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    The paper considers the problem of reducing the weight of rotary machine designs using topological optimization technology. Here we describe the use of this technology in ANSYS and examples of its practical use

    Sociological portrait of the senior of the university (elite) gymnasium in tyumen region

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    The aim of the study is to show and analyze the situation and aspects of work with gifted children and teenagers that are aimed at preservation of a gene pool of the country; and revealed to be the most important condition of formation of the future highly professional elite in Russia. The most efficient forms of establishing such activities are emphasized; the basic psychological and pedagogical methods of this activity are shown. The most important qualities of schoolaged children that are notable for not ordinary mental abilities are noted in the present study. Methods and techniques. The article presents the results of the empirical sociological survey of senior schoolchildren and the results of the sample survey of senior students undertaken in five regions of the Ural Federal District. The software package for statistical analysis (SPSS) was used for data evaluation. Scientific novelty. Federal and regional infrastructure oriented to work with gifted children is considered in the study; the ways of efficiency assessment are investigated. The concept «elite school (high-class)» is refined. The sociological portrait of the senior pupil trained in specially created establishment of the elite general education is presented. Results. The authors pay special attention to the analysis of the focused work with gifted children and teenagers in the Tyumen region. A special focus is laid on the Academic Gymnasium of Tyumen State University that was included in the list of top 25 secondary schools of Russia. Spiritually-moral values and social-professional choices of senior students both of an elite gymnasium and ordinary secondary schools are revealed and compared in the course of sociological research. It is found out that gymnasium schoolchildren are remarkable for their social optimistic approach to their life, they are more pragmatic in the issues of their future professional preferences, and moreover, they are active in their choices and career guidance. But there are also some negative issues that have to be adjusted within educational work. It is important to achieve as more as possible adequate, realistic student’ self-estimation of their potential and possibilities; to take steps for number decrease «potential migrants» among the most talented part of youth. Practical significance. The research results can be used while deepening the scope of knowledge on the sociological graduates’ portrait of elite or high-class educational institutions. These results can also lay the basis for undertaking some steps that would make the native city and the region more attractive for talented youth. The research methodology can be used by scholars in the field of sociology, psychology and pedagogics for pre-arranged and strategic researches implementation В статье освещаются состояние и аспекты работы с одаренными детьми и подростками, направленной на сохранение генофонда страны и являющейся важнейшим условием формирования будущей высокопрофессиональной элиты. Выделены наиболее эффективные формы организации и показаны основные психолого-педагогические методы этой деятельности. Обозначены наиболее важные качества детей школьного возраста, отличающихся неординарными интеллектуальными способностями. Методика и методы. Эмпирическое социологическое исследование, описанное в статье, проводилось методом сплошного анкетного опроса учащихся 10-х и 11-х классов академической гимназии Тюменского государственного университета и выборочного опроса старшеклассников пяти субъектов Уральского федерального округа. Для анализа данных использовалась компьютерная программа статистической обработки SPSS. Научная новизна. Авторами публикации рассмотрены современная федеральная и региональная инфраструктура работы с одаренными детьми и способы оценки эффективности подобной работы. Скорректировано понятие «элитная школа». Представлен социологический портрет старшеклассника, обучающегося в специально созданном учреждении элитного общего образования. Результаты. Проанализирована целенаправленная деятельность по выявлению и поддержке талантливых детей в Тюменском регионе. В качестве примера описан опыт академической гимназии при Тюменском государственном университете, вошедшей в топ-25 лучших школ России. В ходе социологического исследования выявлены и сопоставлены духовно-нравственные ценности и социально-профессиональные ориентации старшеклассников элитной гимназии и обычных общеобразовательных школ. На основе результатов опросов выяснено, что по сравнению со своими сверстниками гимназисты отличаются большим социальным оптимизмом, более прагматичным подходом к профессиональному самоопределению и демонстрируют активную жизненную позицию. При выборе будущей профессии самыми значимыми для них критериями являются интерес к конкретной специальности и ее соответствие их индивидуальным способностям. Обнаружены и некоторые негативные моменты, требующие особых учебно-воспитательных и организационных мер. Необходимо, в частности, добиваться как можно более адекватной, реалистичной самооценки учащимися своего потенциала и возможностей; предпринять шаги для снижения числа «потенциальных мигрантов» среди наиболее талантливой части молодежи. Практическая значимость. Результаты исследования расширяют знания о личностных характеристиках выпускников элитных учебных заведений общего образования и могут служить базой для принятия мер, способствующих закреплению одаренных молодых людей в родном городе и регионе. Методика изложенного исследования может быть полезна социологам, психологам и педагогам для проведения плановых и оперативных мониторинговых исследований

    Путь пациента с редким диагнозом: нормативные документы и организация лечебно-диагностического процесса при орфанном заболевании в Российской Федерации

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    The main legislative document of the organization of medical care in the Russian Federation “On fundamental healthcare principles in the Russian Federation” and points related to the rare (orphan) diseases are  discussed. The organization of care, rules for managing a federal  registry of orphan diseases and routing of patients with main orphan nosological forms for which treatment is known are presented.Представлены правовые основы медицинской помощи лицам с редкими (орфанными) заболеваниями, используемые в Федеральном законе «Об основах охраны здоровья граждан в  Российской Федерации», правила ведения федерального регистра орфанных болезней и маршрутизация пациента с теми нозологическими формами, для которых предложено лечение


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    One of the widely discussed challenges under the international integration of the Russian education is the preservation of national educational values. The fate of the Russian educational traditions largely depends on the attitudes of the scientific-pedagogical community towards them. The article aims to identify the position of the representatives of this social-professional group to the values of the national education, to describe their role in the processes of modernization of the Russian education. The main empirical basis of the article is the contemporary Russian scientific-educational discourse - articles and monographs considering the values of the Russian education and their role in the processes of international integration of education. The key method of the research is the qualitative content analysis of a wide range of research texts. Based on the results of the analysis of the contemporary scientific-pedagogical discourse, the authors identify three main approaches to the traditions of the national education: nihilistic, apologetic, and realistic. The authors emphasize the counter-productiveness of both unambiguously positive and unambiguously negative attitudes toward these traditions and insist on the creative potential of the realistic, i.e. critically-analytical, approach. The article affirms the significance of the versatile (multidisciplinary) education, of the fundamental, holistic, systemic, elite education, and the great importance of the unity of education together with the high value of patriotic education. The specificity of these values is revealed through correlation with their antipodes such as narrow, limited-applied, eclectic-fragmentary, mass, morally and patriotically neutral education. The authors believe that the competitive education is the one that aims at developing of creative-scientific competences rather than utilitarian-technological ones

    Career Self-Guidance as a Key Factor in the Development of High School Students’ Competitive Ability and Orientedness

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    Introduction. The article discusses the relationship between career self-guidance of high school students and their competitiveness. The authors highlight the indicators of career self-guidance and analyze their influence on the actualization of socially significant qualities, promoting the development of adolescent competitiveness. Influence of information technologies changes radically content and structure of professional activities. The ability to respond to the changes in the labor market and integrate into the relations while carrying out professional activity is essential for young people. The purpose of this article is to consider the specifics of career self-guidance of contemporary senior pupils and to analyze its influence on the competitive orientation of pupils. Materials and Methods. A questionnaire survey of high school students was selected for its reliability and validity in studying competitive skills. IBM SPSS Statistics 23 software was used to process and analyze the obtained data (N = 1 067 respondents). Results. The results reveal that the career self-guidance of high school students is a key factor in the process of formation of their competitive orientation. The main motives of future professional activity of senior students and the criteria of educational institution choice were defined. In addition, the key factors that influence the process of making decision of education continuing and their connection with competitive oriented pupils were considered. The indicators of career self-guidance process were revealed. Discussion and Conclusion. The research results may be useful for teachers and psychologists at high schools, for representatives who study competitive relations in educational sphere and for educators at vocational institutions and universities to develop career guidance strategies. These findings provide the following insights for future research: a comparative analysis of senior pupils’ career guidance measures` efficiency, conducted by different structures, the study of Internet technologies impact on career self-guidance and the study of atlases and new occupations list and their position in a future labor market

    Study of the hereditary non-syndromic ophthalmological pathology of child population of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic: estimations of genetic load and molecular genetic analysis

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    V.V. Kadyshev1, A.V. Marakhonov1, S.I. Kutsev1,2, R.A. Zinchenko1,3 1 Research Centre of Medical Genetics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow,&nbsp;Russian Federation 2 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation 3 M. F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI), Moscow,&nbsp;Russian Federation Abstract The publication continues the previously presented data on the study of the epidemiology of ophthalmic diseases in the children of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Genetic epidemiological study of the population includes the study of a wide range of aspects. The structure of the nosological spectrum was published previously. The study of the genetic load is an integral part of this work. Aim: the purpose of this study was to investigate the specific features of the genetic load of hereditary non-syndromic ophthalmologic pathology in the population of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Patients and Methods: 90 793 children from 10 districts of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic aged 0–18 were examined, of which 121 were included in the sample. The biomaterial (peripheral venous blood) is taken from a part of patients taking into account the legislative and legal standards of the Russian Federation. In the study, genetic-epidemiological, statistical, molecular-genetic methods of examination were used. Results: the values of genetic load of non-syndromic hereditary eye pathology in the child population of 10 districts of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the city of Cherkessk is established. The total load of the non-syndromic hereditary pathology of the eye was 1.33±0.12. Statistical analysis of the obtained genetic load data demonstrated significant differences between autosomal dominant pathology in rural and urban populations (for rural population — t=2.3, for urban — t=2.8). The group of patients underwent confirmatory molecular genetic diagnosis. Conclusions: 1. The genetic load of the hereditary pathology of the organ of vision in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic among children was 1.33±0.12. 2. The prevalence of AD pathology over diseases with AR inheritance in both rural and urban subpopulations was revealed. 3. Region-specific molecular genetic markers for the hereditary pathology of the organ of vision are not established at this stage. Key words: epidemiology, genetics, genetic load, DNA diagnosis, children, Karachay-Cherkess Republic. For citation: Kadyshev V.V., Marakhonov A.V., Kutsev S.I., Zinchenko R.A. Study of the hereditary non-syndromic ophthalmological pathology of child population of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic: estimations of genetic load and molecular genetic analysis.&nbsp;RMJ “Clinical ophthalmology”. 2018;3:134–139. <br


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    Introduction. In the context of globalisation, competition for high quality and highly effective human capital is increasing. Successful training of highly qualified specialists is impossible without an adequate system of professional orientation of young people that is implemented at all levels of the educational system and expressed in real career guidance practices. Thus, the relevance of scientific understanding and analysis of career guidance activities carried out in modern times is manifested. The aim of the publication was the study of modern vocational guidance practices present and prevailing in the educational system of the Russian Federation, taking into account world experience. Methodology and research methods. At the theoretical stage, the review and generalisation of scientific publications relevant to the stated theme and objectives of the research were carried out. To study career guidance practices, a questionnaire survey intended for high school students (1087 students of secondary rural, municipal and elite schools) of the Tyumen region was conducted. A selective secondary analysis of sociological studies published by the Russian and foreign scholars was undertaken. Results and scientific novelty. Global trends in career guidance were designated; real examples of the positive experience accumulated by other countries in this sphere were reviewed. The most burning issues of the implementation of career guidance activity in the Russian education system were identified. On the basis of sociological survey, the leading motives of professional choice by high school students were established. It was determined that those motives vary according to a status, a type and a territory of educational institution in which students study. The differences in students’ degree of satisfaction with career guidance actions were shown. The authors conclude that to avoid labour market distortions and many other social problems, it is necessary to concentrate the center of gravity of career guidance work on the general education; therefore, during this period the foundation for professional self-determination of a person is provided. It is necessary to shift the vector of implementation of career guidance practices in the system of general education with the identification of students’ capabilities and predispositions, to inform and to involve them in the world of professions (e.g. employment practices, meetings with representatives of different specialties and employers, as well as other forms and types of career guidance both inside and outside school). The authors propose the creation of federal platform on the principles of voluntary interaction of all interested parties in order to strengthen the role of vocational guidance of the younger generation and to provide students with timely valuable informational and advisory support. Practical significance. The materials and conclusions of the research can be used when developing effective recommendations to strengthen the process of professional orientation of young people in the education system. Введение. Динамичные процессы глобализации, научно-технического и технологического прогресса актуализируют потребность в качественном подборе кадров для различных сфер экономики и производства. Успешная подготовка высококвалифицированных, конкурентоспособных специалистов невозможна без наличия адекватной системы сопровождения профессионального самоопределения, охватывающей все уровни образовательной системы и реализующейся в виде эффективных профориентационных практик.Цель изложенного в публикации исследования – изучение и научное осмысление аспектов современной профориентационной деятельности, направленной на выявление предрасположенности каждого обучающегося к конкретному роду трудовой занятости. Методы и методики. На теоретическом этапе работы производились обзор и обобщение содержания научных источников, соответствующих заявленной теме и задачам исследования. В ходе эмпирического этапа изыскания использовался анкетный опрос, в котором приняли участие старшеклассники сельских, городских обычных и элитных школ Тюменской области (n = 1087). Применялся выборочный вторичный (сравнительный) анализ данных социологических исследований отечественных и зарубежных ученых. Результаты и научная новизна. Обозначены мировые тенденции в области профориентации, рассмотрены реальные примеры положительного опыта, накопленного другими странами в этой сфере. Выделены наиболее острые проблемы осуществления профориентационной деятельности в российской системе образования. На основе социологического опроса установлены ведущие мотивы выбора профессии старшеклассниками, варьирующиеся в зависимости от статуса, типа и территории расположения учебного заведения, в котором они обучаются. Показаны отличия в степени удовлетворенности профориентационными мероприятиями учеников различных школ. Сделан вывод о том, что во избежание перекосов на рынке труда и многих других социальных проблем следует сосредоточить центр тяжести профориентационной работы на ступени общего образования, так как именно в этот период закладывается фундамент профессионального самоопределения человека. Подчеркивается необходимость смещения акцента профориентационных практик в школе с выявления способностей и предрасположенностей учащихся на их информирование о мире профессий и деятельное включение в него посредством участия в «трудовых пробах»; встреч с представителями различных специальностей и работодателями и иных форм и видов приближенной к реальной профориентации, осуществляемой как в стенах школы, так и за их пределами. Для усиления профессиональной ориентации молодого поколения и оказания своевременной и полноценной адресной информационно-консультационной поддержки предлагается создание федеральной площадки на принципах добровольного взаимодействия всех заинтересованных сторон. Практическая значимость. Материалы проведенного исследования и сделанные авторами выводы могут быть полезны для выработки обоснованных рекомендаций по усилению продуктивности профессиональной ориентации молодежи в системе образования.

    Chromosome instability, aging and brain diseases

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    Chromosome instability (CIN) has been repeatedly associated with aging and progeroid phenotypes. Moreover, brain‐specific CIN seems to be an important element of pathogenic cascades leading to neurodegeneration in late adulthood. Alternatively, CIN and aneuploidy (chromosomal loss/gain) syndromes exhibit accelerated aging phenotype