372 research outputs found

    Application of Supercomputer Technologies for Simulation of Socio-Economic Systems

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    To date, an extensive experience has been accumulated in investigation of problems related to quality, assessment of management systems, modeling of economic system sustainability. The studies performed have created a basis for formation of a new research area — Economics of Quality. Its tools allow to use opportunities of model simulation for construction of the mathematical models adequately reflecting the role of quality in natural, technical, social regularities of functioning of the complex socioeconomic systems. Extensive application and development of models, and also system modeling with use of supercomputer technologies, on our deep belief, will bring the conducted researches of social and economic systems to essentially new level. Moreover, the current scientific research makes a significant contribution to model simulation of multi-agent social systems and that isn’t less important, it belongs to the priority areas in development of science and technology in our country. This article is devoted to the questions of supercomputer technologies application in public sciences, first of all, — regarding technical realization of the large-scale agent-focused models (AFM). The essence of this tool is that owing to increase in power of computers it became possible to describe the behavior of many separate fragments of a difficult system, as social and economic systems represent. The article also deals with the experience of foreign scientists and practicians in launching the AFM on supercomputers, and also the example of AFM developed in CEMI RAS, stages and methods of effective calculating kernel display of multi-agent system on architecture of a modern supercomputer will be analyzed. The experiments on the basis of model simulation on forecasting the population of St. Petersburg according to three scenarios as one of the major factors influencing the development of social and economic system and quality of life of the population are presented in the conclusion

    Technology for test-systems for diagnosis of modified proteins (proteopathy) underlying social diseases (Report 1)

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    A new experimental technique for obtaining diagnostic test systems is introduced based on conjugates "polymer microsphere–bioligand" for rapid diagnosis of autoantibodies to the modified protein on example of thyroglobulin, which consists of preliminary blocking of aldehyde groups of polymer microspheres by glycine amine groups, and then of the covalent interaction between carboxyl group of glycine and the amino groups of thyroglobulin. This way of creating test systems has enhanced the sensitivity of the reaction of latex agglutination (RLA) by extending the boundaries of titer.A new experimental technique for obtaining diagnostic test systems is introduced based on conjugates "polymer microsphere–bioligand" for rapid diagnosis of autoantibodies to the modified protein on example of thyroglobulin, which consists of preliminary blocking of aldehyde groups of polymer microspheres by glycine amine groups, and then of the covalent interaction between carboxyl group of glycine and the amino groups of thyroglobulin. This way of creating test systems has enhanced the sensitivity of the reaction of latex agglutination (RLA) by extending the boundaries of titer

    Familial Mediterranean fever in Russia: Experience of the Federal Rheumatology Center

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    The paper gives the experience of the V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology in identifying and managing patients with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). Objective: to describe the features of the disease in patients with FMF in Russia and to compare them with the data obtained in the study of Turkish and Armenian populations with a high incidence of this disease. Patients and methods. The investigation enrolled 23 patients with a documented diagnosis of FMF who met the Turkish pediatric criteria (F. Yalcinkaya et al.) and/or the criteria described by A. Livnech et al. and had two identical mutations (homozygosity) or two different mutations (compound heterozygosity) in the MEFV gene. Among the patients there were 9 men and 14 women. The age of the patients at the time of treatment was 4.5 to 36 years. Their age at onset of FMF was 2 months to 15 years (mean age, 3.2±2.3 years). Results. The examination established that 18 (78.3%) patients were Armenians, 3 were representatives of the North Caucasus peoples (a Darghin woman, an Avar man, and an Ingush/Kabardian man), a man from mixed (Greek/Georgian) marriage, and a Russian woman whose ancestors were Armenian and Jewish. The most common manifestation of FMF were recurrent episodes of fever (22; 95.7%); abdominal pain with fever ranked second (19; 82.6%), followed by chest pain (11; 47.8%), locomotor apparatus lesion (16; 69.6%), and skin lesions (7; 30.4%). The episodes were accompanied by increased levels of acutephase markers in 100% of the patients. There were a high proportion of patients, in whom FMF was concurrent with other rheumatic and autoinflammatory diseases (juvenile chronic arthritis, chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis, and acute rheumatic fever) (7; 30.4%). Twenty-two (95.6%) patients received colchicine; the tumor necrosis factor inhibitor etanercept was prescribed in 2 (8.7%) patients with comorbidity; there was a pronounced therapeutic effect. Conclusion. Although the majority of our patients were Armenians, the disease was also identified in those belonging to the peoples of the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia and in one Russian female patient. There has generally been a fairly typical picture of the disease. The considerable frequency of joint damage and the high proportion of patients with comorbid rheumatic diseases have engaged our attention. From a diagnostic point of view, of importance is the elevated level of acutephase markers during a disease attack, which in combination with the clinical and ethnic characteristics of patients allows the diagnosis of FMF to be suspected

    Chemical composition of seeds and green beans of common bean varieties, breeded in Omsk State Agrarian University under conditions of southern forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia

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    ArticleThe article considers the biochemical composition of green beans and seeds of common beans varieties, breeded in Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin (OmSAU). The research was conducted in 2014–2016. Varieties of locally breeded beans, in comparison with the standards, have advantages in the content of protein, zinc, iodine, calcium, iron, sugar; green bean technological properties and tenderizing of seeds during cooking, which becomes an indispensable component of the diet

    The study of destruction of the compositions restoring the dentition integrity under uniaxial tension

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    Using vital teeth as supports for non-removable prostheses has a known beneficial effect on the rehabilitation of patients suffering from partial adentia. In this case, dentinal tubules remain exposed after their preparation, which leads to tooth hypersensitivity. At the same time, the effects of chemical and physical agents, as well as bacteria and their metabolic products may promote the development of pulpitis of teeth being a part of orthopedic structur


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    In 2012-1016, 23 chickpea accessions from VIR and 23 accessions from the collection of chickpea somaclones of the Siberian Research Institute of Forages were studied at Omsk State Agrarian University. The research performed in the southern forest-steppe of West Siberia resulted in identifying chickpea accessions with a shorter growing season, high plant productivity, good processability, and high symbiotic activity. The possibility of using cluster analysis for comprehensive assessment of source material for chickpea breeding was demonstrated. The nature of inheritance of agronomic traits in F1 chickpea hybrids was revealed, and recommendations for selection were formulated. A correlation was established between the major characters


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    The yield of vegetable peas in the conditions of the Omsk region is largely limited to the defeat of plants by a complex of diseases and damage by phytophages. The aim of the research was to study the collection of pea vegetable samples in Western Siberia and to identify among them the most resistant to Ascochyta. The object of research was 70 samples of vegetable peas from the collections of the Federal Scientific Vegetable Center,  Odintsovo, Federal Research Centre All-Russian institute of plant genetic resources on the name  of  N.I.  Vavilov (VIR), St.  Petersburg,  as  well  as obtained in the framework of cooperation with foreign breeding institutions. The experiments were conducted in the forest-steppe  zone of  the  Omsk region in 2014-2017.  As  a result of the experiments, it was established that the defeat of  peas by  Ascochyta occurs  annually, but  with  different intensity, depending on weather conditions. The maximum resistance of plants was observed in 2016 under conditions of severe drought (5.8 points on average), the minimum – in 2015 with moderately humid and warm weather (3.9 points on average). Late sowing contributes to a greater damage to plants by Ascochyta and reduced productivity. The relationship between resistance to Ascochyta and conditions characterizing heat and moisture supply is strong negative in the initial period of plant growth: with the CGT (r = -0.98 0.13), the amount of precipitation (r = -0.86 0.35), air temperature (r =  -0,67  0,24); strong positive in the second half of the growing season: with SCC (r = 0.82 0.33), amount of precipitation  (r  =  0.68  0.35).  Most  of  the  samples during  the research retained a high (29%) and medium (48%) resistance to  Ascochyta. As a result of  the collection's assessment, samples  of  vegetable peas  resistant  (7-8  points)  to  the pathogen were distinguished: B-1295  (к-8907,  Bashkiria), Chinese (PRC), Terrace 888 (k-9376, Ukraine). These samples  can  be  recommended  as  sources  of  resistance to Ascochyta for the selection of  vegetable peas in Western Siberia.Урожайность гороха овощного в условиях Омской области в значительной степени ограничена поражением растений комплексом болезней и повреждением фитофагами. Целью исследований  было  изучение коллекции образцов  гороха овощного в Западной Сибири и выявление среди них наиболее устойчивых к аскохитозу. Объектом исследований являлись 70 образцов гороха овощного из коллекций Федерального научного центра овощеводства (ФНЦО), п. Одинцово,   Федерального  исследовательского центра Всероссийского института  генетических  ресурсов растений им. Н.И. Вавилова (ВИР), г. Санкт-Петербург,  а также полученные в рамках сотрудничества с иностранными селекционными учреждениями. Опыты проведены в лесостепной зоне Омской области в 2014-2017 годах. В результате экспериментов установлено,   что поражение гороха аскохитозом  проявляется ежегодно,  но с разной интенсивностью, в зависимости от погодных условий. Максимальная устойчивость растений наблюдалось в 2016 году в условиях острой засухи (в среднем 5,8 баллов), минимальная - в 2015 году при умеренно влажной и теплой погоде (в среднем 3,9 балла). Поздний посев способствует большему поражению растений аскохитозом и  снижению  продуктивности.  Зависимость между устойчивостью к аскохитозу и условиями, характеризующими тепло- и  влагообеспеченность,  сильная отрицательная   в начальный период роста растений: с ГТК (r= -0,98 0,13), количеством осадков (r= -0,86 0,35), температурой воздуха (r= -0,67 0,24); сильная положительная во второй половине вегетации: с ГТК (r=0,82 0,33), количеством осадков (r=0,68 0,35). Большинство  образцов за  время исследований сохранили высокую (29%) и среднюю (48%) устойчивость к аскохитозу. В результате   оценки  коллекции выделены образцы  гороха овощного устойчивые (7-8 баллов) к патогену: Б-1295 (к-8907, Башкирия), Китайский  (КНР), Терасс 888 (к-9376, Украина). Эти образцы могут быть рекомендованы в качестве источников устойчивости к аскохитозу для селекции гороха овощного в Западной Сибири