789 research outputs found

    Financing Small and Medium Enterprises in Myanmar

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    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) share the biggest part in Myanmar economy in terms of number, contribution to employment, output, and investment. Myanmar economic growth is thus totally dependent on the development of SMEs in the private sector. Today, the role of SMEs has become more vital in strengthening national competitive advantage and the speedy economic integration into the ASEAN region. However, studies show that SMEs have to deal with a number of constraints that hinder their development potential, such as the shortage in power supply, unavailability of long-term credit from external sources and many others. Among them, the financing problem of SMEs is one of the biggest constraints. Such is deeply rooted in demand and supply issues, macroeconomic fundamentals, and lending infrastructure of the country. The government’s policy towards SMEs could also lead to insufficient support for the SMEs. Thus, focusing on SMEs and private sector development as a viable strategy for industrialization and economic development of the country is a fundamental requirement for SME development. This paper recommends policies for stabilizing macro economic fundamentals, improving lending infrastructures of the country and improving demand- and supply-side conditions from the SMEs financing perspective in order to provide a more accessible financing for SMEs and to contribute in the overall development of SMEs in Myanmar thereby to sharpen national competitive advantage in the age of speedy economic integration

    Financing Small and Medium Enterprises in Myanmar

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    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) share the biggest part in Myanmar economy in terms of number, contribution to employment, output, and investment. Myanmar economic growth is thus totally dependent on the development of SMEs in the private sector. Today, the role of SMEs has become more vital in strengthening national competitive advantage and the speedy economic integration into the ASEAN region. However, studies show that SMEs have to deal with a number of constraints that hinder their development potential, such as the shortage in power supply, unavailability of long-term credit from external sources and many others. Among them, the financing problem of SMEs is one of the biggest constraints. Such is deeply rooted in demand and supply issues, macroeconomic fundamentals, and lending infrastructure of the country. The government’s policy towards SMEs could also lead to insufficient support for the SMEs. Thus, focusing on SMEs and private sector development as a viable strategy for industrialization and economic development of the country is a fundamental requirement for SME development. This paper recommends policies for stabilizing macro economic fundamentals, improving lending infrastructures of the country and improving demand- and supply-side conditions from the SMEs financing perspective in order to provide a more accessible financing for SMEs and to contribute in the overall development of SMEs in Myanmar thereby to sharpen national competitive advantage in the age of speedy economic integration.Small and medium enterprise (SME), Small and medium-scale enterprises, Financing, Competitiveness, Myanmar, Japan, ASEAN, Southeast Asia, Finance

    Policy Outcomes in Indonesia Before and After Democratization

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    Different types of regimes face different political situations and have different incentives to pursue different policies. In this paper, I am examining whether there are any differences in economic and social policy outcomes under democracy and dictatorship in Indonesia. The study is divided into two periods. The first period covers the authoritarian rule of President Suharto(1966 to 1998) and the second period covers the new democratic government(1999 to 2010). I set out by analyzing the rules used in distinguishing democracy from dictatorship and discussing the process by which Suharto\u27s regime was categorized as a dictatorship and the Indonesian government after 1999 as democratic. Then I compare and contrast the economic and social policies pursued under each of the two regime types and the policy outcomes achieved. Some authors suggest that democracy is more conducive to economic and human development than authoritarian leadership whereas others suggest that there is no significant difference. Some even suggest the authoritarian regime to be better at developing a country. In the case of Indonesia, I found that there is no significant change in the trend both in economic and human development and in some cases, the development rate is slower under democracy. I discuss the findings in light of literatures on democracy and development. Indonesia\u27s democracy is still young and the democratic period covered by the study is relatively short compared to the authoritarian period. Better comparison of policy outcomes could be made in the future if further research can be done after Indonesia\u27s democracy becomes stronger

    The Political Economy of China-Myanmar Bilateral Relations Under the framework of Belt and Road Initiative

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    After the political transition of Myanmar in 2011, China’s engagement strategy toward Myanmar has led the changes from the state-to-state relations into the multi-layered relations. At the same time, Myanmar’s foreign policy has also challenged Beijing’s economic and political interests in Myanmar in terms of the Myit-Sone Dam suspension by Myanmar’s first reform government. Later, the Aung San Suu Kyi’s government looks more closely with the PRC under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. In this sense, it could be interesting to find Myanmar’s policy on China’s engagement and China’s responses to Myanmar’s development. Moreover, Myanmar has agreed to the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC) which is a strategically important economic corridor under the umbrella of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Among various China’s BRI projects in Myanmar, every case has a different characteristic, pattern, and situation, in terms of the different fundamental interaction relations among the state, market, and society. It means that China’s interest in Myanmar is a complicated and complex situation during Myanmar’s new political order. In this sense, the China-Myanmar bilateral relations have the multidimensional factors and it was shaped by the diverse state-holders’ interaction. Therefore, this paper will seek the China-Myanmar bilateral relations from the political economy perspective. At last, this paper will argue that the changing relations among state-market-society in Myanmar will play a crucial role in China-Myanmar bilateral relations by using the two-level game theory.

    Voltage Stability Assessment of Power System with Distributed Generation in Free and Open Source Software

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    This paper presents voltage stability analysis of distributed generation (DG) in mesh distribution network in Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) — free and open source software. Voltage stability analysis of a power system is a necessity, particularly in the planning period of the development or expansion of a power network. The ultimate goal of this paper is to investigate the voltage stability of the 52 buses power system network (Mandalay City) during the expansion of the network. In this paper, a study is being done to expand the power network of the area of Mandalay City. In order to perform the voltage stability analysis, modal analysis as well as PV curves was evaluated based on load flow for selected scenarios. PSAT has been developed to carry out the static voltage stability analysis. And also the dynamic voltage stability analysis has been performed by using time domain simulation with PSAT software

    Analysis Of Policy Has Been Established By The Minister On Opening The Export Of Lobster Seed In Indonesia

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    Seakeeping is the ship's ability to stay afloat on the waves. The ship's maneuverability is greatly influenced by external factors related to the state of the sea and the waters in which the ship sails. Calculating seakeeping with various variations of depth, current, and wave height is needed for ship safety when sailing in the calculation of seakeeping using linear strip theory to calculate the response of heaving and pitching movements while roll damping theory for rolling movements. In this study, the ship's motion is calculated using the Finite element method software Hydrodynamic Diffraction and Hydrodynamic Time Response. For variations in wave height and water depth, referring to the conditions of Indonesian waters, from the reference, variations in wave height of 3 m, and 5 m (based on sea state WMO). In contrast, the current variation uses a current with a speed of 10 knots and a current depth of 10 T, 15 T, and 20 T. Based on the data obtained in data processing, it can be seen that the high value of the wave frequency obtained at 90 and 270 degrees wave direction is relatively high. The value of the roll spectrum in the direction of 0 and 270 degrees is large and can cause rolling on the ship. In the direction of 0 and 270 degrees, the wave resistance can be reduced by th Lobsters are animals that enter into crustaceans that have problematic skin. Adult lobsters can generally be found on a stretch of sand with coral spots with a depth of between 5-100 meters. This condition will cause a low number of young lobsters in the waters. This research was conducted with a case study regarding the policy of opening lobster seed export, which aims to find out how the policy is to open the export of lobster seed. The data obtained is done by reviewing the literature on the internet. Based on the analysis, the export profit of lobster seeds has continued to increase every month since it was again allowed by the government in May 2020. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), lobster seeds began to be re-exported in June 2020 at 32 kilograms, costing the US $ 112,990. The government can help with training and outreach on lobster cultivation. The government can offer Lobster a partnership package to help people start a freshwater crayfish business
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