538 research outputs found

    Csehszlovák-magyar kapcsolatok, 1922-1930

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    Kiemelkedő államférfi avagy Közép–Európa rossz szelleme?

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    Senior employees on the job market of European Union

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    In the European countries life expectancy is growing, but people tend to retire earlier and earlier. The aim of our paper is to examine what measures the individual European countries take in order to keep senior citizens on their respective job markets as long as possible. Our essay consists of three parts. In the first part we examine the reform of the pension system. In the second part we survey the changing in-company employment policies. In the third part we examine the attempt of improvement of the employability of senior citizens themselves. The final conclusion of our paper can be summarised as follows: senior employees in general represent a significant group in human resources, the potentials o f which ought to be and need to be utilized. Employers need to understand that the employment of senior people has its advantages. It is also very important to act accordingly

    Szeged város kulturális gazdasága különös tekintettel a Móra Ferenc Múzeumra

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    The main objective of any urban competition should necessarily be economic growth or development, as well as constant rise in the given town’s revenue. The role of cultural economy in urban competition has recently been upgraded. First part of our study examines the role of cultural economy in urban competitions. Second part of our study examines museums as part of cultural economy through Hungarian examples, for example Móra Ferenc Museum of Szeged

    The first attempt of the Slovak Republic for regionalization, or the administrative reform of 1996

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    Communism in Czechoslovakia came to an end with the 'velvet revolution' of 1989 and the communist party-dominated regime collapsed within days, a situation, which meant that the changing of the political system could immediately take momentum. In the meantime the relationship between the Czech and the Slovak inhabitants of the country was worsening and this situation eventually led to the disintegration of the state itself: on January 1. 1993 the states of the Czech and the Slovak Republics came into being. Our research is aimed at investigating the first administrative reform of the Slovak Republic, ratified on July 24. 1996 (221/1996), inclusive of the phenomena that had preceded it. During our research a special emphasis was laid on introducing the issue of how the Hungarian minorities living in Slovakia were affected and discriminated by the reform

    Karrierutak, különös tekintettel a patchwork-re

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    Nowadays the growing part of literature of human resource management is carrier-papers books. The carrier and related area - as an important part of HRM - can be investigated from two point of view. One is the view of organism, which is called carrier-management by the literature. It means that the employer gives the carrier opportunity to personnel according to their talent. The other view investigates the carrier from the view of individual. According to this carrier is the sequence of positions, grading higher and higher. The first part of recent essay is dealing with the features of traditional carrier ways. The second part of recent essay surveys the patchwork career

    A felnőttképzés jellemzői I. rész : a képzés és fejlesztés "házon kívüli" módszerei

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    The knowledge-based society and economy has a new demands from employee. The long life learning is becoming reality. Where upon the theory and practice of training and development is growing day after day. HR-managers, HR-specialist and researchers produced several models and methods of training and development. There can be sorted two big groups: 1. On the job methods 2. Off the job methods Recent essay is dealing with the theory of “off the job” methods. Accordingly we review the Hungarian HR-books and essays dealing with “on the job” methods. We examine the advantages and disadvantages of different methods, sort and evaluate them

    A foglalkoztatottság növelésének egy lehetséges eszköze - a munkakörmegosztás : elmélet és a magyarországi "jó gyakorlatok"

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    One o f the most important ecological problems of EU-members is low employment rate. It significantly declines the competitiveness of EU against two big concurrents, USA and Far-East. The aim of EU is for enhance the employment rate according to its strategy called “Europe 2020”. The employment rate of age 20-64 has to reach 75%, until 2020. One possible tool is job sharing. This essay consists of three parts. The first part of this essay presents the theory of job sharing. The second part of this essay we survey the advantages and disadvantages o f job sharing. The third part of this essay we investigate the situation job sharing system in Hungary