605 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Electronic Commerce On The Internationalization Of Business

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    Opportunities and limitations of aerosol sensors to urban air quality monitoring

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    Ilmakehän pienhiukkaset ovat yksi keskeisimmistä kuolleisuuden riskitekijöistä kansainvälisessä taudin rasittavuuden analyysissä. Useat epidemiologiset tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet pienhiukkasten ja sydän- ja verisuoni- sekä hengitystiesairauksien yhteyden, ja eri arvioiden mukaan useita miljoonia ennenaikaisia kuolemia tapahtuu joka vuosi pienhiukkasaltistumisen seurauksena. Jotta pienhiukkasten negatiivisiin terveysvaikutuksiin voitaisiin vaikuttaa, tulee niiden lähteet ja dynaamiset prosessit, kuten alueellinen leviäminen, tuntea hyvin. Viimeaikainen aerosolisensoreiden esilletulo ja kehittyminen ovat avanneet uusia mahdollisuuksia ilmanlaadun seurantaan. Sensorit, jotka ovat tyypillisesti pienikokoisia, suhteellisen edullisia ja helppokäyttöisiä, mahdollistavat alueellisesti kattavien sensoriverkkomittausten toteuttamisen ja siten pienhiukkasten tarkemman tutkimisen. Sensoreiden edullisempi ja siten yksinkertaisempi mittaustekniikka saattaa toisaalta johtaa suurempaan mittausepätarkkuuteen ja huonompaan laatuun. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli arvioida ja luonnehtia aerosolisensoreiden tarkkuutta ja soveltuvuutta kaupunkialueiden ilmanlaadun seurantaan. Tutkimus keskittyi kahteen mittaustekniikkaan, jotka ovat parhaiten sovellettavissa sensorityyppisiin mittauksiin; optiseen ja diffuusiovarautumiseen perustuvaan tekniikkaan. Optisia sensoreita testattiin sekä ulkoilmassa että laboratoriossa, missä niiden hiukkaskokovalikoivuutta arvioitiin tutkimalla sensorin vastetta keinotekoisesti tuotetuilla erikokoisilla referenssihiukkasilla. Diffuusiovarautumiseen perustuvia sensoreita, jotka mittaavat niin kutsuttua keuhkodeposoituvaa pinta-ala, testattiin ulkoilmassa, missä niiden suorituskykyä arvioitiin erityisesti erittäin pienten nanohiukkasten, kuten liikenteen pakokaasun sekä puunpolton päästöjen, näkökulmasta. Tutkimustulosten perusteella optiset aerosolisensorit eivät toistaiseksi ole soveltuvia pitkäaikaiseen viranomaisvalvonnassa tehtävään ilmanlaadun seurantaan. Tämä johtuu niiden virheellisestä kalibroinnista, jonka seurauksena sensorit eivät mittaa hiukkaskokoluokkia, joita niiden tekniset tuoteselosteet antavat olettaa. Riski mittausdatan väärin tulkinnalle on täten ilmeinen. Toisaalta, kun mitattu hiukkasten kokojakauma rajattiin vastaamaan sensorin ominaista vastealuetta, sensorin mittaustarkkuus oli hyvä ja toistettava. Tämän perusteella, vaikkakin virheellinen kalibrointi rajoittaa optisten sensoreiden käytettävyyttä, konsepti ja visio sensoripohjaisesta mittausverkosta on mahdollinen ja saavutettavissa. Diffuusiovarautumiseen perustuvat sensorit osoittivat olevan teknisesti kehittyneempiä kuin optiset sensorit. Testatut sensorit olivat tarkkoja ja stabiileja kaikissa kenttämittauskampanjoissa, ja ne olivat erityisen hyvin soveltuvia liikenteen pakokaasujen sekä puunpolton päästöjen mittaamiseen. Tämän vuoksi diffuusiovaraukseen perustuvat sensorit olisivat arvokas lisä muiden mittaustekniikoiden rinnalle, varsinkin kun nanohiukkasten osuus kaupunki-ilmassa on merkittävä.Atmospheric particles are one of the leading mortality risk factors in the Global Burden of Disease study (GBD). The association between particulate mass of particles smaller than 2.5 μm in diameter (PM2.5) and cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases has been characterized by multiple epidemiological studies, and varying estimates suggest that several million premature death occur globally each year due to PM2.5 exposure. Mitigation of the adverse health effects of particulate matter requires comprehensive understanding of their sources and dynamic processes, such as spatial dispersion. Recent emergence and development of aerosol sensors, which are typically characterized as small, relatively low cost and easy to use, have enabled new opportunities in air quality monitoring. As a result of their practical convenience, sensors can be deployed to the field in high quantities which, consequently, enables network-type, spatially comprehensive measurements. However, with more simplified and less expensive measurement approach, less accurate and reliable results may be expected. This study aimed to evaluate and characterize the accuracy and usability of aerosol sensor to urban air quality measurements. The investigation focused on two of the most prominent measurement techniques applicable to sensor type monitoring; optical and diffusion chargingbased techniques. Sensors utilizing optical technique were evaluated in laboratory and field studies for their error sources and particle size-selectivity, specifically. Diffusion charging-based sensors, which measure lung deposited surface area of particles, were evaluated in the field for their suitability to measure combustion emitted particles, such as vehicular exhaust and residential wood combustion emissions. Results of the study indicated that optical aerosol sensors are unlikely to be fit for long-term regulatory monitoring. The main issues preventing this arise from their improper calibration which poses a significant risk of data misinterpretation; none of the laboratory evaluated sensors measured particle sizes which their technical specifications implied. On the other hand, field tests showed that when the measured size fraction was targeted to match the true detection range of the sensor, highly accurate and repeatable results were obtained. This implies that, while the usability of optical sensors is limited in their current form, the concept and vision of a sensor driven air quality monitoring network remains valid and achievable. In comparison to optical sensors, diffusion charging-based sensors were found to be more mature in terms of their technological development. The evaluated sensors exhibited accurate and stable performance throughout the test campaigns and were shown to be particularly well-suited the measurement of combustion emitted particles. Hence, diffusion charger sensors would be a valuable addition to be used alongside other measurement techniques as urban air quality is heavily affected by nanoparticles

    Adult Phenotype of Preterm Birth at Very Low Birth Weight : Brain, Bone and Fat - A Sibling Study

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    Being born preterm (< 37 gestational weeks) and especially preterm with very low birth weight (< 1500 grams) has been shown to associate with adverse health outcomes in adolescence and adulthood: higher blood pressure, elevated glucose levels, and lower bone mineral density. Being born very preterm at very low birth weight has been associated with smaller brain volumes. It is still unclear, however, how the extreme stress of preterm birth manifests in adulthood. Nearly all studies have been conducted with unrelated controls, leaving room for residual confounding that a sibling comparison may address. In my dissertational thesis I investigate how adults born preterm at very low birth weight differ from their term born siblings in regard to brain, bone, and abdominal adipose tissue pools. In addition to this, I aim to identify epigenetic imprints of preterm birth from adult leukocyte DNA from individuals born preterm at very low birth weight, which could reflect a permanent change in gene activity regulation. I discovered that adults born at very low birth weight have more incidental findings than their term siblings in brain MRI, smaller total brain volume, less gray matter, smaller basal ganglia and larger ventricles than their siblings. Contrary to earlier studies, there was no difference in white matter volume. I discovered that adults born preterm at very low birth weight have a lower bone mineral density in the femoral neck, and additionally whole body bone mineral content was lower in those born at very low birth weight. The differences between groups, however, attenuated after taking body mass index and height into account in statistical modelling. Regarding fat outcomes, no differences in adipose tissue volumes or hepatic fat were observed. There was, however, less unsaturation in magnetic resonance spectroscopy of subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue, which may be related to reported differences in resting state energy expenditure or fatty acid metabolism. I discovered differences in the methylation of several genes and further aimed to validate these findings in independent cohorts. By combining results from said cohorts, I discovered five sites in the epigenome that seem to be associated with both birth weight and being born preterm at very low birth weight. Being born preterm, very preterm or with a very low birth weight is a major factor contributing to adult health, which, based on my dissertational thesis and sibling comparison, has lasting effects well into adulthood. In particular, my thesis contributes to the understanding of brain volume differences and high prevalence of incidental findings as well as bone and adipose tissue differences and similarities between adults born at very low birth weight and term siblings.Keskosuuden (< 37 täyttä raskausviikkoa) ja etenkin pikkukeskosuuden (alle 1500 gramman syntymäpaino) on osoitettu olevan yhteydessä aikuisiällä korkeampaan lepoverenpaineeseen, kohonneeseen paastoverensokeriin, huonompaan keuhkojen toimintaan ja pienempään luuntiheyteen. Pikkukeskosuuden on myös raportoitu olevan yhteydessä pienempään aivotilavuuteen. Toistaiseksi on epäselvää, miten pikkukeskosena syntymisen stressi ilmenee aikuisuudessa. Miltei kaikki aiemmat tutkimukset on suoritettu keskenään sukua olemattomia henkilöitä vertaamalla, minkä valossa sisarusvertailu huomioi paremmin mahdolliset sekoittavat tekijät tulosten tulkinnassa. Väitöstutkimuksessani pyrin selvittämään miten aivot, luuntiheys sekä vatsan alueen rasvat eroavat pikkukeskosena syntyneiden tutkittavien ja heidän täysiaikaisena syntyneiden sisarustensa välillä. Tämän lisäksi pyrin tunnistamaan pikkukeskosena syntyneiltä valkosolujen DNA:sta epigeneettisiä muutoksia, jotka voisivat merkitä pysyvää keskosuuden jättämää jälkeä perimän säätelyssä. Havaitsin, että pikkukeskosena syntyneillä on enemmän sattumalöydöksiä kuin sisaruksilla, mutta ne ovat luonteeltaan pääsääntöisesti kliinisesti merkityksettömiä. Pikkukeskosena syntyneillä oli pienempi aivojen kokonaistilavuus, vähemmän harmaata ainetta pienemmät tyvitumakkeet ja suuremmat aivokammiot kuin sisaruksilla. Sen sijaan valkean aineen määrässä en havainnut eroa. Pikkukeskosena syntyminen oli yhteydessä alhaisempaan luuntiheyteen reisiluun kaulassa, ja lisäksi koko kehon luuston mineraalipitoisuus oli alhaisempaa. Kun otin huomioon tutkittavien painoindeksin ja pituuden, ryhmien välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja. En havainnut eroa vatsan alueen rasvakudoksen tilavuuksissa, eikä maksan rasvan määrässäkään ollut havaittavaa eroa, mutta ihonalaisrasvassa oli vähemmän kaksoissidossignaalia magneettiresonanssispektroskopiassa. Tämä voi olla merkki eroista lepoaineenvaihdunnassa tai rasvametaboliassa. Viimeisessä osatyössäni havaitsin eroja useiden geenien metylaatiossa, ja pyrin toistamaan löydöksen useissa eri-ikäisissä kohorteissa. Yhdistämällä eri kohorttien tuloksia löysin viisi geenialuetta, jotka näyttävät yhdistyvän pikkukeskosuuteen ja alhaiseen syntymäpainoon. Pikkukeskosena syntyminen on erityinen aikuisiän terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin yhteydessä oleva tekijä, jonka merkitys säilyy väitöskirjatyöni sisarusvertailun perusteella vielä pitkälle aikuisuuteen. Väitöskirjani tulokset auttavat ymmärtämään pikkukeskosena syntymisen yhteyttä aikuisiän aivotilavuuksiin ja sattumalöydöksiin sekä luuston ja rasvan eroihin suhteessa täysiaikaisiin sisarusverrokkeihin

    Sivuja - siveltimenvetoja, keraaminen taiteilijakirja

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    Opinnäytteessäni tutkin maalaamisen ideaa keramiikassa. Tutkimukseeni liittyy teos, joka on taiteilijakirja. Siksi avaan kirjoituksessani myös taiteilijakirjaa teostyyppinä ja sen merkitystä nykyaikana. Kaulitsin savesta ja paperisavesta ohuita levyjä, ”kirjan” sivuja, jotka muodostavat maalauksellisen tilan. Tutkimuksen edetessä päädyin arvioimaan erityisesti siveltimenvedon käsitettä ja sitä kuinka se voi ilmetä kolmiulotteisena ja keraamisessa materiaalissa. En niinkään käsittele siveltimenvetoa keramiikalle vaan suhtauduin teokseni yksittäisiin kappaleisiin kuin siveltimenvetoihin

    An Experiment to Apply Some Substance-Theories to the Development of an ODSS in a Small Company

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    The focus of this research is on the appropriateness of the Substance-Theory-Oriented approach to the implementation of an Organizational Decision Support Systems in a small company. An ODSS is a general-purpose, multiple-user, large-scale system that has a relatively definite, continuous and organized position in the planning and decision making processes of an organization and which are designed for a variety of organizational decisions. We constructively show by means of a real case how the substance theories can be used to determine the actual contents of an ODSS. We have tested design guidelines and implementation strategies that can be exploited in small business companies in general. The main idea of the proposed approach is that the managerial substance-theories should be utilized at each phase of the development process, beginning from the initial problem review and ending with the use and the evolution of the developed system. It is assumed that only these theories can direct the design and development process in the right direction and carry appropriate information and knowledge into the organization. By applying the proposed approach small companies are able to decide the contents of an ODSS, manage the development process, increase their managerial knowledge, and finally, make more structured and better decisions

    Organizational learning and documentation practices in pre-job briefings and post-job reviews

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    Video-based method for collaborative learning and development

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    Organizational learning and documentation practices in pre-job briefings and post-job reviews

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    In this report we describe a case study in a nuclear power company regarding pre-job briefing and post-job review documentation practices and their relation to organizational learning. In the case study power company, pre-job briefings andpost-job reviews were documented as open feedback in a work permit system or as minutes of meetings. It was found that the documentation medium affects what is documented and whether the recorded information is used afterwards. We also found that the documentation can serve multiple functions. In addition to helping perform the same task again in the future, it can be utilized for various purposes by different stakeholders, including other work groups, training, supervision and oversight, and operating experience. Finally, a set of generic success factors to facilitate the generation and use of documentation from prejob briefings and post-job review were formulated.<br/

    Selecting a Flexible Manufacturing System Using Multiple Criteria Analysis

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    This paper describes a visually interactive decision support framework designed to aid the decision maker, typically top management, in selecting the most appropriate technology and design, when planning a flexible manufacturing system (FMS). The framework can be used in the pre-investment stage of the planning process, after the decision in principle has been made to build an FMS. First, both qualitative and quantitative criteria are used to narrow the set of alternative system configurations under consideration down to a small number of most attractive candidates. After this pre-screening phase, a multiobjective programming model is formulated for each remaining configuration, allowing the manager to explore and evaluate the costs and benefits of various different scenarios for each configuration separately by experimenting with different levels of batch sizes and production volumes. The system uses visual interaction with the decision maker, graphically displaying the relevant tradeoffs between such relevant performance criteria as investment and production costs, manufacturing flexibility, production volume and investment risk, for each scenario. Additional criteria, when relevant, can be included as well. The ease of use and interpretation and the flexibility make the proposed system a powerful analytical tool in the initial FMS design process. The insights gained from experimenting with the different scenarios form the basis of understanding the anticipated impact of techno-economic factors on the performance of the FMS configuration, and provide valuable information for the implementation stage of building the FMS. An example using real data from a case study in the Finnish metal product industry is provided to illustrate the methodology

    A Nonlinear Multicriteria Model for Strategic FMS Selection Decisions

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    The strategic decision of selecting an optimal flexible manufacturing system (FMS) configuration is a complicated question which involves evaluating tradeoffs between a number of different, potentially conflicting criteria such as annual production volume, flexibility, production and investment costs, and average throughput of the system. Recently, several structured approaches have been proposed to aid management in the FMS selection process. While acknowledging the nonlinear nature of a number of the relationships in the model, notably between batch size and the number of batches produced of each part, these studies used linear simplifications to illustrate the decision dynamics of the problem. These linear models were shown to offer useful analytical tools in the FMS pre-design process. Due to the nonlinearities of the true relationships, however, the tradeoffs between the criteria could not fully be explored within the linear framework. This paper builds on the two-phase decision support framework proposed by Stam and Kuula (1989), and uses a modified nonlinear multicriteria formulation to solve the problem. The software used in the illustration can easily be implemented, is user-interactive and menu-driven. The methodology is applied to real data from a Finnish metal product company, and the results are compared with those obtained in previous studies