643 research outputs found


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    Fashion adalah bagian dari kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Setiap harinya, orang membuat pilihan artistik melalui style berpakaian mereka. Tidak dapat dipungkiri, pilihan pakaian kita sehari-hari memiliki dampak terhadap diri kita sendiri dan orang-orang disekitar kita. Apa yang seseorang pakai mencerminkan dirinya – baik suasana hati, ideology, maupun kepribadian – dan membangun suatu persepsi oleh lingkungan sekitar terhadapnya. Ada yang berkata bahwa seseorang dapat menggunakan fashion sebagai sarana untuk membangun citra diri, untuk menentukan bagaimana masyarakat memandang mereka. Namun, ada juga yang berkata bahwa cara menampilkan diri, termasuk pilihan berpakaiannya itulah yang secara tidak disengaja membangun persepsi masyarakat terhadap orang tersebut. Jadi, fashion dapat menunjukkan antara bagaimana cara kita memandang diri kita atau bagian apa dari diri kita yang kita tunjukkan ke orang lain. Paper ini mengeksplor dampak dari fashion terhadap representasi diri, mencakup pergantian trend dalam komunitas

    Classification of Stellar Age and Galaxy Components within Spiral Galaxies by use of Hubble Space Telescope Imagery and Machine Learning

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    Galaxies have complex formations of components such as stars, dust, and gas, whose spatial and temporal relationships can help us to better understand the formation and evolution of galaxies, and ultimately the Universe. The main objective of this study is to test how machine learning can be used to classify galaxy components and stellar ages within spiral galaxies based on values of pixels in Hubble Space Telescope imagery, Euclidean distance calculations, textural features, and band ratios. We develop two machine learning models using maximum likelihood, random forest, and support vector machine algorithms. We find the models are successful for classification of galaxy components and stellar age, with Euclidean distance and textural features being the most important parameters. These methods can contribute to the rapid processing of high resolution astronomical imagery of galaxies and other celestial phenomena


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh usaha Snack Point yang sulit untuk mengembangkan usahanya. Untuk merespons hal tersebut, maka dilakukan inovasi produk pada usaha Snack Point. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui inovasi produk variasi karamel yang disukai konsumen. Penelitian ini mengambil 30 konsumen Snack Point yang pernah membeli dan mengkonsumsi produk pisang karamel Snack Point minimal satu kali dalam dua bulan terakhir dan berada di Kota Semarang sebagai respondennya dengan metode nonprobability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Proses inovasi dilakukan dengan dasar teori dari Luecke, 2003 yaitu idea generation, opportunity recognition, idea evaluation, development, dan commercialization. Dari proses inovasi tersebut kemudian dihasilkan produk inovasi variasi karamel

    Galactic component mapping of galaxy UGC 2885 by machine learning classification

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    Automating classification of galaxy components is important for understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies. Traditionally, only the larger galaxy structures such as the spiral arms, bulge, and disc are classified. Here we use machine learning (ML) pixel-by-pixel classification to automatically classify all galaxy components within digital imagery of massive spiral galaxy UGC 2885. Galaxy components include young stellar population, old stellar population, dust lanes, galaxy center, outer disc, and celestial background. We test three ML models: maximum likelihood classifier (MLC), random forest (RF), and support vector machine (SVM). We use high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope (HST) digital imagery along with textural features derived from HST imagery, band ratios derived from HST imagery, and distance layers. Textural features are typically used in remote sensing studies and are useful for identifying patterns within digital imagery. We run ML classification models with different combinations of HST digital imagery, textural features, band ratios, and distance layers to determine the most useful information for galaxy component classification. Textural features and distance layers are most useful for galaxy component identification, with the SVM and RF models performing the best. The MLC model performs worse overall but has comparable performance to SVM and RF in some circumstances. Overall, the models are best at classifying the most spectrally unique galaxy components including the galaxy center, outer disc, and celestial background. The most confusion occurs between the young stellar population, old stellar population, and dust lanes. We suggest further experimentation with textural features for astronomical research on small-scale galactic structures
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