28 research outputs found

    Nursing students’ perceptions of peer learning as a learning model in clinical practice and students’ learning through peer learning - an evaluation study

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    The study is an evaluation of peer learning, a model for learning in clinical practice where two students learn together and are supervised by one preceptor. The aim was to gain knowledge about how the nursing students experienced peer learning as a learning model when it was introduced in a hospital ward. The study was performed using a questionnaire with open and closed questions from 23 students.The results show that students experienced good control over the tasks they were responsible for and perceived increased independence and responsibility for the patients they cared for depending on the organization and clear structure in the model. Peer learning provided a good and instructive collaboration where students discussed and supported each other. Some students wanted a longer period with one preceptor before starting peer learning, and some students mentioned it could be challenging to be supervised by two preceptors in the peer learning period. However, the majority suggested peer learning as a permanent teaching model in clinical practice

    Praksisutvikling 2010: Samarbeid mellom høgskole og praksisfelt for utvikling av praksisstudier i sykepleierutdanning

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    Rapporten gir ei framstilling av praksisutviklingsprosjekt ved Høgskolen Stord/Haugesund, Avdeling helsefag i 2009-2010. Prosjekta er gjennomførte i samarbeid mellom høgskolen og praksisfeltet, og har som mål å styrke praksislæringa for studentar ved sjukepleiarutdanninga. Felles for prosjekta er at dei tar utgangspunkt i konkrete praksissituasjonar, og siktar mot å utvikle og betre kvaliteten i læresituasjonen. I denne prosjektporteføljen finn vi prosjekt retta mot kompetanseutvikling for kontaktsjukepleiarar, tilrettelegging av praksisplassar innan palliativ omsorg, strukturering av innkomstsamtalar ved innlegging i sjukehus og studentdeltaking i undersøking av ernæringsforhold blant eldre ved ein sjukeheim. Prosjekta har blitt utførte av prosjektgrupper sett saman av lærarar ved høgskolen og sjukepleiarar med studentansvar ved dei ulike praksisstadene knytt til høgskolen. Prosjekta blei gjennomførte i seks kommunar, ved sjukehus og sjukeheimar. Prosjektgruppene har hatt trefire fellesmøte pr. semester, med erfaringsutveksling og kollektiv, gjensidig rettleiing undervegs i prosessen. Dette fellesskapet har skapt møteplassar mellom høgskole og praksisfelt i ein likeverdig atmosfære og har hatt som funksjon både å auke kvaliteten i praksisstudiane og å bygge bru mellom teori og praksis i sjukepleiarutdanninga

    Fathers' mental health and child development: The predictive value of fathers' psychological distress during pregnancy for the social, emotional and behavioral development of their children

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    Background: While the effect of mothers’ mental health on children’s development is well documented, studies of the predictive value of psychological distress in fathers for their children’s early psychosocial and behavioural development are still scarce. Most studies in this field have investigated the effect of fathers’ postnatal depression on children’s development. Two longitudinal population cohort studies on the predictive value of fathers’ mental health during pregnancy for early child development found an association between expectant fathers’ psychological distress and their children’s development. However, further investigation of this association is warranted. Objectives: The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate if and to what extent expectant fathers’ mental health presents a risk factor for their children’s development. Paper I: To examine the association between symptoms of psychological distress in expectant fathers and the social, emotional and behavioural outcomes in their children at 36 months old and, given the existence of such an association, to assess the strength of this association of psychological distress in fathers with subsequent developmental difficulties in their children. Paper II: To investigate whether high levels of psychological distress in expectant parents are a risk factor for their children’s development and to evaluate the predictive value of high level of psychological distress during pregnancy in fathers, mothers and both parents for their children’s development. Paper III: To assess the prevalence of physically aggressive behaviour, defined as hitting others, in a large preschool-age child population and to investigate the association between expectant fathers’ psychological distress and children’s physically aggressive behaviour at 5 years old. In all three studies, the associations between psychological distress in fathers and children’s development were controlled for a large number of potentially confounding factors. Methods: This study was based on data from 31,663 children participating in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) (Magnus et al., 2006). Data on fathers’ and mothers’ prenatal psychological distress were obtained through the self-report Symptom Checklist-5 (SCL-5) at week 17 or 18 of gestation. Information on children’s social, emotional and behavioural development was obtained from mothers’ reports, using selected parts of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), Infant and Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (ITSEA) and Child Behavioural Checklist Revised (CBCL-R) (Achenbach & Ruffle, 2000; Carter, Brigg-Growan, Jones, & Little, 2003; R. Goodman, 1997, 2001). Linear and logistic regression analyses were performed to assess the predictive value of fathers’ psychological distress for their children’s subsequent development. Results: Of the fathers, 3% had high levels of psychological distress, defined as scoring higher than 2.00 on the SCL-5. We found small but consistent associations between fathers’ psychological distress and children’s behavioural difficulties, emotional difficulties and social functioning. In addition, a high level of psychological distress in fathers was associated with an almost doubled odds ratio (OR) for emotional difficulties in their children at 36 months old. The frequency of a high level of psychological distress in both mothers and fathers in this sample of expectant parents was 3.6%. When one or both parents reported a high level of psychological distress during pregnancy, the OR for emotional problems in their children at age 3 was significantly higher than among children whose parents did not report a high level of psychological distress during pregnancy. The risk of emotional difficulties in the child was higher when only the mothers reported a high level of psychological distress than when only fathers reported an elevated level of distress. The risk of emotional difficulties for children was highest when both parents presented high levels of psychological distress, indicating an additive effect from parents’ psychological distress on their children’s development.Earlier research findings reported that persistent physically aggressive behaviour from early childhood on is a risk factor for poor social adaption throughout childhood and adolescence. In this sample, 16% of the children still displayed physically aggressive behaviour (hitting others) at age 5. Boys hit others significantly more often compared to girls at 18 months old and at 3 years old but not at age 5. Children of fathers with high levels of psychological distress, as measured by the SCL-5, had an increased risk of hitting others at age 5. However, when the sample was stratified for gender, this effect of expectant fathers’ high level of psychological distress on hitting was found in girls but not in boys. Conclusions: There are small but consistent associations between expectant fathers’ psychological distress and subsequent social, emotional and behavioural developmental problems in their children. The findings of this study suggest that an increased risk of future developmental problems can be identified during pregnancy. Additionally, the results indicate that parents’ psychological distress has an additive effect on their children’s development: When high levels of psychological distress were observed in both parents, the OR for developmental problems in their children was higher than when only one parent suffered from such distress. The population-based study adds knowledge to the field of early onset behavioural difficulties in childhood, with the findings that approximately 16% of the preschool-aged children in the population-based sample still performed physically aggressive behaviour (hitting) in their interactions with others and that psychological distress in fathers was a risk factor for physically aggressive behaviour in their 5-year-old daughters. Based on earlier studies, the finding that fathers’ psychological distress was a risk factor for hitting behaviour in only girls was unexpected. Further studies are needed to explore these gender differences in physically aggressive behaviour, along with fathers’ psychological distress as a risk factor in their children’s behavioural difficulties

    Parkinsons sykdom: Ikke bare utenpĂĄ

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    Bakgrunn for valg av tema: Gjennom litteratur og praksis oppleves et stort fokus på de motoriske plagene pasienter med Parkinsons sykdom opplever. Dette til tross for at de psykiske plagene som kan oppstå i minst like stor grad er med på å svekke deres livskvalitet og funksjon. Av den grunn ses det som vesentlig at sykepleiere har kunnskaper om de psykiske innvirkningene denne sykdommen har på pasientenes liv, samtidig som de er i stand til å gi tilrettelagt sykepleie for å øke deres livskvalitet og livsutfoldelse. Problemstilling: Hvordan kan sykepleie bidra til god livskvalitet hos Parkinson pasienter som opplever psykisk vansker? Hensikt: Å få økt kunnskap om hvordan sykepleiere kan tilrettelegge og veilede slik at pasienter med Parkinsons sykdom og påfølgende psykiske vansker kan oppleve best mulig livskvalitet. Metode: Systematisk litteraturstudie er benyttet i denne oppgaven. For å gi svar på problemstillingen har det blitt søkt etter forskning i databasene CINAHL og PubMed for å finne relevante forskningsartikler som allerede finnes på det aktuelle området. Resultat: Forskning viser at forskjellige behandlingsmetoder er med på å bedre livskvaliteten hos Parkinson pasienter og at denne pasientgruppen er mottakelig for intervensjon. Her ser man blant annet at kognitiv adferdsterapi, styrking av selvledelse og deltagelse, og sosial rehabilitering er sentrale begreper. Man ser også at god og tilrettelagt informasjon, tilstrekkelig kunnskap, opplæring, støtte og styrking av pasientenes mestring er med på å bedre deres livskvalitet, og at sykepleieren har en sentral rolle i dette arbeidet

    Att leva som långtidssjukskriven i ett utanförskap

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    Det är viktigt att lyfta fram hur individen påverkas av en långtidssjukskrivning eftersom individen inte enbart brottas med sin sjukdomsbild. Individen måste ständigt försvara sig då hon bemöts som en fuskare eller ifrågasätts av samhället. Individen måste även finna en ny identitet då den tidigare arbetsidentiteten har försvunnit. Samhällsdebatten har skildrat långtidssjukskrivna som bidragsfuskare, som enbart sjukskriver sig för att få sjukpenning. Detta skapar en attityd gentemot långtidssjukskrivna som ohederliga och tärande på samhället. Utgångspunkten i studien var att undersöka hur de sex långtidssjukskrivna kvinnorna upplever sin situation som långtidssjukskrivna. Studiens syfte är att belysa på vilket sätt individen upplever sin situation, vad sjukskrivningen innebär för identiteten, samt om de upplever att långtidssjukskrivningen innebär ett visst utanförskap från samhället. Studien har använt sig utav en kvalitativ undersökning och en hermeneutisk forskningsprocess. Det som har betytt mest för intervjupersonerna under långtidssjukskrivningen har varit stödet ifrån vännerna och familjen. Detta har hjälp dem att orka ta sig igenom sjukskrivningen. Intervjupersonerna ansåg att det har varit för stor fokusering på sjukskrivningen, då de enbart blev identifierade utifrån den ifrån omgivningen. Detta medförde att intervjupersonerna började ifrågasätta sig själva som arbetsförmögna. Intervjupersonerna har alla någon gång blivit bemötta som bidragsfuskare ifrån samhället, vilket det själva tror på beror på den uppmärksammade massmediala debatten. Intervjupersonerna ansåg att de befann sig i ett utanförskap ifrån samhället, i och med långtidssjukskrivingen. Intervjupersonerna försökte finna en balans med att vara avvikande men att ändå bli accepterade av samhället

    Does paternal mental health in pregnancy predict physically aggressive behavior in children?

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    The aim was to study the association between paternal mental health and physically aggressive behavior in children. This study is based on 19,580 father–child dyads from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Fathers’ mental health was assessed by self-report (Symptom Checklist-5, SCL-5) in week 17 or 18 of gestation. Children’s behavior (hitting others) was obtained by mothers’ reports. A multinomial logistic regression model was performed. Expectant fathers’ high level of psychological distress was found to be a significant risk factor only for girls hitting, adjusted OR = 1.46 (1.01–2.12), p = 0.043, but not for boys. High levels of mental distress in fathers predict their daughters’ hitting at 5 years of age

    Sykepleiestudenters opplevelse av peer learning som praksismodell og av å lære gjennom peer learning i praksisstudier - en evalueringsstudie

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    The study is an evaluation of peer learning, a model for learning in clinical practice where two students learn together and are supervised by one preceptor. The aim was to gain knowledge about how the nursing students experienced peer learning as a learning model when it was introduced in a hospital ward. The study was performed using a questionnaire with open and closed questions from 23 students. The results show that students experienced good control over the tasks they were responsible for and perceived increased independence and responsibility for the patients they cared for depending on the organization and clear structure in the model. Peer learning provided a good and instructive collaboration where students discussed and supported each other. Some students wanted a longer period with one preceptor before starting peer learning, and some students mentioned it could be challenging to be supervised by two preceptors in the peer learning period. However, the majority suggested peer learning as a permanent teaching model in clinical practice

    Parents’ Prenatal Mental Health and Emotional, Behavioral and Social Development in Their Children

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    This study examines the association between expectant parents’ psychological distress and children’s development at 36 months old. This is a prospective population study based on the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study, N = 31,663. Logistic regression models were used to assess whether high scores (cutoff ≥2.00) on the symptom checklist-5 in parents predicted higher levels (cutoff ≥90 percentile) of developmental problems in their children. The risk of emotional and behavioral problems were significantly increased in children when both parents were affected by psychological distress during pregnancy, fully adjusted OR 2.35 (95 % CI 1.36, 4.07) and OR 2.65 (96 % CI 1.564.48), respectively. The risk was higher when mothers reported high level of psychological distress than when only the fathers did, but the risk of emotional difficulties in children was highest when both parents presented high levels of psychological distress, indicating an additive effect of parental psychological distress