25 research outputs found

    Teacher Education Matters : Finnish Teacher Educators’ Concerns, Beliefs, and Values

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    The professional development of teacher educators is gaining increasing interest globally. However, not so many studies have been carried out in the Finnish context, which is somewhat surprising considering that the Finnish education system and teacher education has gained so much interest worldwide. This study investigates Finnish teacher educators’ concerns, beliefs and values. The results show that teacher educators experienced a variety of concerns in their work, in the beginning mainly dealing with the position and being a novice, and later they became more concerned with heavy workloads and practical teaching-related matters. The teacher educators studied considered the students’ education to be the most important aspect of their work. The research-based nature of teacher education was also felt to be very important, along with its community aspects, and their own specialization. In general, Finnish teacher educators considered their work to be important.Peer reviewe

    “Do you mean besides researching and studying?” Finnish teacher educators’ views on their professional development

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    Professional development of teacher educators has not been researched very much in Finland, although interest in teacher educators has started to increase globally in recent decades. This study investigates 15 Finnish teacher educators’ views on their professional development. The results indicate that research plays a significant role in the Finnish teacher educators’ conceptions. They considered research to be an integral part of their work, as it is part of their assigned tasks. This differs from many countries, where researching and high-quality scientific contribution is not necessarily a big part of teacher educators’ work. These teacher educators also viewed research as a means to develop professionally, both through producing and consuming research. Formal professional development, such as professional development courses, did not play a significant role for these teacher educators, though studying either by reading research or participating in free-time education seemed to be more important. The results also indicate that Finnish teacher educators are under pressure to produce high-quality research and to advance in their careers. This is due to business ideology in leadership, i.e. management by results in the Finnish university sector.Peer reviewe

    Finnish teacher educators’ preferences for their professional development – Quantitative exploration

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    Education makes a difference and teacher educators are an important part of that circle. However, there is very little research done in Finland on teacher educators' professional development. The main purpose of this study was to develop and test the psychometric properties of three scales that measure the components of teacher educators' professional development, namely (a) developmental needs, (b) preferred ways of fulfiling those needs and (c) hindrances to fulfiling developmental needs. The differences between different occupational groups were also discussed. The survey was distributed in May 2019 to all eight Finnish universities that offer teacher education. The final sample size was 354. Using scale development techniques, we succeeded in generating items to all three inventories. We also tested the psychometric properties and the construct validity of the inventories. Our study revealed that teacher educators are not a homogenous group. Different occupational groups have different professional development interests.Peer reviewe

    Mediatuottaminen osallisuuden ajan mediakasvatuksessa

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    Mediakasvatus median ja kasvatuksen alueena : deskriptiivisen mediakasvatuksen ja didaktiikan nÀkökulmia

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    Aineisto on Opiskelijakirjaston digitoimaa ja Opiskelijakirjasto vastaa aineiston kÀyttöluvist

    "Oli lupa hetki pysĂ€htyÀ’" : Akateeminen vertaisryhmĂ€ opettajankouluttajien ammatillisen kehittymisen tukena

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    Opettajankouluttajat kokevat vertaisryhmÀn hyödylliseksi ammatilliselle kehittymiselleen. RyhmÀssÀ kÀsiteltÀvien aiheiden tulisi nousta opettajankouluttajien omasta arjesta, ja kollegan työn seuraaminen tukee omaa kehittymistÀ.Non peer reviewe