52 research outputs found
Erdőgazdálkodási javaslatok a nagygombák funkcionális és faji sokféleségének megőrzésére = Conservation of macrofungal biodiversity in managed forests - recommendations for management
Az alábbi tanulmány az erdei nagygombaközösségek sokféleségét befolyásoló erdőgazdálkodási gyakorlatok hatásait foglalja össze.
A nagygombák erdőgazdálkodási szempontból fontos funkcionális csoportjainak (a fán élők, a mikorrhizaképzők és az avarbontók) ismertetése után számba vesszük azok erdei életközösségekben betöltött ökológiai szerepeit. Külön részletezve a hazai nagygombaközösségek számára előnyös és hátrányos következményeiket, kitérünk a hagyományos (vágásos) erdőgazdálkodási gyakorlat során előnyben részesített fafajok, faállomány-szerkezetek, a hátrahagyott holtfakészlet, a kitermelt faanyag közelítési, előkészítési és mozgatási módjainak, illetve az erdészeti beavatkozások időpontjainak, valamint térbeli és időbeli kiterjedtségének hatásaira. Olyan alternatív, a
gombaközösségek és a különböző, hagyományos erdőgazdálkodási üzemmódok szempontjából egyaránt felvázolt gazdálkodási lehetőségeket is bemutatunk, amik a természetes bolygatási rendszert tükrözik, de a gyakorlatban is könnyen kivitelezhetők, és elősegítik az
erdei nagygombaközösségek sokféleségének hatékony, tartamos védelmét. | In this chapter, the effects of forest management practices on macrofungal biodiversity are discussed. The fundamental role of wood-inhabiting, mycorrhizal and terricolous saprotrophic macrofungi in forest ecosystems and the mechanisms by which they function are reviewed; macrofungal guilds with considerable importance for forest management are listed. The positive and negative effects of the traditional (mainly shelterwood) Hungarian silviculture practices to macrofungal biodiversity are detailed separately. Special considerations were taken as for the effects of the preferred tree taxa, stand structure, dead wood properties, logging, skidding and log preparation characteristics, as well as the spatio-temporal severity and timing of management practices. In both the macrofungal and the silvicultural points of view, alternative forest management practices that are achievable in practice, but mimic the natural disturbance regime are listed to promote a sustainable conservation for macrofungal biodiversity
A veszélyeztetett Anacamptodon splachnoides (Froel. ex Brid.) Brid. új adata a Bükk-hegységből = A new record of the threatened Anacamptodon splachnoides (Froel. ex Brid.) Brid. from the Bükk Mts. (NE Hungary)
Abstract – A new locality of the moss species Anacamptodon splachnoides (Froel. ex Brid.) Brid. was
discovered in a Turkey oak-dominated forest stand in the Bükk Mts. (near Varbó village, North
Hungarian Montains). A small population of this threatened bryophyte was found in a wet root-hole of
a living Quercus cerris L. tree.
Keywords: Amblystegiaceae, Bükk Mts., dendrotelm, knot-hole moss, North Hungarian Montains,
Quercus cerris |
Összefoglalás – A szerzők a veszélyeztetett Anacamptodon splachnoides (Froel. ex Brid.) Brid. mohafaj
új adatát közlik a Bükk-hegységből, egy Varbó község melletti cseres–kocsánytalan tölgyesből. E
veszélyeztetett lombosmohafaj kis populációját egy élő Quercus cerris fa gyökfőjének üregében
Kulcsszavak: Amblystegiaceae, Bükk-hegység, dendrotelma, Északi-középhegység, ritka mohafaj,
Quercus cerri
Sixty-one macrofungi species new to Hungary in Őrség National Park
In this paper, an annotated checklist of macrofungi from Őrség National Park, West Hungary, is provided. A total of 726 macrofungi taxa representing 214 genera, 84 classes and 2 phyla (Asco- and Basidiomycota) were revealed. Sixty-one macrofungi species were new to the mycobiota of Hungary. Sporocarps were collected three times (in May, August and September–October) between 2009 and 2010 in 35 (40 m × 40 m) forest stands with different tree species compositions. Preferred tree species compositions and substrata of registered macrofungi are also listed
Extracelluláris vezikulák és hematológiai malignitásokban játszott szerepük
Extracelluláris vesiculák minden szervezetben képződnek. Három legintenzívebben
vizsgált csoportjuk az apoptotikus testek, a microvesiculák és az exosomák. A
sejtek közötti kommunikációban, immunreakciókban, angiogenezisben betöltött
szerepük csak néhány az eddig megismertek közül. A fiziológiás folyamatok
mellett sokféle betegségben leírták változásaikat; a patomechanizmusban
betöltött szerepük mellett felvetődik potenciális használatuk biomarkerekként. A
szerzők betekintést kívánnak nyújtani az extracelluláris vesiculák kutatásába,
kiemelve azt a néhány tanulmányt, amely a hematológiai malignitásokra fókuszált.
A microvesiculák és exosomák vérplazmában mért mennyisége, a terápia során
megfigyelt minőségi változása miatt felmerült, hogy a diagnosztikában,
prognosztikában, illetve a minimális residualis betegség monitorozásában is
használhatók lehetnek. Akut myeloid leukaemiában a természetes ölősejtek
aktivitásának szupresszálásában bizonyított a blasteredetű exosomák szerepe.
Krónikus lymphoid leukaemiában a microvesiculák közreműködése valószínű a
gyógyszer-rezisztencia kialakulásában is. Orv. Hetil., 2016,
157(35), 1379–1384.
Extracellular vesicles are produced in all organisms. The most intensively
investigated categories of extracellular vesicles include apoptotic bodies,
microvesicles and exosomes. Among a very wide range of areas, their role has
been confirmed in intercellular communication, immune response and angiogenesis
(in both physiological and pathological conditions). Their alterations suggest
the potential use of them as biomarkers. In this paper the authors give an
insight into the research of extracellular vesicles in general, and then focus
on published findings in hematological malignancies. Quantitative and
qualitative changes of microvesicles and exosomes may have value in diagnostics,
prognostics and minimal residual disease monitoring of hematological
malignancies. The function of extracellular vesicles in downregulation of
natural killer cells’ activity has been demonstrated in acute myeloid leukemia.
In chronic lymphocytic leukemia, microvesicles seem to play a role in drug
resistance. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(35), 1379–1384
Environmental drivers of forest biodiversity in temperate mixed forests – A multi-taxon approach
Harmonization of timber production and forest conservation is a major challenge of modern silviculture. For the establishment of ecologically sustainable forest management, the management-related environmental drivers of multi-taxon biodiversity should be explored. Our study reveals those environmental variables related to tree species diversity and composition, stand structure, litter and soil conditions, microclimate, landscape, and land-use history that determine species richness and composition of 11 forest-dwelling organism groups. Herbs, woody regeneration, ground-floor and epiphytic bryophytes, epiphytic lichens, terricolous saprotrophic, ectomycorrhizal, and wood-inhabiting macrofungi, spiders, carabid beetles, and birds were sampled in West Hungarian mature mixed forests. The correlations among the diversities and compositions of different organism groups were also evaluated. Drivers of organism groups were principally related to stand structure, tree species diversity and composition, and microclimate, while litter, soil, landscape, and land-use historical variables were less influential. The complex roles of the shrub layer, deadwood, and the size of the trees in determining the diversity and composition of various taxa were revealed. Stands with more tree species sustained higher stand-level species richness of several taxa. Besides, stands with different dominant tree species harbored various species communities of organism groups. Therefore, landscape-scale diversity of dominant tree species may enhance the diversity of forest-dwelling communities at landscape level. The effects of the overstory layer on forest biodiversity manifested in many cases via microclimate conditions. Diversity of organism groups showed weaker relationship with the diversity of other taxa than with environmental variables. According to our results, the most influential drivers of forest biodiversity are under the direct control of the actual silvicultural management. Heterogeneous stand structure and tree species composition promote the different organism groups in various ways. Therefore, the long-term maintenance of the structural and compositional heterogeneity both at stand and landscape scale is an important aspect of ecologically sustainable forest management
Új és hagyományos irányok a gyermekkori akut lymphoblastos leukaemia biológiájában és ellátásában
Owing to clinical trials and improvement over the past few decades, the majority of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) survive by first-line chemotherapy and combat with the problems of returning to community. However, many patients may have severe acute or late therapeutic side effects, and the survival rate in some groups (e.g., patients with MLL rearrangements, hypodiploidy, IKZF1 mutation or early precursor T cell phenotype) is far behind the average. Innovative strategies in medical attendance provide better clinical outcomes for them: complete gene diagnostics, molecularly targeted anticancer treatment, immuno-oncology and immune cell therapy. The number of genes with identified alterations in leukemic lymphoblasts is over thirty and their pathobiologic role is only partly clear. There are known patient groups where the use of specific drugs is based on gene expression profiling (e.g., tyrosine kinase inhibitors in Philadelphia-like B-cell ALL). The continuous assessment of minimal residual disease became a routine due to the determination of a leukemia-associated immunophenotype by flow cytometry or a sensitive molecular marker by molecular genetics at diagnosis. Epitopes of cluster differentiation antigens on blast surface (primarily CD19, CD20 and CD22 on malignant B cells) can be attacked by monoclonal antibodies. Moreover, antitumor immunity can be strengthened utilizing either cell surface markers (bispecific T cell engagers, chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy) or tumor-specific immune cells (immune checkpoint inhibitors). This review gives an insight into current knowledge in these innovative therapeutic directions. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(20): 786-797
Two tagging single‐nucleotide polymorphisms to capture HLA ‐ DRB1*07:01–DQA1*02:01–DQB1*02:02 haplotype associated with asparaginase hypersensitivity
Aims: Asparaginase (ASP) hypersensitivity is a well-known challenge in the treatment of lymphoblastic malignancies. In terms of cost considerations, the cheap native Escherichia coli ASP, the most immunogenic form of this medication, is used in the first line in middle-income countries. Previously, the role of the HLA-DRB1*07:01-DQA1*02:01-DQB1*02:02 haplotype had been established to associate with E. coli ASP hypersensitivity. We investigated a possible cost-effective genetic testing method to identify patients harbouring the risk HLA haplotype in order to pave the way for safer ASP treatment.
Methods: In 241 patients with previously determined HLA-DRB1*07:01-DQA1*02:01-DQB1*02:02 haplotype and known ASP hypersensitivity status, 4 candidate HLA-tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP)s were measured, and the performance of the different sets of these tag SNPs was evaluated.
Results: We identified a combination of 2 SNPs - rs28383172 and rs7775228 - as a tag for HLA-DRB1*07:01-DQA1*02:01-DQB1*02:02 haplotype with sensitivity and specificity values >95%. In line with previous findings, we found complete concordance between HLA-DRB1*07:01 and rs28383172. With bioinformatics methods, the results were also confirmed in the 1000 Genomes dataset in different ethnic groups.
Conclusion: Rs28383172 and rs7775228 are suitable for identifying HLA-DRB1*07:01-DQA1*02:01-DQB1*02:02 carriers. Compared to the rest of the population, patients with hypersensitivity-prone genotype would benefit more from the administration of less immunogenic PEGylated ASP before the hypersensitivity evolves, incurring minimal extra cost
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