173 research outputs found

    Azeotropokat tartalmazĂł terner elegy elvĂĄlasztĂĄsa szakaszos nyomĂĄsvĂĄltĂł desztillĂĄciĂłval

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    Egy, két binér minimális azeotropot tartalmazó terner elegy (n-pentán-aceton-c-hexán) nyomásváltó szakaszos desztillációval (NYVSZD) történő szétválaszthatóságát tanulmányozzuk megvalósít-hatósági vizsgálatokkal és részletes modellező számításokkal. A megvalósíthatósági vizsgálatokkal, mely a maradékgörbe térképek elemzésén alapulnak, meghatározzuk az egyes kolonna konfigurációknál (egy és két oszlopos szakaszos sztripper) alkalmazandó műveleti lépéseket. A részletes modellezést professzionális dinamikus folyamat-szimulátorral végezzük. A számításokat ipari méretű berendezésekre végezzük. A dupla kolonnás szakaszos sztripper berendezésre két üzemviteli módot hasonlítunk össze. | The separation of a ternary mixture (n-pentane-acetone-cyclo-hexane) with two binary minimum azeotropes is studied by feasibility studies and rigorous simulation calculations. By the feasibility studies based on the analysis of the vessel paths in the residue curve maps at the two different pressures (PI, PII) the separation steps are determined for the two configurations studied (batch stripper (BS), double column batch stripper (DCBS)). The rigorous calculations are performed by the CCDColumn professional dynamic flow-sheet simulator. For the DCBS two operational policies are compared: 1. The production is begun in each column immediately when the bottoms reaches its prescribed purity. 2. The production is begun in both columns at the same time (when both bottoms have already reached the prescribed purity.) For both operational policies the optimal distribution of the liquid (η=LI/Ltotal) leaving the common top vessel between the two columns, for which the energy consumption is minimal is determined. Policy 1 gave more favourable results (lower energy consumption, wider operating region)

    Új kolonna konfigurációk nyomásváltó szakaszos desztillációhoz I. Megvalósíthatósági vizsgálatok | New column configutations for pressure swing batch distillation I. Feasibility Studies

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    Megvalósíthatósági vizsgálatokat végeztünk különböző szakaszos kolonna konfigurációkra nyomásváltó desztillációra. A számításokat maximális szétválasztást feltételezve végeztük. A jól ismertek (rektifikáló, szakaszos sztripper, középső tartályos oszlop) vizsgálata mellett két új konfigurációra (kétkolonnás szakaszos rektifikáló és a kétkolonnás szakaszos sztripper) is javaslatot tettünk. Megvizsgáltuk a rektifikálás és sztippelés időben váltakozó alkalmazását is

    Új kolonna konfigurációk nyomásváltó szakaszos desztillációhoz II. Részletes számítások | New column configurations for pressure swing batch distillation II. Rigorous Simulation

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    Részletes számításokat végeztünk különböző szakaszos kolonna konfigurációkra nyomásváltó desztillációra. A számításokat egy professzionális folyamatszimulátort használva végeztük minimális (etanol-toluol) és maximális forráspontú (víz-etilén-diamin) azeotrop elegyekre. A jól ismertek (rektifikáló, szakaszos sztripper, középső tartályos oszlop) vizsgálata mellett két új konfigurációra (kétkolonnás szakaszos rektifikáló és a kétkolonnás szakaszos sztripper) is javaslatot tettünk. Megvizsgáltuk a rektifikálás és sztippelés időben váltakozó alkalmazását is. Végül összehasonlítottuk a különböző konfigurációkat. | The pressure swing distillation in different batch column configurations is investigated by rigorous simulation calculations. The calculations are made by a professional flow-sheet simulator for the separation of a minimum (ethanol–toluene) and a maximum boiling (water– ethylene-diamine) azeotropic mixture. Besides studying the well known configurations (rectifier, stripper) we also investigate two novel configurations such as double column batch rectifier and double column batch stripper. The alternate application of a batch rectifier and a batch stripper is also studied. The different column configurations are compared

    IT background of the medium-term storage of MartonvĂĄsĂĄr Cereal Genebank resources in phytotron cold rooms

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    Genebanks are storage facilities designed to maintain the plant genetic resources of crop varieties (and their wild relatives) and to ensure that they are made available and distributed for use by plant breeders, researchers and farmers. The Martonvásár Cereal Genebank (MV-CGB) collection evolved from the working collections of local breeders and consists predominantly of local and regional materials. Established in 1992 by the Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Bedő, 2009), MVCGB with its over 10,000 accessions of the major species (Triticum, Aegilops, Agropyron, Elymus, Thinopyrum, Pseudoroegneria, Secale, Hordeum, Avena, Zea mays), became one of the approx. 80 cereal germplasm collections that exist globally. In Martonvásár breeding is underway on a number of cereal species, and large numbers of genotypes are tested each year in the field and under laboratory conditions. The increasing size of the research programmes assisted by a modern genebank background involve an enormous increase in the quantity of data that must be handled during research activities such as traditional breeding, pre-breeding and organic breeding. A computerized system is of primary importance to synchronize breeding and genebank activities, to monitor the quality and quantity of seed accessions in cold storage, to assist the registration of samples, and to facilitate characterization, regeneration and germplasm distribution

    Wheat-barley hybridization – the last forty years

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    Abstract Several useful alien gene transfers have been reported from related species into wheat (Triticum aestivum), but very few publications have dealt with the development of wheat/barley (Hordeum vulgare) introgression lines. An overview is given here of wheat 9 barley hybridization over the last forty years, including the development of wheat 9 barley hybrids, and of addition and translocation lines with various barley cultivars. A short summary is also given of the wheat 9 barley hybrids produced with other Hordeum species. The meiotic pairing behaviour of wheat 9 barley hybrids is presented, with special regard to the detection of wheat– barley homoeologous pairing using the molecular cytogenetic technique GISH. The effect of in vitro multiplication on the genome composition of intergeneric hybrids is discussed, and the production and characterization of the latest wheat/barley translocation lines are presented. An overview of the agronomical traits (b-glucan content, earliness, salt tolerance, sprouting resistance, etc.) of the newly developed introgression lines is given. The exploitation and possible use of wheat/barley introgression lines for the most up-to-date molecular genetic studies (transcriptome analysis, sequencing of flow-sorted chromosomes) are also discussed

    Cytomolecular identification of individual wheat-wheat chromosome arm associations in wheat-rye hybrids

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    Chromosome pairing in the meiotic metaphase I of wheatrye hybrids has been characterized by sequential genomic and fluorescent in situ hybridization allowing not only the discrimination of wheat and rye chromosomes, but also the identification of the individual wheat and rye chromosome arms involved in the chromosome associations. The majority of associations (93.8%) were observed between the wheat chromosomes. The largest number of wheat-wheat chromosome associations (53%) was detected between the A and D genomes, while the frequency of B-D and A-B associations was significantly lower (32 and 8%, respectively). Among the A-D chromosome associations, pairing between the 3AL and 3DL arms was observed with the highest frequency, while the most frequent of all the chromosome associations (0.113/ cell) was found to be the 3DS-3BS. Differences in the pairing frequency of the individual chromosome arms of wheat-rye hybrids have been discussed in relation to the homoeologous relationships between the constituent genomes of hexaploid wheat

    Is risk of central nervous system (CNS) relapse related to adjuvant taxane treatment in node-positive breast cancer? Results of the CNS substudy in the intergroup phase III BIG 02-98 trial

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    Background: Breast cancer central nervous system (CNS) metastases are an increasingly important problem because of high CNS relapse rates in patients treated with trastuzumab and/or taxanes. Patients and methods: We evaluated data from 2887 node-positive breast cancer patients randomised in the BIG 02-98 trial comparing anthracycline-based adjuvant chemotherapy (control arms) to anthracycline-docetaxel-based sequential or concurrent chemotherapy (experimental arms). After a median follow-up of 5 years, 403 patients had died and detailed information on CNS relapse was collected for these patients. Results: CNS relapse occurred in 4.0% of control patients and 3.7% of docetaxel-treated patients. CNS relapse occurred in 27% of deceased patients in both treatment groups. CNS relapse was usually accompanied by neurologic symptoms (90%), and 25% of patients with CNS relapse died without evidence of extra-CNS relapse. Only 20% of patients survived 1 year from the diagnosis of CNS relapse. Prognosis of CNS relapse was worse for patients with meningeal carcinomatosis when compared with brain metastases. Unexpected findings included a higher rate of positive cerebrospinal fluid cytology (8% versus 3%) and more frequent use of magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosis (47% versus 30%) in the docetaxel-treated patients. Conclusion: There is no evidence that adjuvant docetaxel treatment is associated with an increased frequency of CNS relaps

    Neues zur Urbanistik der Zivilstädte von Aquincum-Budapest und Carnuntum-Petronell

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    Drought stress affects the protein and dietary fiber content of wholemeal wheat flour in wheat/Aegilops addition lines

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    Wild relatives of wheat, such as Aegilops spp. are potential sources of genes conferring tolerance to drought stress. As drought stress affects seed composition, the main goal of the present study was to determine the effects of drought stress on the content and composition of the grain storage protein (gliadin (Gli), glutenin (Glu), unextractable polymeric proteins (UPP%) and dietary fiber (arabinoxylan, β-glucan) components of hexaploid bread wheat (T. aestivum) lines containing added chromosomes from Ae. biuncialis or Ae. geniculata. Both Aegilops parents have higher contents of protein and β-glucan and higher proportions of water-soluble arabinoxylans (determined as pentosans) than wheat when grown under both well-watered and drought stress conditions. In general, drought stress resulted in increased contents of protein and total pentosans in the addition lines, while the β-glucan content decreased in many of the addition lines. The differences found between the wheat/Aegilops addition lines and wheat parents under well-watered conditions were also manifested under drought stress conditions: Namely, elevated β-glucan content was found in addition lines containing chromosomes 5Ug, 7Ug and 7Mb, while chromosomes 1Ub and 1Mg affected the proportion of polymeric proteins (determined as Glu/Gli and UPP%, respectively) under both well-watered and drought stress conditions. Furthermore, the addition of chromosome 6Mg decreased the WE-pentosan content under both conditions. The grain composition of the Aegilops accessions was more stable under drought stress than that of wheat, and wheat lines with the added Aegilops chromosomes 2Mg and 5Mg also had more stable grain protein and pentosan contents. The negative effects of drought stress on both the physical and compositional properties of wheat were also reduced by the addition of these. These results suggest that the stability of the grain composition could be improved under drought stress conditions by the intraspecific hybridization of wheat with its wild relatives
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