134 research outputs found
Toimenpideohje norovirus-tartuntojen ehkäisemiseksi
Ohjeen tavoitteena on antaa ohjeita norovirusepidemian rajoittamiseksi erityisesti sellaisissa puitteissa, joissa sairastumisvaarassa olevien henkilöiden määrä on suuri tai tiheästi vaihtuva kuten majoituslaitoksissa ja risteilylaivoilla. Suositus on tarkoitettu terveydenhuolto- ja terveydensuojeluviranomaisten tueksi ohjattaessa epidemian torjuntatoimia
Mitä hoitavan lääkärin on syytä tietää infektioepidemioista?
•Epidemioiden luonne ja niitä aiheuttavien mikrobien kirjo ovat muuttuneet.
•Epidemiaselvitys koostuu epidemiologisista ja mikrobiologisista tutkimuksista, infektion torjunnasta ja viestinnästä.
•Epäily epidemiasta voi herätä hoitavan lääkärin vastaanotolla tai kliinisen mikrobiologian laboratoriossa, kun usealla potilaalla havaitaan samantyyppisiä oireita tai löydöksiä ja mahdollinen yhteys toisiinsa.
•Myös hoitohenkilökunnan havainnot ovat avainasemassa esimerkiksi ripuliepidemioissa, joissa usein sairastuu myös henkilökuntaa, tai kun influenssakauden aikana laitospotilaita menehtyy hengitystieinfektioon.
•Keskeinen toimija epidemiaselvityksessä on kunta ja sen terveyskeskuksessa tartuntataudeista vastaava lääkäri
The economic impact of EU free trade agreements for Finland and the EU
Economic policies of the European Union (EU) are based on promoting open and predictable international trade. EU Free Trade Agreements (FTA) is an important tool for achieving this objective. In this study, we analyse the impact of the EU FTAs on goods and services, value added, direct investment, employment and gross domestic product (GDP) in Finland. We focus on estimating the economic impact of the FTAs concluded during Finland's EU membership since 1995. The analysis shows that Finland's exports have increased markedly in many countries that have entered into FTAs with the EU since 1996, but the increase in exports seems to be explained by the general globalisation of trade rather than FTAs. At the aggregate level, our results suggest that the FTAs that came into force since 1988 have significantly increased EU trade with partner countries. The most comprehensive FTA has increased EU exports to partner countries by around 34% and imports by 14%. The larger average effects on EU trade are explained at least in part by the importance of the agreements concluded before Finland's membership of the EU. However, although the EU FTAs have had a weaker effect on Finland's exports than on EU countries on average, they have increased exports in some industries significantly. The industries that have benefited most from the EU FTAs are forest industry, machine and equipment manufacturing, and business services that support trade in goods. In addition, agreements have increased production in Finland through global value chains. For trade in goods, the effect of free trade agreements, concluded after 2004, on value added in Finland is estimated at around 1.6% of total value added in export sales, which is slightly below the EU average of 2.0%. We also find that the agreements have contributed positively to foreign direct investment, trade in services, employment and GDP. Our results support the use of FTAs as a tool for economic policy, but the scope and depth of the agreements and the functioning of other international institutions are crucial how large impact they have on trade. Not even the broader agreements can replace the transparency, predictability and dispute resolution mekamism provided by the World Trade Organisation, WTO. That is why the EU should strive, not only for new and comprehensive free trade agreements, but also to support the continuation of WTO reforms and to guarantee its ability to act in the future
Åtgärdsanvisning för att förhindra norovirussmitta
Målet med anvisningen är att ge anvisningar för att begränsa norovirusepidemier särskilt i sådana situationer där antalet personer som riskerar insjukna är stort eller växlar frekvent, såsom på inkvarteringsställen eller kryssningsfartyg. Rekommendationen är avsedd att stöda hälsovårds- och hälsoskyddsmyndigheterna då de styr epidemipreventionsåtgärderna
Innovation, reallocation, and growth in the 21st century
Our work applies the model developed by Acemoglu et al. (2018), henceforth, AAABK, for assessing the growth and welfare implications of different types of innovation policies. Central to the AAABK model is the ratio of high-productivity and low-productivity firms in total output and how different policy measures affect this relationship.
We employ the AAABK framework in order to build a macroeconomic model of the innovative business sector in Finland and fit it to the company-level micro-data on Finnish companies from 2000 to 2016. Acemoglu et al. (2018) employed US data from the 1980s and 1990s. We complement their work by estimating the AAABK model for more recent years: 2000–2016. Our results add to the literature by providing evidence on the aggregate effectiveness of innovation policies in this more recent period of slower economic growth.
Our empirical findings yield, by and large, similar qualitative conclusions on the effects of public policies on economic growth and welfare to those reported in the original work using the US data. Generally, increasing R&D subsidies would be a recommendable policy. The welfare impacts of R&D subsidies are highest when they accelerate the re-allocation of R&D workers to companies with high R&D productivity. The most effective innovation policy targets R&D subsidies to companies with the highest innovation capacity (i.e., in these companies, R&D employees generate the highest increase in a firm’s productivity). If subsidies are allocated to companies with low innovation capacity or to low-productivity companies that are close to exiting the market, there will be less innovation and slower economic growth.This publication is part of the implementation of the Government Plan for Analysis, Assessment and Research (tietokayttoon.fi). The content is the responsibility of the producers of the information and does not necessarily represent the view of the government
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