1,354 research outputs found

    Abrupt Transition from a Free, Repulsive to a Condensed, Attractive DNA Phase, Induced by Multivalent Polyamine Cations

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    We have investigated the energetics of DNA condensation by multivalent polyamine cations. Solution small angle x-ray scattering was used to monitor interactions between short 25 base pair dsDNA strands in the free supernatant DNA phase that coexists with the condensed DNA phase. Interestingly, when tetravalent spermine is used, significant inter-DNA repulsion is observed in the free phase, in contrast with the presumed inter-DNA attraction in the coexisting condensed phase. DNA condensation thus appears to be a discrete, first-order-like, transition from a repulsive gaseous to an attractive condensed solid phase, in accord with the reported all-or-none condensation of giant DNA. We further quantify the electrostatic repulsive potentials in the free DNA phase and estimate the number of additional spermine cations that bind to DNA upon condensation

    The Extracellular Matrix in the Nervous System: The Good and the Bad Aspects

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    The study of extracellular matrix (ECM) in the nervous system has longed been focused on the molecules promoting growth and migration. This is well supported by the work in the developing nervous system. However, the discovery of Nogo and chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans (CSPGs) in the injured nervous system in late 1980s has shifted some of the focus to inhibitory molecules. One of the biggest hurdles in neural regeneration is the formation of glial scar and the highly up-regulated inhibitory molecules present in the area. Apart from Nogo and CSPGs, other myelin-associated inhibitors, tenascins and semaphorins have been found associated with neuronal inhibition. Together with the identification of their receptors, we now have a better understanding on the mechanism of how these molecules control and limit regeneration in the central nervous system (CNS). Recent focus has been put on designing strategies in neutralizing these inhibitions for promoting regeneration after injury, and some are showing promising results. Moreover, latest studies also show that rehabilitation in injured animal models demonstrated drastic remodeling of ECM favoring regeneration. This review shall discuss all these different aspects and the importance of matrix remodeling in the CNS and the implication of ECM in some retinal pathologies

    Perineuronal Nets in Spinal Motoneurones: Chondroitin Sulphate Proteoglycan around Alpha Motoneurones

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    Perineuronal nets (PNNs) are extracellular matrix structures surrounding neuronal sub-populations throughout the central nervous system, regulating plasticity. Enzymatically removing PNNs successfully enhances plasticity and thus functional recovery, particularly in spinal cord injury models. While PNNs within various brain regions are well studied, much of the composition and associated populations in the spinal cord is yet unknown. We aim to investigate the populations of PNN neurones involved in this functional motor recovery. Immunohistochemistry for choline acetyltransferase (labelling motoneurones), PNNs using Wisteria floribunda agglutinin (WFA) and chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans (CSPGs), including aggrecan, was performed to characterise the molecular heterogeneity of PNNs in rat spinal motoneurones (Mns). CSPG-positive PNNs surrounded ~70–80% of Mns. Using WFA, only ~60% of the CSPG-positive PNNs co-localised with WFA in the spinal Mns, while ~15–30% of Mnsshowed CSPG-positive but WFA-negative PNNs. Selective labelling revealed that aggrecan encircled ~90% of alpha Mns. The results indicate that (1) aggrecan labels spinal PNNs better than WFA, and (2) there are differences in PNN composition and their associated neuronal populations between the spinal cord and cortex. Insights into the role of PNNs and their molecular heterogeneity in the spinal motor pools could aid in designing targeted strategies to enhance functional recovery post-injury

    Measuring Inter-DNA Potentials in Solution

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    Interactions between short strands of DNA can be tuned from repulsive to attractive by varying solution conditions and have been quantified using small angle x-ray scattering techniques. The effective DNA interaction charge was extracted by fitting the scattering profiles with the generalized one-component method and inter-DNA Yukawa pair potentials. A significant charge is measured at low to moderate monovalent counterion concentrations, resulting in strong inter-DNA repulsion. The charge and repulsion diminish rapidly upon the addition of divalent counterions. An intriguing short range attraction is observed at surprisingly low divalent cation concentrations, ~16 mM Mg2+. Quantitative measurements of inter- DNA potentials are essential for improving models of fundamental interactions in biological systems

    Inter-DNA Attraction Mediated by Divalent Counterions

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    Can nonspecifically bound divalent counterions induce attraction between DNA strands? Here, we present experimental evidence demonstrating attraction between short DNA strands mediated by Mg2 ions. Solution small angle x-ray scattering data collected as a function of DNA concentration enable model independent extraction of the second virial coefficient. As the [Mg2] increases, this coefficient turns from positive to negative reflecting the transition from repulsive to attractive inter-DNA interaction. This surprising observation is corroborated by independent light scattering experiments. The dependence of the observed attraction on experimental parameters including DNA length provides valuable clues to its origin

    Mono- and Trivalent Ions around DNA: A Small-Angle Scattering Study of Competition and Interactions

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    The presence of small numbers of multivalent ions in DNA-containing solutions results in strong attractive forces between DNA strands. Despite the biological importance of this interaction, e.g., DNA condensation, its physical origin remains elusive.Wecarried out a series of experiments to probe interactions between short DNA strands as small numbers of trivalent ions are included in a solution containing DNA and monovalent ions. Using resonant (anomalous) and nonresonant small angle x-ray scattering, we coordinated measurements of the number and distribution of each ion species around the DNA with the onset of attractive forces between DNA strands. DNA-DNA interactions occur as the number of trivalent ions increases. Surprisingly good agreement is found between data and size-corrected numerical Poisson-Boltzmann predictions of ion competition for non- and weakly interacting DNAs. We also obtained an estimate for the minimum number of trivalent ions needed to initiate DNA-DNA attraction

    Substrate Specificity and Biochemical Characteristics of an Engineered Mammalian Chondroitinase ABC.

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    Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans inhibit regeneration, neuroprotection, and plasticity following spinal cord injury. The development of a second-generation chondroitinase ABC enzyme, capable of being secreted from mammalian cells (mChABC), has facilitated the functional recovery of animals following severe spinal trauma. The genetically modified enzyme has been shown to efficiently break down the inhibitory extracellular matrix surrounding cells at the site of injury, while facilitating cellular integration and axonal growth. However, the activity profile of the enzyme in relation to the original bacterial chondroitinase (bChABC) has not been determined. Here, we characterize the activity profile of mChABC and compare it to bChABC, both enzymes having been maintained under physiologically relevant conditions for the duration of the experiment. We show that this genetically modified enzyme can be secreted reliably and robustly in high yields from a mammalian cell line. The modifications made to the cDNA of the enzyme have not altered the functional activity of mChABC compared to bChABC, ensuring that it has optimal activity on chondroitin sulfate-A, with an optimal pH at 8.0 and temperature at 37 °C. However, mChABC shows superior thermostability compared to bChABC, ensuring that the recombinant enzyme operates with enhanced activity over a variety of physiologically relevant substrates and temperatures compared to the widely used bacterial alternative without substantially altering its kinetic output. The determination that mChABC can function with greater robustness under physiological conditions than bChABC is an important step in the further development of this auspicious treatment strategy toward a clinical application

    The process of telepractice implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic: a narrative inquiry of preschool speech-language pathologists and assistants from one center in Canada

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    Background: Many professional services were pressed to adopt telepractice in response to the global coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic. The need to adopt a new service delivery approach quickly created different implementation challenges. This study explored the lived experiences of frontline clinicians who successfully transitioned their in-person speech-language therapy services to telepractice through an implementation science lens. Methods: The study was conducted in partnership with one publicly funded program in Ontario, Canada that offers services to preschoolers with speech, language and communication disorders. Sixteen frontline speech-language pathologists and assistants at this organization shared their lived experience transitioning to telepractice during the pandemic during videoconference interviews. A narrative inquiry approach was used to analyze interview transcripts to identify the processes (or steps) this program took to implement telepractice and to understand the facilitators and barriers to telepractice implementation during the pandemic. Results: The following six stages were identified from clinicians\u27 narratives: abrupt lockdown; weeks of uncertainty; telepractice emerged as an option; preparation for telepractice; telepractice trials; and finally, full implementation of telepractice. The stages of events offered significant insights into how government public health measures influenced clinicians\u27 decisions and their processes of adopting telepractice. In terms of barriers, clinicians reported a lack of knowledge, skills and experience with telepractice and a lack of technological support. The organization\u27s learning climate and team approach to transitioning services were identified as the main facilitator of implementation. Conclusions: Findings suggest a need for better coordination of public health measures and professional services, which would have eased clinicians\u27 stress and facilitated an earlier transition to telepractice. Fostering an organization\u27s learning climate may improve organization\u27s resilience in response to emergency situations

    Focusing Capillary Optics for Use in Solution Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering

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    Measurements of the global conformation of macromolecules can be carried out using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Glass focusing capillaries, manufactured at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS), have been successfully employed for SAXS measurements on the heme protein cytochrome c. These capillaries provide high X-ray flux into a spot size of tens of micrometres, permitting short exposures of small-volume samples. Such a capability is ideal for use in conjunction with microfluidic mixers, where time resolution may be determined by beam size and sample volumes are kept small to facilitate mixing and conserve material
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