82 research outputs found

    Content Analysis of National Strategic Plans on HIV/AIDS and Global AIDS Response Progress Reports from Eight Southeast Asia Countries

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the national policies, strategies, and programmatic responses on HIV/AIDS in eight Southeast Asia Countries by analyzing the contents of the National Strategic Plans on HIV/AIDS (NSPs) and biennial country progress report to UNAIDS from these countries. METHODS: Thematic content analysis method was used to analyze a total of 24 documents of the National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS and Global AIDS Response Progress Report submitted to UNAIDS from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. NVivo10 qualitative analysis software was used for coding and organizing documents. RESULTS: 28 main categories with sub-categories emerged from coding and analysis of NSPs and country progress report documents from eight SEA countries. NSPs from all countries significantly failed to tackle key topics in policy, social and economic environment around HIV control such as women empowerment, illiteracy, armed conflicts, natural disaster and humanitarian emergencies. CONCLUSION: In order to align with the global HIV strategy to reach Millennium Development Goals to stop the spread of HIV by 2015, SEA countries should improve their NSPs and progress reports by addressing the political, social, cultural, and economic factors which urgently need to be addressed. New technologies and approaches are important for developing HIV interventions to stop the HIV epidemic, but addressing policy, economic and social environment around HIV epidemic and control in SEA regions is a key for those HIV intervention strategies and programs to be effective in controlling for HIV

    Ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic in low- and middle-income countries by 2030: is it possible?

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    The international community has committed to ending the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and neglected tropical infections by 2030, and this bold stance deserves universal support. In this paper, we discuss whether this ambitious goal is achievable for HIV/AIDS and what is needed to further accelerate progress. The joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 90-90-90 targets and the related strategy are built upon currently available health technologies that can diagnose HIV infection and suppress viral replication in all people with HIV. Nonetheless, there is much work to be done in ensuring equitable access to these HIV services for key populations and those who remain outside the rims of the traditional health services. Identifying a cure and a preventive vaccine would further help accelerate progress in ending the epidemic. Other disease control programmes could learn from the response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic

    High rate of virological failure and low rate of switching to second-line treatment among adolescents and adults living with HIV on first-line ART in Myanmar, 2005-2015.

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    BACKGROUND: The number of people living with HIV on antiretroviral treatment (ART) in Myanmar has been increasing rapidly in recent years. This study aimed to estimate rates of virological failure on first-line ART and switching to second-line ART due to treatment failure at the Integrated HIV Care program (IHC). METHODS: Routinely collected data of all adolescent and adult patients living with HIV who were initiated on first-line ART at IHC between 2005 and 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. The cumulative hazard of virological failure on first-line ART and switching to second-line ART were estimated. Crude and adjusted hazard ratios were calculated using the Cox regression model to identify risk factors associated with the two outcomes. RESULTS: Of 23,248 adults and adolescents, 7,888 (34%) were tested for HIV viral load. The incidence rate of virological failure among those tested was 3.2 per 100 person-years follow-up and the rate of switching to second-line ART among all patients was 1.4 per 100 person-years follow-up. Factors associated with virological failure included: being adolescent; being lost to follow-up at least once; having WHO stage 3 and 4 at ART initiation; and having taken first-line ART elsewhere before coming to IHC. Of the 1032 patients who met virological failure criteria, 762 (74%) switched to second-line ART. CONCLUSIONS: We found high rates of virological failure among one third of patients in the cohort who were tested for viral load. Of those failing virologically on first-line ART, about one quarter were not switched to second-line ART. Routine viral load monitoring, especially for those identified as having a higher risk of treatment failure, should be considered in this setting to detect all patients failing on first-line ART. Strategies also need to be put in place to prevent treatment failure and to treat more of those patients who are actually failing

    Long-term outcomes of second-line antiretroviral treatment in an adult and adolescent cohort in Myanmar.

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    BACKGROUND: Myanmar has a high burden of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and second-line antiretroviral treatment (ART) has been available since 2008 in the public health sector. However, there have been no published data about the outcomes of such patients until now. OBJECTIVE: To assess the treatment and programmatic outcomes and factors associated with unfavorable outcomes (treatment failure, death and loss to follow-up from care) among people living with HIV (aged ≥ 10 years) receiving protease inhibitor-based second-line ART under the Integrated HIV Care Program in Myanmar between October 2008 and June 2015. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study using routinely collected program data. RESULTS: Of 824 adults and adolescents on second-line ART, 52 patients received viral load testing and 19 patients were diagnosed with virological failure. However, their treatment was not modified. At the end of a total follow-up duration of 7 years, 88 (11%) patients died, 35 (4%) were lost to follow-up, 21 (2%) were transferred out to other health facilities and 680 (83%) were still under care. The incidence rate of unfavorable outcomes was 7.9 patients per 100 person years follow-up. Patients with a history of injecting drug use, with a history of lost to follow-up, with a higher baseline viral load and who had received didanosine and abacavir had a higher risk of unfavorable outcomes. Patients with higher baseline C4 counts, those having taken first-line ART at a private clinic, receiving ART at decentralized sites and taking zidovudine and lamivudine had a lower risk of unfavorable outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term outcomes of patients on second-line ART were relatively good in this cohort. Virological failure was relatively low, possibly because of lack of viral load testing. No patient who failed on second-line ART was switched to third-line treatment. The National HIV/AIDS Program should consider making routine viral load monitoring and third-line ART drugs available after a careful cost-benefit analysis

    Low Incidence of Renal Dysfunction among HIV-Infected Patients on a Tenofovir-Based First Line Antiretroviral Treatment Regimen in Myanmar.

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    BACKGROUND: Since 2004, Médecins Sans Frontières-Switzerland has provided treatment and care for people living with HIV in Dawei, Myanmar. Renal function is routinely monitored in patients on tenofovir (TDF)-based antiretroviral treatment (ART), and this provides an opportunity to measure incidence and risk factors for renal dysfunction. METHODS: We used routinely collected program data on all patients aged ≥15 years starting first-line TDF-based ART between January 2012 and December 2013. Creatinine clearance (CrCl) was assessed at base line and six-monthly, with renal dysfunction defined as CrCl < 50 ml/min/1.73 m2. We calculated incidence of renal dysfunction and used Cox regression analysis to identify associated risk factors. RESULTS: There were 1391 patients, of whom 1372 had normal renal function at baseline. Of these, 86 (6.3%) developed renal dysfunction during a median time of follow-up 1.14 years with an incidence rate of 5.4 per 100 person-years: 78 had CrCl between 30-50 ml/min/1.73 m2 and were maintained on TDF-based ART, but 5 were changed to another regimen: 4 because of CrCl <30 ml/min/1.73 m2. Risk factors for renal dysfunction included age ≥45 years, diagnosed diabetes, underlying renal disease, underweight and CD4 count <200 cells/mm3. There were 19 patients with baseline renal dysfunction and all continued on TDF-based ART: CrCl stayed between 30-49 ml/min/1.73 m2 in five patients while the remainder regained normal renal function. CONCLUSIONS: In a resource-poor country like Myanmar, the low incidence of renal toxicity in our patient cohort suggests that routine assessment of CrCl may not be needed and could be targeted to high risk groups if resources permit

    Feature Extraction for Effective Malware Characterization in Android Malware Detection Framework

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    Today, mobile devices have become a widelyused for personal and business purposes. Because ofthe popularity of mobile application, inexpensiveways for people to communicate and shareinformation, they become the highest interestingpoint of malicious attackers. Malicious softwarewhich can destroy smart phones or steal sensitiveinformation are growing in every aspect of people’slive. Relying on currently developed approaches isnot sufficient, given that intelligent malware keepsmodifying rapidly and as a result becomes moredifficult to detect. This paper focus on the extractionof key features from Android apps using hybridanalysis method to improve Machine Learning baseddetection framework

    Machine Learning Based Android Malware Detection using Significant Permission Identification

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    The increasing popularity of smartphones andtablets has introduced Android malware which israpidly becoming a potential threat to users. A recentreport indicates the alarming growth rate of Androidmalware in which a new malware is introduced inevery second more precisely in 10 seconds. To againstthis dangerous malware growth, this paper proposesa scalable malware detection system using permissionanalysis behavior that can identify malware appseffectively and efficiently. We propose multi-level ofpruning procedures to identify the most significantpermission instead of extracting all permissions. Thepropose system utilizes supervised classificationmethod in machine-learning to classify differentfamilies of benign and malware apps. We found that22 permissions are significant actually. Ourevaluation finds that the analysis time of using these22 permissions are 4 to 32 times less than using allpermissions. The results show that most of malwareapps are located the unnecessary permission onAndroidManifest.xml to inject the malicious codes inthe apps

    Evaluation of a tuberculosis active case finding project in peri-urban areas, Myanmar: 2014-2016

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    Objectives: We assessed the effect of an active case finding (ACF) project on tuberculosis (TB) case notification and the yields from a household and neigbourhood intervention (screening contacts of historical index TB patients diagnosed >24 months ago) and a community intervention (screening attendants of health education sessions/mobile clinics). Design: Cross-sectional analysis of project records, township TB registers and annual TB reports. Results: In the household and neigbourhood intervention, of 56,709 people screened, 1,076 were presumptive TB and 74 patients were treated for active TB with a screening yield of 0.1% and a yield from presumptive cases of 6.9%. In the community intervention, of 162,881 people screened, 4,497 were presumptive TB and 984 were treated for active TB with a screening yield of 0.6% and yield from presumptive cases of 21.9%. Of active TB cases, 94% were new, 89% were pulmonary, 44% were bacteriologically-confirmed and 5% had HIV. Case notification rates per 100,000 in project townships increased from 142 during baseline (2011-2013) to 148 during intervention (2014-2016) periods. Conclusions: The yield from household and neigbourhood intervention was lower than community intervention. This finding highlights reconsidering the strategy of screening of contacts from historical index cases. Strategies to reach high-risk groups should be explored for future ACF interventions to increase yield of TB. Keywords: Tuberculosis, Community-based active case finding, TB screening, Myanma

    ADetect: Hybrid Analysis Feature Extraction for Android malware Detection

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