36 research outputs found

    Flexible varieties and automorphism groups

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    Given an affine algebraic variety X of dimension at least 2, we let SAut (X) denote the special automorphism group of X i.e., the subgroup of the full automorphism group Aut (X) generated by all one-parameter unipotent subgroups. We show that if SAut (X) is transitive on the smooth locus of X then it is infinitely transitive on this locus. In turn, the transitivity is equivalent to the flexibility of X. The latter means that for every smooth point x of X the tangent space at x is spanned by the velocity vectors of one-parameter unipotent subgroups of Aut (X). We provide also different variations and applications.Comment: Final version; to appear in Duke Math.

    Knotted holomorphic discs in

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    We construct knotted proper holomorphic embeddings of the unit disc i

    Linearization of holomorphic families of algebraic automor- phisms of the affine plane

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    Let GG be a reductive group. We prove that a family of polynomial actions of GG on C2\mathbb{C}^2, holomorphically parametrized by an open Riemann surface, is linearizable. As an application, we show that a particular class of reductive group actions on C3\mathbb{C}^3 is linearizable. The main step of our proof is to establish a certain restrictive Oka property for groups of equivariant algebraic automorphisms of C2\mathbb{C}^2

    An interpolation theorem for proper holomorphic embeddings

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    Given a Stein manifold X of dimension n>1, a discrete sequence a_j in X, and a discrete sequence b_j in C^m where m > [3n/2], there exists a proper holomorphic embedding of X into C^m which sends a_j to b_j for every j=1,2,.... This is the interpolation version of the embedding theorem due to Eliashberg, Gromov and Schurmann. The dimension m cannot be lowered in general due to an example of Forster

    Flexibility properties in Complex Analysis and Affine Algebraic Geometry

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    In the last decades affine algebraic varieties and Stein manifolds with big (infinite-dimensional) automorphism groups have been intensively studied. Several notions expressing that the automorphisms group is big have been proposed. All of them imply that the manifold in question is an Oka-Forstneri\v{c} manifold. This important notion has also recently merged from the intensive studies around the homotopy principle in Complex Analysis. This homotopy principle, which goes back to the 1930's, has had an enormous impact on the development of the area of Several Complex Variables and the number of its applications is constantly growing. In this overview article we present 3 classes of properties: 1. density property, 2. flexibility 3. Oka-Forstneri\v{c}. For each class we give the relevant definitions, its most significant features and explain the known implications between all these properties. Many difficult mathematical problems could be solved by applying the developed theory, we indicate some of the most spectacular ones.Comment: thanks added, minor correction

    Algebraic volume density property of affine algebraic manifolds

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    We introduce the notion of algebraic volume density property for affine algebraic manifolds and prove some important basic facts about it, in particular that it implies the volume density property. The main results of the paper are producing two big classes of examples of Stein manifolds with volume density property. One class consists of certain affine modifications of \C^n equipped with a canonical volume form, the other is the class of all Linear Algebraic Groups equipped with the left invariant volume form.Comment: 35 page

    The First Thirty Years of Andersén-Lempert Theory

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    In this paper we expose the impact of the fundamental discovery, made by Erik Andersen and László Lempert in 1992, that the group generated by shears is dense in the group of holomorphic automorphisms of a complex Euclidean space of dimension n > 1. In three decades since its publication, their groundbreaking work led to the discovery of several new phenomena and to major new results in complex analysis and geometry involving Stein manifolds and affine algebraic manifolds with many automorphisms. The aim of this survey is to present the focal points of these developments, with a view towards the future

    Eigentliche Wirkungen von Liegruppen auf reell-analytischen Mannigfaltigkeiten

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    Available from TIB Hannover: RR 5293(5)+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Sufficient conditions for holomorphic linearisation

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    Let G be a reductive complex Lie group acting holomorphically on X = ℂn. The (holomorphic) Linearisation Problem asks if there is a holomorphic change of coordinates on ℂn such that the G-action becomes linear. Equivalently, is there a G-equivariant biholomorphism Φ: X → V where V is a G-module? There is an intrinsic stratification of the categorical quotient QX, called the Luna stratification, where the strata are labeled by isomorphism classes of representations of reductive subgroups of G. Suppose that there is a Φ as above. Then Φ induces a biholomorphism φ: QX → QV which is stratified, i.e., the stratum of QX with a given label is sent isomorphically to the stratum of QV with the same label. The counterexamples to the Linearisation Problem construct an action of G such that QX is not stratified biholomorphic to any QV.Our main theorem shows that, for most X, a stratified biholomorphism of QX to some QV is sufficient for linearisation. In fact, we do not have to assume that X is biholomorphic to ℂn, only that X is a Stein manifold.Frank Kutzschebauch, Finnur Lárusson, Gerald W. Schwar