26 research outputs found

    Panx3 links body mass index and tumorigenesis in a genetically heterogeneous mouse model of carcinogen-induced cancer.

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    BackgroundBody mass index (BMI) has been implicated as a primary factor influencing cancer development. However, understanding the relationship between these two complex traits has been confounded by both environmental and genetic heterogeneity.MethodsIn order to gain insight into the genetic factors linking BMI and cancer, we performed chemical carcinogenesis on a genetically heterogeneous cohort of interspecific backcross mice ((Mus Spretus × FVB/N) F1 × FVB/N). Using this cohort, we performed quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis to identify regions linked to BMI. We then performed an integrated analysis incorporating gene expression, sequence comparison between strains, and gene expression network analysis to identify candidate genes influencing both tumor development and BMI.ResultsAnalysis of QTL linked to tumorigenesis and BMI identified several loci associated with both phenotypes. Exploring these loci in greater detail revealed a novel relationship between the Pannexin 3 gene (Panx3) and both BMI and tumorigenesis. Panx3 is positively associated with BMI and is strongly tied to a lipid metabolism gene expression network. Pre-treatment Panx3 gene expression levels in normal skin are associated with tumor susceptibility and inhibition of Panx function strongly influences inflammation.ConclusionsThese studies have identified several genetic loci that influence both BMI and carcinogenesis and implicate Panx3 as a candidate gene that links these phenotypes through its effects on inflammation and lipid metabolism

    Additional file 3: Table S7. of Panx3 links body mass index and tumorigenesis in a genetically heterogeneous mouse model of carcinogen-induced cancer

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    Gene expression phenotypes and sample IDs. This Excel file (.xlsx) contains phenotype information for the cohort of mice used for expression analysis. The samples are labeled both by mouse ID as well as by.CEL name, corresponding to the.CEL files available from the GEO site under access number GSE52650. (XLSX 90 kb

    Additional file 2: Supplementary figures S1-S5 and supplementary tables S2-S6. of Panx3 links body mass index and tumorigenesis in a genetically heterogeneous mouse model of carcinogen-induced cancer

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    Supplementary figures and supplementary tables S2-S6. A Word (.docx) document containing all supplementary figures and supplementary tables S2-S6. Table S2: Sex interactions by QTL. Difference refers to the difference in means between heterozygous and homozygous mice. Table S3: BMI QTL and papilloma burden. Table S4: Genes significantly associated with BMI. Table S5: Panx3 network gene correlation levels by sex. Table S6: Panx3 polymorphisms between Spret and FVB mice. Figure S1: Twenty-week papilloma burden by BMI for male and female mice. Figure S2: QTL effect for the strongest autosomal QTL for each phenotype by sex for raw and mean-centered phenotype values. Figure S3: Proximal and distal regions of chromosome 10 influence weight in opposing directions. Figure S4: Effect of sex-specific QTL on BMI. Figure S5: Panx3 expression and tumor development. (DOCX 224 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Panx3 links body mass index and tumorigenesis in a genetically heterogeneous mouse model of carcinogen-induced cancer

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    Genotype marker locations and associated rsIDs. An Excel file (.xlsx) containing information about the genotyping markers used in this analysis. (XLSX 66 kb

    Evolution of metastasis revealed by mutational landscapes of chemically induced skin cancers

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    Human tumors show a high level of genetic heterogeneity, but the processes that influence the timing and route of metastatic dissemination of the subclones are unknown. Here we have used whole-exome sequencing of 103 matched benign, malignant and metastatic skin tumors from genetically heterogeneous mice to demonstrate that most metastases disseminate synchronously from the primary tumor, supporting parallel rather than linear evolution as the predominant model of metastasis. Shared mutations between primary carcinomas and their matched metastases have the distinct A-to-T signature of the initiating carcinogen dimethylbenzanthracene, but non-shared mutations are primarily G-to-T, a signature associated with oxidative stress. The existence of carcinomas that either did or did not metastasize in the same host animal suggests that there are tumor-intrinsic factors that influence metastatic seeding. We also demonstrate the importance of germline polymorphisms in determining allele-specific mutations, and we identify somatic genetic alterations that are specifically related to initiation of carcinogenesis by Hras or Kras mutations. Mouse tumors that mimic the genetic heterogeneity of human cancers can aid our understanding of the clonal evolution of metastasis and provide a realistic model for the testing of novel therapies

    Gene Expression Architecture of Mouse Dorsal and Tail Skin Reveals Functional Differences in Inflammation and Cancer

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    Inherited germline polymorphisms can cause gene expression levels in normal tissues to differ substantially between individuals. We present an analysis of the genetic architecture of normal adult skin from 470 genetically unique mice, demonstrating the effect of germline variants, skin tissue location, and perturbation by exogenous inflammation or tumorigenesis on gene signaling pathways. Gene networks related to specific cell types and signaling pathways, including sonic hedgehog (Shh), Wnt, Lgr family stem cell markers, and keratins, differed at these tissue sites, suggesting mechanisms for the differential susceptibility of dorsal and tail skin to development of skin diseases and tumorigenesis. The Pten tumor suppressor gene network is rewired in premalignant tumors compared to normal tissue, but this response to perturbation is lost during malignant progression. We present a software package for expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) network analysis and demonstrate how network analysis of whole tissues provides insights into interactions between cell compartments and signaling molecules