140 research outputs found

    Association of Bone Mineral Density With Hearing Impairment in Postmenopausal Women in Korea

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    Objectives Previous studies examining the association between osteoporosis (OP) and hearing loss (HL) have shown conflicting results. The objective of the present study was to examine the association between hearing impairment and OP in postmenopausal women, using appropriate statistical analyses. Methods Total 1,009 participants were included in the current study. The propensity score matched (PSM) cohort was defined as the cohort including participants diagnosed with OP and participants without OP. Three statistical models were developed where model 1 was unadjusted, model 2 included age, and model 3 included age, body mass index, alcohol intake, smoking habit, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride level, vitamin D, and alkaline phosphatase. Results There were 776 and 233 participants in the groups diagnosed without and with OP, respectively. For propensity score matching, 233 pairs were selected from the 776 participants without OP. In the total cohort, using statistical models 2 and 3, no significant difference in the four hearing thresholds was identified between the 2 groups. Logistic regression indicated that, in model 3, participants with OP had a 1.128 (P=0.323) increased risk HL. A significant HL risk was not observed in participants with OP. Using statistical model 3, there were no significant associations among lumbar spine or femoral neck T-scores and changes in the hearing thresholds. In the PSM cohort, statistical models also showed similar results. Conclusion The current study did not demonstrate and association between bone mineral density and hearing impairment in the study population of postmenopausal Korean women

    Voxel-Wise Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Clinical Outcome of Cochlear Implantation: Retrospective Study

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    ObjectivesTo evaluate retrospectively, the possible difference in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) metric of fractional anisotropy (FA) between good and poor surgical outcome cochlear implantation (CI) patients using investigator-independent voxel-wise analysis.MethodsEighteen patients (11 males, 7 females; mean age, 5.9 years) with profound sensorineural hearing loss underwent DTI scans using a 3.0 Tesla magnetic resonance scanner. Among the 18 patients, 10 patients with categories of auditory performance (CAP) score over 6 were classified into the good outcome group and 8 patients with CAP score below 6 were classified into the poor outcome group. The diffusion tensor scalar measure was calculated from the eigenvalues of the tensor on a voxel-by-voxel basis from each subject and two-sample t-test evaluation between good and poor outcome subjects were performed for each voxel of FA values, across the entire brain, with a voxel-wise intensity threshold of P<0.0005 (uncorrected) and a contiguous cluster size of 64 voxels. Individual values of FA were measured by using the region-of-interest based analysis for correlation analysis with CAP scores, open sentence and open word scores.ResultsTwo-sample t-test evaluation using SPM voxel-wise analysis found significantly higher FA values at the several brain areas including Broca's area, genu of the corpus callosum, and auditory tract in good outcome subjects compared to poor outcome subjects. Correlation analyses between FA and CAP scores, open sentence and open word scores revealed strong correlations at medial geniculate nucleus, Broca's area, genu of the corpus callosum and auditory tract.ConclusionInvestigator-independent voxel-based analysis of DTI image demonstrated that good outcome subjects showed better neural integrity at brain areas associated with language and auditory functions, suggesting that the conservation of microstructural integrity of these brain areas is important. Preoperative functional imaging may be helpful for CI

    Association Between Hearing Impairment and Albuminuria With or Without Diabetes Mellitus

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    Objectives Few studies have evaluated the accurate association between hearing loss (HL) and albuminuria in patients with or without diabetes mellitus (DM). The aim of our study was to identify the clinical effects of albuminuria on HL with or without DM. Methods This study included 9,762 patients from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2011 and 2013. Participants were divided into 4 groups based on DM and urine albumin/creatinine ratio levels: group 1 included participants with neither DM nor albuminuria, group 2 included participants without DM and with albuminuria, group 3 included patients with DM and without albuminuria, and group 4 included patients with both DM and albuminuria. The low- or mid-frequency and high-frequency, and average hearing threshold values were obtained. Results There were 7,508, 545, 1,325, and 384 participants in groups 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Univariate and multivariate analyses showed that the 3 hearing thresholds in group 1 were the lowest and those in group 4 were the highest among the 4 groups. No significant differences were observed in those thresholds between groups 2 and 3. Group 4 was associated with HL compared with the other groups, but moderate to severe HL was not associated with DM or albuminuria. Conclusion The presence of albuminuria was associated with a modest effect on hearing thresholds regardless of presence of DM

    Integrative genome-scale metabolic analysis of Vibrio vulnificus for drug targeting and discovery

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    Chromosome 1 of Vibrio vulnificus tends to contain larger portion of essential or housekeeping genes on the basis of the genomic analysis and gene knockout experiments performed in this study, while its chromosome 2 seems to have originated and evolved from a plasmid.The genome-scale metabolic network model of V. vulnificus was reconstructed based on databases and literature, and was used to identify 193 essential metabolites.Five essential metabolites finally selected after the filtering process are 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine (AHHMP), D-glutamate (DGLU), 2,3-dihydrodipicolinate (DHDP), 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate (DX5P), and 4-aminobenzoate (PABA), which were predicted to be essential in V. vulnificus, absent in human, and are consumed by multiple reactions.Chemical analogs of the five essential metabolites were screened and a hit compound showing the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 2 Ī¼g/ml and the minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) of 4 Ī¼g/ml against V. vulnificus was identified

    Evaluation of the pathogenicity of GJB3 and GJB6 variants associated with nonsyndromic hearing loss

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    AbstractA number of genes responsible for hearing loss are related to ion recycling and homeostasis in the inner ear. Connexins (Cx26 encoded by GJB2, Cx31 encoded by GJB3 and Cx30 encoded by GJB6) are core components of gap junctions in the inner ear. Gap junctions are intercellular communication channels and important factors that are associated with hearing loss. To date, a molecular genetics study of GJB3 and GJB6 as a causative gene for hearing loss has not been performed in Korea. This study was therefore performed to elucidate the genetic characteristics of Korean patients with nonsyndromic sensorineural hearing loss and to determine the pathological mechanism of hearing loss by analyzing the intercellular communication function of Cx30 and Cx31 variants. Sequencing analysis of the GJB3 and GJB6 genes in our population revealed a total of nine variants, including four novel variants in the two genes. Three of the novel variants (Cx31-p.V27M, Cx31-p.V43M and Cx-30-p.I248V) and two previously reported variants (Cx31-p.V84I and Cx30-p.A40V) were selected for functional studies using a pathogenicity prediction program and assessed for whether the mutations were located in a conserved region of the protein. The results of biochemical and ionic coupling tests showed that both the Cx31-p.V27M and Cx31-p.V84I variants did not function normally when each was expressed as a heterozygote with the wild-type Cx31. This study demonstrated that two variants of Cx31 were pathogenic mutations with deleterious effect. This information will be valuable in understanding the pathogenic role of GJB3 and GJB6 mutations associated with hearing loss

    A Family of H723R Mutation for SLC26A4 Associated with Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome

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    Recessive mutations of the SLC26A4 (PDS) gene on chromosome 7q31 can cause sensorineural deafness with goiter (Pendred syndrome, OMIM 274600) or NSRD with goiter (at the DFNB4 locus, OMIM 600791). H723R (2168A>G) is the most commonly reported SLC26A4 mutations in Korean and Japanese and known as founder mutation. We recently experienced one patient with enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome. The genetic study showed H723R homozygous in the proband and H723R heterozygous mutation in his family members. The identification of a disease-causing mutation can be used to establish a genotypic diagnosis and provide important information to both families and their physicians

    Reversible Sensorineural Hearing Loss due to Pachymeningitis Associated with Elevated Serum MPO-ANCA

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    Hypertrophic pachymeningitis is a progressive disease resulting in a diffuse thickening of dura mater due to inflammation, tumor or autoimmune diseases, but most cases are idiopathic. It is seldom reported to be related to sensorineural hearing loss, but it can cause sensorineural hearing loss which can be potentially reversed through treatment. Here, we report the case of a 54-year-old woman who had progressive, bilateral, worse in the left, sensorineural hearing loss and visual disturbance with an accompanying headache over several months. Brain MRI showed diffusely thickened dura mater, highly enhanced after gadolinium administration, which was consistent with pachymeningitis. It was assumed to be related to autoimmune pathogenesis on the basis of elevated serum myeloperoxidase-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (MPO-ANCA) titers. After empirical steroid and cyclophosphamide therapy, auditory impairment improved, especially in the high frequency region of the pure tone audiogram, and significant improvement in the word recognition test. Moreover, a follow-up MRI revealed much decreased enhancement of the dura mater, and the MPO-ANCA titer decreased to within the normal range. In the case of rapidly progressive sensorineural hearing loss or hearing impairment accompanying other cranial neuropathy, pachymeningitis should be taken into consideration, and brain MRI with gadolinium enhancement is the best method of detecting it. Also, to ensure proper treatment, a cautious evaluation including an ANCA work-up should be performed

    Complete Genome Sequence of the Metabolically Versatile Plant Growth-Promoting Endophyte Variovorax paradoxus S110

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    Variovorax paradoxus is a microorganism of special interest due to its diverse metabolic capabilities, including the biodegradation of both biogenic compounds and anthropogenic contaminants. V. paradoxus also engages in mutually beneficial interactions with both bacteria and plants. The complete genome sequence of V. paradoxus S110 is composed of 6,754,997 bp with 6,279 predicted protein-coding sequences within two circular chromosomes. Genomic analysis has revealed multiple metabolic features for autotrophic and heterotrophic lifestyles. These metabolic diversities enable independent survival, as well as a symbiotic lifestyle. Consequently, S110 appears to have evolved into a superbly adaptable microorganism that is able to survive in ever-changing environmental conditions. Based on our findings, we suggest V. paradoxus S110 as a potential candidate for agrobiotechnological applications, such as biofertilizer and biopesticide. Because it has many associations with other biota, it is also suited to serve as an additional model system for studies of microbe-plant and microbe-microbe interactions
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