68 research outputs found

    Büyükanne ve büyükbabalarda torun bakmanın depresyon ve yaşam kalitesine etkisi

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    Başlangıç seviyesi projesiAmaç: Bu araştırma “Büyükanne ve büyükbabalarda torun bakmanın depresyon ve yasam kalitesine etkisini incelemek amacıyla planlanmış ve uygulanmıştır. Materiyal ve Metod: Araştırma tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel niteliktedir. Denizli il merkezinde 60 yas üzeri torun bakan ve bakmayan büyükanne ve büyük babalar araştırmanın evrenini oluşturmuştur. Toplum sağlığı merkezlerinden rastlantısal olarak birer aile sağlığı merkezi seçilmiş ve her birinden ikişer aile hekimliği bölgesi randomizasyon örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenmiştir. Örnekleme çıkan her bir aile hekimliği bölgesinde kayıtlı olan 60 yas üzeri yaslı nüfus, toplam nüfusa orantılanmış ve bölgelerden kaçar yaslının örnekleme alınacağı belirlenmiştir. Evreni bilinen örneklem formülüne göre araştırmaya alınacak örneklem sayısı 920 olarak bulunmuştur. Veri toplama araçları olarak; Birinci bölümde “Büyükanne, büyükbaba ve toruna yönelik tanıtıcı bilgi formu” “, İkinci bölümde Büyükanne ve babaların depresyon düzeylerini ölçebilmek için “Geriatrik Depresyon Ölçeği, Üçüncü bölümde ise, Büyük anne ve babaların yasam kalitesini belirlemek amacıyla Dünya Sağlık Örgütü Yasam kalitesi Ölçeği (WHOQOL –OLD ) kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya başlamadan önce benzer örneklemde ön uygulama yapılmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde, SPSS 11.0 programı kullanılmış ve veriler sayı yüzde dağılımları, Independent t testi, varyans analizi, ki kare ve korelasyon analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Arastırmaya katılan büyük anne ve büyükbabaların yas ortalaması 62.20±7.71dir. Büyükanne ve büyükbabaların %59.6’sını bayanlar, %42.2’si ilkokul mezunu, %91.9’u gelir getiren herhangi bir iste çalısmıyor, %46.2’sinin aylık geliri 500-999TL arasındadır. Büyükanne ve büyükbabaların %49.6’sı torun baktığını, %50.4’ü torun bakmadığını belirtmiştir. %40.3’ü torun bakmanın ekonomik yük getirmediğini, %47.4’ü bundan kazanç elde etmediğini, %17.5’i torun bakmanın kendisini daha mutlu hissettirdiğini, %11.0’ı ise torun bakmanın aşırı yorgunluğa neden olduğunu belirtmiştir. Büyükanne ve büyükbabaların yasam kalitesi değerlendirildiğinde, yasam kalitesi ölçeğinin duygusal işlevler ile ölüm ve ölmek alt boyutlarında torun bakan ve bakmayanlar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olduğu saptanmıştır ( p<0.05). Torun bakanların %23.6’sında depresyon riski görülürken, %76.4’ünde depresyon riski yoktur. Torun bakmayanların %33.4’ünde depresyon riski görülürken, %66.6’sında depresyon riski yoktur. Algılanan sağlık durumu ile depresyon görülme riski ve yasam kalitesi arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç ve Öneriler: Sonuç olarak, torun bakan büyükanne ve babalarda bakmayanlara göre depresyon görülme riskinin daha az olduğu, yine torun bakmanın yasam kalitesi ölçeğinin duygusal işlevler ile ölüm ve ölmek alt boyutlarında etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Subjektif sağlık algısı hem depresyon görülme riskinde hem de yaşam kalitesinde etkili bulunmuştur. Projenin bulguları ülkemizde bir ilki oluşturmuştur. Bu yüzden bu arastırmanın farklı örneklemlerde yapılması önerilmektedir.Purpose: This study was planned and carried out in order to observe the effect of grandmother and grandfather’s looking after grandchildren on depression and life quality. Material and Method: The study is descriptive and cross-sectional. The universe of the study was composed of grandmothers and grandfather over the age of 60 years and who look and do not look after grandchildren in Denizli. One family health center was chosen randomly from public health centers and two family practice areas per each center were detected with randomization sampling method. Population over the age of 60 years registered in each family practice area for sampling was proportioned to total population and how many elder people was to be taken for sampling was determined. Sampling to be included in the study according sampling formula was determined to be 920. As data collection tool; In the first section “Identifying Information Form for the grandmothers, grandfathers and grandchild; in the second section “Geriatric Depression Scale” in order to measure grandmothers and grandfathers’ depression level, in the third section World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL – OLD) in order to determine life quality of grandmothers and grandfathers were used. For the evaluation of data; SPSS 11.0 program was used and data were evaluated with percentage distribution, Independent t test, variance analysis, chi square and correlation analysis. Findings: Average of age of grandmothers and grandfathers who are involved in the study is 62.20±7.71. 59.6% of the grandparents are female, 42.2% of them are graduate of primary education, 91.9% of them do not work in a job that brings an income, monthly income of 46.2% of them is between 500-900 TL. It was detected that 49.6% of the grandparents look after grandchildren and 50.4% do not. 40.3% of grandparents expressed that looking after grandchildren do not bring any economic burden to them, 47.4% expressed that they do not gain profit from it, 17.5% expressed that they feel themselves happy for looking after their grandchildren, 11.0% expressed that looking after children brought overfatigue. When life quality of grandparents were considered, it was detected that there was a statistically meaningful difference in the lower dimensions of emotional functions and death and dying of life quality scale between grandparents who look and do not after grandchildren ( p<0.05). There is a risk of depression in 23.6% of grandparents who do not look after grandchildren while there was no risk of depression in 66.6% of them. It was detected that there was a statistically meaningful relation between health condition and risk of depression and life quality. Results and Suggestions: As a result, it was detected that the risk of depression is lower in grandparents who look after grandchildren compared with those who do not look after grandchildren and that looking after grandchildren is effective in the lower dimensions of emotional functions and death and dying of life quality scale. Subjective health perception was found to be effective in both the risk of depression and life quality. Findings of the project were a first in our country. Therefore the study was suggested to be carried out in different samplings as well

    Über das Verständnis der Desymmetrisierung von Phosphinoboranen für die effiziente Synthese katalytisch relevanter P-stereogener Liganden

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    P-stereogene Phosphane zählen zu den bedeutendsten Liganden in der asymmetrischen Übergangsmetallkatalyse. Die Entwicklung synthetisch effizienter Zugänge ist eine wichtige Herausforderung aktueller Forschung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der einfach zugängliche Ligand (R,R) TMCDA zur Darstellung von P stereogenen Synthesebausteinen genutzt. Über die kristallisationsinduzierte dynamische Racematspaltung (CIDR) von lithiierten Phosphinoboranen gelang es, hochangereicherte Produkte mit Enantiomerenverhältnissen bis zu 98:2 und Ausbeuten bis zu 80% zu erhalten. Die durchgeführten Arbeiten demonstrieren die präparative Nutzbarkeit der untersuchten Methode und legen das Fundament für die Entwicklung weiterer wertvoller chiraler Synthesebausteine. Die synthetischen Anwendungen wurden durch Untersuchungen zu Isomerisierungsmechanismen metallierter Phosphinoborane ergänzt. Durch die Kombination von Experimenten, quantenchemischen Berechnungen sowie strukturellen Untersuchungen konnten diese näher beleuchtet werden. Isotopenmarkierungexperimente zeigen, dass α lithiierte Dimethylphosphinoborane über einen intermolekularen Protonentransfer von der Ausgangsverbindung isomerisieren können. Im Falle lithiierter sekundärer Phosphidoborane stellt die pyramidale Inversion am Phosphorzentrum ein plausibles mechanistisches Szenario dar. Beide Prozess sind für die dynamische Racematspaltung der P stereogenen Bausteine notwendig, jedoch im Zuge der synthetischen Anwendung unerwünscht, da sie mit einem Verlust an optischer Reinheit einhergehen. Glücklicherweise liegen die Energiebarrieren in Bereichen, die eine Steuerung über die Reaktionstemperatur erlauben: Bei tiefen Temperaturen werden die Umwandlungen unterbunden und können bei höheren Temperaturen für die stereochemische Anreicherung im Zuge der CIDR gezielt aktiviert werden. Insgesamt leistet diese Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Erschließung von effizienten Zugängen zu chiralen Synthesebausteinen und ergänzt das Verständnis der Stereochemie des Phosphors

    Crisis Management in the Business: A Case Study on Turkish Footwear Manufacturing Industry Enterprises

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    Abstract: This study attempts to examine about crisis management in Turkish footwear industry enterprises. Business is affected by the crisis in different degrees. This situation is actually related to the skills of crisis management of the business faced with crisis. The feature and process of the crisis differs from each one. Therefore reaching a common conclusion about the causes and consequences of the crises is impossible. In addition, the crisis in the past and global crisis in the recent years reveals that the crises must be researched in sector terms also. For this purpose, the basic findings obtained as a result of the study, according to the provinces where the crisis management skills are different from city to city. SMEs compete better in times of crisis. Experienced businesses are more successful in crisis preparedness and competition. Without a quality certificate businesses, need more support in crisis period

    Efficient Similarity Search over Encrypted Data

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    Abstract — In recent years, due to the appealing features of cloud computing, large amount of data have been stored in the cloud. Although cloud based services offer many advantages, privacy and security of the sensitive data is a big concern. To mitigate the concerns, it is desirable to outsource sensitive data in encrypted form. Encrypted storage protects the data against illegal access, but it complicates some basic, yet important func-tionality such as the search on the data. To achieve search over encrypted data without compromising the privacy, considerable amount of searchable encryption schemes have been proposed in the literature. However, almost all of them handle exact query matching but not similarity matching; a crucial requirement for real world applications. Although some sophisticated secure multi-party computation based cryptographic techniques are available for similarity tests, they are computationally intensive and do not scale for large data sources. In this paper, we propose an efficient scheme for similarity search over encrypted data. To do so, we utilize a state-of-the-art algorithm for fast near neighbor search in high dimensional spaces called locality sensitive hashing. To ensure the confidential-ity of the sensitive data, we provide a rigorous security definition and prove the security of the proposed scheme under the provided definition. In addition, we provide a real world application of the proposed scheme and verify the theoretical results with empirical observations on a real dataset. I

    Investigation of Factors Related to Cervical Proprioception in Healthy Individuals

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    Purpose: This study was carried out to investigate whether there is a relationship between the sense of cervical region proprioception and cervical region joint range of motion and posture in healthy young adults. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 98 healthy young adults in Kırşehir Ahi Evran University School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. The cervical proprioception senses of the individuals participating in the study were evaluated in 4 different positions (flexion, extension, left rotation and right rotation) using the Cervical Joint Position Error Test. In addition, the posture of the participants was evaluated using the New York Posture Analysis and the cervical region joint range of motion values were evaluated using a manual goniometer. The correlation between parameters was examined using Pearson’s correlation analysis. Results: The mean age of the individuals participating in the study was 20.85±1.68 years. No statistically significant correlation was found between the cervical region proprioception sub-parameters with the New York Posture Analysis and the cervical region joint range of motion sub-parameters (for all p>0.05). Conclusion: It was concluded that cervical proprioception was not associated with posture and cervical range of motion. However, we believe that cervical proprioception sense, range of motion and posture should be examined in patients with cervical region pathology

    Effects of abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy on anorectal functions along with quality of life of the patient

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    Objectives and background: Hysterectomy is the most commonly performed major gynecological operation for both benign and malign gynecologic conditions. After hysterectomy, although some investigators have declared an increased incidence of urinary and anorectal dysfunction, some others could not show any connection. Methods: The voluntary patients were divided in two groups: abdominal hysterectomy (Group 1) and vaginal hysterectomy (Group 2). Anal manometry and all the other examinations of the patients were performed at the Department of General Surgery Endoscopy Unit of Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine. Results: When the quality of life of the patients was assessed before the operation and on the 12th post-operative month via the SF-36 form; it can be seen that body pain parameters of the patients in Group 1 had significantly improved and there is no statistical difference in other parameters. When the effect of hysterectomy on the quality of life of the patients was evaluated by the \u201cCleveland Clinic Global Quality of Life\u201d form, the statistically significant improvement in the quality of life of the patients in Group 2 was observed. Conclusion: If the type of operation (vaginal or abdominal) is performed due to benign causes, it does not affect the urinary and anorectal functions of the patients. Depending on the decrease of complaints of the patients, it has a positive effect on the quality of life

    Protective Role of Genistein in Acute Liver Damage Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride

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    Aim. In the present study, we investigated the protective effect of genistein in experimental acute liver damage induced by CCl4. Method. Forty rats were equally allocated to 5 groups. The first group was designated as the control group (group 1). The second group was injected with intraperitoneal CCl4 for 3 days (group 2). The third group was injected with subcutaneous 1 mg/kg genistein for 4 days starting one day before CCl4 injection. The fourth group was injected with intraperitoneal CCl4 for 7 days. The fifth group was injected with subcutaneous 1 mg/kg genistein for 8 days starting one day before CCl4 injection. Plasma and liver tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) and liver glutathione levels, as well as AST and ALT levels were studied. A histopathological examination was conducted. Results. Liver tissue MDA levels were found significantly lower in group 3, in comparison to group 2 (P < .05). Liver tissue MDA level in group 5 was significantly lower than that in group 4 (P < .001). Liver tissue glutathione levels were higher in group 5 and 3, relative to groups 4 and 2, respectively (P > .05 for each). Inflammation and focal necrosis decreased in group 3, in comparison to group 2 (P < .001 for each). Inflammation and focal necrosis in group 5 was lower than that in group 4 (P < .001). Actin expression decreased significantly in group 5, relative to group 4 (P < .05). Conclusion. Genistein has anti-inflammatory and antinecrotic effects on experimental liver damage caused by CCl4. Genistein reduces liver damage by preventing lipid peroxidation and strengthening antioxidant systems

    Türk kolon ve rektum cerrahisi derneği (TKRCD) terminoloji komisyonu çalışma raporu

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    This study aimed to explain the working order of the Terminology Commission, which was established at the workshop of the Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery (TKRCD) on February 22, 2020, the criteria and results in the preparation of the terminology report. The commission prepared a work plan to complete in three main steps. The working process continued in a way that the members expressed their opinions with equal rights and the decisions were taken by consensus or by majority vote. The main purpose of the commission study was determined as “determining the terms that need to be explained and agreed in colorectal surgery, and to define them in a way that is compatible with the literature and contributes to daily practice”. The first meeting of the commission was held on February 22, 2020, and the report was accepted by the TKRCD Board of Directors on May 25, 2021. A total of 20 meetings were held during this period. In the first step, five headings were determined for writing the terms: Anatomy, symptoms and diagnostic tools, diseases, treatments and complications. There was a consensus that the terms met the following three conditions: 1) the need for explanation and consensus in colorectal surgery, 2) literature support, and 3) use in daily practice. The terms were written in the following format: Terms and synonyms, English equivalents, definition, explanation and bibliography. In the second step, each commissioner wrote an average of 10.8±4.3 terms. The distribution of 89 terms in the final report was as follows: Anatomy (n=26, 29.2%), symptoms and diagnostic tools (n=8, 8.9%), diseases (n=20, 22.4%), treatments (n=28, 31.4%), and complications (n=7, 7.8%). Figures (n=7), all from the archives of the commission members, and figures drawn by a new commission member (n=53) were also added to the report. In the third step, the report was submitted to the TKRCD Management with the approval of the TKRCD President. The preparation process of the Terminology Commission report of TKRCD was presented. The final report is open to changes and expansions with future studies.Bu çalışma Türk Kolon ve Rektum Cerrahisi Derneği’nin (TKRCD) 22 Şubat 2020 tarihinde yaptığı çalıştayda kurulan Terminoloji Komisyonu’nun çalışma düzenini, terminoloji raporunun hazırlanmasındaki kriterleri ve sonuçlarını açıklamayı amaçlamaktadır. Komisyon üç ana basamakta tamamlayacak iş planı hazırlamıştır. Çalışma süreci üyelerin eşit haklarla görüş belirttiği ve kararların uzlaşı veya oy çokluğuyla alındığı bir şekilde sürdürülmüştür. Komisyon çalışmasının temel amacı “kolorektal cerrahide açıklanması ve uzlaşı sağlanması gerekli terimlerin belirlenmesi, literatüre uygun ve günlük pratiğe katkı sağlayacak bir şekilde tanımlanması” olarak saptanmıştır. Komisyon ilk toplantısı 22 Şubat 2020’de yapılmış, rapor ise TKRCD Yönetim Kurulu’nda 25 Mayıs 2021’de kabul edilmiştir. Bu dönemde toplam 20 toplantı yapılmıştır. İlk basamakta terimlerin yazılması için beş adet üst başlık belirlenmiştir: anatomi, semptomlar ve tanı gereçleri, hastalıklar, tedaviler ve komplikasyonlar. Terimlerin şu üç şartı sağlaması konusunda karar birliği oluşmuştur: 1) kolorektal cerrahide açıklanması ve uzlaşı sağlanması gerekliliği, 2) literatür desteği ve 3) günlük pratikte kullanılması. Terimler şu formatta yazılmıştır: terim ve eş anlamlıları, İngilizce karşılıkları, tanım, açıklama ve kaynakça. İkinci basamakta her bir komisyon üyesi ortalama 10,8±4,3 terim yazmıştır. Sonuç raporunda yer alan 89 terimin üst başlıklara dağılımı şu şekildedir: anatomi (n=26, %29,2), semptomlar ve tanı gereçleri (n=8, %8,9), hastalıklar (n=20, %22,4), tedaviler (n=28, %31,4) ve komplikasyonlar (n=7, %7,8). Tamamı komisyon üyelerinin arşivlerinden gelen resimler (n=7) ve yeni bir komisyon üyesi tarafından çizilen şekiller de (n=53) rapora eklenmiştir. Üçüncü basamakta rapor TKRCD Başkanının onayıyla TKRCD Yönetimi’ne sunulmuştur. TKRCD’nin Terminoloji Komisyonu raporunun hazırlık süreci sunulmuştur. Sonuç raporu ileride yapılacak çalışmalarla değişiklik ve genişletmelere açıktır