26 research outputs found

    Determining the resilient modulus of sandy subgrade using cyclic light weight deflectometer test

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    Resilient modulus is one of the important parameters used in the analysis and modelling of subgrade behaviour and it is directly related to the safety, economic and lifetime of roads structures. The determination of Resilient Modulus (MR) using repeated load triaxial (RLT) test is expensive, cumbersome and time consuming. Therefore, a new research approach has been adopted in this study based on performing cyclic light weight deflectometer (LWD). The objective of the cyclic loading is to bring the soil to its near elastic behaviour and then measure the dynamic deformations moduli (Evd). The cyclic LWD tests were performed in the field and in the laboratory and the measured Evds values were compared to the resilient moduli measured by RLT tests conducted under similar testing conditions. The number of LWD test cycles required to bring the soil to its elastic state can be decided directly during the test by using a new multifunctional LWD manufactured solely for the purpose of this study. It has been found that the required number of LWD repetitions (cycles) to conduct Evd moduli close to MR moduli depends on many influencing factors, namely, the moisture contents, lateral confinement and the maximum vertical axial stress levels during testing. Based on this study, it can be inferred that the cyclic LWD test can be used to predict simply and quickly the resilient behaviour of the tested soil with good precision and reliability. © 2020 The Autho

    Kall Ätervinning av asfalt i verk : uppföljning av provvÀgar och kontrollstrÀckor i Hallands, Södermanlands och GÀvleborgs lÀn

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    Cold recycling of asphalt is a resource-saving technology because the materials do not need to be warmed up. Moreover, by using this technique, up to 100 per cent reclaimed asphalt concrete (RA) could be recycled. However, in order to achieve good results, the old RA should be processed in a proper manner. The report presents results of tests carried out on road N-714, part Vessigebro–Ätrafors and road N 530, part SĂ„ghuset–Skönhult in Halland in addition to road D-976, StrĂ€ngnĂ€s and road D-957, Vansö in Södermanland. Moreover, this report presents results of tests performed on road X-583, part Ljusne–Sandarne in GĂ€vleborg. The mechanical properties have been investigated by indirect tensile strength and stiffness modulus for RA mixtures and drill cores. The tests results showed that part of the damage that may be encountered when using cold recycled asphalt coatings can be in the form of loss of surface materials, mechanical damage due to relatively soft road surfaces and unevenness of the road surface.Kall Ă„tervinning av asfaltbelĂ€ggning Ă€r en resurssnĂ„l teknik eftersom materialet endast behöver vĂ€rmas upp mĂ„ttligt eller inte alls. Vid dessa tekniker kan upp mot 100 procent gammal asfalt Ă„tervinnas, men för ett bra resultat Ă€r det viktigt att de gamla asfaltmassorna förbehandlas pĂ„ ett riktigt sĂ€tt. I rapporten redovisas provvĂ€gsförsök pĂ„ vĂ€g N-714, delen Vessigebro–Ätrafors och vĂ€g N 530, delen SĂ„ghuset–Skönhult i Halland plus vĂ€g D-976, StrĂ€ngnĂ€s och vĂ€g D-957, Vansö i Södermanland. Dessutom redovisar rapporten resultat av provvĂ€gsförsök pĂ„ vĂ€g X-583, delen Ljusne–Sandarne i GĂ€vleborgs lĂ€n. De mekaniska egenskaperna har undersökts genom pressdraghĂ„llfasthet och styvhetsmodul för bĂ„de massaprov och borrkĂ€rnor. De skador som förekommit pĂ„ kalla Ă„tervinningsbelĂ€ggningar kan sammanfattas Ă€r i huvudsak sten- och materiallossning (stenslĂ€pp), mekaniska skador pĂ„ grund av mjuk vĂ€gyta (deformation och sprickor) samt ojĂ€mnheter pĂ„ grund av tröglagd massa.Denna rapport Ă€r en översĂ€ttning och sammanfattning av: VĂ€gverket. Publikation 2004:91. Handbok för Ă„tervinning av asfalt; VTI notat 1-2001, Kall och halvvarm Ă„tervinning av asfalt i verk: del 1 - laboratorieprovning av Torbjörn Jacobson och Fredrik Hornwall; VTI notat 28-2001, Kall och halvvarm Ă„tervinning av asfalt i verk: del 2 - provvĂ€gar och kontrollstrĂ€ckor av Torbjörn Jacobson samt VTI notat 62-1999, Kall Ă„tervinning av asfaltbelĂ€ggning: provvĂ€gsförsök i VĂ€rmland - sju Ă„rs efarenheter av Torbjörn Jacobson och Fredrik Hornwall</p

    AnvÀndning av LWD vid bedömning av egenskaperna hos finkornig jord i undergrund med kopplingtill M-E Pavement Design

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    The current project focuses on using the VTI’s multifunctional light weight deflectometer (LWD) to estimate the dynamic deformation moduli of fine-grained soil under repeated loading. The research focuses also on finding new relationships where results from repeated LWD tests can be used later in mechanistic-empirical pavement design.  The project is also aimed to verify the matching between the accumulated permanent strain of the tested soil measured by the in-situ repeated LWD and the accumulated permanent strain models adopted in mechanistic-empirical pavement designDet aktuella projektet fokuserar pĂ„ att anvĂ€nda VTI:s multifunktionella lĂ€tta fallviktsmĂ€tare (LWD) för att uppskatta dynamiska deformationsmoduler av finkornig jord under upprepad belastning. Forskningen fokuserar ocksĂ„ pĂ„ att hitta nya korrelationer dĂ€r resultat frĂ„n upprepade LWD--försök kan anvĂ€ndas senare i mekanistisk-empirisk vĂ€gdesign.  Projektet syftar ocksĂ„ till att kontrollera matchningen mellan den ackumulerade permanenta töjningen av den testade jorden mĂ€tt med upprepade LWD-försök i fĂ€lt och de ackumulerade permanenta töjningsmodeller som antagits i mekanistisk empirisk vĂ€gdesign

    Utveckling av en enkel fÀltmetod för mÀtning av permanenta deformationer hos siltig sandjord

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    In this study, repeated light weight deflectometer tests were conducted at a test pit located at the backyard of VTI in Linköping. A silty sand subgrade soil has been chosen for testing. At the beginning, the soil was compacted in the test pit, and then, series of in-situ repeated Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) were conducted at different ranges of water contents (namely 8%, 10% and 15%) and various applied stress levels (namely, 50 kPa, 100 kPa and 200 kPa).  The test results showed that the deformation behaviour of the tested material affected significantly by the applied stress level, water content, and the number of load repetitions. It was noted that at the end of the fiftieth LWD load application, the increment of nonrecoverable (plastic) deformation was much smaller compared to the resilient/recoverable deformation. From the results of the accumulated permanent strains (deformations) conducted by repeated LWD tests, it can be deduced that the increase in permanent strains does not behave in the same way under all load and water contents conditions. Furthermore, prediction models for accumulated permanent strains based on the repeated LWD measurements are suggested in this study. Generally, all the developed and adopted models have showed good matching to the accumulated permanent strain (Δp) data measured by the repeated LWD tests except for the cases of p=100 kPa and 200 kPa at 15% water content due to the excessive accumulated permanent deformations reported for these cases.I denna studie genomfördes upprepade  lÀtt fallvikt (LWD) tester i en testgrop i Linköping. En packad siltig sandjord har valts för dessa tester. Serier av cykliska LWD-belastningar genomfördes pÄ olika intervall av vattenkvot (nÀmligen 8 %, 10 % och 15 %) och olika tillÀmpade stressnivÄer (nÀmligen 50 kPa, 100 kPa och 200 kPa). Testresultaten visade att det testade materialets deformationsbeteende pÄverkades avsevÀrt av den tillÀmpade lastnivÄn, vattenkvoten och antalet belastningar. Det noterades att vid slutet av den femtionde LWD-belastningen, steg den permanenta deformationen mycket mindre jÀmfört med den elastiska deformationen. FrÄn resultaten av de ackumulerade permanenta deformationer som utförts med upprepade LWD-tester, kan man utlÀsa att ökningen av permanenta skador inte beter sig pÄ samma sÀtt under alla last- och vattenkvotsförhÄllanden. Vidare föreslÄs prediktionsmodeller för ackumulerade permanenta töjningar baserade pÄ de cykliska LWD-mÀtningarna i denna studie. Generellt har alla utvecklade och antagna modellerna visat bra matchning mot de ackumulerade permanenta töjningarna (Δp) uppmÀtta frÄn de upprepade LWD-testerna, utom vid fallen p=100 kPa samt 200 kPa med 15 % vattenkvot, pÄ grund av de extrema ackumulerade permanenta skadorna som rapporterats för dessa fall

    Varm Ätervinning av asfalt i verk : en allmÀn kvalitetskontroll för Ätervinning av varm asfaltsmix: svenska fallstudier

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    This notat aims to highlight the various demands on hot recycling of asphalt at a plant and to study how the recycled asphalt mixtures differ from the new one and how much asphalt granules that can be mixed without affecting the pavement performance negatively. The report presents a translation from Swedish to English of already published reports on hot recycling of asphalt in Sweden. Hot recycling at a central plant is a technique that has increased in popularity over the past years and today there are large numbers of asphalt recycling plants adapted for hot recycling in Sweden. In case of hot recycling plants, 10–50 percent of asphalt can be recycled depending on the plant type, method of recycling, type of the manufactured mixture, traffic volume and quality of the old asphalt pavement, etc. Recently, new recycling methods have been developed to enable 90–100 percent reclaimed asphalt (RA) involvement by continuous hot mix recycling. Correspondingly, the report presents results of tests carried out on the binder layer (ABb) of road 40 and surface course (ABS) of road 42, VĂ€stergötland. Research has been carried out on mixes and test sections to cover quality control of RA, stone materials in asphalt, binder content, particle size distribution and voids in asphalt, analysis of recycled binders and mechanical properties of asphalt.Detta notat belyser olika krav gĂ€llande varm Ă„tervinning av asfalt i verk. Syftet med projektet var ocksĂ„ att studera hur varma Ă„tervinningsmassor skiljer sig frĂ„n nytillverkade massor och hur mycket asfaltgranulat som kan blandas in utan att egenskaperna försĂ€mras. Rapporten Ă€r pĂ„ engelska och Ă€r en översĂ€ttning av tidigare rapporter i Ă€mnet publicerade pĂ„ svenska. Varm Ă„tervinning i verk Ă€r den teknik som ökat mest pĂ„ senare Ă„r och idag finns ett stort antal verk anpassade för varm Ă„tervinning i Sverige. Vid varm Ă„tervinning kan 10–50 procent asfaltmaterial Ă„tervinnas beroende pĂ„ verk, metod, typ av massa och lager, trafikvolym och kvaliteten hos den gamla asfaltbelĂ€ggningen, med mera. Nyligen har nya varma Ă„tervinningsmetoder utvecklats som innebĂ€r att 90–100 procent asfaltgranulat kan Ă„tervinnas. I rapporten redovisas försök med bindlager (ABb) pĂ„ vĂ€g 40 och slitlager (ABS) pĂ„ vĂ€g 42, VĂ€stergötland. Kontrollen av asfaltmassorna och provstrĂ€ckorna omfattar kvalitetskontroll av asfaltgranulat, stenmaterial i asfaltmassan, bindemedelshalt, kornkurva och hĂ„lrum pĂ„ asfaltmassan, analys av Ă„tervunnet bindemedel och mekaniska egenskaper hos asfaltmassan vilket redovisas i den hĂ€r rapporten.Denna rapport Ă€r en översĂ€ttning och sammanfattning av: VTI notat 22-1998: Varm Ă„tervinning i asfaltverk: försök med bindlager (ABb) pĂ„ vĂ€g 40 och slitlager (ABS) pĂ„ vĂ€g 42, VĂ€stergötland av Torbjörn Jacobson och Bo Simonsson samt VTI notat 21-2008: Varm Ă„tervinning i asfaltverk: försök med bindlager pĂ„ vĂ€g 40, delen Rya-Grandalen av Torbjörn Jacobson och Andreas Waldemarson</p

    En översikt om portabla vÀgar och flygfÀlt : anvÀndning av mattor som tillfÀlliga ochsemipermanenta vÀgar och flygfÀlt

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    Matting systems used as roadways and airfields are new innovative techniques used to solve mobility problems and make it easier to get around and transport goods under different climate and traffic conditions. The portable roads are extremely versatile and can be used for servicing areas with poor ground conditions, heavy load requirements and high traffic density. They could be used to facilitate vehicular access into areas that contain saturated soils, wetlands or soft/poor subgrade conditions and make secluded areas accessible (remote regions in general.). Moreover, portable roads can be used as temporary roads for emergency situations to enable aid deliveries to disaster areas, or during maintenance of existing roads or as temporary roads during a traffic jam. Regarding the portable airfields, some portable runways have been developed to support the heavy rolling loads, including heavy unmanned aircrafts and heavy maintenance equipment. Most of the available portable airfields are used in remote areas where existing runway or airport infrastructure is limited or non-existent. The use of mats to construct an airfield depends on many factors, such as ground conditions, the type and weight of aircraft being deployed, the expected usage levels, and the time available to construct the airfield. The objective of this report is to provide a practical perspective on construction and performance characteristics of some available portable roads and airfields systems that can be used to solve temporary and semi-permanent transport problems. Literature results are presented to educate the readers on available systems’ types and the best uses of each system in different applications.Portabla vĂ€gar och flygfĂ€lt Ă€r nya och innovativa tekniker för att hĂ„lla transportvĂ€gar öppna under svĂ„ra klimat- och trafikförhĂ„llanden. De portabla vĂ€garna Ă€r extremt mĂ„ngsidiga och kan anvĂ€ndas till serviceomrĂ„den med dĂ„liga grundförhĂ„llanden, höga lastkrav och stor trafikintensitet. De underlĂ€ttar fordonstrafik till omrĂ„den med vattenmĂ€ttade jordar, vĂ„tmarker eller andra omrĂ„den med mjuka/dĂ„liga undergrundsförhĂ„llanden och gör avskilda omrĂ„den tillgĂ€ngliga (ofta i avlĂ€gsna trakter). Dessutom kan portabla vĂ€gar anvĂ€ndas som tillfĂ€lliga vĂ€gar i akutsituationer för att möjliggöra nödleveranser till utsatta samhĂ€llen, vid underhĂ„ll av befintliga vĂ€gar eller som tillfĂ€lliga vĂ€gar vid trafikstockning inne i stĂ€der. BetrĂ€ffande flygfĂ€lt har en del portabla start- och landningsbanor utvecklats för att klara tunga rullande laster inklusive obemannade flygplan och tunga underhĂ„llsutrustningar. De flesta av de portabla flygfĂ€lten anvĂ€nds i avlĂ€gsna omrĂ„den dĂ€r ”flyginfrastrukturen” Ă€r begrĂ€nsad eller saknas helt. Hur underlaget (mattorna) till flygfĂ€ltskonstruktioner görs, beror pĂ„ mĂ„nga faktorer, t.ex. grundförhĂ„llanden, flygplanstyper och dess laster, förvĂ€ntad anvĂ€ndning samt tillgĂ€nglig konstruktionstid av flygfĂ€lten. MĂ„let med den hĂ€r rapporten Ă€r att ge en inblick pĂ„ konstruktion och prestanda hos de portabla vĂ€g- och flygfĂ€ltssystem som finns för att lösa tillfĂ€lliga och semipermanenta transportproblem. Resultatet av litteraturstudien visar pĂ„ de tillgĂ€ngliga typer av system som finns och hur de bĂ€st ska anvĂ€ndas (i olika applikationer)

    Assessing the Use of By Product Foundry Sand in Asphalt Mixtures

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    It is well known that recycling of by-product materials saves natural resources, reduce by-product volumes, and reduce the need to virgin materials. The steel industry produces a myriad of metal components for industrial chains, which in turn generates mineral discarded sand molds. Although these sands are clean before their use, after casting they may contain contaminants. Therefore, huge quantities of excess by-product foundry sand (BFS) end up occupying large volumes in landfills. In Sweden, approximately 200000 tonnes of excess BFS end up in landfills. The transportation and construction industries have the greatest potential for reuse by-products because they use vast quantities of earthen materials annually. Accordingly, an experimental work has been undertaken to evaluate the possible use of two chosen BFS from two Swedish foundries in a conventional Swedish asphalt mixture. The experimental procedure of this research has focused on the dosage, environmental and technical properties of the same mixture type ABT 11 and the same bitumen (160/220) but at different replacement proportions of the conventional fine sand with the two BFS. The environmental requirements in addition to the technical requirements, namely, void ratio, static indirect tensile strength ratio, and resilient modulus before and after moisture induced sensitivity tests of the asphalt mixtures have been investigated in the current study. The test results demonstrated that the BFS from both foundries can be incorporated in the selected asphalt mixture at specified replacement proportions of the conventional fine sand fraction 0-2 mm as discussed in the paper

    Events of the Joint Swedish-Japanese Workshop on “Modern Technologies in Pavement Engineering” Held at VTI in Linköping on the 19th and 20th of November 2019 : A post workshop report

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    As part of the international cooperation activities, the pavement technology division at VTI hosted two days’ workshop that brought together key stakeholders across Japan to share knowledge, discuss achievements, challenges and lessons arising from new technologies used in pavement engineering. The workshop took place on the 19th and 20th of November 2019 at the VTI’s head office in Linköping. The exchange of national practices and lesson learnt constituted the core part of the workshops. Representatives from Taisei Rotec Corporation; Nichireki Co. LTD; Nippo Co.; MAEDA Road Construction Co.; SEIKITOKYU KOGYO Co., LTD; FUKUDA Road Construction Co., LTD; Fine Road Consultant Co., Ltd; TOA Road Construction; Obayashi Road Co., Ltd;Tairiku Construction; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region; Hokkaido University of Science; Kitami Institute of Technology, Fukuoka University, and VTI have attended the activities of the workshop and shared their experiences on the efforts spent in their countries to develop new methods, equipment, approaches and specifications used in roads construction, testing and maintenance. The full lists of participants from Japan and Sweden are given in appendices A-I and A-II respectively. The workshop program included presentations, exhibiting the Mobile Mapping System, visiting to the VTI’s Heavy Vehicle and Circular Road Simulator, Driving Road Simulator, Material Testing Laboratory and the Infra Culvert in Vallastaden. Appendices B-I and B-II show the first- and second-days’ workshop schedule, respectively