24 research outputs found

    Features of treatment of pelvic fractures in adolescents

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    Aim. То reveal the features of peculiarities in treatment of pelvic fractures in adolescents using retrospective analysis. Materials and methods. In the Chaklin Scientific Research Urals Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics the analysis of 927 medical reports from 2000 to 2009 was carried out. Results. Patterns of different frequencies of the pelvis and acetabulum injuries in children, as well as a combination of injuries with trauma of other sites were identified, which is associated with morphological changes in pelvic fractures in adolescents. It is shown, that injuries of acetabulum in adults predominate in frequency over the pelvis trauma (52%), whereas in adolescents, they were noted only in the 13% of cases. The stable fractures composed 34% observations in adolescents, and 10% in adults. Multiple injuries were 59% among adolescents, almost half of them needed to have conservative treatment only. Extrafocal compression-distraction osteosynthesis was performed two times more frequently in adolescents than in comparison with adults.Цель исследования. Выявить особенности лечения переломов костей таза у подростков путем ретроспективного анализа. Материалы и методы. Проведен анализ 927 историй болезни по электронному архиву за период с 2000 по 2009 гг. в ФГУ «УНИИТО им. В.Д. Чаклина Росмедтехнологий». Результаты. Установлены закономерности различной частоты повреждений таза и вертлужной впадины в детском возрасте, а также сочетания повреждений с травмами других локализаций, что связано с морфологическими изменениями переломов таза у подростков. Показано, что повреждения вертлужной впадины у взрослых превалируют по частоте над травмой таза (52%), в то время как. у подростков они отмечены лишь в 13% случаев. Стабильные переломы у подростков отмечены в 34% наблюдений, у взрослых - только в 10% случаев. Множественная травма отмечена 59% подростков, практически половина из них нуждалась в проведении только консервативного лечения. Внеочаговый компрессионно-дистракционный остеосинтез у подростков выполняли в два раза чаще, чем у взрослых

    Risk estimation for the health of population under multimedium effect of chemical agents in the area influence of the factory for oil-refining industry

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    The aim of our research work was to estimate risk factors for the health of population living in the area close to factories for oil-refining industry and being under multimedium influence of agents received from atmospheric air and drinking water. As a result it was found that in the condition of multimedium influence of agents (atmospheric air, drinking water) by inhalation and per oral ways of delivering the total individual carcinogenic risk for population living in sanitary protective area has a medium 4 point having been formed by polluted drinking water - 87% and by populations in the atmospheric air -13%.Целью исследования явилась оценка риска для здоровья населения, проживающего в зоне воздействия предприятия нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности при многосредовом воздействии веществ, в том числе, обладающих канцерогенным потенциалом, поступающих с атмосферным воздухом и с питьевой водой. В результате исследований установлено. что при многосредовом воздействии химических загрязнителей (атмосферный воздух, питьевая вода) при ингаляционном и пероральном путях поступления суммарный индивидуальный канцерогенный риск для населения, проживающего в санитарно-защитной зоне предприятия, имел средний уровень, сформированный на 87% за счёт загрязнения питьевой воды и на 13% за счёт поллютантов, содержащихся в атмосферном воздухе

    Lambda hyperons produced in central nucleus-nucleus interactions at 4.5 GeV/c momentum per incident nucleon

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    Transverse momenta and rapidities of Lambda 's produced in central nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 GeV/c·u (C-C,...,O-Pb) were studied and compared with those from inelastic He-Li interactions at the same incident momentum. Polarization of the Lambda hyperons was found to be consistent with zero ( alpha P=-0.06=0.11 for Lambda 's from central collisions). An upper limit of the Lambda -bar / Lambda production ratio was estimated to be less than 4.5 x 10-3. The experiment was performed in a triggered streamer chamber

    The requirements for developing the programs and designing a foreign language teaching syllabus for the students following the education internationalization

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    © 2015 by the authors. Russia’s joining international economic and educational community, expanding multilateral ties with the countries of the united Europe and the United States, the process of internationalization which have affected all major spheres of modern society including education mounts challenges for the design and implementation of the teaching foreign language syllabus. Therefore, this article aims to identify and study the requirements for the development and design of the foreign language teaching syllabus inclusive of the education internationalization compliant with the social order and determined by the linguistic world dynamics, reflecting a vivid communicative, person-oriented and professional focus of teaching a foreign language. The article submissions may be useful to the teachers of “Foreign Language” disciplines as well as for the students of the teachers’ training universities

    The requirements for developing the programs and designing a foreign language teaching syllabus for the students following the education internationalization

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    © 2015 by the authors. Russia’s joining international economic and educational community, expanding multilateral ties with the countries of the united Europe and the United States, the process of internationalization which have affected all major spheres of modern society including education mounts challenges for the design and implementation of the teaching foreign language syllabus. Therefore, this article aims to identify and study the requirements for the development and design of the foreign language teaching syllabus inclusive of the education internationalization compliant with the social order and determined by the linguistic world dynamics, reflecting a vivid communicative, person-oriented and professional focus of teaching a foreign language. The article submissions may be useful to the teachers of “Foreign Language” disciplines as well as for the students of the teachers’ training universities

    The requirements for developing the programs and designing a foreign language teaching syllabus for the students following the education internationalization

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    © 2015 by the authors. Russia’s joining international economic and educational community, expanding multilateral ties with the countries of the united Europe and the United States, the process of internationalization which have affected all major spheres of modern society including education mounts challenges for the design and implementation of the teaching foreign language syllabus. Therefore, this article aims to identify and study the requirements for the development and design of the foreign language teaching syllabus inclusive of the education internationalization compliant with the social order and determined by the linguistic world dynamics, reflecting a vivid communicative, person-oriented and professional focus of teaching a foreign language. The article submissions may be useful to the teachers of “Foreign Language” disciplines as well as for the students of the teachers’ training universities

    The requirements for developing the programs and designing a foreign language teaching syllabus for the students following the education internationalization

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    © 2015 by the authors. Russia’s joining international economic and educational community, expanding multilateral ties with the countries of the united Europe and the United States, the process of internationalization which have affected all major spheres of modern society including education mounts challenges for the design and implementation of the teaching foreign language syllabus. Therefore, this article aims to identify and study the requirements for the development and design of the foreign language teaching syllabus inclusive of the education internationalization compliant with the social order and determined by the linguistic world dynamics, reflecting a vivid communicative, person-oriented and professional focus of teaching a foreign language. The article submissions may be useful to the teachers of “Foreign Language” disciplines as well as for the students of the teachers’ training universities