340 research outputs found
Genetic and biochemical diversity among Trichoderma isolates in soil samples from winter wheat fields of the Great Hungarian Plain
One hundred and sixteen Trichoderma isolates were collected from chopped roots of winter wheat of five agricultural fields in the Great Hungarian Plain. The isolates were identified by the sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region with TrichOKEY 2.0 and BLAST similarity searches. The Trichoderma species detected in the samples were T. atroviride, T. brevicompactum, T. gamsii, T. harzianum, T. koningiopsis/T. ovalisporum, T. longibrachiatum/H. orientalis, T. pleuroticola, T. rossicum, T. spirale, T. tomentosum/T. cerinum and T. virens. Beneficial taxa widely used as biocontrol agents against plant pathogenic fungi (e.g. T. harzianum, T. virens, T. atroviride) could be isolated from the samples examined during this study, indicating that the winter wheat rhizosphere may be a rich source of potential biocontrol isolates. Several species could be characterized with well-defined isoenzyme patterns during cellulose-acetate electrophoresis, suggesting that this method can be used for the analysis of biochemical diversity between and within particular species of the genus Trichoderma
A gombatermesztésben súlyos problémaként ismert „zöldpenész” megbetegedést előidéző Trichoderma törzsek taxonómiai, mikopatológiai és epidemiológiai vizsgálata = Taxonomical, mycopathological and epidemiological investigation of Trichoderma strains causing ""green mold"" disease, a serious problem in mushroom cultivation
EredmĂ©nyeink alapján a termesztett csiperke zöldpenĂ©szes fertĹ‘zĂ©sĂ©t Magyarországon a Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum okozza, mĂg a laskagomba zöldpenĂ©szes megbetegedĂ©sĂ©Ă©rt a T. pleurotum Ă©s T. pleuroticola fajok felelĹ‘sek. Környezeti tĂ©nyezĹ‘k micĂ©liumnövekedĂ©sre gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálata alapján a laskagombatermesztĂ©sben az átszövetĂ©si szakasz utáni fázisra 15-18°C közötti hĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©klet Ă©s 8-9 közötti pH javasolhatĂł, mely lassĂthatja a zöldpenĂ©szt okozĂł Trichoderma törzsek növekedĂ©sĂ©t. Kidolgoztunk egy antagonizmus-tesztek kĂ©panalĂzisĂ©n alapulĂł mĂłdszert a zöldpenĂ©szt okozĂł Trichoderma törzsek agresszivitási fokának számszerűsĂtĂ©sĂ©re. EnzimolĂłgiai vizsgálataink alapján a kĂ©t laskagombapatogĂ©n Trichoderma faj számos ponton eltĂ©rĹ‘ stratĂ©giát alkalmaz a termesztĂ©sben fennállĂł körĂĽlmĂ©nyekhez törtĂ©nĹ‘ alkalmazkodás cĂ©ljára. A laskagombapatogĂ©n Trichoderma fajok epidemiolĂłgiai nyomonkövetĂ©sĂ©re kidolgoztunk egy multiplex PCR-alapĂş technikát, mely lehetĹ‘vĂ© teszi a kĂ©t faj gyors kimutatását Ă©s egymástĂłl törtĂ©nĹ‘ elkĂĽlönĂtĂ©sĂ©t. A mĂłdszer segĂtsĂ©gĂ©vel igazoltuk, hogy a laskagomba zöldpenĂ©szes fertĹ‘zĂ©sĂ©nek terjesztĂ©sĂ©ben szerepet játszhatnak a termesztĹ‘ telepeken jelenlevĹ‘ rovarok, Ă©s azonosĂtottuk a fertĹ‘zĂ©s egy lehetsĂ©ges forrását: a T. pleuroticola faj elĹ‘fordul a vadon termĹ‘ laskagomba termĂ©szetes környezetĂ©ben is. EredmĂ©nyeink alapján bizonyos, gombatermesztĂ©sbĹ‘l izolált baktĂ©riumok (pl. Bacillus törzsek) ĂgĂ©retesek lehetnek a zöldpenĂ©sszel szembeni biolĂłgiai vĂ©dekezĂ©s cĂ©ljára. | Our results revealed that the green mould infection of cultivated champignons in Hungary is caused by Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum, while T. pleurotum and T. pleuroticola are responsible for the green mould disease of oyster mushroom. Based on the effects of environmental factors on mycelial growth, a temperature between 15-18°C and a pH between 8-9 can be suggested for the period of spawn run in order to slow down the growth of Trichoderma strains. We established a method based on the image analysis of antagonism tests for the quantification of the aggressivity level of Trichoderma strains causing green mould disease. Our enzymological studies revealed that the two oyster mushroom pathogenic Trichoderma species apply different strategies for the adaptation to the cultivation environment. A multiplex PCR-based technique has been developed for the epidemiological monitoring of oyster mushroom pathogenic Trichoderma species, which enables the fast detection of the two species and their differentiation from one another. This method was applied to prove that the insects present in mushroom farms can play a role in the dissemination of the disease and to identify a potential source of the infection: T. pleuroticola was found to occur also in the the natural environment of wild-growing oyster mushroom. Based on our results, certain bacteria isolated from mushroom cultivation (e.g. Bacillus strains) are promising candidates for the biological control of green mould disease
TermĂ©szetes Ă©lĹ‘helyekrĹ‘l Ă©s klinikai anyagbĂłl származĂł Trichoderma törzsek összehasonlĂtĂł ökofiziolĂłgiai Ă©s molekuláris szintű vizsgálata = Comparative ecophysiological and molecular investigation of Trichoderma strains derived from natural habitats or clinical samples
A pályázat keretĂ©ben szaprofita Ă©s klinikai mintákbĂłl izolált Trichoderma törzseket vizsgáltunk meg Ă©s hasonlĂtottunk össze. A potenciális virulenciafaktorok közĂĽl megfigyeltĂĽk a fiziolĂłgiás hĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©kleti Ă©s pH tartományban valĂł növekedĂ©s kĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©t, aminosavak egyedĂĽli szĂ©nforráskĂ©nt Ă©s nitrogĂ©nforráskĂ©nt valĂł hasznosĂtását, továbbá a vizsgált törzsek antifungális szerekkel szembeni rezisztenciáját. A proteázok tanulmányozása során kitűnt, hogy az enzimek aktĂvnak bizonyultak fiziolĂłgiás pH-n, Ă©s egyes törzsek 37 °C-on nagyobb mennyisĂ©gben szekretálták a vizsgált enzimtĂpusokat, mint 25 °C-on. Több törzs esetĂ©ben a toxikus metabolitok termelĂ©sĂ©re valĂł kĂ©pessĂ©g is megfigyelhetĹ‘ volt. A szaprofita törzsekben dsRNS Ă©s dsDNS molekulákat mutattunk ki, ugyanakkor a klinikai izolátumok mentesnek bizonyultak ezen elemektĹ‘l. ITS-szekvenciaanalĂzis segĂtsĂ©gĂ©vel reidentifikáltunk több klinikai izolátumot. A taxonĂłmiai vizsgálatok cĂ©ljábĂłl a törzsek izoenzimmintázata alapján dendrogrammot kĂ©szĂtettĂĽnk. A mitokondriális DNS vizsgálata során megállapĂtottuk a törzsek mtDNS-Ă©nek mĂ©retĂ©t, valamint megvizsgáltuk RFLP-mintázatukat. Az ezen adatokbĂłl kĂ©szĂtett dendrogramm nyĂşjtotta a legnagyobb felbontást a kĂsĂ©rletek során, azonban ennĂ©l a mĂłdszernĂ©l sem váltak el egymástĂłl a szaprofita Ă©s a klinikai izolátumok a dendrogrammon. A kutatás folytatásakĂ©nt nemzetközi egyĂĽttműködĂ©sben megkezdtĂĽk a patogenitásĂ©rt felelĹ‘ssĂ© tehetĹ‘ gĂ©nek felkutatását gĂ©nexpressziĂłs vizsgálatok segĂtsĂ©gĂ©vel. | The aims of our project were to gain information about Trichoderma strains isolated either from natural environment or from clinical samples. Amoung the potencial virulence factors, the ability for growth at human physiological temperature and pH, the utilization of amino acids as both cabon and nitrogen sources, and the resistance to antifungal agents were investigated. The proteases seemed to retain their activity at physiological pH, and in some cases higher amounts were secreted at 37 °C than at 25°C. Moreover, the ability to produce toxic metabolites was also charasteristic for certain strains. From the extrachromosomal genetic elements, the presence of dsRNA and dsDNA molecules were detected in the saprophytic strains, while the clinical isolates were free from these elements. The reidentification of certain clinical strains was carried out by means of ITS sequence analysis. To study the taxonomic relationships, the types of isoenzyme patterns were determined and a dendrogram was prepared from the data. The size of the mitochondrial DNA of the strains were determined and the mtDNA RFLP patterns were investigated. The dendrogram developed form the mtDNA RFLP data had the highest discriminatory power in the experiments, nevertheless, the saprophytic and clinical isolates did not form separate clusters on the dendrograms. To continue the research, in an international collaboration we have started the investigation of pathospecific gene expressions
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