8 research outputs found

    Influência do tipo de adesivo no comportamento à flexão de faixas de laje reforçadas com sistemas NSM-CFRP

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    Atualmente verifica-se que muitas das estruturas de betão armado existentes apresentam necessidade de reparação/reforço estrutural devido a diferentes fatores, tais como a degradação dos seus materiais constituintes e a necessidade de uma capacidade resistente superior. O recurso à técnica NSM (Near Surface Mounted na literatura inglesa), baseada na introdução dos laminados de CFRP no betão de recobrimento, é uma possibilidade para o reforço de estruturas de betão armado. Nos últimos anos esta técnica tem sido alvo de vários estudos; no entanto, o conhecimento na temática da influência do tipo de adesivo no comportamento de elementos de betão reforçados na presença de sistemas NSM-CFRP é algo limitado. Assim, o principal objetivo deste estudo consiste em avaliar o comportamento estrutural de faixas de laje sujeitas a esforços de flexão e reforçadas com laminados de CFRP fixos com recurso a adesivos de propriedades mecânicas distintas. O programa experimental desenvolvido é constituído por ensaios à flexão em faixas de laje em que as variáveis alvo de estudo foram: (i) tipo de adesivo utilizado na ligação dos laminados de CFRP ao betão; e, (ii) existência ou não de pré-fendilhação do betão constituinte das lajes. Ao longo dos ensaios foram monitorizadas a força aplicada, o deslocamento a meio vão, a largura de fendas e extensões. Em termos gerais, o comportamento observado revela uma correlação entre as propriedades mecânicas dos adesivos e a capacidade resistente das faixas de laje. Contudo, não existe proporcionalidade entre estas duas variáveis. A pré-fendilhação não provoca alterações significativas na capacidade de carga das faixas de laje.FCT e cofinanciado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do Program a Operacional Fatores de Competitividade e internacionalização (POCI) e do Programa Regional d e Lisboa no âmbito dos projetos FRPLongDur POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016900 (PTDC/ECM-EST/1282/2014) e POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633. Os autores ainda agradecem também o apoio e a contribu ição das seguintes empresas: S&P Clever Reinforcement (oferta do laminado de CFK e adesivo S&P Resin 220 ) e Sika (oferta do adesivo SikaDur 30

    Comportamento da aderência de sistema de reforço NSM-CFRP na presença de diferentes tipos de adesivos

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    No contexto atual, o reforço de estruturas de betão armado assume uma importância cada vez maior devido a diversos fatores. A técnica de reforço de estruturas de betão armado que utiliza laminados de CFRP inseridos no betão de recobrimento (designada por NSM – Near Surface Mounted na literatura inglesa) tem vindo a ser alvo de vários estudos dadas as suas potencialidades. No entanto, o estudo da influência do tipo de adesivo na aplicação desta técnica apresenta conhecimento limitado. É sobretudo neste aspeto que o presente estudo incide. Foi desenvolvido um programa experimental constituído por ensaios de arranque direto com o objetivo de estudar o comportamento da ligação entre os laminados de CFRP e o betão de sistemas NSM-CFRP, utilizando três variáveis de estudo: (i) tipo de adesivo; (ii) comprimento de ancoragem; e, (iii) secção transversal do laminado de CFRP. Durante a realização dos ensaios, sob controlo de deslocamento, foi monitorizada a força de arranque bem como o deslizamento no final da zona carregada. Foi também utilizada a Correlação Digital de Imagem (DIC) como complemento para avaliação do comportamento da ligação. De uma forma geral, dois dos adesivos proporcionaram padrões de comportamento da ligação semelhantes, dada a semelhança das suas propriedades mecânicas. Um terceiro adesivo, de propriedades mecânicas bastante inferiores originou resultados menos promissores. A ligação tende a ser tanto mais resistente quanto maior for o seu comprimento. Em termos da influência da secção transversal do laminado, é notória a maior capacidade resistente da ligação para laminados com área de secção transversal superior. A utilização da metodologia DIC permitiu concluir que os mecanismos resistentes da ligação são fortemente dependentes das propriedades resistentes do adesivo.FCT e cofinanciado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do Program a Operacional Fatores de Competitividade e internacionalização (POCI) e do Programa Regional d e Lisboa no âmbito dos projetos FRPLongDur POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016900 (PTDC/ECM-EST/1282/2014) e POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633. S&P Clever Reinforcement (oferta do laminado de CFK e adesivo S&P Resin 220) e Sika (oferta do adesivo SikaDur 30

    Evaluation of test methods for self-healing concrete with macrocapsules by inter-laboratory testing

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    Self-healing of concrete is a promising way to increase the service life of structures. Innovative research is being performed, yet it is difficult to compare results due to a lack of standardised test methods. In the framework of the COST action SARCOS (CA15202) [1] six different interlaboratory tests are being executed, in which different test methods are being evaluated for six self-healing approaches. Here, the results of the inter-laboratory test concerning mortar and concrete with macrocapsules filled with a polyurethane healing agent will be discussed. The specimens were manufactured in one laboratory and then shipped to the other five participating laboratories. All six laboratories evaluated two test methods: a water permeability test and a capillary water absorption test. For the water permeability test, mortar specimens were cracked and afterwards their crack width was controlled using an active control technique. Due to the active crack control, the crack width of 90% of the samples deviated by less than 10 μm from the target of 300 μm. This made it more straightforward to compare the permeability test results, which indicated a similar sealing efficiency for several of the laboratories. For the capillary water absorption test, concrete specimens were cracked in a crack-width-controlled three-point bending test setup without active control after unloading. Compared to the water permeability specimens, there was a lot more variation on the crack width of the capillary water absorption specimens. The variability on the crack width and differences in quality of waterproofing resulted in diverging findings in the capillary water absorption test

    Deformable Polyurethane Joints and Fibre Grids for Resilient Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Frames with Orthoblock Brick Infills

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    The behaviour of reinforced concrete frames with masonry wall infills is influenced a lot by the stiffness and strength difference between the frame and the infill, causing early detrimental damage to the infill or to the critical concrete columns. The paper reports the results from shake table seismic tests on a full-scale reinforced concrete (RC) frame building with modified hollow clay block (orthoblock brick) infill walls, within INMASPOL SERA Horizon 2020 project. The building received innovative resilient protection using Polyurethane Flexible Joints (PUFJs) made of polyurethane resin (PU), applied at the frame-infill interface in different schemes. Further, PUs were used for bonding of glass fibre grids to the weak masonry substrate to form Fibre Reinforced Polyurethanes (FRPUs) as an emergency repair intervention. The test results showed enhancement in the in-plane and out-of-plane infill performance under seismic excitations. The results confirmed remarkable delay of significant infill damages at very high RC frame inter-story drifts as a consequence of the use of PUFJs. Further, the PUFJ protection enabled the resilient repair of the infill even after very high inter-story drift of the structure up to 3.7%. The applied glass FRPU system efficiently protected the damaged infills against collapse under out-of-plane excitation while they restored large part of their in-plane stiffness

    Evaluation of test methods for self-healing concrete with macrocapsules by inter-laboratory testing

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    Self-healing of concrete is a promising way to increase the service life of structures. Innovative research is being performed, yet it is difficult to compare results due to a lack of standardised test methods. In the framework of the COST action SARCOS (CA15202) [1] six different interlaboratory tests are being executed, in which different test methods are being evaluated for six self-healing approaches. Here, the results of the inter-laboratory test concerning mortar and concrete with macrocapsules filled with a polyurethane healing agent will be discussed. The specimens were manufactured in one laboratory and then shipped to the other five participating laboratories. All six laboratories evaluated two test methods: a water permeability test and a capillary water absorption test. For the water permeability test, mortar specimens were cracked and afterwards their crack width was controlled using an active control technique. Due to the active crack control, the crack width of 90% of the samples deviated by less than 10 μm from the target of 300 μm. This made it more straightforward to compare the permeability test results, which indicated a similar sealing efficiency for several of the laboratories. For the capillary water absorption test, concrete specimens were cracked in a crack-width-controlled three-point bending test setup without active control after unloading. Compared to the water permeability specimens, there was a lot more variation on the crack width of the capillary water absorption specimens. The variability on the crack width and differences in quality of waterproofing resulted in diverging findings in the capillary water absorption test

    Addressing the need for standardization of test methods for self-healing concrete: an inter-laboratory study on concrete with macrocapsules

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    Development and commercialization of self-healing concrete is hampered due to a lack of standardized test methods. Six inter-laboratory testing programs are being executed by the EU COST action SARCOS, each focusing on test methods for a specific self-healing technique. This paper reports on the comparison of tests for mortar and concrete specimens with polyurethane encapsulated in glass macrocapsules. First, the pre-cracking method was analysed: mortar specimens were cracked in a three-point bending test followed by an active crack width control technique to restrain the crack width up to a predefined value, while the concrete specimens were cracked in a three-point bending setup with a displacement-controlled loading system. Microscopic measurements showed that with the application of the active control technique almost all crack widths were within a narrow predefined range. Conversely, for the concrete specimens the variation on the crack width was higher. After pre-cracking, the self-healing effect was characterized via durability tests: the mortar specimens were tested in a water permeability test and the spread of the healing agent on the crack surfaces was determined, while the concrete specimens were subjected to two capillary water absorption tests, executed with a different type of waterproofing applied on the zone around the crack. The quality of the waterproofing was found to be important, as different results were obtained in each absorption test. For the permeability test, 4 out of 6 labs obtained a comparable flow rate for the reference specimens, yet all 6 labs obtained comparable sealing efficiencies, highlighting the potential for further standardization.status: Published onlin