97 research outputs found

    Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars

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    Numerical simulations for the merger of binary neutron stars are performed in full general relativity incorporating a finite-temperature (Shen's) equation of state (EOS) and neutrino cooling for the first time. It is found that for this stiff EOS, a hypermassive neutron star (HMNS) with a long lifetime (10\gg 10 ms) is the outcome for the total mass \alt 3.0M_{\odot}. It is shown that the typical total neutrino luminosity of the HMNS is 3\sim 3--8×10538\times 10^{53} ergs/s and the effective amplitude of gravitational waves from the HMNS is 4--6×10226 \times 10^{-22} at f=2.1f=2.1--2.5 kHz for a source distance of 100 Mpc. We also present the neutrino luminosity curve when a black hole is formed for the first time.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (Fig.2 is in low resolution), Accepted for publication in PR

    Properties of the remnant disk and the dynamical ejecta produced in low-mass black hole-neutron star mergers

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    We systematically perform numerical-relativity simulations for low-mass black hole-neutron star mergers for the models with seven mass ratios Q=MBH/MNSQ=M_{\rm BH}/M_{\rm NS} ranging from 1.5 to 4.4, and three neutron-star equations of state, focusing on properties of matter remaining outside the black hole and ejected dynamically during the merger. We pay particular attention to the dependence on the mass ratio of the binaries. It is found that the rest mass remaining outside the apparent horizon after the merger depends only weakly on the mass ratio for the models with low mass ratios. It is also clarified that the rest mass of the ejecta has a peak at Q3Q \sim 3, and decreases steeply as the mass ratio decreases for the low mass-ratio case. We present a novel analysis method for the behavior of matter during the merger, focusing on the matter distribution in the phase space of specific energy and specific angular momentum. Then we model the matter distribution during and after the merger. Using the result of the analysis, we discuss the properties of the ejecta

    Self-consistent picture of the mass ejection from a one second-long binary neutron star merger leaving a short-lived remnant in general-relativistic neutrino-radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulation

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    We perform a general-relativistic neutrino-radiation magnetohydrodynamicsimulation of a one second-long binary neutron star merger on Japanesesupercomputer Fugaku using about 7272 million CPU hours with 20,73620,736 CPUs. Weconsider an asymmetric binary neutron star merger with masses of 1.21.2 and1.5M1.5M_\odot and a `soft' equation of state SFHo. It results in a short-livedremnant with the lifetime of 0.017\approx 0.017\,s, and subsequent massive torusformation with the mass of 0.05M\approx 0.05M_\odot after the remnant collapses toa black hole. For the first time, we confirm that after the dynamical massejection, which drives the fast tail and mildly relativistic components, thepost-merger mass ejection from the massive torus takes place due to themagnetorotational instability-driven turbulent viscosity and the two ejectacomponents are seen in the distributions of the electron fraction and velocitywith distinct features.<br

    Effects of hyperons in binary neutron star mergers

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    Numerical simulations for the merger of binary neutron stars are performed in full general relativity incorporating both nucleonic and hyperonic finite-temperature equations of state (EOS) and neutrino cooling for the first time. It is found that even for the hyperonic EOS, a hypermassive neutron star is first formed after the merger for the typical total mass \approx 2.7M\bigodot, and subsequently collapses to a black hole (BH). It is shown that hyperons play a substantial role in the post-merger dynamics, torus formation around the BH, and emission of gravitational waves (GWs). In particular, the existence of hyperons is imprinted in GWs. Therefore, GW observations will provide a potential opportunity to explore the composition of the neutron star matter.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    General-relativistic neutrino-radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulation of black hole-neutron star mergers for seconds

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    Seconds-long numerical-relativity simulations for black hole-neutron star mergers are performed for the first time to obtain a self-consistent picture of the merger and post-merger evolution processes. To investigate the case that tidal disruption takes place, we choose the initial mass of the black hole to be 5.4M5.4M_\odot or 8.1M8.1M_\odot with the dimensionless spin of 0.75. The neutron-star mass is fixed to be 1.35M1.35M_\odot. We find that after the tidal disruption, dynamical mass ejection takes place spending 10ms\lesssim 10\,{\rm ms} together with the formation of a massive accretion disk. Subsequently, the magnetic field in the disk is amplified by the magnetic winding and magnetorotational instability, establishing a turbulent state and inducing the angular momentum transport. The post-merger mass ejection by the magnetically-induced viscous effect sets in at 300\sim 300-500ms500\,{\rm ms} after the tidal disruption, at which the neutrino luminosity drops below 1051.5erg/s\sim 10^{51.5}\,{\rm erg/s}, and continues for several hundreds ms. A magnetosphere near the rotational axis of the black hole is developed after the matter and magnetic flux fall into the black hole from the accretion disk, and high-intensity Poynting flux generation sets in at a few hundreds ms after the tidal disruption. The intensity of the Poynting flux becomes low after the significant post-merger mass ejection, because the opening angle of the magnetosphere increases. The lifetime for the stage with the strong Poynting flux is 11-2s2\,{\rm s}, which agrees with the typical duration of short-hard gamma-ray bursts

    General-relativistic neutrino-radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulation of seconds-long black hole-neutron star mergers: Dependence on initial magnetic field strength, configuration, and neutron-star equation of state

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    Numerical-relativity simulations for seconds-long black hole-neutron starmergers are performed to obtain a self-consistent picture starting from theinspiral and the merger throughout the post-merger stages for a variety ofsetups. Irrespective of the initial and computational setups, we findqualitatively universal evolution processes: The dynamical mass ejection takesplace together with a massive accretion disk formation after the neutron staris tidally disrupted; Subsequently, the magnetic field in the accretion disk isamplified by the magnetic winding, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, andmagnetorotational instability, which establish a turbulent state inducing thedynamo and angular momentum transport; The post-merger mass ejection by theeffective viscous effects stemming from the magnetohydrodynamics turbulencesets in at 300\sim300-500500 ms after the merger and continues for severalhundred ms; A magnetosphere near the black-hole spin axis is developed and thecollimated strong Poynting flux is generated with its lifetime of 0.5\sim0.5-22s. The model of no equatorial-plane symmetry shows the reverse of themagnetic-field polarity in the magnetosphere, which is caused by the dynamoassociated with the magnetorotational instability in the accretion disk. Themodel with initially toroidal fields shows the tilt of the disk andmagnetosphere in the late post-merger stage because of the anisotropicpost-merger mass ejection. These effects could terminate the strongPoynting-luminosity stage within the timescale of 0.5\sim0.5-22 s.<br

    Polarized kilonovae from black hole-neutron star mergers

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    We predict linear polarization for a radioactively powered kilonova following the merger of a black hole and a neutron star. Specifically, we perform 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer simulations for two different models, both featuring a lanthanide-rich dynamical ejecta component from numerical-relativity simulations while only one including an additional lanthanide-free disc-wind component. We calculate polarization spectra for nine different orientations at 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5 d after the merger and in the 0.1-2 μ wavelength range. We find that both models are polarized at a detectable level 1.5 d after the merger while show negligible levels thereafter. The polarization spectra of the two models are significantly different. The model lacking a disc wind shows no polarization in the optical, while a signal increasing at longer wavelengths and reaching ∼ 1-6 per cent at 2 μ depending on the orientation. The model with a disc-wind component, instead, features a characteristic 'double-peak' polarization spectrum with one peak in the optical and the other in the infrared. Polarimetric observations of future events will shed light on the debated neutron richness of the disc-wind component. The detection of optical polarization would unambiguously reveal the presence of a lanthanide-free disc-wind component, while polarization increasing from zero in the optical to a peak in the infrared would suggest a lanthanide-rich composition for the whole ejecta. Future polarimetric campaigns should prioritize observations in the first ∼48 h and in the 0.5-2 μ range, where polarization is strongest, but also explore shorter wavelengths/later times where no signal is expected from the kilonova and the interstellar polarization can be safely estimated

    The origin of polarization in kilonovae and the case of the gravitational-wave counterpart AT 2017gfo

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    The gravitational-wave event GW 170817 was generated by the coalescence of two neutron stars and produced an electromagnetic transient, labelled AT 2017gfo, that was the target of a massive observational campaign. Polarimetry is a powerful diagnostic tool for probing the geometry and emission processes of unresolved sources, and the observed linear polarization for this event was consistent with being mostly induced by intervening dust, suggesting that the intrinsic emission was weakly polarized (P < 0.4–0.5%). Here we present a detailed analysis of the linear polarization expected from a merging neutron-star binary system by means of 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer simulations assuming a range of possible configurations, wavelengths, epochs and viewing angles. We find that polarization originates from the non-homogeneous opacity distribution within the ejecta and can reach levels of 1% at early times (one to two days after the merger) and in the optical R band. Smaller polarization signals are expected at later epochs and different wavelengths. From the viewing-angle dependence of the polarimetric signal, we constrain the observer orientation of AT 2017gfo to within about 65° from the polar direction. The detection of non-zero polarization in future events will unambiguously reveal the presence of a lanthanide-free ejecta component and unveil its spatial and angular distribution

    Investigating GW190425 with numerical-relativity simulations

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    The third observing run of the LIGO-Virgo collaboration has resulted in abouthundred gravitational-wave triggers including the binary neutron star mergerGW190425. However, none of these events have been accompanied with anelectromagnetic transient found during extensive follow-up searches. In thisarticle, we perform new numerical-relativity simulations of binary neutron starand black hole - neutron star systems that have a chirp mass consistent withGW190425. Assuming that the GW190425's sky location was covered with sufficientaccuracy during the electromagnetic follow-up searches, we investigate whetherthe non-detection of the kilonova is compatible with the source parametersestimated through the gravitational-wave analysis and how one can use thisinformation to place constraints on the properties of the system. Oursimulations suggest that GW190425 is incompatible with an unequal mass binaryneutron star merger with a mass ratio $qmoderately stiff equations of state if the binary was face-on and covered bythe observation. Our analysis shows that a detailed observational result forkilonovae will be useful to constrain the mass ratio of binary neutron stars infuture events.<br

    Reanalysis of the binary neutron star merger GW170817 using numerical-relativity calibrated waveform models

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    We reanalyze gravitational waves from a binary-neutron-star merger GW170817 using a numerical-relativity (NR) calibrated waveform model, the TF2+_KyotoTidal model. By imposing a uniform prior on the binary tidal deformability Λ~\tilde{\Lambda} the symmetric 90%90\% credible interval of Λ~\tilde{\Lambda} is estimated to be 481359+436481^{+436}_{-359} (402279+465402^{+465}_{-279}) for the case of fmax=1000 Hzf_\mathrm{max}=1000~\mathrm{Hz} (2048 Hz2048~\mathrm{Hz}), where fmaxf_\mathrm{max} is the maximum frequency in the analysis. We also reanalyze the event with other waveform models: two post-Newtonian waveform models (TF2_\_PNTidal and TF2+_\_PNTidal), the TF2+_\_NRTidal model that is another NR calibrated waveform model used in the LIGO-Virgo analysis, and its upgrade, the TF2+_\_NRTidalv2 model. While estimates of parameters other than Λ~\tilde{\Lambda} are broadly consistent among different waveform models, our results indicate that there is a difference in estimates of Λ~\tilde{\Lambda} among three NR calibrated waveform models. The difference in the peak values of posterior probability density functions of Λ~\tilde{\Lambda} between the NR calibrated waveform models: the TF2+_\_KyotoTidal and TF2+_\_NRTidalv2 models for fmax=1000 Hzf_\mathrm{max}=1000~\mathrm{Hz} is about 40 and is much smaller than the width of 90%90\% credible interval, which is about 700. The systematic error for the NR calibrated waveform models will be significant to measure Λ~\tilde{\Lambda} in the case of GW170817-like signal for the planned third generation detectors's sensitivities