62 research outputs found

    Forage Rye Cultivars for Animal Feed in Korea

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    Rye (Secale cereal L.) is well known for its overwintering ability and has the highest tolerance to cold temperature of the small grain cereals such as wheat, barley, and oat. Rye is used as livestock pasture and as green manure in Korea, and its cultivation area for fodder is about 50,000 ha in 2014. Most rye is grown as a fall-sown annual crop, generally called “winter rye”. In Korea, rye cultivation for whole crop silage (WCS) in the winter-season rice field can be considered as a promising way to enhance feed supply. The WCS production can be an efficient way to use farm products as livestock feed, and it can also contribute to increasing farm income. Although rye is inferior in several ways to the predominant cereal crops (wheat, rice, and maize), it will continue to be an important crop for farmers in Korea because of its winter hardiness and early harvesting by rapid growing ability

    Development of Barley Cultivars for Animal Forage in Korea

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    In Korea, the domestic consumption of barley as a cereal crop has been decreasing since the 1980s. It has been considered that crop production in the winter-season rice fields could enhance the global competitiveness of domestic livestock industry by providing better quality fodder to livestock and enhancing field use rate. Therefore, the purpose of barley cultivation for cereal food production has been recently replaced by the production of the barley for forage use. Consequently, the area of barley cultivation for forage is markedly increasing in Korea. While any type of barley can be used as forage for feeding cattle, whole crop barley delivers a higher dry matter yield than conventional feed barley. This paper described the present state of forage barley cultivars developed in Korea

    Variation block-based genomics method for crop plants

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    BACKGROUND: In contrast with wild species, cultivated crop genomes consist of reshuffled recombination blocks, which occurred by crossing and selection processes. Accordingly, recombination block-based genomics analysis can be an effective approach for the screening of target loci for agricultural traits. RESULTS: We propose the variation block method, which is a three-step process for recombination block detection and comparison. The first step is to detect variations by comparing the short-read DNA sequences of the cultivar to the reference genome of the target crop. Next, sequence blocks with variation patterns are examined and defined. The boundaries between the variation-containing sequence blocks are regarded as recombination sites. All the assumed recombination sites in the cultivar set are used to split the genomes, and the resulting sequence regions are termed variation blocks. Finally, the genomes are compared using the variation blocks. The variation block method identified recurring recombination blocks accurately and successfully represented block-level diversities in the publicly available genomes of 31 soybean and 23 rice accessions. The practicality of this approach was demonstrated by the identification of a putative locus determining soybean hilum color. CONCLUSIONS: We suggest that the variation block method is an efficient genomics method for the recombination block-level comparison of crop genomes. We expect that this method will facilitate the development of crop genomics by bringing genomics technologies to the field of crop breeding

    A Case of Recurrent Toxocariasis Presenting With Urticaria

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    Human toxocariasis is the most prevalent helminthiasis in Korea and other industrialized countries. The clinical features of toxocariasis are diverse, according to the involved organ. Typically, Toxocara spp. infection is easily treated with 400 mg albendazole twice a day for 5 days. However, we experienced a case of recurrent toxocariasis that was refractory to this standard therapy and presented with urticaria, an uncommon symptom in toxocariasis. A 35-year-old male visited our emergency room because of abdominal pain. He had recently consumed raw cow liver (3 weeks prior to presentation). Laboratory analyses revealed eosinophilia (1,612 cells/µL) and increased total IgE (3,060 IU/mL). Chest X-ray showed multiple lung nodules in both lungs, and computed tomography revealed multiple ground-glass opacities in both lungs and multiple tiny liver abscesses. Liver biopsy revealed an eosinophilic abscess. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay findings for Toxocara antigens were positive (optical density, 2.140), leading to a diagnosis of toxocariasis. We initiated a 5-day treatment with albendazole and prednisolone; however, 6 days after completing the treatment, the patient again experienced urticaria and severe itching that could not be controlled by antihistamines or hydrocortisone cream. A second bout of eosinophilia suggested recurring toxocariasis, for which we prescribed a second round of albendazole. Despite an initial improvement in his symptoms, the patient returned after 6 weeks complaining of abdominal pain for 6 hours, which was reminiscent of his first attack; he also exhibited eosinophilia. Accordingly, albendazole was administered once more for an additional 3 weeks, and his symptoms resolved

    The Effect of CpG-Oligodeoxynucleotides with Different Backbone Structures and 3' Hexameric Deoxyriboguanosine Run Conjugation on the Treatment of Asthma in Mice

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    CpG-Oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) has two backbones. Phosphorothioate backbone (PS) shows a strong immunostimulating effect while phosphodiester (PE) shows little in vivo. 3' hexameric deoxyriboguanosine-run (3' dG6-run) conjugation to PE CpG-ODN has been reported to enhance immunostimulation and to protect against asthma when injected at the time of sensitization in mice. We evaluated the treatment effects of PE and PS CpG-ODN with or without 3' dG6-run on asthma in presensitized mice. BALB/c mice sensitized with ovalbumin and alum were challenged with 1% ovalbumin on three days. CpG-ODNs (100 µg) or PBS were injected 4 times; 27 hr before challenge and 3 hr before each challenge (CpG-dG6: CpG-ODN with 3' dG6-run, PE*-CpG-dG6: PE-CpG-dG6 with two PS backbones at the 5' terminus). PE-CpG showed no treatment effect. PE-CpG-dG6 only increased ovalbumin-specific IgG2a. PE*-CpG-dG6 increased ovalbumin-specific IgG2a but also reduced BAL fluid eosinophils and airway hyperresponsiveness. PS-CpG increased ovalbumin-specific IgG2a, reduced airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. PS-CpG-dG6 was less effective than PS-CpG on airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. In pre-sensitized mice, PE-CpG required not only 3' dG6-run but also the modification of two PS linkages at 5' terminus to inhibit features of asthma. PS-CpG was strong enough to inhibit asthma but PS-CpG-dG6 was less effective

    Intra-host competition and interactions between Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) strains in mixed-infected soybean

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    Abstract Over the past two decades, the dominant Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) strain in South Korea has changed from G5 to G7H. To examine the dominance of G7H, intra-host competition between G7H and G5 was evaluated in soybean plants infected with a mixture of SMV strains. The distribution patterns of the two SMV strains in soybean plants inoculated with G7H, G5 and G7H/G5 were investigated at designated time points by RT-PCR/RFLP analysis, which enables the specific differentiation of low concentrations of SMV strains and the detection of mixed infection at any given time. When leaves of 'Kwangankong' and 'Tawonkong' were infected with both strains, the upper leaves had only the G7H strain in simultaneous infections. In sequential inoculations, the leaves exhibited mosaic symptoms caused by G7H, and the G5 strain was not detected in plants pre-inoculated with the G7H strain before inoculation with the G5 strain. In the reverse treatment, both G5 and G7H were present at every vegetative stage. In addition, interactions between the virulence and dominance of G7H, G5, and G1, a less virulent strain, were investigated. Three landrace soybeans were co-inoculated with G7H/G5, G7H/G1, G5/G1, and G7H/G5/G1 sets. There was no significant difference between virulence and dominance. These results demonstrate the dominance of G7H in mixed infections and could explain the prevalence of G7H in South Korea

    Korean Ginseng-Induced Occupational Asthma and Determination of IgE Binding Components

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    A number of case reports on occupational asthma caused by herbal medicines have been issued, for example, on Sanyak, Chunkung, Banha, and Brazilian ginseng. Recently, cases of occupational asthma induced by Sanyak and Korean ginseng have been reported, but the pathogenic mechanisms involved are unknown. This study was carried out to evaluate the immunologic mechanism underlying Korean ginseng-induced occupational asthma. A patient engaged in Korean ginseng wholesale was referred for recurrent dyspnea, wheezing, and nasal symptoms, which were aggravated at work. Allergen bronchial provocation testing to Korean ginseng extract showed a typical immediate response, and skin prick testing to Korean ginseng extract also showed a strong positive response. Moreover, serum-specific IgE levels to Korean ginseng extract were significantly higher than in controls. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) inhibition tests showed a dose-dependent inhibition by Korean ginseng, but not by Dermatophagoides farinae, wheat flour, or Chinese balloon flower. Sodium dodecylsulfate-poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting revealed four specific Immunoglobulin E (IgE) binding components at 26, 30, 47, and 60 kDa, which were not bound by control sera. These results strongly suggest that occupation asthma induced by Korean ginseng is induced via an IgE-mediated mechanism

    Two Cases of H2-Receptor Antagonist Hypersensitivity and Cross-Reactivity

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    H2-receptor antagonists, such as cimetidine, ranitidine and famotidine, are some of the most commonly prescribed medications for gastric acid-related disorders. These compounds are generally well-tolerated and anaphylactic reactions to them are rare. Here, we report two cases of H2-receptor antagonist-induced anaphylactic reactions: the first presented with sudden dyspnea, sneezing, urticaria, and swelling of the eyelids after ranitidine intake. The second presented with sudden severe urticaria, facial swelling, chest discomfort, dizziness, and hypotension. Possible cross-reactivity with other H2-receptor antagonists was assessed by oral challenge and skin tests. To date, only a few reports addressing cross-reactivity among H2-receptor antagonists have been published. We review the literature and summarize the data available on drug cross-reactivity in H2-receptor antagonist hypersensitivity

    A Case of Hypersensitivity Syndrome to Both Vancomycin and Teicoplanin

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    Drug hypersensitivity syndrome to both vancomycin and teicoplanin has not been previously reported. We describe here a 50-yr-old male patient with vertebral osteomyelitis and epidural abscess who developed hypersensitivity syndrome to both vancomycin and teicoplanin. Skin rash, fever, eosinophilia, interstitial pneumonitis, and interstitial nephritis developed following the administration of each drug, and resolved after withdrawing the drugs and treating with high dose corticosteroids. The vertebral osteomyelitis was successfully treated with 6-week course of linezolid without further complications. Skin patch tests for vancomycin and teicoplanin was done 2 months after the recovery; a weak positive result for vancomycin (10% aq.,+at D2 and +at D4 with erythema and vesicles; ICDRG scale), and a doubtful result for teicoplanin (4% aq.-at D2 and±at D4 with macular erythema; ICDRG scale). We present this case to alert clinicians to the hypersensitivity syndrome that can result from vancomycin and teicoplanin, with possible cross-reactivity, which could potentially be life-threatening