10 research outputs found

    Management of technical skills of highly qualified female athletes specializing in athletic jumps

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    Significant improvement of efficiency in managing technical mastery of female athletes-jumpers depend on the operational response to the emerging new technologies, their approbation and implementation in practice. The article introduces new opportunities for the use of simulators in the process of technical training of highly qualified female jumpers. The authors demonstrate the principal possibility of the applied use of the "facilitating-the-leadership" simulator for improvement of motor actions of female athletes. Obtained results show evident prospects of further expanding of the use of technology and simulators in the system of present-day preparation of highly skilled female athletes

    Peculiarities of parameters of aerobic and anaerobic productivity depending on the components of body weight in young males from the mountainous districts of Zakarpattia

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    Abstract Objective: The aim: To establish differences in the aerobic and anaerobic capacity in young males with different components of body weight who live in the mountainous districts of Zakarpattia region. Patients and methods: Materials and methods: 124 young men aged 17-21 were examined to determine the aerobic and anaerobic capabilities of the body, taking into account the components of body weight. Results: Results: The level of aerobic productivity, which reflects physical health, depends on the component composition of the body. The highest level of aerobic capacity in terms of the VО2 max rel. is found in young males who have normal body weight with a high and a very high relative content of skeletal muscle, a low relative content of fat, and a normal level of visceral fat. As a consequence, their physical health exceeds "safe health level", namely 42 ml∙min-1∙kg-1, and corresponds to "average" according to Ya.P. Piarnat's criteria. Conclusion: Conclusions: A high relative fat content negatively affects the functional capabilities of the body of young males in both aerobic and anaerobic modes of energy supply. With the growth in the relative content of skeletal muscles, the increase of the aerobic capacity of the body, as well as the growth of the capacity of alactic and lactic energy supply processes is observed. None of the examined males had "good" or "excellent" parameters of aerobic processes

    Evolution of the northern Tethyan Helvetic Platform during the late Berriasian and early Valanginian

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    The Early Cretaceous period is characterized by widespread carbonate production in tropical and subtropical epicontinental seas, which was modulated by changes in sea-level, detrital and nutrient fluxes, and the global carbon cycle. As a result, carbonate platforms were sensitive recorders of environmental change, which often anticipated global environmental perturbations. A good example is provided by the northern Tethyan carbonate platform, which is presently preserved in the central European Helvetic Alps. There, the latest early to late Valanginian Weissert episode of global change, which is defined by the first important positive shift in δ13C records of the Cretaceous, is expressed by a prolonged, stepwise drowning phase. In this contribution, a detailed reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental change before and during the Weissert episode is provided based on three representative sections of the Helvetic platform. The sections are placed along a deepening transect and correlated by means of ammonite and microfossil biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and δ13C chemostratigraphy. In a first phase of palaeoenvironmental change during the latest Berriasian, photozoan carbonate production was stopped by a major and hitherto undetected drowning episode, which was followed by a phase of renewed carbonate production by heterozoan biota. This phase was linked to major sea-level rise, a change to a more humid climate and strong regional subsidence associated with tectonic block tilting. During the Valanginian, the circulation of nutrient-enriched sea waters prevented a return to oligotrophic conditions and two further drowning episodes occurred, which are both documented by condensed phosphate-rich beds and dated as middle early Valanginian and late Valanginian to early Hauterivian. The exact causes of the three-step deterioration in carbonate production are not established but a link to episodic volcanic activity is likely, eventually related to the formation of the Paranà-Etendeka large igneous province

    Social support and age influence distress outcomes differentially across urban, regional and remote Australia: an exploratory study

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    Background: The variation of determinants of mental health with remoteness has rarely been directly examined. The current research aims to examine whether the association of psychosocial factors with psychological distress outcomes varies with increasing remoteness. Methods: Participants were persons aged 55 and over from two community cohorts sampling from across rural and urban New South Wales (N=4219; mean age=69.00 years; 46.1% male). Measures of social support from these studies were calibrated to facilitate comparison across the sample. Remoteness was assessed using a continuous measure, the Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia. The association between demographic characteristics, social support, remoteness, and their interactions with remoteness in the prediction of high psychological distress (cut-off> 21 on the Kessler 10) were examined using logistic regression. Results: Not being in a married or defacto relationship (OR 0.69; 99% CI 0.51-0.94), lower education (OR 0.52; 99% CI 0.38-0.71) and decreased social support (OR 0.36; 99% CI 0.31-0.42) significantly predicted psychological distress. There was a significant interaction of age and remoteness (OR 0.84; 99% CI 0.67-1.00), indicating that as remoteness increases, older persons are less likely to be highly distressed, as well as a significant interaction of social support and remoteness (OR 1.22; 99% CI 1.04-1.44), indicating that as remoteness decreases, persons with low levels of social support are more likely to be highly distressed. Conclusions: Remoteness may moderate the influence of social support and age on psychological distress outcomes

    Complexes of the lanthanides with neutral oxygen donor ligands

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