233 research outputs found

    Optimal Testing Intervals in the Squatting Test to Determine Baroreflex Sensitivity

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    The recently introduced “squatting test” (ST) utilizes a simple postural change to perturb the blood pressure and to assess baroreflex sensitivity (BRS). In our study, we estimated the reproducibility of and the optimal testing interval between the STs in healthy volunteers. Thirty-four subjects free of cardiovascular disorders and taking no medication were instructed to perform the repeated ST at 30-sec, 1-min, and 3-min intervals in duplicate in a random sequence, while the systolic blood pressure (SBP) and pulse intervals were measured. Baroreflex sensitivity was estimated by plotting reflex increases and decreases in the SBP and succeeding pulse intervals during stand-to-squat and squat-to-stand maneuvers, respectively. Correlations between duplicate BRS data at each testing interval were analyzed by the Pearson’s correlation coefficient, while agreements were assessed by Bland-Altman plots. Two measurements of BRS during stand-to-squat and squat-to-stand maneuvers demonstrated significant correlations at both 1-min and 3-min intervals, while at 30-sec intervals correlation was poor. Correlation coefficients became considerably greater in each maneuver as the measurement interval was increased from 30 sec to 3 min. Our results suggest that the testing interval in the ST should be at least 1 min long, but ideally it should be longer than or equal to 3 min, to assess the baroreflex adequately.У нещодавно запропонованому «тесті присідання» (ТП) використовується проста зміна пози для індукції зрушення кров’яного тиску, що дозволяє визначити барорефлекторну чутливість (БРЧ). Ми оцінювали ступінь відтворюваності та оптимальні інтервали між ТП, що реалізовувалися здоровими випробуваними. Групу з 34 тестованих, які не мали будь-яких серцево-судинних розладів та не приймали якихось ліків, інструктували виконувати повторні подвійні ТП у випадковій послідовності з інтервалами 30 с, 1 та 3 хв; при цьому вимірювали систолічний кров’яний тиск (СКТ) та кардіоінтервали. Рефлекторні підвищення та зниження СКТ і послідовні кардіоінтервали під час рухів присідання та повернення у вертикальну позу представляли графічно. Залежність між повторними визначеннями БРЧ при кожному інтервалі між тестами аналізували, встановлюючи коефіцієнти кореляції Пірсона. Виміри БРЧ під час рухів присідання та підйому демонстрували істотну кореляцію при інтервалах 1 та 3 хв, а при інтервалах 30 с кореляція була слабшою. Коефіцієнти кореляції ставали помітно значнішими з кожним рухом і збільшенням інтервалів між вимірами від 30 с до 3 хв. Наші результати вказують на те, що адекватна оцінка барорефлексу може бути забезпечена при інтервалах між ТП не менше 1 хв (бажано 3 хв або більше)

    Newly Designed Specula for Laryngomicroscopy

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    We produced specula for laryngomicroscopy to observe blind spots in the operating field. Use of these specula has facilitated detailed observation of the lower surface of the false vocal folds, laryngeal ventricle, and subglottis, which were previously in blind spots. The specula are useful in the following ways: 1) clarifying blind spots for improved diagnosis and providing more accurate surgical margins; 2) observing the lower lips of the vocal folds in phonosurgery; and 3) Vaporizing with laser reflection. The specula are cheap and easy to use and are well worth considering for application to laryngomicroscopy

    Preliminary study on the measurement for water content and electric conductivity in soils using time domain reflectometry

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    It is very important to measure the water content and electric conductivity in soil for monitoring the environment of agricultural land continuously. TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry)method plays a key role on the measurement of water content and electric conductivity in soils recently. Some calibrations are needed to measure them accurately. The objective of this study was to investigate preliminaly the corrections of TDR probe, the probe constant for electric conductivity, and the dependence of water pemittivity on temperature as TDR calibrations. The results showed the importance for the corrections of TDR probe and the reasonable value of probe constant.The TDR system used in this study could measure the dependence of water pemittivity on temperature

    Prediction of age and brachial-ankle pulse-wave velocity using ultra-wide-field pseudo-color images by deep learning

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    This study examined whether age and brachial-ankle pulse-wave velocity (baPWV) can be predicted with ultra-wide-field pseudo-color (UWPC) images using deep learning (DL). We examined 170 UWPC images of both eyes of 85 participants (40 men and 45 women, mean age: 57.5 ± 20.9 years). Three types of images were included (total, central, and peripheral) and analyzed by k-fold cross-validation (k = 5) using Visual Geometry Group-16. After bias was eliminated using the generalized linear mixed model, the standard regression coefficients (SRCs) between actual age and baPWV and predicted age and baPWV from the UWPC images by the neural network were calculated, and the prediction accuracies of the DL model for age and baPWV were examined. The SRC between actual age and predicted age by the neural network was 0.833 for all images, 0.818 for central images, and 0.649 for peripheral images (all P < 0.001) and between the actual baPWV and the predicted baPWV was 0.390 for total images, 0.419 for central images, and 0.312 for peripheral images (all P < 0.001). These results show the potential prediction capability of DL for age and vascular aging and could be useful for disease prevention and early treatment

    Report on Disaster Medical Operations with Acupuncture/Massage Therapy After the Great East Japan Earthquake

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    The Great East Japan Earthquake inflicted immense damage over a wide area of eastern Japan with the consequent tsunami. Department of Traditional Asian Medicine, Tohoku University, started providing medical assistance to the disaster-stricken regions mainly employing traditional Asian therapies