin festĂ©st talĂĄltunk. Ahhoz, hogy relaxin Ă©s TGF-beta kettĆs transzgenikus hibrid egerekben vizsgĂĄljuk a vesefibrĂłzis progressziĂłjĂĄt elĆször vissza kellett keresztezni 15 generĂĄciĂłn kersztĂŒl az inhomogĂ©n genetikai hĂĄtterƱ TGF-beta egereket a beltenyĂ©szett C57Bl6 hĂĄttĂ©rre. A homogĂ©n genetikai hĂĄttĂ©ren eltƱnt az a kettĆs fenotipus, mely jellemzte a TGF-beta transzgenikus egereket. Az ĂĄllatoknak azonos keringĆ TGF-beta plazma szintje volt, de a C57Bl6 hĂĄttĂ©ren csak a fibrĂłzis enyhe formĂĄja alakult ki, bizonyĂtva ezzel a genetikai hĂĄttĂ©r fontossĂĄgĂĄt vesefibrĂłzisban. | We have generated FVB/N alb/relaxin transgenic mice to investigate the effect of elevated plasma relaxin level on progression of renal fibrosis. These mice express the transgene exclusively in the liver. At 12 month of age they are characterized with mild glomerular fibrosis and intersticial infiltration. Also increased fibronectin is present in the kidney of transgenic mice. We wished to cross these mice to generate hybrid animals with the alb/TGF-beta1 transgenic mice which are characterized with progressive renal fibrosis. First we have backcrossed the alb/TGF-beta1 transgene to the C57Bl6 inbred strain for 13 generations and compared to C57Bl/6 x CBA F2 mice. As we expected the dual phenotype disappeared on the homogeneous background. The C57Bl6 alb/TGF-beta1 transgenic mice had similarly elevated plasma concentrations of TGF-beta1 than C57Bl/6 x CBA F2 mice, but they developed renal fibrosis of a moderate degree which emphasize the importance of genetic background on renal fibrosis
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