1,116 research outputs found
Electronic Structure of Carbon Nanotube Ropes
We present a tight binding theory to analyze the motion of electrons between
carbon nanotubes bundled into a carbon nanotube rope. The theory is developed
starting from a description of the propagating Bloch waves on ideal tubes, and
the effects of intertube motion are treated perturbatively in this basis.
Expressions for the interwall tunneling amplitudes between states on
neighboring tubes are derived which show the dependence on chiral angles and
intratube crystal momenta. We find that conservation of crystal momentum along
the tube direction suppresses interwall coherence in a carbon nanorope
containing tubes with random chiralities. Numerical calculations are presented
which indicate that electronic states in a rope are localized in the transverse
direction with a coherence length corresponding to a tube diameter.Comment: 15 pages, 10 eps figure
A Detailed Monte-Carlo Simulation for the Belle TOF System
We have developed a detailed Monte Carlo simulation program for the Belle TOF
system. Based on GEANT simulation, it takes account of all physics processes in
the TOF scintillation counters and readout electronics. The simulation
reproduces very well the performance of the Belle TOF system, including the
dE/dx response, the time walk effect, the time resolution, and the hit
efficiency due to beam background. In this report, we will describe the Belle
TOF simulation program in detail.Comment: To be submitted to NI
Pair Phase Fluctuations and the Pseudogap
The single-particle density of states and the tunneling conductance are
studied for a two-dimensional BCS-like Hamiltonian with a d_{x^2-y^2}-gap and
phase fluctuations. The latter are treated by a classical Monte Carlo
simulation of an XY model. Comparison of our results with recent scanning
tunneling spectra of Bi-based high-T_c cuprates supports the idea that the
pseudogap behavior observed in these experiments can be understood as arising
from phase fluctuations of a d_{x^2-y^2} pairing gap whose amplitude forms on
an energy scale set by T_c^{MF} well above the actual superconducting
transition.Comment: 5 pages, 6 eps-figure
Exciting high frequency oscillations in a coaxial transmission line with a magnetized ferrite: 2D approach
1D and 2D simulation methods and research into the formation of high frequency oscillations in a coaxial nonlinear transmission line (NLTL) partially filled with a longitudinally magnetized ferrite are presented. Dynamics and structure of the electromagnetic wave fields produced in the NLTL with a transverse inhomogeneity are studied for the first time within a 2D model. Means for optimizing the electromagnetic system parameters, NLTL dimensions, and degree of the line filling, needed to increase the electric strength and maximize oscillation intensity are discussed.Представлено методику та результати 1D- і 2D-чисельного моделювання процесу формування високочастотних коливань у коаксіальній нелінійній лінії, що частково заповнена феритом, який намагнічено повздовжнім магнітним полем. За допомогою 2D-моделі вперше досліджено динаміку та структуру хвильового поля нелінійної лінії з поперечною неоднорідністю. Обговорюється оптимізація діелектричних параметрів системи, розмірів лінії та ступеня її заповнення феромагнітним матеріалом, які необхідні для підвищення електричної стійкості та отримання максимальної інтенсивності коливань.Представлена методика и результаты 1D- и 2D-численного моделирования процесса формирования высокочастотных колебаний в коаксиальной нелинейной линии, частично заполненной ферритом, который намагничен продольным магнитным полем. С помощью 2D-модели впервые исследованы динамика и структура волнового поля нелинейной линии с поперечной неоднородностью. Обсуждается оптимизация диэлектрических параметров системы, размеров линии и степени ее заполнения ферримагнитным материалом, необходимых для повышения электрической прочности и получения максимальной интенсивности колебаний
Photoemission and x-ray absorption spectroscopy study of electron-doped colossal magnetoresistance manganite: La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 film
The electronic structure of La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 (LCeMO) thin film has been
investigated using photoemission spectroscopy (PES) and x-ray absorption
spectroscopy (XAS). The Ce 3d core-level PES and XAS spectra of LCeMO are very
similar to those of CeO2, indicating that Ce ions are far from being trivalent.
A very weak 4f resonance is observed around the Ce 4d 4f absorption edge,
suggesting that the localized Ce 4f states are almost empty in the ground
state. The Mn 2p XAS spectrum reveals the existence of the Mn(2+) multiplet
feature, confirming the Mn(2+)-Mn(3+) mixed-valent states of Mn ions in LCeMO.
The measured Mn 3d PES/XAS spectra for LCeMO agrees reasonably well with the
calculated Mn 3d PDOS using the LSDA+U method. The LSDA+U calculation predicts
a half-metallic ground state for LCeMO.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure
Superconductivity in carbon nanotube ropes
We investigate the conditions in which superconductivity may develop in ropes
of carbon nanotubes. It is shown that the interaction among a large number of
metallic nanotubes favors the appearance of a metallic phase in the ropes,
intermediate between respective phases with spin-density-wave and
superconducting correlations. These arise in samples with about 100 metallic
nanotubes or more, where the long-range Coulomb interaction is very effectively
reduced and it may be overcome by the attractive interaction from the exchange
of optical phonons within each nanotube. We estimate that the probability for
the tunneling of Cooper pairs between neighboring nanotubes is much higher than
that for single electrons in a disordered rope. The effect of pair hopping is
therefore what establishes the intertube coherence, and the tunneling amplitude
of the Cooper pairs dictates the scale of the transition to the superconducting
state.Comment: 12 page
Vacuum structure of Toroidal Carbon Nanotubes
Low energy excitations in carbon nanotubes can be described by an effective
field theory of two components spinor. It is pointed out that the chiral
anomaly in 1+1 dimensions should be observed in a metallic toroidal carbon
nanotube on a planar geometry with varying magnetic field. We propose an
experimental setup for studying this quantum effect. We also analyze the vacuum
structure of the metallic toroidal carbon nanotube including the Coulomb
interactions and discuss some effects of external charges on the vacuum.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure
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