87 research outputs found

    Implementasi Pemisahan Trafik Iix Dan Internasional Dengan Optimasi Bandwidth

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    In line with the development of information technology very rapidly, the intensity of use of theInternet network through a transmission cable and wirelesss increased even very dense. As aresult felt semangkin slow internet connection due to the limited bandwidth available. To addressthese problems required an increase in quality of service (quality of services / QOS). One way toimprove the quality of service (QOS), Internet USAge is by separating the connection based on thegoals that will be accessed by the user whether or International IIX connections, while providingbandwidth sharing with different limits according to user needs. To deal with this problem weneed a separate tool or application to connect at the same time melakuakan International IIX andbandwidth allocation more efficient use of bandwidth in order to simplify network managementand Internet in particular is connected to a LAN. Tool or application that can support the functionof the separation of traffic and bandwidth sharing is a router, Mikrotik Router Os is one of theoperating systems that provide separation of traffic and bandwidth sharing. On Mikrotik RouterOs will be implemented separation IIX and International traffic with bandwidth sharing, in thisstudy proved to be dealing with the problem by splitting the traffic bandwidth IIX andInternational

    The Indonesian Throughflow Circulation Under Solar Geoengineering

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    The Indonesia Throughflow (ITF) is the only low-latitude channel between the Pacific and Indian oceans, and its variability has important effects on global climate and biogeochemical cycles. Climate models consistently predict a decline in ITF transport under global warming, but it has not yet been examined under solar geoengineering scenarios. We use standard parameterized methods for estimating ITF: the Amended Island Rule and Buoyancy Forcing, to investigate ITF under the SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 greenhouse gas scenarios, and the geoengineering experiments G6solar and G6sulfur that reduce net global mean radiative forcing from SSP5-8.5 levels to SSP2-4.5 levels using solar diming and sulfate aerosol injection strategies. Six model ensemble mean projections for 2080&ndash;2100 relative to historical ITF are reductions of 19 % under the G6solar scenario and 28 % under the G6sulfur scenario which compare with reductions of 23 % and 27 % under SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5. Thus, significant weakening of the ITF occurs under all scenarios, but G6solar closer approximates SSP2-4.5 than does G6sulfur. In contrast with the other three scenarios which show only reductions in forcing due to ocean upwelling, the G6sulfur experiment shows a large reduction in ocean surface wind stress forcing accounting for 47 % (38 %~65 % across model range) of the decline of total ITF transport. There are also reductions in deep-sea upwelling in extratropical western boundary currents.</p


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    Kolaborasi presidentil dan multi partai tidak menghadirkan pemerintahan yang baik, hal itu tercemin dari praktek hubungan antar lembaga kepresidenan dan lembaga praktek legislatif yang berjalan tidak sesuai dengan jiwa undang-undang dasar negara republik indonesia tahun 1945 selanjutnya. (disebut UUD NRI 1945). Wacana mengenai penyederhanaan Partai Politik terus menggelinding dan menjadi salah satu isu utama sekarang ini. Jumlah Partai Politik di Indonesia tampaknya akan kembali disederhanakan untuk membuat proses politik lebih efektif. Wacana penyederhanaan Partai Politik mencuat kembali bersamaan dengan adanya tarik menarik kepentingan terkait dengan pembahasan revisi UU No. 2 tahun 2008 tentang Partai Politik. Wacana dimaksud ditekankan kepada peningkatan Parliamentary Threshold (PT) dari 2,5 persen menjadi 5 persen dari total jumlah suara dalam pemilu. Batas minimal dimaksud diatur dalam Pasal 202 ayat (1) UU No. 10 tahun 2008 tentang pemilu. Dengan ketentuan ini parpol yang tidak memperoleh suara minimal 2,5 persen tidak berhak untuk mempunyai perwakilan di DPR, Dengan demikian suara yang diperoleh parpol tersebut dianggap hangus

    Sistem Autentikasi Hotspot Menggunakan Radius Server Mikrotik Router

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    &nbsp;The increasing use of wireless networks has had many impacts on the security of the Wireless Network itself, with the many uses of basic security on the hotspot network causing a lot of people to question about its security. This study aims to implement a hotspot authentication system using the router's mikrotik router radius, Radius (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service) is an open source application that functions as user authentication on a hotspot network. Based on the research, it was found that the implementation of network security hotspot using radius can provide a good level of security, and can more easily admin the network in managing all users connected to the hotspot network. &nbsp; Keywords: Wireless, Hotspot, Radius, Mikrotik Router &nbsp

    Estimasi Value At Risk pada Portofolio Nilai Tukar Mata Uang dengan Pendekatan Copula

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    Interaksi kurs, saham, dan suku bunga memiliki hu-bungan sangat besar dengan pasar uang. Resiko investasi tidak hanya pada portofolio saham saja, namun pada portofolio kurs. Stabilitas terhadap nilai tukar mata uang suatu negara merupakan hal yang penting dan berdampak pada tingkat perekonomian negara. Penelitian ini mengestimasi Value at Risk (VaR) portofolio kurs menggunakan Copula- Generalized Auto-regresive ConditionalHeteroskedaritic (GARCH) serta simulasi Monte Carlo, hal ini bertujuan agar investasi yang dilakukan memberikan resiko yang minimal dan return yang didapatkan optimal. Sebagai studi kasus digunakan nilai tukar mata uang the euro (EURO), the United States dollar (USD), the pound sterling (GBP), dan the Malaysian ringgit(MYR). Apabila me-lakukan investasi dalam keempat mata uang secara merata maka akan didapatkan VaRatau kerugian maksimum sebesar 4,507% dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% dan tingkat ke-percayaan 99%, kerugian maksimum yang ditanggung investor sebesar 6,501%
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