104 research outputs found
Repair of composite-to-masonry bond using flexible matrix
The paper presents an experimental investigation on an innovative repair method, in which composite
reinforcements, after debonding, are re-bonded to the substrate using a highly deformable polymer. In order
to assess the effectiveness of this solution, shear bond tests were carried out on brick and masonry substrates within two Round Robin Test series organized within the RILEM TC 250-CSM: Composites for Sustainable strengthening of Masonry. Five laboratories from Italy, Poland and Portugal were involved. The shear bond performance of the reinforcement systems before and after repair were compared in terms of ultimate loads, load-displacement curves and strain distributions. The results showed that the proposed repair method may provide higher strength and ductility than stiff epoxy resins, making it an effective and cost efficient technique for several perspective structural applications
Physicochemical and biological characterisation of diclofenac oligomeric poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate) hybrids as β-TCP ceramics modifiers for bone tissue regeneration
Nowadays, regenerative medicine faces a major challenge in providing new, functional materials that will meet the characteristics desired to replenish and grow new tissue. Therefore, this study presents new ceramic-polymer composites in which the matrix consists of tricalcium phosphates covered with blends containing a chemically bounded diclofenac with the biocompatible polymer—poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate), P(3HO). Modification of P(3HO) oligomers was confirmed by NMR, IR and XPS. Moreover, obtained oligomers and their blends were subjected to an in-depth characterisation using GPC, TGA, DSC and AFM. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the hydrophobicity and surface free energy values of blends decreased with the amount of diclofenac modified oligomers. Subsequently, the designed composites were used as a substrate for growth of the pre-osteoblast cell line (MC3T3-E1). An in vitro biocompatibility study showed that the composite with the lowest concentration of the proposed drug is within the range assumed to be non-toxic (viability above 70%). Cell proliferation was visualised using the SEM method, whereas the observation of cell penetration into the scaffold was carried out by confocal microscopy. Thus, it can be an ideal new functional bone tissue substitute, allowing not only the regeneration and restoration of the defect but also inhibiting the development of chronic inflammation
Analysis of interaction between bridge abutment and road embankment founded on soft subsoils
W przypadku przyczółków mostowych i dochodzących do nich nasypów, posadowionych w różny sposób na gruntach o małej sztywności, może dojść do nierównomierności ich osiadań. Stosowane na dojazdach płyty przejściowe mogą złagodzić ich występowanie tylko częściowo. Przedstawiono wyniki analizy numerycznej w postaci deformacji stref przejściowych, występujących na styku przyczółek-nasyp drogowy, posadowionych na gruntach o małej sztywności i różnej wodoprzepuszczalności.When bridge abutments and adjacent road embankments are founded on different types of soft subsoils it can arrive to different settlements. Transition slabs used as the approach ramps may reduce these effects but only partially.
The results of numerical analysis presented in form of the deformation of transition zones in point of contact of abutment and road embankment were presented. Both structures were founded on different types of soft subsoils characterized by different water permeability
The influence of the formation energy on the shape of the columns formed with the use of dynamic replacement method
Kolumny kamienne formowane metodą wymiany dynamicznej to jedna z wielu metod geoinżynierii, szeroko stosowana do wzmacniania gruntów spoistych i/lub organicznych, pod obiektami liniowymi i kubaturowymi. Polega ona na wbijaniu w słabe podłoże kruszywa z użyciem udarów o dużej energii, w określonej siatce punktów. Z pozoru prosta technologia, w praktyce może sprawiać pewne trudności. Powodem tego może być przyjęcie nieodpowiedniej energii uderzenia podczas wzmacniania podłoża, co rzutuje na średnicę i długość uzyskanych kolumn. W skrajnych przypadkach może dochodzić do całkowitej wymiany gruntu, bądź wykonania kolumn za krótkich. Powyższe przesłanki skłoniły Autorów referatu do wykonania szeregu badań, w skali laboratoryjnej, których celem było określenie wpływu energii uderzenia na kształt uzyskiwanych kolumn. Badania przeprowadzono na stanowisku badawczym, które umożliwiało obserwację procesu formowania kolumny wbijanej. Jego wymiary dostosowano tak, aby zagadnienie rzeczywiste zamodelować w skali geometrycznej 1:10. Dla zaobserwowania procesów zachodzących podczas wbijania cały proces filmowano i fotografowano. Przeanalizowano trzy warianty wzmocnienia a mianowicie: przy względnie stałej lecz niedużej (kolumna nr 2), stałej i maksymalnej w prowadzonych badaniach (kolumna nr 3) oraz stopniowo narastającej (kolumna nr 1) energii. Uzyskano różne pod względem kształtu kolumny. Całość poprzedzono krótką informacją na temat wymiany dynamicznej.Driven stone columns formed with the use of dynamic replacement method is one of many geoengineering methods, widely used to strengthen the cohesive and/or organic soils under the linear and cubature objects. It is based on ramming of the aggregate into weak soil using drops of high energy in the specified grid of points. Despite apparent simplicity, the method may pose some problems in practice. They may be caused by inadequate choice of the drop energy during the soil reinforcement which influences the diameter and the length of the columns. In extreme cases the columns may be too short or there may appear a total soil replacement. For these reasons the authors of the paper decided to carry out a series of laboratory tests which aimed at determining the influence of the drop energy on the shape of the columns. The research was carried out on the test stand that allowed the observation of the formation process of a rammed column. Its dimensions were adjusted so as to reflect the real dimensions in scale 1:10. In order to carry out the observations of the processes intervening during the rammed column formation the experiments were filmed and photographed. Three following variations of reinforcement were analysed: by using a relatively constant but low (column No. 2), constant and maximal in the carried research (column No. 3) and gradually increasing (column No. 1) energy. The obtained columns differed in shape. The whole is preceded by a short information about the dynamic replacement method
Analysis of possibility to use non-cohesive soil improved with cement for road embankments
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych gruntu niespoistego ulepszonego (stabilizowanego) cementem oraz wyniki analiz numerycznych oceny wpływu stabilizacji na stateczność nasypu drogowego w określonych warunkach gruntowych.The paper presents the laboratory test results of granular soil stabilized with cement and numerical analysis results of influence of cement stabilization on road embankment stability in specified ground conditions
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