79 research outputs found

    A Review of the Monograph by T. Pimonenko, O. Lyulyov, N. Letunovska "Stochastic Modeling of the Roadmap for Harmonizing Domestic and European Standards of Energy Market Regulation: Transformational Shifts to a Circular and Carbon-neutral Economy”

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    The European Green Deal is a new European climate strategy presented by the European Commission in 2019. The central postulate of this strategy is the growth of renewable energy sources share in the energy balance of the European countries. The Pro-European integration vector of Ukraine envisages the country to synchronize the national energy policy with the EU strategic guidelines for transition to a circular and carbon-free economy. This monograph aims to explore the experience in implementing the principles of the European Green Deal and the best practices in improving energy policy among the EU countries. Therefore, the findings would be instrumental in developing a balanced and structured roadmap for Ukrainian energy policy synchronization with the EU requirements. The European Commission poses significant challenges to European producers. In turn, transition to the principles of the European Green Deal is particularly relevant for Ukrainian exporters competing with European producers within the European Union and abroad. The comprehensible implementation mechanism of the new European Green Deal tools is a prerequisite for the successful adaptation of national energy policy and the modernization of approaches to managing local businesses and industries that depend on energy resources

    Methodology for Determining the Limit Values of National Security Indicators Using Artificial Intelligence Methods

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    Applying artificial intelligence methods, the paper frames the algorithm structure and software for the formalized determination of the type of distribution (automatic classification) of the probability density function and the vector of limit values by justifying theoretically security gradations and determining quantitatively security indicators. The methodological basis of the research is the applied systems theory, statistical analysis, and methods of artificial intelligence (cluster analysis). The study of the approaches applied showed the absence of a theoretical basis for determining security gradations and the absence of their theoretical quantitative justification. The theoretical basis for determining security gradations is the concept of an extended "homeostatic plateau", which connects three levels of security in both directions: optimal, crisis, and critical with spheres of positive, neutral and negative feedback. To determine the bifurcation points (vector of limit values), the “t-criterion” method is used, which consists in constructing the probability density function of a “benchmark” sample, determining whether it belongs to the type of distribution with the calculation of statistical characteristics (mathematical expectation, mean square deviation, and asymmetry coefficient) and formalized calculation of the vector of limit values for characteristic types of distribution (normal, lognormal, exponential). To solve the problem of recognising (automatic classifying) the type of distribution of probability density functions of security indicators, artificial intelligence methods are used, namely, a discriminant method from the class of cluster analysis methods using quantitative and qualitative metrics: Euclidean distance, Manhattan metric and recognition by characteristic features. To digitize the determination of the vector of safety indicators limit values, an algorithm structure and software in the C++ programming language (version 6) have been developed, which ensures full automation of all stages of the algorithm and the adequacy of recognising graphic digital data with a predetermined number of clusters (types of distribution). A distinctive feature of the proposed method of formalized determination of the security indicators limit values is a complete absence of subjectivity and complete mathematical formalization, which significantly increases the speed, quality and reliability of the results obtained when evaluating the level of sustainable development, economic security, national security or national stability, regardless of the level of a researcher's qualification

    The Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Implementing the Concept of Green Logistics

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    The article analyses the preconditions for shaping and developing the concept of a green economy. The stages of the evolutionary development of the circular economy are considered: work with waste; environmental performance strategies; maximum conservation in the era of resource depletion. Having analysed the scientific opinions on the emergence of “circular economy”, the paper has found out that this concept is identified with the terms “round economy”, “cyclical economy”, “recovery economy”, “closed-cycle economy”, “green economy”. The approaches of different scientific schools to the category of “circular economy” are analysed and conventionally systematized into 12 groups: closed-cycle economy; renewable resource economy; alternative to traditional linear economy; global economic model; closed-loop economic system based on R-principles; the concept of economic development; sustainable development strategy; a "green" economy instrument; business philosophy; economic activity; use of production waste; recycling of secondary raw materials. There is proposed the authors' formulation of the circular economy as an innovative approach to organizing logistics processes based on the closed movement of resources with their minimum losses in the form of waste and the maximum involvement of secondary resources in production in order to achieve sustainable development of logistics systems. The article identifies the barriers preventing the implementation of the circular economy concept, among them being regulatory, institutional, economic, financial and investment, market, technological, informational, and cultural. The article considers the best practices of effective implementation of circular economy solutions on the example of Finland. The indicators of the development of the green technologies market in the world and the national logistics system of Ukraine under conditions of a circular economy are analysed. It has been established that many conceptual approaches to the definition of the terms “green logistics” and “environmental logistics” are generally accepted and have a broader meaning, without taking into account the functioning specificity of various spheres of economic activity, including transport and logistics. Scientific views on interpreting the essence and content of the concept "green logistics" are generalized. It is proposed to consider the term "green logistics" from three angles: a circular economy instrument; a component of business corporate social responsibility; and a type of economic activity aimed at reducing the negative impact on the ecosystem and the environment. In order to effectively implement the concept of green logistics, an organizational and economic mechanism has been developed, the main elements of which are: diagnostics of the current state, features and trends in the logistics systems' development, taking into account the environmental component; exogenous and endogenous factors affecting the development of logistics systems; risks in organizing the processes of logistics activities; subjects and objects of management, goals, objectives, principles, functions, tools, methods, management tools, information technology, criteria. The priority principles of forming an organizational and economic mechanism include consistency, integration, reliability, dynamism, compliance with the goals of sustainable development, and efficiency. A structural diagram of forming an organizational and economic mechanism for implementing the concept of green logistics is proposed, including the following blocks: management of material resources’ supplies and purchases; products manufacturing; warehousing and stocks; logistic flows; the risks of logistics activities; logistics service processes; recycling of waste; innovation and transformations. Introduction of the proposed organizational and economic mechanism will reduce the cost of managing the movement of logistics flows and increase the level of environmental safety. This is one of the most important requirements for implementing the concept of business corporate social responsibility in a circular economy


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    The article examined the process of development and effectiveness of financial potential management of enterprises in modern market conditions, and it is established that the financial potential is the fundamental element, achievement and maintenance at high level of which leads to ensure high productivity, profitability and profit maximization. It is proved that the increase in financial potential and providing absolute stability in market leads to competitiveness, investment attractiveness, strengthening of stakeholders’ interests and further international markets entering. It is revealed that the overwhelming majority of interpretations of the definition of the concept of financial potential of the enterprise are ambiguous and imperfect; therefore, it was necessary to supplement the concept of financial potential of the enterprise with such constituent elements like: strategic financial capabilities of the enterprise and financial capital, which are estimated by the existing state and process of using financial resources; the stakeholders` participation, innovative orientation and clustering aimed at ensuring an effective positive direction and development of the company and the country in general. This gave an opportunity to propose an enlarged interpretation to the concept of financial potential of the enterprise — as a complementary combination of financial resources, financial capabilities and financial capital, which, under the influence of synergetic actions and at maximum interconnection with stakeholders will allow the company to achieve, maintain, and multiply its competitive positions in the market, as well as always be in a quick reaction to the dynamic process of a conjuncture and economic situation in the country in general. It is proved that in the process of development and volume increase, and as a result, effective management of the financial potential of the enterprise must adhere to the following actions: search for internal financial unused (potential) possibilities and reserves, as well as directions of their use; the use of leading international experience of leading specialists, enterprises and cluster associations, which will provide accelerated efficient development of the financial potential of the enterprise and will become a source of future financial reserves on enterprise. Opportunities for development and growth of financial potential have a close relationship with the use of innovative approaches, latest equipment and efficient managerial staff of the enterprise. It is established that the concept of financial potential, financial capital, financial resources and financial capabilities of enterprises is interdependent and mutually reinforcing each other concepts, and only in the presence of factors and conditions that will help to increase their volumes, their constant accumulation and efficient use, these key elements in a common system will give maximum results. It will also improve the development and management of financial potential for the future, to optimize it, prevent possible undesirable risks and always be competitive on a changing field of market environment.Исследованы процесс развития и эффективность управления финансовым потенциалом предприятий в современных рыночных условиях, а именно установлено, что финансовый потенциал является основополагающим элементом, достижение и удержание на высоком уровне которого приводит к обеспечению высокой производительности, рентабельной деятельности и максимизации прибыли. Доказано, что увеличение финансового потенциала и обеспечения абсолютной устойчивости на рынке приводит к конкурентоспособности, инвестиционной привлекательности, усилению интересов стейкхолдеров и дальнейшему выходу на международные рынки. Выяснено, что подавляющее большинство трактовок понятия «финансовый потенциал предприятия» является неоднозначным и несовершенным, поэтому возникла необходимость дополнения понятия финансового потенциала предприятия такими составляющими элементами, как стратегические финансовые возможности предприятия и финансовый капитал; участие стейкхолдеров; инновационные направления и кластеризация, направленные на обеспечение эффективного положительного направления и развития предприятия. Это дало возможность предложить собственное дополненное трактование понятия «финансовый потенциал предприятия» как взаимодополняющее сочетание финансовых ресурсов, финансовых возможностей и финансового капитала, которые под воздействием синергетического действия и при максимальной взаимосвязи со стейкхолдерами позволят предприятию достичь, удержать и приумножить свои конкурентные позиции на рынке, а также всегда находиться в состоянии быстрого реагирования на динамический процесс конъюнктуры и экономической ситуации в стране. Доказано, что в процессе развития и увеличения объемов и как результат — эффективного управления финансовым потенциалом предприятия необходимо соблюдать следующие действия: поиск внутренних финансовых неиспользованных (потенциальных) возможностей и резервов, а также направлений их использования; использование лидирующего международного опыта ведущих специалистов, предприятий и кластерных объединений. Установлено, что понятия «финансовый потенциал», «финансовый капитал», «финансовые ресурсы» и «финансовые возможности предприятий» являются взаимосвязанными и взаимодополняющими и только при наличии факторов и условий, которые будут способствовать увеличению их объемов, постоянном их аккумулированию и эффективному использованию эти ключевые элементы единой системы дадут максимальный результат. Также это позволит улучшить состояние развития и управления финансовым потенциалом на будущее, провести его оптимизацию, предотвратить возможные нежелательные риски и всегда быть конкурентоспособным на меняющемся поле рыночной среды.Досліджено процес розвитку та ефективність управління фінансовим потенціалом підприємств у сучасних ринкових умовах, а саме встановлено, що фінансовий потенціал є основоположним елементом, досягнення і утримання на високому рівні якого призводить до забезпечення високої продуктивності, рентабельної діяльності та максимізації прибутку. Доведено, що збільшення фінансового потенціалу та забезпечення абсолютної стійкості на ринку призводить до конкурентоздатності, інвестиційної привабливості, посилення інтересів стейкхолдерів та подальшому виходу на міжнародні ринки. З’ясовано, що переважна більшість трактувань поняття «фінансовий потенціал підприємства» є неоднозначним і недосконалим, тому постала необхідність доповнення поняття фінансового потенціалу підприємства такими складовими елементами, як стратегічні фінансові можливості підприємства і фінансовий капітал, які оцінюються наявним станом і процесом використання фінансових ресурсів; участю стейкхолдерів, інноваційною спрямованістю та кластеризацією, які спрямовані на забезпечення ефективного позитивного направлення і розвитку підприємства й країни в цілому. Це дало можливість запропонувати власне доповнене трактування поняття «фінансовий потенціал підприємства» як взаємодоповнюване поєднання фінансових ресурсів, фінансових можливостей і фінансового капіталу, які під впливом синергетичної дії та за максимального взаємозв’язку із стейкхолдерами дозволять підприємству досягти, утримати і примножити свої конкурентні позиції на ринку, а також завжди перебувати у стані швидкого реагування на динамічний процес кон’юнктури та економічної ситуації в країні в цілому. Доведено, що у процесі розвитку та збільшення обсягів і як результат — ефективного управління фінансовим потенціалом підприємства необхідно дотримуватись таких дії: пошук внутрішніх фінансових невикористаних (потенційних) можливостей і резервів, а також напрямів їх використання; використання лідируючого міжнародного досвіду провідних спеціалістів, підприємств і кластерних об’єднань, що забезпечить прискорений ефективний розвиток фінансового потенціалу підприємства та стане джерелом майбутніх фінансових резервів на підприємстві. Можливості розвитку та нарощування обсягів фінансового потенціалу мають тісній взаємозв’язок із використанням інноваційних підходів, новітнього обладнання та ефективного управлінського апарату підприємства. Установлено, що поняття «фінансовий потенціал», «фінансовий капітал», «фінансові ресурси» і «фінансові можливості підприємств» — поняття взаємозалежні і взаємодоповнювані і тільки за наявності факторів та умов, що будуть сприяти збільшенню їхніх обсягів, постійному їхньому акумулюванню та ефективному використанню ці ключові елементи єдиної системи дадуть максимальний результат. Також це дозволить поліпшити стан розвитку та управління фінансовим потенціалом на майбутнє, провести його оптимізацію, запобігти можливим небажаним ризикам і завжди бути конкурентоздатним на мінливому полі ринкового середовища

    Managing the Logistic Activities of Agricultural Enterprises under Conditions of Digital Economy

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    At the current stage of transformations, it is of urgent importance to solve the problems of logistics management in the system of agricultural enterprise management. The issues are particularly relevant under conditions of the rapid development of digital economy. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop further theoretical and methodological fundamentals, scientific and methodological approaches and practical recommendations to enhance the efficiency of managing the logistic activities of business entities in the agro-industrial complex allowing for the specific features of business processes digitalization. The article specifies the essence of the concept “management of the logistic activities of an agricultural enterprise” in digital economy. Problems, specific features and directions of transforming the logistics management in the agrarian sphere are identified. The work carries out a comparative analysis of the indicators reflecting trends in the global development of agriculture by applying digital instruments and technologies. The authors analyze the range of using information and communication technologies while organizing the logistic activities at Ukrainian processing enterprises. The authors reveal the key barriers hindering the digital transformation of the logistic activities of agricultural enterprises, which can be conventionally classified into 7 groups, namely institutional, market, transport, marketing, informational, organizational, financial and economic. It is confirmed that to eliminate those barriers, it is necessary to transform radically the existing system of managing the logistic activities of agricultural enterprises, which should be based on fundamentally new principles of operation under conditions of digitalization

    Conceptual Approaches to Defining the Term “Information Economy”

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    The article determines the key prerequisites for the formation of the concept “information economy” and studies the evolution of its development. It is established that the majority of researchers identify the information economy with such concepts as digital economy, new economy, post-industrial economy, Industry 4.0, virtual economy, network economy, information and network economy, electronic economy, digital intellectual economy, Internet economy, e-economy, web economy, knowledge economy. Scientific approaches to defining terminology relating to the problems of the development of the information economy are conventionally broken down into classification groups: science, new type of economy, section of economic theory, information environment, system of economic relations, type of economic activity, instrument. Based on the result of the generalization of the existing scientific developments associated with the conceptual apparatus and the analysis of its compliance with modern business conditions, the content of the concept “information economy” is clarified. It is defined as a system of economic relations involving modern information technologies as well as the information environment, which is effectively evolving through the use of digital technologies and functioning of information infrastructure facilities. The article determines the priority areas for the development of the information economy in the global digital space, including: creation of a digital platform as a new business model; use of the concept of Industry 4.0 and smart factory as drivers for the digital transformation of industrial development; implementation of a cyber-physical system as a single complex of information resources, systems and physical processes

    Modelling the Level of the Enterprise’ Resource Security Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    Significant attention is paid to increasing the efficiency of using resources by business entities due to the growing dependence between economic growth and the number of consumed resources, problems with access to various types of resources on the market, as well as their exhaustion in the face of growing needs. At the same time, various digitization tools are widely used to solve these problems. This paper considers artificial neural networks as a tool for modelling and forecasting the level of resource security in the economic activity of an enterprise, which is divided into separate functional blocks (production, personnel, finance). To this end, a multi-layer perceptron model (MLP) was used by constructing and training a network on several possible architectures in order to select the one with the highest classification quality. In the process of training, testing and verification of MLP networks, 32 indicators were used as input data, characterizing the state and efficiency of using various types of enterprise resources, for 85 enterprises over the five years of their operation. The initial data were the values of the safety zone, which were set separately for each indicator, subsystem and enterprise using economic-mathematical modelling on the basis of determining the acceptable limits of indicator fluctuations. As a result, four MLP networks were selected (one network for each of the three functional subsystems, as well as one for the enterprise as a whole), which were characterized by the highest value of quality at each stage of calculations (training, testing, verification). The performed calculations proved that artificial neural networks can be a useful and convenient tool for determining the security level of an enterprise in various directions of its economic activity (types of consumed or involved resources), and therefore can be more widely used by business entities to increase the validity of management decisions

    Sustainable Tourism for the Green Economy

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    The paper analyses the innovative direction of sustainable tourism in Poland. It is investigated by means of a marketing survey of the respondents from this country and neighbouring regions. The authors’ findings deal with the results in the framework of the green economy. The research hypothesis is to check the target group’s awareness of post-industrial tourism in the field of region's rehabilitation, readiness to support sustainable development goals in their areas and to determine the most effective marketing tools to promote sustainable tourism. The authors found that local authorities play an essential role in developing territories through implementing healthy regional strategies. Among the insights of the research is the concept of Smart City as a promising tool for promoting healthy types of activity, to the respondents' opinion. Regions are defined as local centres where sustainable tourism principles could be implemented to reduce consequences unwelcome for the environment and economy

    Strategic Scenarios of the Post-War Recovery of the Aviation Transport Sustainable Development: The Case of Ukraine

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    The state and strategic scenarios to recover the sustainable development of air transport in Ukraine in the post-war period are studied. Research is fulfilled with the scientific justification of quantitative indicators and macro-indicators of maintaining the trajectory of sustainable development in the medium-term perspective. The starting point of strategizing is the concept of sustainable development in the safety dimension as a management construct that contains a general systemic view of the ways to transfer from the current state of the management object to the desired one and includes the stages of identification and strategizing. Identification involves an integral convolution with dynamic weighting coefficients and a formalized justification of the limits of safe existence. A new methodology is used for strategizing, which, unlike classical forecasting methods (the past determines the future), uses the principle "the future is determined by the trajectory into the future" and is based on the method of adaptive regulation from the management theory. According to the defined methodology, three strategic recovery scenarios were developed with the annual rates of growth of real aviation transport: realistic – 4.5%; optimistic – 7.2% and the scenario of entering the optimal zone of the EU countries – 10.4%. The resulting dynamics of components, indicators and macro indicators is, in fact, a strategic plan for the post-war recovery of the economy and entering the path of sustainable development. Threats are identified and institutional measures are proposed for airlines and national systems of airports and airfields, air navigation services, aviation industry, aviation education and science of Ukraine. The strategic orientations of the environmentalization of air transport of Ukraine in the post-war period and the strategic priorities of the recovery of the air transport infrastructure were formulated, and the necessity to pursue a course towards carbon neutrality was proved

    Green Logistics as a Sustainable Development Concept of Logistics Systems in a Circular Economy

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    The article presents the results of expert surveys and the opinions of scientists about the need for a "green" transformation of logistics systems in the world. A statistical analysis of the development of logistics systems was carried out, taking into account the environmental component. The article identifies the barriers hindering the development of logistics systems from the point of view of greening. The evolution and preconditions of formation, challenges and factors of development of the circular economy are studied. The existing scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of "circular economy" are systematized. The theoretical approaches of different scientific schools to the definition of the concept of "green logistics" are analyzed and generalized. The author's formulation of the term "green logistics" is proposed as an instrument of the circular economy; component of corporate social responsibility of business; type of economic activity aimed at reducing the negative impact on the ecosystem and the environment. It has been established that for the effective implementation of the concept of green logistics, it is advisable to develop an organizational and economic mechanism, which is considered as a set of principles, tools, functions, methods and means aimed at reducing the level of greenhouse gas emissions and the cost of organizing logistics activities and various logistics services (transport, warehouse, marketing, etc.). A structural diagram of the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for the implementation of the concept of green logistics is proposed. The key principles of green logistics are the use of an integrated approach to managing logistics flows; rational use of resources (production, financial, energy, information); minimal use of raw materials and packaging that are not recyclable; economically sound and environmentally friendly transportation and storage of material resources; maximum use of production waste, containers and packaging as secondary raw materials or their environmentally friendly disposal; optimization of costs for organizing logistics activities; minimization of risks in the operation of transport and logistics systems; increasing the level of environmental education and personnel responsibility; introduction of innovative technologies to reduce the environmental burden on the environment; application of information systems and digital technologies in the field of environmental protection