101 research outputs found

    The Gordon-Haus effect for modified NLS solitons

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    Random jitter in the soliton arrival time (the Gordon-Haus effect) is analyzed for solitons being solutions of the integrable modified nonlinear Schroedinger equation. It is shown that the mean square fluctuation of the soliton position depends on the soliton parameters which can be properly adjusted to suppress the Gordon-Haus jitter.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Europhys. Let

    Spin Properties of Germanium-Vacancy Centers in Bulk and Near-Surface Regions of Diamond

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    Germanium-vacancy (GeV) centers are now studied extensively due to perspectives of their applications in quantum information processing, nanometrology and nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging. One of the important requirements for these applications is a detailed understanding of the hyperfine interactions in such systems. Quantum chemistry simulation of the negatively charged GeV− color center in diamond is the primary goal of this paper in which we present preliminary results of computer simulation of the bulk H-terminated cluster C6969[GeV−]H8484, as well as of the surface cluster C6464[GeV−]H6868_(100)_H1111 having one dangling bond at (1 0 0) surface using the DFT/PW91/RI/def2-SVP level of theory


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    The task of a spatial distribution of ion pairs in the active volume of the ionization fission chamber has been studied. The formula of a spatial distribution of ion pairs in cylindrical fission chambers, in which a fissile material layer is coated on the internal side of the external electrode, is derived. It is calculated in two ways: counting the number of ion pairs created in the infinitesimal volume inside the active volume of the chamber by all the trajectories, which emanate from a radiator. In the first case, the infinitesimal volume is a sphere. In the second case, it is arbitrary in shape. The formula has evaluated correctly the density of ion pairs at any point in the active volume of the fission chamber. The dependence of the initial density of ion pairs on a radial distance to a radiator created a typical fission fragment – ion Sr in the center of the chamber and the spatial distribution of the initial density of ion pairs along the chamber have been studied. Рассмотрен вопрос о пространственном распределении пар ионов в рабочем объеме цилиндрической ионизационной камеры деления. Предложена формула для пространственного распределения начальной ионизации в цилиндрической камере деления, в которой слой делящегося вещества нанесен на внутреннюю сторону внешнего электрода. Формула выведена двумя способами: путем подсчета числа пар ионов, генерированных в бесконечно малом объеме внутри рабочего объема камеры всеми треками, исходящими из радиатора. В первом случае бесконечно малый объем имеет форму сферы, во втором – произвольную форму. Формула, полученная без всяких ограничений на направление вылета осколков деления, дает правильное поведение пространственного распределения начальной ионизации как вблизи поверхности радиатора, так и вдали от него. Исследована зависимость начальной плотности ионизации от радиального расстояния до радиатора, создаваемой типичным фрагментом деления – ионом Sr в центре камеры. Исследовано также пространственное распределение начальной плотности ионизации вдоль камеры.


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    Charge transport in the active volume of the cylindrical ionization fission chamber (FC) in the current mode has been studied. The model is based on the continuity equations for ions and electrons, as well as on Poisson’s equation for the electric field. The source for the continuity equations is calculated taking into account a correct distribution of the initial ionization density in the active volume of the chamber and the charge, mass, and energy dependent distributions of the fission fragments. The distributions of the ion and electron density and electric fields inside the active volume are found for two types of chambers – miniature chambers and “large” chambers with the consideration of the space charge. The correct algorithm for calculation of the beginning of the plateau of the current-voltage characteristic – the minimum voltage on the FC to provide the stationary operation of the chamber is given. It is shown that the often used condition of the electric field absence at the anode E (ra ) = 0 to determine this value is incorrect, since it leads to complex values of the electric field inside the chamber active volume. Neglecting the processes of ion diffusion and recombination, the sensitivity and output current of the chamber in the stationary mode are calculated. Calculations have been carried out for miniature and “large” chambers. It has been shown that the use of the approximation for the generation density of ion pairs by the fission fragment along its track to be constant, often used in practice for “large” chambers, leads to significant errors when estimating the densities of ions, electrons and electric fields inside the FC; at that, the sensitivity may differ by an order of magnitude. Исследован перенос зарядов в активном объеме цилиндрической ионизационной камеры деления (ИКД), работающей в токовом режиме. В основу модели положены уравнения непрерывности для ионов и электронов и уравнение Пуассона для электрического поля. Источник для уравнений непрерывности рассчитан с учетом корректного распределения начальной плотности ионизации в активном объеме камеры и разброса фрагментов деления по их заряду, массе и энергии. Найдены распределения плотности ионов, электронов и электрического поля внутри активного объема для двух типов камер – миниатюрных и «больших» с учетом пространственного заряда. Дан правильный алгоритм для расчета начала плато вольтамперной характеристики – минимального напряжения на ИКД для обеспечения стационарной работы камеры. Показано, что часто используемое условие отсутствия электрического поля на аноде E(ra ) = 0 для определения этой величины является некорректным, поскольку приводит к комплексным значениям электрического поля внутри активного объема камеры. Пренебрегая процессами диффузии и рекомбинации ионов, рассчитаны чувствительность и выходной ток камеры при ее работе в стационарном режиме. Расчеты проведены для миниатюрных и «больших» камер. Показано, что часто применяемое на практике использование приближения постоянства плотности генерации пар ионов осколком деления вдоль его трека для «больших» камер приводит к существенным ошибкам в оценке плотностей ионов, электронов и электрических полей внутри ИКД, при этом чувствительности могут отличаться на порядок

    The Effects of Hyperacute Serum on the Elements of the Human Subchondral Bone Marrow Niche

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are widely used in laboratory experiments as well as in human cell therapy. Their culture requires animal sera like fetal calf serum (FCS) as essential supplementation; however, animal sera pose a risk for clinical applications. Human blood derivatives, for example, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) releasates, are potential replacements of FCS; however, it is unclear which serum variant has the best effect on the given cell or tissue type. Additionally, blood derivatives are commonly used in musculoskeletal diseases like osteoarthritis (OA) or osteonecrosis as "proliferative agents" for the topical MSC pool. Hyperacute serum (HAS), a new serum derivative, has been designed to approximate the natural coagulation cascade with a single-step, additive-free preparation method. We investigated the effects of HAS on monolayer MSC cultures and in their natural niche, in 3D subchondral bone and marrow explants. Viability measurements, RT-qPCR evaluation for gene expression and flow cytometry for cell surface marker analysis were performed to compare the effects of FCS-, PRP-, or HAS-supplemented culture media. Monolayer MSCs showed significantly higher metabolic activity following 5 days' incubation in HAS, and osteoblast-specific mRNA expression was markedly increased, while cells also retained their MSC-specific cell surface markers. A similar effect was observed on bone and marrow explants, which was further confirmed with confocal microscopy analysis. Moreover, markedly higher bone marrow preservation was observed with histology in case of HAS supplementation compared to FCS. These findings indicate possible application of HAS in regenerative solutions of skeletal diseases like OA or osteonecrosis


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    Using the methods of computational chemistry, we calculated matrices AKL describing hyperfine interactions (HFI) between the electron spin of the color ‘nitrogen-vacancy’ center (NV center) in a diamond and a 13C nuclear spin located somewhere in the Н-terminated carbon cluster C510[NV]H252 hosting the NV center. The rates W0 of the 13C spin flip-flops induced by anisotropic HFI are calculated systematically for all possible locations of 13C in the cluster. It is shown that in the cluster, there are specific positions of nuclear 13C spin, in which it almost does not undergo such flip-flops due to small off-diagonal elements in corresponding matrices AKL. Spatial locations of the 13C stability positions in the cluster are discovered and characteristic splitting values in the spectra of optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) for the stable NV–13C systems are calculated, which can be utilized to identify them during their experimental search for use in emerging quantum technologies. It is shown that the positions of the 13C nuclear spin located on the NV center symmetry axis are completely stable (W0 = 0). The characteristics of eight ‘axial’ NV–13C systems are elucidated. The presence of additional ‘non-axial’ near-stable NV–13C spin systems also exhibiting very low flip-flop rates (W0 → 0) due to a high local symmetry of the spin density distribution resulting in vanishing the off-diagonal HFI matrix AKL elements for such systems is revealed for the first time. Spatially, these ‘non-axial’ stable NV–13C systems are located near the plane passing through the vacancy of the NV center and being perpendicular to the NV axis. Analysis of the available publications showed that apparently, some of the predicted stable NV–13C systems have already been observed experimentally. Методами компьютерной химии рассчитаны матрицы AKL, описывающие сверхтонкое взаимодействие (СТВ) электронного спина центра окраски «азот-вакансия» (NV-центра) в алмазе с ядерным спином атома 13С, который расположен в одном из возможных узлов решетки в пассивированном водородом углеродном кластере С510[NV]H252. Выполнен систематический анализ скоростей W0 переворотов ядерных спинов 13С, индуцируемых их анизотропным СТВ с электронным спином NV-центра. Показано, что в кластере имеются специфические позиции ядерного спина 13С, в которых он практически не испытывает таких переворотов вследствие малости недиагональных элементов в соответствующих матрицах AKL. Определено пространственное расположение найденных позиций стабильности в кластере относительно NV-центра и рассчитаны величины характерных расщеплений в спектрах оптически детектируемого магнитного резонанса (ОДМР) для стабильных систем NV–13C, по которым их можно идентифицировать в процессе их экспериментального поиска для использования в разрабатываемых квантовых технологиях. Показано, что полностью стабильными (W0 = 0) являются позиции ядерного спина, расположенные на оси симметрии NV-центра. Найдены характеристики восьми таких «осевых» систем NV–13C. Впервые обнаружено наличие в кластере дополнительных «неосевых» квазистабильных систем NV–13C, имеющих малые скорости переворотов (W0 .→0) спина 13С вследствие высокой локальной симметрии распределения спиновой плотности, обусловливающей малость недиагональных элементов матриц СТВ для таких систем. Пространственно «не осевые» стабильные системы NV–13C расположены в плоскости, проходящей через вакансию NV-центра перпендикулярно его оси. Выполненный анализ имеющихся литературных данных показал, что, по-видимому, некоторые из предсказанных стабильных систем NV–13C уже наблюдались экспериментально.

    A review of the international early recommendations for departments organization and cancer management priorities during the global COVID-19 pandemic: applicability in low- and middle-income countries.

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus that has never been identified in humans before. COVID-19 caused at the time of writing of this article, 2.5 million cases of infections in 193 countries with 165,000 deaths, including two-third in Europe. In this context, Oncology Departments of the affected countries had to adapt quickly their health system care and establish new organizations and priorities. Thus, numerous recommendations and therapeutic options have been reported to optimize therapy delivery to patients with chronic disease and cancer. Obviously, while these cancer care recommendations are immediately applicable in Europe, they may not be applicable in certain emerging and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). In this review, we aimed to summarize these international guidelines in accordance with cancer types, making a synthesis for daily practice to protect patients, staff and tailor anti-cancer therapy delivery taking into account patients/tumour criteria and tools availability. Thus, we will discuss their applicability in the LMICs with different organizations, limited means and different constraints

    Dose distribution in the thyroid gland following radiation therapy of breast cancer-a retrospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>To relate the development of post-treatment hypothyroidism with the dose distribution within the thyroid gland in breast cancer (BC) patients treated with loco-regional radiotherapy (RT).</p> <p>Methods and materials</p> <p>In two groups of BC patients postoperatively irradiated by computer tomography (CT)-based RT, the individual dose distributions in the thyroid gland were compared with each other; Cases developed post-treatment hypothyroidism after multimodal treatment including 4-field RT technique. Matched patients in Controls remained free for hypothyroidism. Based on each patient's dose volume histogram (DVH) the volume percentages of the thyroid absorbing respectively 20, 30, 40 and 50 Gy were then estimated (V20, V30, V40 and V50) together with the individual mean thyroid dose over the whole gland (MeanTotGy). The mean and median thyroid dose for the included patients was about 30 Gy, subsequently the total volume of the thyroid gland (VolTotGy) and the absolute volumes (cm<sup>3</sup>) receiving respectively < 30 Gy and ≥ 30 Gy were calculated (Vol < 30 and Vol ≥ 30) and analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No statistically significant inter-group differences were found between V20, V30, V40 and V50Gy or the median of MeanTotGy. The median VolTotGy in Controls was 2.3 times above VolTotGy in Cases (ρ = 0.003), with large inter-individual variations in both groups. The volume of the thyroid gland receiving < 30 Gy in Controls was almost 2.5 times greater than the comparable figure in Cases.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We concluded that in patients with small thyroid glands after loco-radiotherapy of BC, the risk of post-treatment hypothyroidism depends on the volume of the thyroid gland.</p