195 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of the LHC to Kaluza-Klein gluon in two b-jets decay channel

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    We study a possibility of observation of the first Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitation of gluon in a warped extra dimension model at the LHC. In our analysis, we adopt the KK gluon mass and the b-quark coupling to the KK gluon as model parameters and study the sensitivity of the ATLAS experiment to observe the KK gluon through the two bb-jets channel.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the Hadron Collider Physics Symposium 201

    Health Support Provided by Yogo Teachers for Adolescent Female Students with a Thin Body Type

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    Purpose: To clarify the realities and challenges involved in health support provided by yogo teachers to adolescent girls who have a thin body type. Methods: A semi-structured interview survey was conducted with yogo teachers at a Japanese high school with experience of providing health support to thin adolescent female students and the results of the survey were subjected to qualitative analysis. Results: With regard to health support provided by yogo teachers, the results of analysis found that the actual situation consisted of the five categories of 【sharing information throughout the school organization to investigate methods of support】,【 realizing studentsʼ situations through the provision of individual support】, 【referring students and parents to specialist agencies】,【investigating collaborations with parents with students ʼ consent】, and 【carrying out prevention and awareness-raising activities about thin physiques】.  However, the analysis also found that the practical challenges for providing such health support consisted of the six categories of 【working with parents to liaise with medical institutions】,【continuous support in collaboration with specialist agencies】,【 educational health support that enables all students to manage their own health】,【 yogo teachersʼ professional knowledge and assessment of eating disorders】,【 support methods that students can engage with on their own initiative, according to their situation】, and 【creating a counseling- friendly environment to facilitate early detection】.Discussion: While yogo teachers had an overall grasp of studentsʼ situations through their organizational engagements in cooperation with faculty and school physicians, as well as individual support activities, it was clear that they faced difficulties and challenges in relation to working together with parents and specialist agencies. In the future, improving collaboration with parents will require that they, too, be encouraged to recognize that being excessively thin represents a health problem for adolescent female students. In addition, it will also be necessary to work towards building daily collaboration systems, such as by having yogo teachers keep track of potential partner medical institutions as a matter of routine. It was further suggested that yogo teachers will need to provide educational and preventive health support oriented toward helping female students acquire the ability to manage their own health

    Mode of occurrence of plagioclase-rich segregation in the Horoman peridotite

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    Mental and physical effects of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake on School Children, and Health Support initiatives by YogoTeachers: Findings from a survey of high school yogo teachers 5 years after the disaster

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    Objective: To clarify the current mental and physical state of students 5 years after experiencing the Great East Japan earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear accident, and to shed light on the practical initiatives and issues faced by yogo teachers in supporting students’ health. Method: In May 2016, we conducted a mail-based questionnaire of yogo teachers at 15 prefectural high schools in Soma District and Futaba District (collectively, “Soso”) in Fukushima Prefecture, one of the areas most heavily affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. The questionnaire focused on (1) health and school life of students; and (2) current initiatives and issues faced by yogo teachers in supporting student health. Results: We received responses from 8 of the 15 high school yogo teachers surveyed (response rate: 53.3%).Six yogo teachers (75%) responded that the “students are calm.” However, 6 yogo teachers (75%) recognized a tendency among students towards weight gain and obesity, as well as reduced physical stamina and sporting ability, while 4 yogo teachers (50%) indicated that some students were anxious about their future and career path, and were receiving personal support from the school counselor. The yogo teachers provided support to students while attempting to ascertain their mental and physical well-being through greater health monitoring and questionnaires, and while coordinating with the school physician and counselor. Conclusion: Five years after the earthquake, high school students in the Soso district are now leading a more relaxed school life, but still feel anxious about their future health and career path due to lingering concerns about radiation, highlighting the need for long-term support by yogo teachers

    Expressions Used in Disaster Prevention in Japanese and German: A Contrastive Sociolinguistic Analysis

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    金沢大学人間社会研究域経済学経営学系[Editors] Makoto Kobayashi, Gisela Trommsdorff, Carola Hommerich[Conference Paper] Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of German-Japanese Society for Social Sciences, 8-10 October 2015, German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Toky

    A water channel closely related to rat brain aquaporin 4 is expressed in acid- and pepsinogen-secretory cells of human stomach

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    AbstractWe isolated a cDNA clone encoding a water channel protein, aquaporin (AQP), from human stomach. The encoded protein consisted of 323 amino acid residues, containing six putative transmembrane domains. The protein was designated human aquaporin 4 (hAQP4) because of its 94% sequence similarity to rat brain AQP4. Expression of hAQP4 cRNA in Xenopus oocytes resulted in a significant increase in osmotic water permeability, indicating that this protein functions as a water channel. Northern blot analysis demonstrated a strong signal of hAQP4 mRNA in brain, lung, and skeletal muscle as well as in stomach. Immunohistochemical experiments with human stomach tissues showed that hAQP4 as a protein is expressed mainly in cells located in the glandular portion of the fundic mucosa. These include chief cells which secrete pepsinogen and parietal cells which secrete hydrochloric acid. These results strongly indicate that hAQP4 is a principal factor involved in the osmotic regulation of pepsinogen and acid secretion in the stomach

    Impact on ambient dose rate in metropolitan Tokyo from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident

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    A car-borne survey was made in metropolitan Tokyo, Japan, in December 2014 to estimate external dose. This survey was conducted for all municipalities of Tokyo and the results were compared with measurements done in 2003. The ambient dose rate measured in the whole area of Tokyo in December 2014 was 60 nGy h^ (23-142 nGy h^), which was 24% higher than the rate in 2003. Higher dose rates (>70 nGy h^) were observed on the eastern and western ends of Tokyo; furthermore, the contribution ratio from artificial radionuclides (^Cs and ^Cs) to ambient dose rate in eastern Tokyo was twice as high as that of western Tokyo. Based on the measured ambient dose rate, the effective dose rate after the accident was estimated to be 0.45μSv h^ in Tokyo. This value was 22% higher than the value before the accident as of December 2014

    Thermal and chemical evolution of the subarc mantle revealed by spinel-hosted melt inclusions in boninite from the Ogasawara (bonin) Archipelago, Japan

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    Primitive melt inclusions in chrome spinel from the Ogasawara Archipelago (Japan) compose two discrete groups of high-SiO2, high-MgO (high-Si) and low-SiO2, low-MgO (low-Si) boninitic suites, with ultra-depleted dish- and V-shaped, and less-depleted flat, rare earth element patterns. The most magnesian melt inclusions of each geochemical type were used to estimate the temperature-pressure conditions for primary boninites, which range from 1345 °C at 0.56 GPa to 1421 °C at 0.85 GPa for the 48-46 Ma low-Si and high-Si boninites, and 1381 °C at 0.85 GPa for the 45 Ma low-Si boninite. The onset of the Pacific slab subduction at 52 Ma forced upwelling of depleted mid-oceanic ridge basalt mantle (DMM) to yield proto-arc basalt (PAB). With the rise of DMM, refractory harzburgite ascended without melting. At 48-46 Ma, introduction of slab fluids induced melting of the PAB residue and high-temperature harzburgite, resulting in the low-Si and high-Si boninites, respectively. Meanwhile, convection within the mantle wedge brought the less-depleted residue of PAB and DMM into the region fluxed by slab fluids, which melted to yield the less-depleted low-Si boninite at 45 Ma, and fertile arc basalts, respectively