53 research outputs found
Реалізація методики розрахунку контактної взаємодії зубів зубчастих коліс з композиційних матеріалів
Based on the solutions of contact problems for fibrous materials and coatings of composite materials, the article considers the implementation of the method of calculating the pliability of gears of composite materials, determining the contact parameters of coatings of fibrous materials. To calculate the contact deformations of gears made of metals and composites, a program was developed in the Delphi environment, which makes it possible to calculate the coefficients of contact deformation of the gear tooth, as well as the calculation of contact deformations for a tooth with a fibrous coating. An integral equation is presented, which gives a solution of the contact problem of pressing a stamp into an orthotropic coating. To study the influence of the properties of the material and the thickness of the coating on the contact parameters, a computer program was compiled, which was used to calculate for different thicknesses.
Pages of the article in the issue: 50 - 55
Language of the article: UkrainianНа підставі рішень контактних задач для волокнистих матеріалів і покриттів з композиційних матеріалів у статті розглядається реалізація методики розрахунку податливості зубчастих коліс з композиційних матеріалів, визначення параметрів контакту покриттів з волокнистих матеріалів. Для розрахунку контактних деформацій зубчастих коліс з металів і композитiв розроблено програму в середовищі Delphi, яка дає можливість реалізувати розрахунок коефіцієнтiв контактної деформації зуба зубчастого колеса, а також розрахунок контактних деформацій для зуба з волокнистим покриттям. Представлено інтегральне рівняння, яке дає розв’язок контактної задачі про вдавлювання штампа в ортотропне покриття. Для дослідження впливу властивостей матеріалу і товщини покриття на параметри контакту було складено програму обчислення на ЕОМ, за якою проводився розрахунок для різних товщин
Assessment of forests structure and forest care efficiency
The search of the most acceptable approaches is carried out in assessment of forests care efficiency. The system from 17 indicators and the equations for result calculation of young growths care, thinning out, re-form, reconstructive cuttings, forest protection and other actions is proposed
Demonstration of metastable paragenesis in the process of solid phase interaction in the system of СаО – Al[2]O[3] – SiO[2]
A short characteristic of new type of foreign dental cements Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) for root canal dressing is presented. The results of experimental researchesdealing with the development of the composition and method of producing of the national dental cement of the similar purpose. The effect of modifying additions (CaF2, P2O5, Bi2O3, MgO) on the sintering process of clinkers was studied and the demonstration of metastable paragenesis in the of solid phase interaction in the system CaO – Al2O3 – SiO2 was found. The obtained results provide more reliable designing of the mineralogical composition of cement clinker
National Economic Security and its Military Political Aspects
In modern conditions, aggravation of problems of ensuring national security of Russia is observed. It is caused by influence of a complex of factors. Authors consider the situation developing in the sphere of ensuring economic and military security of the country. For the analysis both empirical materials and expert estimates, and objective statistical data from the Russian and international sources are used. Authors prove a conclusion about existence of close interrelation of military and economic security, impossibility and inexpediency of their separate consideration in the theoretical analysis that generates need of correction of institutional mechanisms of their providing. At the same time, the conclusion is drawn on priority of start in Russia of mechanisms of sustained economic growth: without solution of this task, ensuring national security in the military and economic sphere will be, according to authors, extremely difficult
Assessing viability of processing ash and slag dumps for energy-efficient ash beneficiation at Magadan CPP
Complex processing of ash and slag waste is a supported directions for the development of environmental friendliness and performance in power engineering. The rational use of this waste in large-scale production processes has now been realized in the construction field. The development of up-to-date beneficiation technologies raises the possibility of extracting various useful components from ash and slag wastes. This study aims to investigate the potential for using energy-efficient ash beneficiation to produce a heavy metal-containing fraction and separate the magnetic fraction. To assess the feasibility of ash beneficiation and its rational use, the technical documentation of ash and slag dumps of PJSC “Magadanenergo” was studied, and semi-quantitative analyses of samples collected from these dumps were carried out. The data on the content of useful components and quantities of ash and slag enabled us to develop complex beneficiation flow sheets, assess their process efficiency, and evaluate their potential financial viability. The estimated volume of metals to be recovered includes 785 tons of Ti (me-1), 183 tons of Sr (me-2), and 4,867 tons of Fe (me-3). The performance indicators of the beneficiation and aggregated values of economic indicators for this project implementation on an industrial scale were calculated. The economic feasibility of the ash processing project showed good values for two out of three models over a ten-year planning horizon. Implementing the project also effectively improves the environmental situation by potentially processing up to 10% of the total volume of ash dumps, fulfilling one-fifth of the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation’s requirements until 2035. While investigations of ash from the Magadan Cogeneration Power Plant (MCPP) are not new, they were not previously carried out within the framework of studying integrated processing of ash to obtain various useful components
Study of a novel type of the optical modes in VCSELs
We study novel side-emitting modes in VCSEL microcavities. These modes correspond to π-shaped propagation along the mesa diameter, reflection from angled mesa walls and bottom Bragg reflector. We believe this study of π-modes is important for optimization of VCSEL design for improvement of efficiency
Исследование минерализующего действия фосфогипса при обжиге цементного клинкера
Phosphogypsum accumulated in the dumps of JSC «Gomel Chemical Plant» in amount as much as 20 million tons could be one of the promising raw materials for cement production. The use of phosphogypsum in the cement industry as a mineral-izer for clinker burning process has been studied. It has been shown that the introduction of phosphogypsum in the feed mixture has a positive effect on the binding of calcium oxide during burning. The phase composition of clinkers and main properties of portland cement produced with the use of phosphogypsum, have been investigated.Одним из перспективных сырьевых компонентов в производстве цемента может быть фосфогипс, накопившийся в отвалах ОАО «Гомельский химический завод» в количестве свыше 20 млн т. Приведены результаты исследований по использованию фосфогипса в цементной промышленности в качестве минерализатора процесса обжига клинкеров. Показано, что введение фосфогипса в сырьевую смесь оказывает положительное влияние на связывание оксида кальция при обжиге. Изучен фазовый состав клинкеров и основные свойства портландцементов, полученных с использованием фосфогипса
Anomalous lasing of high-speed 850 nm InGaAlAs oxide-confined vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with a large negative gain-to-cavity wavelength detuning
This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 061104 (2014) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4892885.The impact of a large negative quantum well gain-to-cavity etalon wavelength detuning on the static and dynamic characteristics of 850 nm InGaAlAs high-speed oxide-confined vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) was investigated. Three distinct lasing regimes were revealed in large square aperture (≥7 μm per side) devices with large detuning including: (1) an anomalous lasing via higher order Hermite–Gaussian modes at low forward bias current; (2) lasing via the lowest order Hermite–Gaussian modes at high bias current; and (3) simultaneous lasing via both types of transverse modes at intermediate bias currents. In contrast to conventional multimode VCSELs a two-resonance modulation response was observed for the case of co-lasing via multiple transverse modes with high spectral separation. The reduction in the oxide aperture area resulted in classical lasing via the lowest order modes with a conventional single-resonance frequency response.DFG, 43659573, SFB 787: Halbleiter - Nanophotonik: Materialien, Modelle, Bauelement
Алгоритм выбора препаратов для таргетной антимикробной терапии на основе результатов молекулярно-биологических исследований положительных культур крови
Cardinal changes in approaches to the choice of antimicrobial therapy for severe infections have occurred in recent years. They are associated with the growth of antibiotic resistance of nosocomial pathogens and the lack of sufficiently effective «universal» schemes of empirical antibiotic therapy. Recent international and domestic recommendations focus on a «pathogen-specific» approach aimed at the treatment of infections caused by specific problematic resistant pathogens. The application of such «pathogen-specific» recommendations is not possible without the availability of appropriate quality microbiological data. The further evolution of diagnostic methods is directed creating test systems that allow detecting the main pathogens of infection and the most important antibiotic resistance genes, allowing to reduce the time from the moment of taking clinical material for microbiological examination to obtaining the result that affects the choice of antibiotic therapy regimen. The review contains practical recommendations on the choice of drugs for targeted antimicrobial therapy based on the clinical interpretation of the results obtained using the «hyperplex» panel BioFire BCID2 (Blood Culture Identification 2BCID2), taking into account the statements set out in the guidelines «Diagnosis and antimicrobial therapy for infections caused by polyresistant strains of microorganisms». В последние годы произошли кардинальные изменения в подходах к выбору антимикробной терапии при тяжелых инфекциях, связанные с дальнейшим ростом антибиотикорезистентности нозокомиальных патогенов и отсутствием достаточно эффективных «универсальных» схем эмпирической антибиотикотерапии. Последние международные и отечественные рекомендации ориентируются на «патогенспецифичный» подход, направленный на лечение инфекций, вызванных конкретными проблемными резистентными возбудителями. Применение таких «патоген-специфичных» рекомендаций невозможно без наличия соответствующих качественных микробиологических данных. Дальнейшая эволюция методов диагностики идет в направлении создания тест-систем, позволяющих детектировать основные возбудители инфекции и наиболее важные гены антибиотикорезистентности, сокращающие время от момента взятия клинического материала для микробиологического исследования до получения результата, влияющего на выбор режима антибиотикотерапии. В статье представлены практические рекомендации по выбору препаратов для таргетной антимикробной терапии на основе клинической интерпретации результатов, получаемых при использовании «гиперплексной» панели BioFire BCID2 (Blood Culture Identification 2BCID2) с учетом положений, изложенных в методических рекомендациях «Диагностика и антимикробная терапия инфекций, вызванных полирезистентными штаммами микроорганизмов»
Design of electrically driven single photon source based on dielectric passive cavity structure at 1.3 μm
A combination of advanced concepts is applied for designing micro-cavity structures aimed for single-photon sources with high photon-extraction efficiency in the telecom O-band at ~1.3 μm. The device design consists of a broad stop-band bottom distributed Bragg reflector (DBR), a top DBR formed in a dielectric micropillar with additional circular Bragg grating and a central dielectric passive cavity. This combination of photonic elements is compatible with electric carrier injection and provides overall photon-extraction efficiency of ~83% as shown by 3D finite-difference time-domain simulations
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