2,614 research outputs found

    Communications system evolutionary scenarios for Martian SEI support

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    In the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) mission scenarios, expanding human presence is the primary driver for high data rate Mars-Earth communications. To support an expanding human presence, the data rate requirement will be gradual, following the phased implementation over time of the evolving SEI mission. Similarly, the growth and evolution of the space communications infrastructure to serve this requirement will also be gradual to efficiently exploit the useful life of the installed communications infrastructure and to ensure backward compatibility with long-term users. In work conducted over the past year, a number of alternatives for supporting high data rate Mars-Earth communications have been analyzed with respect to their compatibility with gradual evolution of the space communications infrastructure. The alternatives include RF, millimeter wave (MMW), and optical implementations, and incorporate both surface and space-based relay terminals in the Mars and Earth regions. Each alternative is evaluated with respect to its ability to efficiently meet a projected growth in data rate over time, its technology readiness, and its capability to satisfy the key conditions and constraints imposed by evolutionary transition. As a result of this analysis, a set of attractive alternative communications architectures have been identified and described, and a road map is developed that illustrates the most rational and beneficial evolutionary paths for the communications infrastructure

    Microwave vs optical crosslink study

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    The intersatellite links (ISL's) at geostationary orbit is currently a missing link in commercial satellite services. Prior studies have found that potential application of ISL's to domestic, regional, and global satellites will provide more cost-effective services than the non-ISL's systems (i.e., multiple-hop systems). In addition, ISL's can improve and expand the existing satellite services in several aspects. For example, ISL's can conserve the scarce spectrum allocated for fixed satellite services (FSS) by avoiding multiple hopping of the relay stations. ISL's can also conserve prime orbit slot by effectively expanding the geostationary arc. As a result of the coverage extension by using ISL's more users will have direct access to the satellite network, thus providing reduced signal propagation delay and improved signal quality. Given the potential benefits of ISL's system, it is of interest to determine the appropriate implementations for some potential ISL architectures. Summary of the selected ISL network architecture as supplied by NASA are listed. The projected high data rate requirements (greater than 400 Mbps) suggest that high frequency RF or optical implementations are natural approaches. Both RF and optical systems have their own merits and weaknesses which make the choice between them dependent on the specific application. Due to its relatively mature technology base, the implementation risk associated with RF (at least 32 GHz) is lower than that of the optical ISL's. However, the relatively large antenna size required by RF ISL's payload may cause real-estate problems on the host spacecraft. In addition, because of the frequency sharing (for duplex multiple channels communications) within the limited bandwidth allocated, RF ISL's are more susceptible to inter-system and inter-channel interferences. On the other hand, optical ISL's can offer interference-free transmission and compact sized payload. However, the extremely narrow beam widths (on the order of 10 micro-rad) associated with optical ISL's impose very stringent pointing, acquisition, and tracking requirements on the system. Even if the RF and optical systems are considered separately, questions still remain as to selection of RF frequency, direct versus coherent optical detection, etc. in implementing an ISL for a particular network architecture. These and other issues are studied

    Radiative Leptonic BcB_c Decays

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    We analyze the radiative leptonic BcB_c decay mode: BcνγB_c \to \ell \nu \gamma (=e,μ\ell=e, \mu) using a QCD-inspired constituent quark model. The prediction: B(Bcνγ)3×105{\cal B}(B_c \to \ell \nu \gamma)\simeq 3 \times 10^{-5} makes this channel experimentally promising in view of the large number of BcB_c mesons which are expected to be produced at the future hadron facilities.Comment: LaTex, 12 pages, 2 figures. A discussion on gauge invariance added. Numerical results update

    Observation of femto-joule optical bistability involving Fano resonances in high-Q/Vm silicon photonic crystal nanocavities

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    We observe experimentally optical bistability enhanced through Fano interferences in high-Q localized silicon photonic crystal resonances (Q ~ 30,000 and modal volume ~ 0.98 cubic wavelengths). This phenomenon is analyzed through nonlinear coupled-mode formalism, including the interplay of chi(3) effects such as two-photon absorption and related free-carrier dynamics, and optical Kerr as well as thermal effects and linear losses. Our experimental and theoretical results demonstrate for the first time Fano-resonance based bistable states with switching thresholds of 185 micro-Watt and 4.5 fJ internally stored cavity energy (~ 540 fJ consumed energy) in silicon for scalable optical buffering and logic

    Mestastable State Population in Laser Induced Plasmas

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    Laser induced plasma has been used as a source of neutrals and ions in the study of astrophysical plasmas. The purity of state of this source is essential in the determination of collision parameters such as the charge transfer rate coefficients between ions and neutrals. We will show that the temperature of the laser induced plasma is a rapidly decreasing function of time. The temperature is initially high but cools off rapidly through collisions with the expanding plasma electrons as the plasma recombines and streams into the vacuum. This rapid expansion of the plasma, similar to a supersonic jet, drastically lowers the internal energy of the neutrals and ions

    RELBET 4.0 user's guide

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    This manual describes the operation and use of RELBET 4.0 implemented on the Hewlett Packard model 9000. The RELBET System is an integrated collection of computer programs which support the analysis and post-flight reconstruction of vehicle to vehicle relative trajectories of two on-orbit free-flying vehicles: the Space Shuttle Orbiter and some other free-flyer. The manual serves both as a reference and as a training guide. Appendices provide experienced users with details and full explanations of program usage. The body of the manual introduces new users to the system by leading them through a step by step example of a typical production. This should equip the new user both to execute a typical production process and to understand the most significant variables in that process

    Effect of variations in environmental temperature on 2D-WH/TS OCDMA code performance

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    Extensive research has been carried out on the performance investigation of two-dimensional wavelength hopping/time spreading optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) codes, which are based on picosecond multiwavelength pulses under the influence of temperature variations resulting from changing environmental conditions. Equations have been derived to theoretically evaluate the extent to which such temperature changes will degrade the overall OCDMA system performance. To mitigate these negative effects on the OCDMA system, several steps have been introduced to improve the code robustness. System design improvements have then been investigated. We also found they would help to improve the spectral efficiency

    Large optical gain from four-wave mixing instabilities in semiconductor quantum wells

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    Based on a microscopic many-particle theory, we predict large optical gain in the probe and background-free four-wave mixing directions caused by excitonic instabilities in semiconductor quantum wells. For a single quantum well with radiative-decay limited dephasing in a typical pump-probe setup we discuss the microscopic driving mechanisms and polarization and frequency dependence of these instabilities

    A note on the realignment criterion

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    For a quantum state in a bipartite system represented as a density matrix, researchers used the realignment matrix and functions on its singular values to study the separability of the quantum state. We obtain bounds for elementary symmetric functions of singular values of realignment matrices. This answers some open problems proposed by Lupo, Aniello, and Scardicchio. As a consequence, we show that the proposed scheme by these authors for testing separability would not work if the two subsystems of the bipartite system have the same dimension.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretica