44 research outputs found

    Low Income, Ethnicity, and Voluntary Association Involvement

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    Data on voluntary association participation among low-income members of major ethnic groups in the U.S. are reviewed. Low-income blacks are most likely to participate, followed by (2) whites and Mexican Americans and (3) Italian Americans and Puerto Ricans. Reasons for these ethnic differences are considered. More general factors affecting voluntary association patterns of low-income persons are also considered, and a means for increasing their voluntary association involvement is suggested

    Women and Chronic Renal Failure: Some Neglected Issues

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    It has been assumed until recently that chronic renal failure is more prevalent among men than among women, but data now indicate that at least half of all renal patients are women. The literature continues to focus on adjustment problems of male patients, especially sexual adjustment and job-loss problems, and to assume that women can adjust more easily because of their ability to maintain the homemaker role. However, women patients whose work status is that of homemaker are found to have the highest depression scores, and job loss results in low satisfaction for those who have held meaningful outside jobs. Women patients are not necessarily more satisfied with their sexual life than are men patients. Questions can also be raised about women patients\u27 access to treatment alternatives associated with optimal patient outcomes

    Frailty as a dynamic process in a diverse cohort of older persons with dialysis-dependent CKD

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    This study examines frailty status evolution observed in a two-year follow-up of a cohort of older persons (age ≥65) with chronic kidney disease (CKD) undergoing maintenance hemodialysis (HD) treatment. Frailty, a geriatric syndrome that connotes a state of low physiologic reserve and vulnerability to stressors, is associated with increased risk for multiple adverse health outcomes in studies of persons with CKD as well as older persons in the general population. The Fried frailty index defines frailty as the presence of 3 or more of 5 indicators—recent unintentional weight loss, slowed gait speed, decreased muscle strength, self-reported exhaustion, and low physical activity. In the seminal work by Fried and colleagues, persons who were characterized by 1-2 of the Fried index criteria were termed “pre-frail” and considered at risk for subsequently becoming frail, potentially providing insight regarding intervention targets that might slow or prevent individuals’ transition from pre-frail to frail status. Other less frequently studied types of transitions may also be informative, including “recovery or reversion” (improvement) by people whose longitudinal assessments indicate movement from frailty to prefrailty or robust, or from prefrailty to robust. These status changes are also a potential source of insights relevant for prevention or remediation of frailty, but research focusing on the various ways that individuals may transition between frailty states over time remains limited, and no previous research has examined varying patterns of frailty status evolution in an older cohort of persons with dialysis-dependent CKD. In a study cohort of dialysis-dependent older persons, we characterized patterns of frailty status evolution by age, sex, race/ethnicity, and treatment vintage; by longitudinal profiles of non-sedentary behavior; and by self-report indicators relevant for dimensions emphasized in the Age-Friendly 4Ms Health System (What Matters, Mobility, Mentation). Our study suggests that strategies to promote resiliency among older persons with dialysis-dependent CKD can be informed not only by frailty status transition that indicates improvement over time but also by older adults’ maintenance of (stable) robust status over time, and we concur that inclusion of both frailty and resilience measures is needed in future longitudinal studies and clinical trials

    Nocturnal sleep, daytime sleepiness, and quality of life in stable patients on hemodialysis

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    BACKGROUND: Although considerable progress has been made in the treatment of chronic kidney disease, compromised quality of life continues to be a significant problem for patients receiving hemodialysis (HD). However, in spite of the high prevalence of sleep complaints and disorders in this population, the relationship between these problems and quality of life remains to be well characterized. Thus, we studied a sample of stable HD patients to explore relationships between quality of life and both subjective and objective measures of nocturnal sleep and daytime sleepiness METHODS: The sample included forty-six HD patients, 24 men and 22 women, with a mean age of 51.6 (10.8) years. Subjects underwent one night of polysomnography followed the next morning by a Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT), an objective measure of daytime sleepiness. Subjects also completed: 1) a brief nocturnal sleep questionnaire; 2) the Epworth Sleepiness Scale; and, 3) the Quality of Life Index (QLI, Dialysis Version) which provides an overall QLI score and four subscale scores for Health & Functioning (H&F), Social & Economic (S&E), Psychological & Spiritual (P&S), and Family (F). (The range of scores is 0 to 30 with higher scores indicating better quality of life.) RESULTS: The mean (standard deviation; SD) of the overall QLI was 22.8 (4.0). The mean (SD) of the four subscales were as follows: H&F – 21.1 (4.7); S&E – 22.0 (4.8); P&S – 24.5 (4.4); and, F – 26.8 (3.5). H&F (r(s )= -0.326, p = 0.013) and F (r(s )= -0.248, p = 0.048) subscale scores were negatively correlated with periodic limb movement index but not other polysomnographic measures. The H&F subscale score were positively correlated with nocturnal sleep latency (r(s )= 0.248, p = 0.048) while the H&F (r(s )= 0.278, p = 0.030) and total QLI (r(s )= 0.263, p = 0.038) scores were positively associated with MSLT scores. Both of these latter findings indicate that higher life quality is associated with lower sleepiness levels. ESS scores were unrelated to overall QLI scores or the subscale scores. Subjective reports of difficulty falling asleep and waking up too early were significantly correlated with all four subscale scores and overall QLI. Feeling rested in the morning was positively associated with S&E, P&S, and Total QLI scores. CONCLUSION: Selected measures of both poor nocturnal sleep and increased daytime sleepiness are associated with decreased quality of life in HD patients, underscoring the importance of recognizing and treating these patients' sleep problems

    Association of physical function with predialysis blood pressure in patients on hemodialysis

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    BACKGROUND: New information from various clinical settings suggests that tight blood pressure control may not reduce mortality and may be associated with more side effects. METHODS: We performed cross-sectional multivariable ordered logistic regression to examine the association between predialysis blood pressure and the short physical performance battery (SPPB) in a cohort of 749 prevalent hemodialysis patients in the San Francisco and Atlanta areas recruited from July 2009 to August 2011 to study the relationship between systolic blood pressure and objective measures of physical function. Mean blood pressure for three hemodialysis sessions was analyzed in the following categories: <110 mmHg, 110-129 mmHg (reference), 130-159 mmHg, and ≥160 mmHg. SPPB includes three components: timed repeated chair stands, timed 15-ft walk, and balance tests. SPPB was categorized into ordinal groups (≤6, 7-9, 10-12) based on prior literature. RESULTS: Patients with blood pressure 130-159 mmHg had lower odds (OR 0.57, 95% CI 0.35-0.93) of scoring in a lower SPPB category than those whose blood pressure was between 110 and 129 mmHg, while those with blood pressure ≥160 mmHg had 0.56 times odds (95% CI 0.33-0.94) of scoring in a lower category when compared with blood pressure 110-129 mmHg. When individual components were examined, blood pressure was significantly associated with chair stand (130-159 mmHg: OR 0.59, 95% CI 0.38-0.92) and gait speed (≥160 mmHg: OR 0.59, 95% CI 0.35-0.98). Blood pressure ≥160 mmHg was not associated with substantially higher SPPB score compared with 130-159 mmHg. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with systolic blood pressure at or above 130 mmHg had better physical performance than patients with lower blood pressure in the normotensive range. The risk-benefit tradeoff of aggressive blood pressure control, particularly in low-functioning patients, should be reexamined

    Social ties, social support, and perceived health status among chronically disabled people

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    Social ties can be particularly useful to disabled people, but little is known about the nature of social support in this population. This study investigated social ties, perceived support, received support, and perceived health status in a sample of 332 disabled persons living in a southeastern metropolitan area of the U.S. Major disability groups represented were musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiac, and end-stage renal disease. Size of kin networks was inversely related to respondents' socioeconomic status. Disabled women were less likely than disabled men to be married, more likely to be single-parent heads of household, and more likely to be socioeconomically disadvantage. Perceived support from family was high for all respondents. Perceived health status did not vary with amount of perceived support, but within disability groups, perceived health status tended to vary with amount of received help.disability support networks perceived health

    Ability to Work among Patients with ESKD: Relevance of Quality Care Metrics

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    Enabling patient ability to work was a key rationale for enacting the United States (US) Medicare program that provides financial entitlement to renal replacement therapy for persons with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). However, fewer than half of working-age individuals in the US report the ability to work after starting maintenance hemodialysis (HD). Quality improvement is a well-established objective in oversight of the dialysis program, but a more patient-centered quality assessment approach is increasingly advocated. The ESKD Quality Incentive Program (QIP) initiated in 2012 emphasizes clinical performance indicators, but a newly-added measure requires the monitoring of patient depression—an issue that is important for work ability and employment. We investigated depression scores and four dialysis-specific QIP measures in relation to work ability reported by a multi-clinic cohort of 528 working-age maintenance HD patients. The prevalence of elevated depression scores was substantially higher among patients who said they were not able to work, while only one of the four dialysis-specific clinical measures differed for patients able/not able to work. Ability to work may be among patients’ top priorities. As the parameters of quality assessment continue to evolve, increased attention to patient priorities might facilitate work ability and employment outcomes

    A Validation Study of Employment Status in Late-Stage CKD

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    Status of life-areas: Congruence/noncongruence in ESRD patient and spouse perceptions

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    Perceptions of ESRD patients' satisfaction with, and abilities in, 13 life-areas were assessed in 50 patients and their spouses by means of a series of linear rating scales. Patient and spouse views were congruent on 10 dimensions. Noncongruence existed only on perception of the patient's satisfaction with his/her medical situation, perception of the patient's ability to care for self, and perception of the patient's satisfaction with feelings about self. This noncongruence was especially pronounced in certain patient subgroups, and explanations related to the nature of ESRD and its treatment are suggested. We recommend that future studies examine not only perceptions of patients' satisfaction but also perceptions of the spouse's own satisfaction with various life-areas.