105 research outputs found

    Τεχνικοτακτικό προφίλ των ομάδων ποδοσφαίρου του 1ου ΓΥΡΟΥ της SUPERLEAGUE 2013-14 με βάση το χρόνο

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    Σκοπός αυτής της μελέτης ήταν να αναλύσει βασικά τεχνικοτακτικά στοιχεία των ομάδων της Superleague και πως αυτά διαφοροποιούνται ανά ημίχρονο και πιο συγκεκριμένα ανά χρονικές περιόδους ( 15min) κατά τη διάρκεια των αγώνων με σκοπό τη βελτίωση και την καθοδήγηση της προπόνησης και του αγώνα . Για αυτόν το σκοπό αναλύθηκαν 306 αγώνες της superleague της περιόδου 2013-14. Για την καταγραφή των δεδομένων χρησιμοποιήθηκε το στατιστικό πρόγραμμα ανάλυσης αγώνων INSTAT. Οι μεταβλητές που αναλύθηκαν ήταν η κατοχή της μπάλας των ομάδων, η απώλεια της μπάλας, η ανάκτηση της μπάλας, η συχνότητα των επιθέσεων και η συχνότητα των σουτ προς την εστία. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι η κατοχή της μπάλας κυμάνθηκε με μέσο όρο στους αγώνες 25,04 λεπτά, 12,53 λεπτά στο Α ημίχρονο και 12,51 λεπτά στο Β ημίχρονο, ενώ εμφάνιζε την μεγαλύτερη τιμή της στο τελευταίο 15λεπτο των αγώνων με μέσο όρο 4,87 λεπτά (292,07 sec). Η συχνότητα απώλειας της μπάλας ήταν με μέσο όρο ανά 15άλεπτη περίοδο 19,37 φορές για το Α ημίχρονο και 18,82 για το Β ημίχρονο, ενώ η μεγαλύτερη τιμή 21,38 lost ball διαπιστώθηκε στο διάστημα 75-90 min. Παρατηρήθηκαν με μέσο όρο 69,90 ανακτήσεις της μπάλας σε κάθε αγώνα για κάθε ομάδα, με μεγαλύτερη τιμή του μέσου όρου 13,23 recoveries στο διάστημα 75-90 min. Οι ομάδες εκδήλωσαν με μέσο όρο 89,83 επιθέσεις σε κάθε αγώνα (44,88 στο α ημιχ. και 44,95 στο Β ημιχ.) με τη μεγαλύτερη συχνότητα επιθέσεων με μέσο όρο 16,87 επιθέσεις στη χρονική περίοδο 75-90 min. Οι ομάδες εκδήλωσαν σουτ προς την εστία με μέσο όρο 5,36 σουτ στο Α ημίχρονο και με 6,37 σουτ στο Β ημίχρονο. Συνολικά οι ομάδες επιχείρησαν με έναν μέσο όρο 11,73 σουτ σε κάθε αγώνα και με την μεγαλύτερη τιμή του μέσου όρου 2,46 σουτ στην τελευταία 15άλεπτη περίοδο. Από τα αποτελέσματα μπορούν να προκύψουν χρήσιμα συμπεράσματα για την βελτίωση της ποιότητας των προπονητικών προγραμμάτων και για την καλύτερη καθοδήγηση των παικτών κατά τη διάρκεια των αγώνων, με σκοπό την αύξηση της απόδοσής τους. Λέξεις κλειδιά: κατοχή μπάλας, απώλεια μπάλας, σουτ, σουτ στο στόχοΟΧ

    Immunotherapy of Cancer: Developments and Reference Points, an Unorthodox Approach.

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    Oncology is currently a sector of medical science with accelerated progress due to rapid technological development, the advancement in molecular biology, and the invention of many innovative therapies. Immunotherapy partially accounts for this advance, since it is increasingly playing an important role in the treatment of cancer patients, bringing on a sense of hope and optimism through a series of clinical studies and cases with spectacular results. Immunotherapy, after the initial successes it experienced in the early 20th century, was forgotten after chemotherapy and radiotherapy prevailed and developed slowly in the background. Today, it is the new hope for cancer treatment, despite the unorthodox path it has followed. In this article, we study the course and key points of the discovery of immune-oncology from the oncologist's point of view. We also record the questions that have been posed about immunotherapy that sometimes lead to confusion or stalemate

    Evaluation of quality of life outcomes following palliative radiotherapy in bone metastases : a literature review

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    Purpose: To assess the quality of life (QoL) following palliative radiotherapy (RT) in patients with painful bone metastases. Methods: A literature search limited to English-written publications was carried out, through the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (November 2018), OvidSP and PubMedCentral (1940-November 2018) databases. Subject headings and keywords included "quality of life"(QoL), "bone metastases", "palliative therapy", "pain" and "radiotherapy". Original articles, literature reviews, trials and meta-analyses revealing alterations in QoL post-RT using ratified measuring tools were examined. Studies referring to other types of metastases (e.g. brain metastases), or to other types of palliative therapy (e.g. the use of bisphosphonates alone), or focusing only on pain, or even reporting QoL only before or only after the use of RT were excluded. Results: Twenty four articles were selected from a total of 1360 articles. Seven trials proceeded to patients' randomization. The most commonly used tool to evaluate QoL was EORTC, followed by Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) and Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) questionnaires. All studies showed improvement in symptoms and functional interference scores after RT. The QoL between responders (Rs) and non-responders (NRs) has been juxtaposed in 10 studies. Rs had a significant benefit in QoL in comparison with the NRs. Discussion: Palliative radiotherapy in painful bone metastases improves Rs' QoL

    Concurrent administration of Docetaxel and Stealth® liposomal doxorubicin with radiotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer : excellent tolerance using subcutaneous amifostine for cytoprotection

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    The substantial augmentation of the radiation sequelae during chemo–radiotherapy with novel drugs masks the real potential of such regimens. In this study we examined whether subcutaneous administration of amifostine can reduce the toxicity of a highly aggressive chemo–radiotherapy scheme with Stealth® liposomal doxorubicin (Caelyx®) and Docetaxel (Taxotere®) in non-small cell lung cancer. Twenty-five patients with stage IIIb non-small cell lung cancer were recruited in a phase I/II dose escalation trial. The starting dose of Taxotere® was 20 mg m−2 week and of Caelyx® was 15 mg m−2 every two weeks, during conventionally fractionated radiotherapy (total dose of 64 Gy). The dose of Taxotere®/Caelyx® was, thereafter, increased to 20/25 (five patients) and 30/25 mg m−2 (15 patients). Amifostine 500 mg was given subcutaneously before each radiotherapy fraction, while an i.v. amifostine dose of 1000 mg preceded the infusion of docetaxel. The ‘in-field’ radiation toxicity was low. Grade 3 esophagitis occurred in 9 out of 25 (36%) patients. Apart from a marked reduction of the lymphocyte counts, the regimen was deprived from any haematological toxicity higher than grade 1. No other systemic toxicity was noted. The CR and CR/PR rates in 15 patients treated at the highest dose level was 40% (6 out of 15) and 87% (13 out of 15) respectively. It is concluded that the subcutaneous administration of amifostine during high dose Taxotere®/Caelyx® chemo–radiotherapy is a simple and effective way to render this aggressive regimen perfectly well tolerated, by reducing the systemic and the ‘in-field’ toxicity to the levels expected from simple conventional radiotherapy. The impressive tolerance and the high CR rate obtained encourages the conduct of a relevant randomized trial to assess an eventual survival benefit in patients with non-small cell lung cancer

    Oral squamous cell cancer: early detection and the role of alcohol and smoking

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    Objective: Oral squamous cell carcinoma has a remarkable incidence worldwide and a fairly onerous prognosis, encouraging further research on factors that might modify disease outcome. Data sources: A web-based search for all types of articles published was initiated using Medline/Pub Med, with the key words such as oral cancer, alcohol consumption, genetic polymorphisms, tobacco smoking and prevention. The search was restricted to articles published in English, with no publication date restriction (last update 2010). Review Methods: In this review article, we approach the factors for a cytologic diagnosis during OSCC development and the markers used in modern diagnostic technologies as well. We also reviewed available studies of the combined effects of alcohol drinking and genetic polymorphisms on alcohol-related cancer risk. Results: The interaction of smoking and alcohol significantly increases the risk for aero-digestive cancers. The interaction between smoking and alcohol consumption seems to be responsible for a significant amount of disease. Conclusion: Published scientific data show promising pathways for the future development of more effective prognosis. There is a clear need for new prognostic indicators, which could be used in diagnostics and, therefore a better selection of the most effective treatment can be achieved

    Long-term survival of a patient with multiple abdominal metastasis from endometrial carcinoma treated with multi-portal conformal re-irradiation and chemotherapy

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    A patient with recurrent endometrial cancer with multiple abdominal and pelvic tumoral masses was treated with re-irradiation combined with liposomal doxorubicin and oxaliplatin. A multiple field con-formal technique was used to deliver a highly accelerated and hypofractionated scheme (15 fractions of 3.5 Gy, within 19 days). Complete response was confirmed four months after therapy. Four years later a lung metastasis appeared and was again treated with a similar course of therapy, once again resulting in a complete response. it is suggested that in the era of modern image-guided radiotherapy patients with endometrial cancer who have relapsed within or outside the loco-regional area, should be carefully assessed for an eventual gross tumor eradication using high-dose localized radiotherapy, leaving as the only target of chemotherapy the microscopic undetectable disease

    Short-course hypofractionated radiochemotherapy for unresectable locally advanced cancer of the base of tongue: Palliation only? A case report and short review of the literature

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    We present a case of unresectable cancer of the base of tongue treated with hypofractionated 3D conformal radiotherapy and concomitant chemotherapy. Based on the excellent tumour response in this radiotherapy regimen and international experience in short course treatments we shortly reviewed, we propose that this therapeutic approach could be considered in a curative setting for patients unsuitable for the a standard long course radiochemotherapy schedule. © 2014. The Korean Society for Radiation Oncology

    Hidradenocarcinoma of the temporal area successfully treated with concomitant electrochemotherapy and radiotherapy

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    Hidradenocarcinoma, the malignant counterpart of hidradenoma, is an extremely rare malignant tumour which may exhibit an aggressive clinical course. The standard primary treatment is wide local excision with or without lymph node dissection. Radiotherapy has also been used in some cases but with controversial outcomes. At the University of Thessaly - Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital of Larissa, Greece, we successfully treated a hidradenocarcinoma of the skin of the temporoparietal area, using a combination of electrochemotherapy and radiotherapy

    Otto Hahn (1879-1968): pioneer in radiochemistry and discoverer of radiotherapeutic mesothorium

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    Otto Hahn was a German innovative chemist. He had discovered various radioactive elements, as well as the nuclear fission. He finally received the Nobel Prize for his participation in the atomic energy project, which Hahn and others considered that could be a factor used for peaceful means like cheap electricity and cheap industrial products. His greatest discovery though in oncology was mesothorium, a radioactive element that had been used to treat all cancer types at the beginning of the 20th century